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WED., NOVEMBER 6, 1991  9:14 A.M.  YEAR 5, DAY 082




“Again”, you complain?  Yes—again.  You STILL haven’t got­ten the message either loudly or clearly.  So be it.  Perhaps at this point you will stop calling me “anti-Semitic” and “false bastard” and “liar”.  I, sirs and madams, am not the liar.  Your enemy comes from several pods of the same root—only ex­pressed in different “changed” terms.  If you wish not to study this informa­tion—I suggest you stop petitioning to God for “insight and help in your plight”—GOD HAS SENT US OF THE HOSTS TO GIVE YOU THAT FOR WHICH YOU HAVE PETI­TIONED AND IF YOU FAIL TO RECOGNIZE THE SUBSTANCE, SO BE IT.




I have said previously that the Jews wrote five major books that have been of overwhelm­ing importance in their program for the destruction of the White Race.  The first two were the Old Testament and the New Testament.  The third was the Talmud.  The fourth is the Proto­cols of the Elders of Zion.


The Protocols are undoubtedly the most deadly, the most vi­cious and the most diabolic pro­gram for the subjugation and de­struction of mankind that was ever conceived by the collec­tive depraved minds of man.  They constitute the secret program of the inner circle of the powerful Jewish insiders that rule the world.  It is thought that this circle, these powerful in­siders, are composed of approximately 300 men, all Jews, all of whom know each other but are unknown to the rest of the world.  They are also unknown to the Jewish following whose support they de­mand and whose support they enjoy.  These Elders, the supreme nerve center of power of the Jewish dictatorship, have for centuries usurped unto themselves the supreme power of the world.  They are also the governing body of the Kehilla, and the Jewish race.


The program that is set forth in the Protocols is a very con­centrated program and it defies summarization, because it is in itself a summarization of the hidden programs that the Jews have interlaced in the complex and shifting volumes of the Talmud.  Its program is also the distilled concentrated poison set forth in Karl Marx’s DAS CAPITAL and Communist Mani­festo.  It is also an extension of the philosophy set forth in the Old Testa­ment and the New Testament of the Jewish bible.  However, whereas the Old Testament is for consumption for the Jewish mem­bership at large and the New Testament especially designed to confuse and confound the Gen­tiles, the Protocols are a secret compilation.  In no event were they ever to be seen by the eyes of the Gentiles.  Not even was the Jewish membership at large ever to know the exact details of what the leadership had in mind.


The fact that the Protocols are now available to the Gentiles and to the White Race in par­ticular is one of the great accidents of history.  They were first published by Professor Ser­gyei Nilus, who was a priest in the Orthodox church in Russia.  He published the first Rus­sian lan­guage edition in 1905.  In his introduction he says that a manuscript had been handed to him about four years earlier by a friend, who vouched that it was a true translation of an original document stolen by a woman from one of the most influential and highly initiated leaders of Free Masonry, at the end of a meeting of the “initiated” in France, “that nest of Jewish-Masonic conspiracy”.  Professor Nilus added that the Protocols are not exactly minutes of meetings, but a report, with a part apparently missing, made by some power­ful person in­side the Jewish conspir­acy.


The Protocols were published in book form by Sergyei Nilus in Russia in 1905.  A copy of this is in the British Museum bearing the date of its inception, August 10, 1906.


The publication of this book was a very serious threat to the Jewish conspiracy and Adolph Hitler says that whenever this book becomes the common property of a nation the Jewish threat can pretty well be deemed as broken.  This goes to show just HOW IMPORTANT THIS DOCUMENT IS.  The Jews realized this, and all copies that were known to exist in Russia in the Kerenski regime just after the revo­lution were destroyed and under his successors the pos­session of a copy of the Protocols by anyone in Soviet Russia was deemed A CRIME SUFFI­CIENT TO INSURE THE OWNER BEING SHOT ON SIGHT.  It is highly recom­mended that every man and woman study this ferocious and deadly document for themselves, and convince themselves of its genuineness and get a better understanding of the Jewish conspiracy.  [H: Do not think because your skin is not white that you are not also under attack—these ones mean fully to take the world and all in it.  The attack to annihilate those which do not fit within their plan, such as devi­ates of “their” doctrines and those of “colored races”, is already under way—note AIDS in the Blacks in Africa for example of the intent!  You will, however, note that these are “non-Jewish” Blacks!]


Naturally the Jews keep screaming again and again that they are forgeries, but what they are forgeries of they do not say, since a forgery implies that there is a”genuine” article to be forged.  In any case, the Jewish program of subversion and con­quest of the world has fol­lowed this plan so faithfully that the events of history speak for themselves.  They are the best proof that the Protocols are genuine.


Mr. Henry Ford, in an interview published in the New York World, February 17, 1921, put the case of Nilus tersely and convincingly thus: “..the only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on.  They are 16 (published) years old and they have fitted the world situation up to this time.  They fit it now.”


Since Mr. Henry Ford made that statement, more than 50 years have gone by.  Today we can see with our own eyes the world picture that has unfolded in the meantime.  We can see more precisely the confirmation of the program contained in the Protocols.  Practically all of the world is now under Jewish control, and so much more of the deadly program has been un­raveled before our eyes that a person has to be either a Jewish agent, or a complete idiot to deny the au­thenticity of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”.


Meanwhile, the Jews consistently keep denying that the Pro­tocols are genuine.  In fact, they have even set up a committee in the Senate to investigate them and issue a report that they were forged.  Naturally this was done under the leadership of such Jewish senators as Senator Javits and others, with a goodly support of pro-Jewish lackeys.  In any case, the claim of the Jews that the Protocols are forgeries and the fact that the Jews are the world’s greatest liars and mas­ters of deceit, is the best proof of their genuineness.  Strangely, the Jews never attempt to an­swer the facts corresponding to the threats which the Proto­cols contain, and indeed, the correla­tion between the prophesy of the Protocols and the fulfillment that has already been brought about is just too obvious to be argued away.  This the Jews know only too well, and therefore they never argue about the material contained in the Protocols itself and the obvious un­raveling of the conspiracy before eyes.


In any case, the diabolical plans spelled out in the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” are not new to Jewish history.  They re­veal the concerted plan of action of the Jewish nation that has devel­oped through the ages and edited by the Elders themselves up to that date.  According to the records of secret Jewish Zion­ism, King Solomon and other Jewish learned men, in 929 B.C., al­ready had thought out a scheme in theory for a peaceful con­quest of the whole uni­verse by Zion.


As history developed, this scheme was worked out in detail and completed by men who were subsequently initiated into this program.  These learned men decided, by any means whatso­ever, to conquer the world for Zion with the slyness of the Symbolic Snake (serpent-people) to repre­sent the Jewish people.  The administration was always to be kept SECRET, EVEN FROM THE JEWISH NATION ITSELF.  As this Snake pene­trated into the hearts of the nations which it en­countered, it un­dermined and devoured all the non-Jewish power of these states.  It is foretold that the Snake has still to finish its work, strictly adhering to the de­signed plan, until the course which it has to run is closed by the return of its head to Zion and until, by this means, the Snake has completed its round of Europe, it will then encompass the whole world.  This it is to accom­plish by using every means possible, subduing countries by economic con­quest, by propaganda, by cunning, by trickery, by deceit, by war, by finance, by force, or by any necessary means what­ever.


Dearest Scribe, let us break for the day.  Please enjoy yourself as you ready for the little celebra­tions.  Salu.

March 3, 2011