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TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1991   3:27 P.M.   YEAR 5, DAY 081






The Administration requested $1.2 billion in ESF grants and $1.8 billion in FMS grants for Israel for FY1987, the same amounts authorized under the 2-year authorization in P.L. 99-83.  The House Appropriations Committee reported out (H.Rept. 99-747) an appropriations bill (H.R. 5339) for FY1987 on Aug. 5, 1986, which included $1.2 billion in ESF grants and $1.8 bil­lion in FMS grants for FY1987 for Israel.  Of the $1.8 billion in FMS grants, $150 million may be used for Lavi re­search and development in the United States and $300 million may be used for Lavi or other defense procurement, including R&D, in Israel.  The House Appropriations Committee’s bill protected the Israeli earmarked funds from any Administra­tion cuts, but stated that the Israeli funds would be subject to Gramm-Rudman-Hollings cuts if GRH sequestration became necessary.


The Senate Appropriations Committee reported an appropri­ation bill (S. 2824, S.Rept. 99-443) on Sept. 16, 1986, which earmarked $1.2 billion in Economic Support Fund (ESF) grants and $1.8 billion in Foreign Military Sales (FMS) grants for Is­rael.  Of the $1.8 billion in FMS grants, $300 million was ear­marked for procurement in Israel, and $150 million was ear­marked for Lavi procurement in the United States.  The bill also earmarked $5 million for Is­rael for co­operative development projects and $25 million for the resettlement of Jewish refugees in Is­rael.  [H: I find myself wondering if any of you “YOUS” can realize HOW MUCH MONEY WE ARE TALKING ABOUT?  DO YOU KNOW WHAT A GRANT IS?  HERE ARE MULTI-BIL­LIONS OF DOLLARS, WHICH YOU MUST “BORROW” AND PAY INTEREST, AT THE SAME TIME INVEST SO THAT ISRAEL IS EARN­ING CONTINUOUS INTEREST, AND NEVER GET ANYTHING BACK EXCEPT A KICK TO THE REAR!  CAN ANY OF YOU “REGULAR YOUS” EVEN COMPRE­HEND HOW MUCH IS A BILLION DOLLARS?  THE IS­RAELI LEECHES CALL THIS “HUMANITARIAN AID”!  WHERE IS YOUR HUMANI­TARIAN AID FOR YOUR MILLIONS OF UNEMPLOYED, MORE MILLIONS OF HOME­LESS AND DY­ING ONES FROM NO MEDICAL CAPABILITY TO PAY?  WHERE ARE YOU SOVEREIGN INDIGENOUS “YOUS”?]


Neither the House nor the Senate passed foreign assistance appropriations bills.  On Sept. 25, 1986, the House passed (201-200) a continuing resolution, H.J.Res. 738; the continuing res­olution contained the language of H.R. 5339.  The Senate passed H.J.Res. 738 on October 3 (82-13), but with amend­ments on October 17 (H. Rept. 99-1005), and the continuing reso­lution was signed into law, P.L. 99-591, on Oct. 18, 1986.  [H: Oh, surely now, you must have known about this one?  Where have you “YOUS” been the past decade?]


The continuing resolution, P.L. 99-591, provided $1.2 billion in ESF grants, all as direct transfer to be paid within 30 days from October 18, $5 million in U.S.-Israel cooperative devel­opment funds, $25 million for refugee resettlement in Israel, and $1.8 billion in FMS grants, of which $150 million was ear­marked for Lavi expenditures in the United States and $300 mil­lion for Lavi or other expenditures in Israel.  As in previous years, the continuing resolution allowed Israel to draw its grant FMS before drawing loans, stated that Israel’s ESF assistance should not be less than the amount Israel owed the United States for past loan re­payments, and protected the Israeli ESF and FMS funds from foreign assistance cuts but not from Gramm-Rudman-Hollings sequestration.




For FY1988 Israel requested $1.2 billion in Economic Sup­port Fund grants, to be made available in the first quarter of the fiscal year, and $2.42 billion in Foreign Military Sales grants, $300 million of which would be for procurement in Israel.


The Administration requested $1.2 billion in ESF grants and $1.8 billion in FMS grants for FY1988.


The Senate Foreign Relations Committee reported an autho­rization bill (S.1274, S.Rept. 100-60) on May 22, 1987, that provides $1.2 billion in FMS, $150 million is for Lavi R&D in the United States and $300 million is for military procurement in Israel.  There was no further ac­tion on S. 1274.  The House Foreign Affairs Committee reported H.R. 3100 (H.Rept. 100-294) on Aug. 26, 1987, which would authorize the same amounts for Israel.  H.R. 3100 passed the House (286-122) on Dec. 10, 1987.  [H: Boy, does this ever indicate a whole bunch of “buy-off” money for bribes (also at you “YOUS’s” expense—’cause the lobby bribes are paid for by you “YOUS’s” also) which totally translates to later used BLACKMAIL INSURANCE!]


The House Appropriations Committee reported H.R. 3186 (H.Rept. 100-283) on Aug. 6, 1987, which provides $1.2 billion in ESF grants, $1.8 billion in FMS grants of which $150 million is for Lavi R&D in the United States and $300 million is for military procurement in Israel, $25 million for refugee resettle­ment in Israel, and $5 million for cooperative develop­ment.  [H: Don’t overlook the fact that when money, as above, is allo­cated for expendi­ture in the U.S. that it goes to your won­drous Elite industries which charge $600 for a $10 toilet seat.  I would cer­tainly suggest that this is a very good way to steal from you “YOUS-THE PEOPLE”!]


The continuing resolution, H.J.Res. 395 (P.L. 100-202), signed by the President on Dec. 22, 1987, appropriated $1.2 billion in ESF grants for Israel and $1.8 billion in FMS grants for FY1988.  Of the FMS grants, $150 million may be used on advanced aircraft research and de­velopment IN the United States and $400 million may be used for defense procurement in Is­rael.  Israel also received $5 million for cooperative aid projects and $25 million for refugee re­settlement.




In November 1987, Israel and the United States reached an agreement to keep FY1989 aid at the FY1988 levels, [H: Surely they asked you about THIS one!?], $1.2 billion in ESF grants and $1.8 billion in FMS grants.


The House amended the full text of H.R. 3100 (passed by the House on Dec. 10, 1987) to H.R. 4471, a bill to amend the For­eign Assistance Act with respect to activities to force the Senate to consider H.R. 3100, the 2-year authorization bill, because the Senate did not com­plete action on S. 1274, the authorization bill for FY1988 and FY1989.  H.R. 4471 (with H.R. 3100 attached) passed the House (262-112) on May 12, 1988.


The House Appropriations Committee reported H.R. 4637 (H.Rept. 100-641) on May 19, 1988.  H.R. 4637 passed the House (328-90) on May 25.  H.R. 4637 appropriated $1.2 bil­lion in ESF, $1.8 billion in FMS, $27.5 million in refugee as­sistance, and $5 million in coopera­tive de­velopment assistance for Israel for FY1989.


The Senate Appropriations Committee reported H.R. 4637 on June 22, 1987 (S.Rept. 100-395), with amendments.  The Sen­ate version provided $1.2 billion in ESF, $1.8 billion in FMS, $27 and $5 million in cooperative development funds, but raised the refugee assis­tance to $28 million.  H.R. 4637 passed the Senate (76-15) on July 7, 1988.  The House agreed (327-92) to the conference report (H.Rept. 100-983) on Septem­ber 28, and the Senate agreed (voice vote) to the conference on September 30.  The President signed the bill (P.L. 100-461) on Oct. 1, 1988.  [H: Looks like you have a “large majority” of paid-off trea­sonists and traitors in your Congress.  You count the votes and perhaps you might wish to find out how much it cost to “buy” them and from whom.]



[H: Now we get to the splash the year preceding the “big” year in which you didn’t have a bud­get on time and your President threatened to “..shut down your government!”.  Let us see how the Israelis fared that year in preparation for the actual funding for 1990.]


Authorization. The Administration requested $1.2 billion in ESF grants and $1.8 billion in FMS grants for Israel for FY1990.  The Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY1990 and FY1991 (H.R. 1487), reported on Apr. 6, 1989 (H.Rept. 101-17), provided $25 million for each fiscal year for refugees settling in Israel.  H.R. 1487 passed the House on Apr. 12, 1989, by a vote of 338-87.  S.1160, which included $25 million for Israeli refugees was reported to the Senate on June 12, 1989 (S.Rept. 101-46).  On July 21, the Senate passed H.R. 1487, in lieu of S.1160.  The House agreed to the conference report on Nov. 15, and the Senate agreed to the conference re­port on Nov. 16, 1989.


H.R. 2655, the foreign aid bill, included $1.2 billion in ESF and $1.8 billion in FMS grants for Israel.  H.R. 2655 was re­ported on June 16 (H.Rept. 101-90) and passed the House on June 29, 1989, by a vote of 314-101.  H.R. 2655 was sent to the Senate, where it was re­ferred to the For­eign Relations Commit­tee.  S.1347, a foreign aid authorization bill, was re­ported out of commit­tee on July 18, 1989 (S.Rept. 101-80), and included $1.2 billion in FMS grants for Israel.  NEI­THER H.R. 2655 nor S.1347 WERE BROUGHT TO THE FLOOR FOR A VOTE.


Appropriation.  H.R. 2939, a foreign aid appropriations bill that included $1.2 billion in ESF grants and $1.8 billion in FMS grants for Israel, was reported to the house on July 19, 1989 (H.Rept. 101-165), and passed the House on July 21, 1989, by a vote of 329-69.  H.R. 2939 was reported by the Senate Appro­priations Committee (S. Rept. 101-131) on Sept. 14, 1989, and passed the Senate on Sept. 26, 1989, by a vote of 89-11.  The conference report was filed on Nov. 11.  The House passed the conference report on Nov. 14, and the Senate passed the con­ference report on Nov. 15.  The President vetoed H.R. 2939 on Nov. 19, 1990 (H. Doc. 101-113).


Meanwhile the House Appropriations Committee reported (H.Rept. 101-249) H.J.Res. 407, a continuing resolution that in­cluded $1.2 billion in ESF grants and $1.8 billion in FMS grants for Israel, on Sept. 26, 1989, and the House passed the contin­uing resolution on the same day by a vote of 274-152.  The Sen­ate passed H.J.Res. 407 on Sept. 28, 1989, by a vote of 100-0 [H: 100% became treasonists.]  The President signed the bill into law on Sept. 29, 1989 (P.L. 101-100).


Sequestration.  The Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (Gramm-Rudman-Hollings) was imple­mented on Oct. 16.  Under GRH, Israel’s aid was re­duced by 5.3%.  Also, Congress agreed to a .43% across-the-board cut in foreign aid to pay for narcotics control programs, and the Senate agreed to a .133% across-the-board cut to pay for expanded Peace Corps programs.  With the 3 cuts totaling $175.89 mil­lion, Israel received $2,824.11 million on Oct. 31, 1989, $1,129.644 million in ESF paid directly to Israel and $1,694.466 million in FMS made available for Israel in its FMS account.


But with the passage of the appropriation bill and the budget reconciliation bill, Israel’s aid picture changed.  The Senate Peace Corps funding was dropped, so Israel will have the $3.99 million in aid restored.  The narcotics control funding remained, so the .43% or $12.9 million cut in Is­rael’s aid will remain.  The Congress and the Administration agreed in the reconcilia­tion bill that not all accounts would be cut, and agreed to fund ESF and FMS.  The $159 mil­lion already se­questered was RESTORED TO ISRAEL.  After the adjustments, U.S. aid to Israel for FY1990 is as follows:


Table 3 (SEE BELOW)

H.R. 4404, a supplemental appropriations bill introduced on Mar. 27, 1990, included $400 million in housing loan guaran­tees for Israel for fiscal year 1991, and an additional $5 mil­lion in refugee and migration funds for Israel for fiscal year 1990 (H.Rept. 101-434).  [H: I may be a bit dense in earth Shan arithmetic but it appears to me that for the loss of that $12.9 million—they picked up some $387 million to offset the little inconvenience.]  The housing loan  guar­antees and the refugee resettlement grants are for resettling Soviet Jews in Is­rael  [H: I must have missed a lot of things—i.e., what are you “YOUS” doing settling Khazarian Zionist Com­munists IN PALESTINE?]  H.R. 4404 passed the House on April 3 by a vote of 362-59.  H.R. 4404 was reported (S.Rept. 101-272) to the Senate on Apr. 24, 1990, and passed the Senate by voice vote on May 1, 1990.  The house agreed to the confer­ence re­port (H.Rept. 101-493, May 22, 1990) on May 24 by a vote of 308-108, and the Sen­ate agreed to the conference report by VOICE VOTE on May 24, 1990.  The President signed the Act on May 25, 1990 (P.L. 101-302).




[H: As we go along here you will please remember that by now you were into Desert what’s-its-name and you lopped off $7 billion to Egypt just to be a good old boy?  “What is this `crap’?” I am asked!  Goodness me, I’m sure I can’t help you in that it is already an accomplished fact—I DO wish that you had noticed before the fact, however.]


The Administration requested $1.2 billion in ESF grants and $1.8 billion in FMS grants for Israel for FY1991.


Authorization.  Title I. of H.R. 4610, introduced on Apr. 25, 1990, enacts H.R. 2655, the fis­cal year 1990 and 1991 au­thorization bill that passed the House but not the Senate in 1989.  (H.R. 2655 included $1.2 billion in economic grants and $1.8 billion in FMS grants for Israel.)  H.R. 4610 was reported by the House Foreign Affairs Committee on May 2, 1990 (H.Rept. 101-472), and referred to the House Committee on Agriculture and the House Com­mittee on Mer­chant Marine and Fisheries.  Both committees discharged H.R. 4610 on May 7, 1990.


Appropriation.  The House Appropriation Committee re­ported (H.Rept. 101-553) a for­eign aid appropriations bill, H.R. 5114, on June 21, 1990.  The house passed H.R. 5114 on June 27, 1990, by a vote of 308-117.  H.R. 5114 as it passed the House provided $1.2 billion in grant ESF, $1.8 billion in grant FMS (of which $150 million may be used in the United States for research and development and $475 million may be spent in Israel for procurement), $45 million for refugee resettlement, $7.5 million for Israel’s foreign aid program, and $7 million to be shared by Is­rael and Egypt for regional cooperation.  [H: I believe you will note that the above question re­garding “crap” is directed to funding “Israel’s foreign aid budget”—how delightfully original!  Do I still have “sleeple sheeple” or are some of you beginning to feel the twitch of the feather up the nose?]


The Senate Appropriations Committee reported H.R. 5114 on October 10 (S.Rept. 101-519) and the Senate passed H.R. 5114 on Oct. 24, 1990, by a vote of 76-23.  The Senate added provi­sions that gave Israel $700 million in military equipment to be withdrawn from U.S. forces in Europe, added $150 million to the already existing $100 million U.S. military equipment stock­pile in Israel (to which Israel has access in emergencies—which is obviously, all the time), earmarked for Israel $100 million of the $350 million worth of military equip­ment in the Special De­fense Acquisition Fund to be paid for over 3 years as opposed to the full cash payment re­quired of other countries, and provided for the early distribution of the $1.8 billion FMS funds to Israel to be invested in U.S. Government securities with the proceeds of the investment to be paid to Israel.  The President signed the appropriations bill on Nov. 5, 1990 (P.L. 101-513).


Emergency Supplemental. On Mar. 5, 1991, Office of Management and Budget Di­rector Richard Darman offi­cially requested an EMERGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL AID APPROPRIA­TION OF $650 MILLION IN ESF GRANTS FOR ISRAEL FOR EX­PENSES CONNECTED WITH THE PERSIAN GULF WAR.  According to Press reports, Israel agreed NOT TO SEEK MORE AID THROUGH ITS FRIENDS IN CONGRESS.  On March 6, the House passed H.R. 1284 by VOICE VOTE, which authorized $650 million in ESF grants for Israel.  The Senate passed H.R. 1284 by VOICE VOTE on Mar. 13, 1991, and the President signed the bill into law on Mar. 28, 1991 (P.L. 102-21).


The House Appropriations Committee reported H.R. 1281 on Mar. 5, 1991 (H.Rept. 102-9), which included the $650 million emergency ESF for Israel.  The House passed H.R. 1281 on Mar. 7, 1991, by a vote of 365-43.  The Senate Appropriations Committee reported H.R. 1281 on Mar. 14, 1991 (S.Rept. 102-24).  The Senate passed H.R. 1281 on Mar. 20, 1991, by a vote of 92-8.  The bill was signed into law (P.L. 102-27) on Apr. 10, 1991.




Request.  According to Israeli radio on Jan. 22, 1991, Israeli Finance Minister Modai re­quested from Deputy Secretary of State Eagleburger, [fine and upstanding CFR, Trilateral­ist, etc.] that the United States provide $13 billion in supplemental assistance; $3 billion for war expenses and $10 billion over 5 years for settling Soviet Jews in Israel.  According to the report, the $3 billion in war expenses included $1 billion in lost TOURIST revenue, $1 billion in lost economic ac­tivity, $400 million in military expenditures, $30 million in damages from Iraqi missiles, $180 million in insurance payments, $100 million in trans­port services losses, and $250 million in lost exports.  Hadashot, the Israeli newspaper, re­ported on Feb. 8, 1991, that the Israeli RE­QUEST for supplemental aid would be $20 billion, $3 billion for Persian Gulf war expenses and $17 billion over 5 years for settling Soviet Jews.  The Washington Post reported on May 6, 1991, that Is­rael formally requested $10 bil­lion over 5 years in housing loan guarantees to settle Soviet Jews in Israel.  The Israeli sup­plemental request is in addition to the annual aid request of $3 billion.


Authorization.  H.R. 2508 (the foreign assistance bill intro­duced on June 3, 1991, re­ported out of committee on June 4, 1991 (H.Rept. 102-96), and passed the House on June 20, 1991, by a vote of 274-138, provides for Israel: $1.2 billion in ESF grants for FY1992 and $1.2 billion in ESF grants for FY1993; $1.8 billion in FMF grants for FY1992 (of which $150 may be spent in Israel for military procurement) and $2 billion in FMF grants for FY1993; $300 million increase for military stock­piles in Israel for FY1993; [H: Still sound like Israel is plan­ning for Peace in the future?] $7.5 million for the Cooperative Develop­ment Program for FY1992 and $7.5 mil­lion for Coop­erative Development Program for FY1993 (of which $5 million is for the Israeli for­eign aid program and $2.5 million is for cooperative research projects).

Appropriation.  The House passed the foreign assistance ap­propriations bill on June 24, 1991, by a vote of 301 to 102 (H.R. 2621), introduced on June 12, 1991, and reported (H.Rept. 102-108) on June 12, 1991.  H.R. 2621 includes $1.8 billion in FMS grants ($150 million of which may be used in the U.S. for research and development and $475 million of which may be used in Israel for defense procurement), $1.2 billion in ESF grants, $80 million in grants for settling refugees in Israel, $7.5 million in U.S.-Israel cooperative development funds for Israel’s foreign aid program, and $7 million for the Egyptian-Is­raeli regional cooper­ation program.






I believe the kindest thing I can do is silently steal-away softly into the evening and let you di­gest this material.  I can’t promise that tomorrow’s input will be any the easier to assimilate.  We have utilized “Congressional Action” FY1987, 88, 89, 90 AND 91.


For further information on related issues, see: Israeli-American Relations, Issue Brief 82008.  If you get a copy of that doc­ument—when you are through, please share it with the rest of we “Jews”.


For you who have denigrated and decried my workers, I can only wish you the rewards of which you are so deserving.  Per­haps God will overlook your ignorance.  To you who have liter­ally tried to “kill” my people—I can offer you nothing but pity for that which will come upon you for that which you project will come back unto you as surely as night follows day.  So be it.  IF YOU ARE NOT IN A STATE OF SHOCK—THEN YOU ARE TOO LATE AND I CAN ONLY WISH MERCY UNTO YOU.


Good evening,


Commander Hatonn to clear the panel, please.  Thank you.




Feb. 25, 2011