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OCTOBER ,  1991




By A.N.Other


The glaring error equating Zionism with Judaism has been gaining ground since the 1960s, and this er­roneous belief, nur­tured by those who stand to gain the most from it, has led to many attacks upon Ju­daism, which are often unjustified.


In the New York Times of January 29, 1970, the following adver­tisement appeared, which went to the heart of the problem.  Under the caption “ZIONISM IS THE EN­EMY OF THE JEW­ISH PEOPLE”, the article stated inter-alia that “Zionist propa­ganda is clever, sus­tained and well-financed and has succeeded in misleading many American Jews and non-Jews alike.  We, as Jews therefore find it neces­sary to declare solemnly (1) Jews do not need a state of their own in our time.  The very establish­ment of such a modern `Jewish’ state is a grave violation of Jewish traditions and law.  The greatest rabbis of the past two Jewish generations have condemned Zionism as a complete fal­sification of Judaism.


“Zionism aims at uprooting Jews in countries throughout the world in order to find immigrants for its na­tionalistic and militaris­tic state which usurps without justification the holy name of Israel.  Zionism has always endeavored to estrange the Jews from their observances of the laws of their faith and has of­fered instead the twin curses of atheism and National Socialism.”



Nowhere is this observation by the prominent Jews who signed the above advertisement more dramati­cally brought to life than through the statement by David Ben Gurion who called  The Ir­gunist who helped establish Israel “Vladimir Hitler” and a “fascist gangster”.  Unofficial history shows that Israel was in­deed found­ed with the help of some well-known gangsters, no­table among whom were homburg-hatted Meyer Lansky, Louis Boyer and Sam Rothberg.


When Lansky arrived in Tel Aviv there was uproar among reli­gious Jews across America who wanted him sent back to the U.S.  How­ever, thanks to the power of his money, Lansky was able to remain where he was.  It was this kind of thing that Ben Gurion earlier had protested and which the signatories to the New York Times adver­tisement of January 29, 1970 also ob­jected.


The advertisement went on to say (2) “Jews are enjoined by their reli­gion to be loyal to the country of which they are citi­zens—in this case the U.S. (3) Jews, who are loyal to their faith and traditions have noth­ing to do with Zionist-sponsored boy­cotts against individual enter­prises or against entire nations. Zionist protests about conditions in certain countries are not meant to bring about positive changes but rather to aggravate conditions there to the point where Jews will be forced to leave, presumably for a Zionist state.”

Again, unofficial history records this as fact. The agitation by Ger­many against Jews did not begin until after the secret negoti­ations between Himmler and his deputy Adolph Eichman were com­pleted. In the “Memoirs of Yitzak Ben-Ami”, the writer, a former Zionist Irgunist, tells of the visit to Ger­many by a high-ranking delegation of Irgunist who reached an agree­ment with Himmler and Eichman that for a consideration of providing Germany with the names and loca­tions of all British and Ameri­can intelligence agents in Western Eu­rope just prior to the war, the Ger­mans would begin to attack Jewish businesses and homes, and harass individu­al Jews, which would have the effect of forcing them to leave Germany for Palestine—exactly as the above mentioned advertisement later claimed.


The advertisement closed with the following words in big, bold letters: “Zionist politicians and their fellow travelers do not speak for the Jew­ish people: Indeed, the Zionist con­spiracy against the Jewish tradition and law makes Zionism—and all of its activities and entities—the archen­emy of the Jewish people to­day.” The advertisement bore the signa­tures of scores of the most influen­tial Jewish people in the New York area, and al­though this was 1970, the fact is that orthodox Jews are still strongly opposed to Zion­ism and its state of Israel. Clashes and confron­tations between such Jews and the Israeli police and mil­itary are a weekly occurrence in cities like Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.


On August 27, 1969, there occurred a most astounding radio broad­cast over Radio Station WBAI-FM New York, by an American member of a Jerusalem-based Jewish organiza-tion  “Friends of Jerusalem” as an affili­ate of the world wide Jewish Ne­turei Karta anti-zionist move­ment. Having obtained the tran­script of that broadcast which is too long to include in its en­tirety, only the highlights can be published here: “...In com­menting on Jewish af­fairs, no topic is more vital today than a clarification of the differ­ences between  Judaism and Zion­ism. All too many Americans are still under the impression that these terms are more or less synony­mous—that being a Jew means automati­cally to be a Zionist, and this also implies a certain loy­alty to the state of Israel.


Let me therefore  state right at the beginning that Judaism and Zionism are completely incompatible and mutually exclusive. If you are a good Jew, you cannot be a Zionist. If you are a Zion­ist, you cannot be a good Jew....The written and oral law, the Torah, is the eternal con­stitution of the Jewish people, which may be interpreted by those properly qualified, but which can never, in essence, be abrogated, changed or amended. Through thousands of years Jews have lived under these rules...


Political Zionism started in Europe more than seventy years ago under the impact of anti-semitism...  The leading figures in Zionism from the very beginning have always been men and women who rejected the obligatory nature of these Jewish reli­gious laws...  The aims of Zion­ism are to give the Jewish people a country of its own, to revive He­brew as its everyday language, to give it a government of its own, parliament, an army, navy and air force, and all of the paraphernalia of nations like all oth­ers...Zionists considered it a great day when THEY declared the state of Israel and when the flag of THEIR state was raised on a flagstaff in front of the U.N. among the banners of all other na­tions.


This creation of a secular so-called Jewish state is treason to the Jewish people...It would also do the fol­lowing: (1) Free the Jews as a peo­ple from their religious obliga­tions...(2) Subject the Jews to the ordinary laws of national exis­tence...(3) It would automatically and inevitably—the State of Israel now being a na­tion like the others, but CLAIMING a special relation­ship to Jews everywhere—force these Jews in cases of conflict to face and decide questions of their primary loyalty.  It is hardly neces­sary to add that this problem of loy­alty has already been posed in a number of countries during the past twenty years.


In this short presentation it would be impossible to deal with the IM­PACT OF ZIONISM ON THE UNITED STATES, although this would be a very interesting topic, or with the danger that it creates in other countries.  We are tonight concerned only with the dif­ference between Zionism and Jews who are loyal to their faith”.


We ourselves can fill in somewhat on that “very interesting topic” by looking at several aspects of how the United States under the influ­ence, domination and control of in­ternational Zionism, which when all is said and done is no more and no less than the guiding force and the driving force behind communism, is slowly but surely bringing the United States into the position of becoming its satellite state existing only to carry out its every com­mand, finance it and fight its battles and wars against all who would seek justice from its ruthless ac­tions.


In order to give itself some sem­blance of representing the Jewish people, certain splinter groups and minor quasi-religious politi­cal par­ties were created in Israel to act as a pretext and a smokescreen to cover Zionist activities in a false mantle of Ju­daism.  These small parties often hold  the balance of power, their sole function being to throw sand in the eyes of the world and make it believe that the Judaic religion plays a large role in political decision making.  This is entirely false and mislead­ing.


The Jewish Neturei Karta move­ment has roundly denounced such Zionist deceptive practices, and calls those “who try to combine the traditional practice of the Jewish faith with Zionist activi­ty, but by its very nature, this is a hopeless cause”.  Re­member this deception the next time you see on America’s Zionist-dominated television sta­tions, Prime Minister Shamir hud­dling with what are termed “Jewish religious party mem­bers” seeking a solution to this, that or the other problem.  It is all a charade.  Tradi­tional Jews have themselves so stated.


“By accepting the leadership of ir­religious or anti-religious Zionists who under Jewish law are not quali­fied to exercise any leadership or occupy any position of trust within the Jewish community and also by subjecting matters of faith and reli­gious law to parliamentary and other major votes, they actually admit the priority of the secular na­tional Jewish state over the spe­cial nationhood of the Jewish people”.


So there we have it.  Begin, Shamir, Sharon, Ada Eban, Moshe Arens—Zionists all, do not speak for the Jewish people, notwith­standing their claim to have religious Jewish po­litical parties holding the balance of power in the Knesset.  Such an ar­rangement is nothing but a political scheme and nothing Judaic should be attached to it.


The broadcast continued with  the narrator detailing the most often-asked questions and providing an­swers: Question (1) “Isn’t it very beneficial for the self-respect of Jews that they now have a country of their own and a highly efficient and dependable army?” Answer: “... The prayers for the Holy Lead have been said for thousands of years, but they have nothing to do with the atheists who founded the state of Israel or with their state...And the fact that during the past twenty years more Jews have been killed in the Israeli wars than anywhere else on earth and that more non-Jews have been killed there by Jews than any­where else is not a source of pride, but one of deepest regret to all Jews WHO HAVE NOT BEEN INFECTED BY THE POISON OF ZIONISM.”

Question (2): “If Zionism is so ab­solutely contrary to Judaism, how is it that so many Jews are sympa­thetic toward Zionism? Answer:”It is not at all surprising that so many Jews have been swayed by Zionism.  Anyone who is surprised by this fact re­veals an abysmal ignorance of Jewish history...But in the long run any student of Jewish history knows that all  these (false) movements have failed...”



Question (3): “If there were no state of Israel, where would per­secuted Jews find a place of refuge?” An­swer: “As to the state of Israel as a place of refuge, this is perhaps the greatest fallacy of them all.  Anyone who has read such books as Min Ha­metzer by the late Rabbi Weis­mundel or Perfididy by the late Ben Hecht is aware of Zionist treachery at the most critical time of Nazi persecution.  In fact, ZION­ISM IS MOST IN­TERESTED IN UNDER­MINING THE POSITION OF JEWS IN OTHER COUN­TRIES SO AS TO MAKE THEM IMMI­GRATE TO ISRAEL, AND THIS PLAN HAS ALREADY SYS­TEMATICALLY BEEN CAR­RIED OUT IN A NUMBER OF COUN­TRIES.”


Classic examples of the foregoing absolute truths are found in the al­ready alluded to pact made between the Irgun and Haganah terrorists and Himmler and Eichman.  This insidi­ous deal was hatched because Palestine was very much in need of a “Jewish” population, but no Jews wanted to exchange their cultured lives in Germany for the barren sands of Palestine.  As Yitzak Ben Ami told Eichman “They are too comfortable with their grand pianos and their crystal chandeliers.  We want them in Israel.” The reprobate Ben Hecht largely confirmed and in several in­stances detailed further treachery by international Zionism against the Jews they claim to rep­resent.


There is much more to this infor­mative broadcast and Phoenix Lib­erator will carry details of this an other Jewish protests over Zionist perfididy in its next three weekly is­sues.  Some of the charges by Jews against Zionism are truly amazing!




by  A.n.  Other


In continuing to explain the differ­ences between Judaism and Zion­ism, we draw once again upon sources provided by reli­gious Jews and even non-religious Jews who have not fallen for the wooing of the Jewish people by political sac­rilegious Zion­ism.  As we have shown, the forced immigration of Jews from Germany occurred with the connivance of the Irgun, Stern and Ha­ganah Zionist terrorist groups whose policies were de­signed to get Jews out of Germany to pop­ulate Palestine.  To do this the Zionists sought the help of Himmler and his deputy, Adolf Eich­man.  This was confirmed by two Zionist writers, Ben Hecht and Yitzak Ben Ami.  Zionist co­operation with Himmler and Eich­man was also fully documented by the Kastner tri­als.


Angered by what it had discovered about the aims and objectives of Zionism, several religious Jewish organizations cooperated to place a series of ads in the New York Times in which they sought to tell the truth about the gulf between Zionism and Judaism.  At first the New York Times was fully sup­portive of these ads, but then as pressure from various Zionists groups arose, the edito­rial board of this “free speech” newspaper began to attempt to censor the state­ments.

But the religious Jews pressed on, and in the New York Times of March 11, 1971, the fol­lowing un­censored statement was printed:

ZIONISM: Betrayal Of The Jewish People.  Zionism has suc­ceeded in confusing Jews and non-Jews alike and there is an ur­gent need for clarification.  In the last two gener­ations the image of Jewish people in the eyes of the world has changed completely and a picture has been pre­sented that is entirely alien to the true concept of the people...  Since its very inception Zion­ism has delib­erately aimed at breaking the eter­nal bond between God and the peo­ple of Israel, substituting for Jewish ideals a belated narrow nationalism and chauvinism.  On this basis of secular nationalism, there have in­evitably followed political and mili­tary conflicts with other countries and other nationali­ties...


At the birth of Zionism, great rabbis strongly condemned it as a TOTAL FALSIFICATION, AS TREASON AND TOTAL DIS­OBEDIENCE to the laws of the Torah, which forbid the establish­ment of any Jewish state before the coming of the Moschiach (the Messiah) and laws admonish the Jewish people not to rebel against the nations of the world, and emphatically enjoins all Jews to be loyal to the countries of their abode.


ZIONISM, IN ORDER TO FUR­THER THE BREAK WITH JEW­ISH TRADITION AND OVER­COME THE OPPOSITION OF JEWS TO ZIONISM, USED ALL MEANS AT ITS DIS­POSAL TO UNDERMINE THE PEACEFUL STAY OF JEWS IN COUN­TRIES THROUGH­OUT THE WORLD.  (The emphasis is as it appeared in the NYT 3/11/71.)  “The books and other writ­ings of the founders of Zionism clearly show this anti-Jewish and anti-reli­gious attitude, and the same policies and methods were used by the later leaders of Zionism.  Ultimately this led to a great tragedy of the Jewish people in our time.  The unbeliev­able climax was the Zionist collabo­ration with the Nazis and is ir­refutably documented by the Kastner trial.


We need look no further than the Sharon-Bronfman plot to force Jews to leave Russia, which began in 1972 with meetings be­tween Zionist Ariel Sharon and members of the Soviet KGB in London and again in 1982 at Limassol in Cyprus.  Some 400,000 Jews were tar­geted and lit­erally forced out of the Soviet Union.  Most of those forced to immigrate to Palestine were ortho­dox Jews who have found life in the Zionist state to be in­tolerable and have begun to pack their bags and leave for the United States.  They would rather have gone back to Moscow or wherever in Russia they came from, but that is not possible in terms of the agreement signed by Sharon and the KGB.


This is causing consternation in the Zionist circles of Sharon, Shamir and Moshe Arens, as we shall see in later articles, espe­cially in the mat­ter of the $10 billion loan guaran­tees.  But to con­tinue with the statement published by Jews in the New York Times of 3/11/71:



This message should be officially reprinted by the government of the United States, Britain and France and read into the record of the up­coming “peace conference” which is to be held in Madrid this month.  It should also be delivered to Zionist Stephen Solarz of Brooklyn who fre­quently presumes to speak on be­half of the Jewish people whereas as he is speaking for the Zionists in Tel Aviv, Frankfurt and Aleppo.  Mr. Solarz and his associates will be the subject of profiling which will appear in the next article in the PHOENIX LIBERATOR, when it will be­come clear who exactly Solarz represents.


The message of 3/11/71 goes on to say : Those who have suf­fered or may suffer through Zion­ist military or political activities should not blame the Jewish people for deeds committed by Zion­ists who have turned their backs on Jewish tradi­tions.  Zionists and their politicians and fellow travelers do not speak for the Jewish people.  Indeed, the Zionist conspiracy against Jewish traditions, MAKE ZIONISM, AND ALL OF ITS ACTIVI­TIES AND EN­TITIES THE ARCH-ENEMY OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE TODAY.


Much to the chagrin of the Israeli Zionist government, on Octo­ber 26, 1991 there occurred a large demon­stration by religious orthodox Jews and their friends in Israel against the policies of Zionist Prime Min­ister Shamir demanding that land taken from the Arabs and Palestini­ans be returned to the rightful own­ers and that he be flexible in Madrid.  The logical thing would be to send photographs of the demon­stration to all the delegates who will be attending the “peace conference” so that they may have a better and clearer picture of exactly what or­thodox reli­gious Jews think about the rights of the Arabs and Pales­tinians and their Zionist oppressors and it would be soundly based to include the U.S. government and the United Nations in such an in­formation effort.  While on the subject, give them a list of his­torical Jewish organizations that were al­ways opposed to Zionist policies in Palestine.


Here are a few Jewish anti-Zionist organizations we could in­clude:

Agudat Israel, a political religious-orthodox Jewish movement founded in 1912.

Brit Shalom (Peace Covenant) a Jewish anti-Zionist association which stands for peace with Arabs and Palestinians founded in 1925.

Neturei Karta and its publication, Hachoma.

Anti-Zionist Committee.  Founded in Germany just before the First World War, it was sup­ported by the famous Jewish writer Isaac Deutscher who had a wide public following and who re­garded Zion­ism as a totally reactionary move­ment while Arab nationalism was progressive.


Shortly after the Six-Day War Deutscher launched a bitter attack on Zionist Israel, saying that it rep­resented imperialism in the Middle East and was preaching chauvinism.  Deutscher could not be smeared with the usual epithets Zionists reg­ularly use against those who shine the light of truth upon them because he was a profound writer and a scholar held in high esteem by thou­sands of Jews everywhere.  What is even more devastating is that Deutscher’s strong op­position to Zionism was not based on Arab-Jew conflicts but upon his religious  and politi­cal be­liefs.  The decay of what he called “bourgeois Europe” strengthened Zionism and forced Jews against their will to ac­cept the Zionist nation state is how he de­scribed Jewish immigra­tion to Palestine.


On 17 September 1971, yet another denouncement of Zionism by ortho­dox Jewish religious groups was published in the New York Times: The brutal pogroms staged on Sat­urday, August 7th, by Israeli police in Jerusalem against innocent Jew­ish men, women and children must not be for­gotten.  Steps

must be taken to ensure that there will be no repetition.  The completely unpro­voked attack was carefully planned in advance.  While the streets and the quarters where religious Jews of Jerusalem live were perfect­ly quiet and peaceful, film and television crews ar­rived to record a spec­tacle that was tragic as it was unprece­dented.


Shortly thereafter hundreds of steel helmeted police came upon the scene and began beating those who were praying in the house of wor­ship...There was a large number of wounded, in­cluding 15 Americans who were among the many hauled off to jail where shock­ing mistreat­ment was relent­lessly kept up.  The staging of the show included a pe­culiar detail; some po­licemen forced a number of young boys to throw stones in order to pro­vide a suitable action picture for the cameras.




The increasing assaults on Yeshiva students and rabbis on the streets of Jerusalem and this lat­est almost in­credible police provocation are a logical consequence of the basic Zionist aim to fight against the rule of the Torah and emancipate (their word) the Jewish people from its reli­gious faith.  First came the estab­lishment of the Zionist state (note religious Jews NEVER call Is­rael a Jewish state) in the Holy Land although the Torah for­bids any Jewish state before the coming of the Mes­siah.  Now the Zionists continue in the same direction by beating those Jews who uphold the sovereign rule of the Torah among Jews who steadfastly refuse to rec­ognize the legitimacy of the Zionist state.


THE ZIONIST FRAUD AND DE­CEPTION IS INCREASED BY ITS USURPATION OF THE NAME OF ISRAEL AND BY THE ZIONIST PRETENSE OF REPRESENTING JEWISH PEO­PLE... As Jews we appeal to our fellow Jews to follow the way of the Jews of the Torah with­out compromise and not to be misled by the clever ubiquitous Zionist propaganda.  Of the United Na­tions who have repressed their special interest in Jerusalem for twenty years we ask: Those resi­dents of Jerusalem who have RE­FUSED ISRAELI CITIZENSHIP, HAVE OFTEN PETITIONED



Although this was published in 1971, nothing has changed in the interim to alter the implaca­ble re­jection of Zionism and the state of Israel by religious orthodox Jews.  In fact it is almost a weekly occur­rence to see orthodox Jews being attacked and har­assed by the Israeli police, but of course our media is careful to keep such events from the public gaze lest the truth es­cape from Pandora’s Box.


The term Zionism was first coined by one Nathan Birnbaum at a dis­cussion group meeting in Vienna on 23 January 1892.  There was no clear political direction given to the word until four years later when Theodor Herzl, generally recog­nized as the father of Zionism, published “Judenstaat” (Jewish state) as a solution to what he called the Jewish question.  As Herzl him­self admitted, some of the most bitter attacks on his movement came from Jews, while non-re­ligious Jews financed Zionism to the hilt.  We speak of such immensely pow­erful Jewish bankers as the Speiers, the Seligmans, the Eichtals, the Hirschs, the Op­penheimers and the Rothschilds.  As far as we are able to as­certain, no religious Jewish or­ganization has ever contributed one red cent to the coffers of Zionism.

One of the notable heretics in so far as orthodox Jews are con­cerned was the Communist Moses Mendelssohn who contributed his views to HASKALA (enlightenment), re­sponsible for leading Jews away from Judaism toward Zionism which was even then a non reli­gious non-Jewish politi­cal organization.  It is ironic that Mendelssohn’s chil­dren converted to Christianity to show their dislike of Zionism.  During early Zionist Congresses there were frequent and often vio­lent clashes as men like Herzl sought to downplay the fact that re­ligious rabbis were far from enam­ored with this so-called Jewish movement.   Weizmann did his best to convince Herzl that the support of religious rabbis was essential if a homeland for the Jews was to be accepted by reli­gious Jews in gen­eral.  Sharp differences emerged among the delegates as to whether or not re­ligious Jews had a role to play in Zionism.


In 1891 a notable critic of Zionism appeared on the scene.  His name was Ahad Ha’am (better known as Asher Ginzberg, a young Jew from Odessa).  He was sent to Palestine by Herzl and Weizmann, but in­stead of the rosy reports they ex­pected, Ginzberg wrote “The Truth From Eretz Israel”, which reports were highly critical of Zionist methods.  Ginzberg said that coloniza­tion of Palestine could not succeed because Palestine could not absorb a mass of Jews and be­sides the Zionists were in too much of a hurry.  Palestine, he said, should only be a spiri­tual cen­ter and NOT THE POLITICAL OR ECONOMIC BA­SIS OF THE JEWISH PEO­PLE.


Ginzberg was no “ordinary Jew”, but a man respected by reli­gious and non-religious Jews alike.  Therefore, his observations of Zion­ist causes in Palestine could not simply be brushed aside as Zionism had succeeded in doing with so many of its critics.  Herzl had tried to make religious Jews and even his own follow­ers believe Arabs did not exist in Palestine.  The noted writer J.N. Jeffries described Herzl’s atti­tude thus: “Herzl visits Pales­tine but seems to find that nobody is there but his fellow Jews; the Arabs vanish before him as in their own Arabian Nights.”  Thus when the respected Ahad Ha’am (Ginzberg) went to Palestine he reported that the country was far from empty and that Arabs living there were well aware of the Jews, but pre­tended not to notice them as long as they appeared to be no threat.  “But if one day the Jews become stronger and threaten Arab predominance, they would hardly take this qui­etly.”  (Truth From Eretz Is­rael, 1893.)


Zionist Mr. Shamir is trying to em­ulate his mentor Herzl by pretend­ing that the Arabs in Pales­tine do not exist or that, if they do exist, they have no right to be in Pales­tine; therefore, ergo, they can ex­pect nothing but the big stick from him and his for­mer Irgun terrorists.  This is the at­titude which Zionist Shamir will take with him to the Madrid “peace negotiations”! How­ever he, like Herzl, will find that the Arabs will not simply disappear and that he is now facing the resis­tance from Arabs to Zionist imperi­alism which the famous Asher Ginzberg pre­dicted in 1893.


This is the second of a four-part ar­ticle written exclusively for the Phoenix Liberator.  In the next two articles we shall be treated to expo­sures of Zionism such as have sel­dom if ever been seen in print.



By A.N. Other.


As the farcical Middle East Peace Conference in Madrid reveals divi­sions deeper than ever between the Zionists and the Arabs, Palestinians and Syrians, former Irgun terrorist now Prime Minis­ter Yitzhak Shamir is loudly proclaiming “Israel’s right to exist” (in Palestine); this in the face of every piece of evidence that the man who was responsible for the murder of Lord Moyne and Count Folcke Bernadotte, DOES NOT SPEAK FOR THE JEWISH PEOPLE WHICH HE FALSELY PURPORTS TO DO.


Jewish religious leaders have pro­claimed that they do not need a homeland, and cannot have a homeland until after the return of their Messiah.  Therefore, for Prime Minister Shamir to shout from the rooftops that he is fighting for the right of Israel to ex­ist and thereby implying that he is a noble and doughty fighter for the Jewish people, is totally false and without merit.


In the 1960’s on the orders of Stalin, Marxism began to be dis­carded completely.  Thereafter Communism was the only ideol­ogy preached in Russia.  Prime Minister Shamir ought to take a leaf out of Stalin’s book and stop talking about Israel as “the Jewish state” and call it by its proper name, i.e., THE ZIONIST STATE.  As a Zionist state, Israel has no right to exist in the ancient land of Palestine.


Prime Minister Shamir is the suc­cessor to mobster Meyer Lan­sky, whose connection to David Rocke­feller ran through the “Mary Carter Paint Company” (a laundry situated in the Ba­hamas to wash gambling and drug money), organized crime-linked New Jersey banker Robert Ferguson, Armand Hammer, whose father was a card carrying member of the Communist Party all of his life, Sam Bronfman, Shaul Eisen­berg, Louis Bo­yar, Sam Rothberg, “Doc” Stacher (all well-known mobster as­sociates of Lansky), Arnold Rothstein, and Raphael Re­canati of the Black Nobility of Venice, banker and reputed con­troller of the Israeli mafia.  NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THE FOREGO­ING COULD CLAIM TO BE RE­LIGIOUS JEWS, nor have they ever done so except with the pur­poses of concealing their true aims which have nothing in common with Judaism.


The Zionist state of Israel was born out of the Irgun, Haganah and Stern terrorist gangs responsible for mur­dering 600 Arabs at Der Yassin and then dumping their bodies in wells in the area to poison the water sup­ply and frighten the Arabs off their land.  Begin and Shamir took part in these terrorist actions for and on behalf of “Eretz Israel—Greater Is­rael” which should read GREAT­ER ZIONISM.


The Irgun, Stern and Haganah ter­rorist gangs were largely made up of GODLESS atheist Jews from Russia who had served Bol­shevism so well.  They were NEVER fol­lowers of the Judaic religion—they were NOT religious Jews.  Their amoral murder­ous conduct during the Bolshevik Revolution assures us that their ideas and beliefs were not those of Western religious Jews.  They were Communists of the worst stripe, trying to create a “blood and soil” country for INTERNA­TIONAL ZIONISM.  From the very outset, the leaders of religious Judaism de­nounced them with sound and fury.


The leaders of Judaism realized that they were merely being used as pawns in the game to populate Palestine and thereby create a quasi-”homeland” for Jews, a homeland which they neither wanted nor ac­cepted.  The fact that Zionism twice had to turn to “blood and soil” countries, Germany and then Rus­sia, within the last 61 years to enlist the aid of those powers to drive Jews out of Europe, speaks for it­self.  Any alliance with Jews was merely a marriage of convenience in order to firmly estab­lish “Eretz Israel”, i.e., Greater Zionism.


Those Zionists of the Irgun, Ha­ganah and Stern gangs then “went straight” by forming the Likud and Herut political parties.  Their physi­cian, “Doctor Ruth” did the same thing, she dropped her terrorist past and became a celebrity of gutter below-the-belt toilet talk shows on American television.  These are the people, NOT THE RELIGIOUS ORTHODOX JEWS, whom Prime Minister Shamir says have “the right to exist” on land that does not belong to them.


Israel was from the very inception a creation of British intelli­gence, ille­gally constituted by Zionist Lord Rothschild and then shepherded and nurtured by such notables as the legendary Captain Hill of the SIS, and a man who perverted the course of the United States, destiny, Sir William Stephenson whose espi­onage deeds favoring the British during WWII and his subse­quent in­volvement with the murder of President John F. Kennedy cannot be included in this paper.


“Doc” Stacher made the Hilton Hotel in Tel Aviv his base for fund raising for the Zionist State.  He sent Tibor Rosenbaum to Switz­erland to establish Banque du Credit International (BCI) in 1967.  BCI was established with funds provided by World Commerce Bank of Nas­sau, Bahamas, whose CEO was Lan­sky’s close friend Alvin Malnik and his number two man, Syl­van Ferdman, had a seat on BCI’s board.


None of this trio even made a pre­tense at being orthodox or reli­gious Jews.  They were well known as leading mobsters.  Louis Boyar, who is mentioned a number of times in this series of ar­ticles, added his expertise in fund raising.  Boyar was a noted gold smuggler based in San Francisco, who because of his Zionist fund raising efforts, was made a special advisor to Golda Meier.  The fund raising efforts were coordinated under the title “Project Independence”.


Orthodox religious Jews distanced themselves from these ef­forts, so that eventually the Zionists had to turn to the Christian evangelicals and fundamentalists to preach the gospel of a Zion­ist state in Pales­tine.  This led former Prime Minis­ter Begin to say that the best fund raisers in America for Israel were not Jews, but Christians.


In 1934 Zionist bootlegger Samuel Bronfman was appointed chairman of a Zionist project , “National Jewish People Relief Commit­tee of Canada” and in 1939 Canadian Zionists made Sam head of the “Jewish Colonization Association”, whose aim and object was to force Russian Jews to immigrate to Palestine.


Theodor Herzl, “father” and pro­moter of Zionism, would have been proud of the weird bedfellows his philosphies subsequently at­tracted.  In 1896 the Viennese booksellers Bretenstein pub­lished a small book in an English translation of the German book enti­tled Der Ju­denstaat - “The Jewish State, An Attempt At A Modern Solution of the Jewish Question”.  The book’s author was Theodor Herzl, editor of the influential Neue Freie Presse, a leading European paper read in all the coffee shops in Vi­enna.


Here in this small book we find the founding of NON-JEWISH POLIT­ICAL ZIONISM.  The give-away of the intentions of Zionism came from Herzl himself “...I consider the Jewish question NEITHER A SOCIAL OR RELIGIOUS ONE, EVEN THOUGH IT SOMETIMES TAKES THESE AND OTHER FORMS.  IT IS A NATIONAL QUESTION.”


Herzl was a Khazarian from Bu­dapest, to where the largest group of Khazarians had fled after the de­feat of their empire at the hands of the Rus.  There was very little if any of the Jewish religion in the Herzl family.  His history shows that he was a clever lawyer special­izing in Roman Law and a gifted writer.  THE JEWISH QUESTION WAS NOT HIS MAIN CON­CERN, which was to be a German writer of note.  His closest friend when he was 36 years old was Heinrich Kassa who described Herzl as “intolerant, inhu­mane, domi­neering and hyperegoistic, a man who thinks in radical terms”, char­acteristics which fit Prime Minister Shamir like a glove.


One of Herzl’s “radical solutions” was to appeal to the Holy Roman Catholic Church for help in leading Jews to voluntary and honorable conversion to Christianity.  So much for his con­cern for religious Jews.


The book came as a result of his frustration with the Jewish Baron von Hirsch as recorded in Herzl’s Zionist diary which he kept from 1834 up until the time of his death.  Herzl had ap­proached Baron von Hirsch with the idea of a “Return To The Promised Land” proposal.  The baron refused to have any part of it. Herzl thereupon wrote in his diary that he would launch a na­tional loan to pay for migration to Palestine.  It would be a national not a Jewish or religious effort, he wrote.  BY MAY 1896 HERZL HAD NOT YET MADE UP HIS MIND WHETHER THE PROM-ISED LAND WAS TO BE AR­GENTINA OR PALESTINE.


“Argentina is a fertile country, sparsely populated and with a tem­perate climate; it would be in the highest interests of the Re­public of Argentina to cede to the Jews a part of its territo­ry.”  From this it is clear that his original “homeland” had nothing whatsoever to do with RELIGION PER SE.  What Herzl was trying to do was establish a SECULAR state for Jews, which noted Jewish religious leaders were quick to point out was a pro­fanity against “God” and would remain so until the return of their Messiah.


Herzl organized the first Zionist world congress and published its of­ficial organ “Die Welt” (The World).  He was assisted by two Khazarians, Max Nordau and David Wolffsohn, who then founded “The German Lovers of Zionism” soci­ety.  Nordau went on to play a leading role in the promotion of Zionism.  In 1897 Herzl decided to call for a world congress of Zion­ism.  Orthodox Jews would have nothing to do with it.  Religious Jews in Vienna and Munich said “NO” to Herzl’s request to host the congress.  The Ashkenazim dele­gates from Russia didn’t want to go to Paris.  Jewish reli­gious leaders said there was NO JEWISH PROB­LEM IN EUROPE, AND THEY WANTED NO PART IN CREAT­ING ONE.


Finally, it was agreed that Basel in Switzerland should host the congress.  This does not surprise me for Switzerland has long been the home and sounding board for revolutionaries of every stripe.  French Revolution leaders Danton and Marat came from Switzerland; Lenin was later to preach his poison from there.  Of the dele­gates, Herzl described them thus:  “I stand in com­mand of beg­gars, striplings and sensation mongers ... Never­theless this army would do the job if suc­cess were in sight.”  Not a single word here about orthodox religious Jewry playing any part in the congress.  None were invited, and neither would they have attend­ed. They wanted no part in creating a Jewish problem.


In one of two of his addresses, Herzl said that “We have re­turned home.  Zionism is the return of Ju­daism even before a return to the Jewish homeland.”  Herzl did not tell the delegates that up until a few weeks before the congress he had not yet quite made up his mind whether the “Jewish homeland” was to be Argentina or Palestine.  One wonders why he did not settle on Russia, where Zionism was already a semi-legal organization thanks to financial pressure on the Czar by the Rothschild Paris banks.


Out of this congress came the blueprint for future action, which became known as “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.”

The public platform of the congress was stated as follows: “Zionism seeks to secure for the Jewish peo­ple (a palpable lie) a publicly rec­ognized secure home in Palestine” (Herzl had in the meantime been told that Argentina scoffed at his proposals and would never cede land to him AT ANY PRICE).  For the achievement of this purpose the congress envisages the follow­ing methods: (1) The programmatic en­couragement of the set­tlement of Pales­tine with Jewish agricultural workers, laborers and those pursu­ing other trades.  (Not a word about RELI­GIOUS ORTHODOX JEWS).  (2) The unification and organi­zation of all Jewry into local and wider groups in accordance with the laws of their respective countries.  (Again, no mention of religious Jews).  (3) The strengthening of Jewish self-aware­ness and national con­science.  (Notice not a word about the Ju­daic religion).  (4) Preparatory steps to be taken to ob­tain the consent of var­ious govern­ments necessary for the fulfillment of the aims of Zionism.


Nothing was said about approaching the PALESTINIANS whose ancient lands the Zionists now proposed to seize.  As we know, all the Zionists had to do was approach the chief Zionist in England, Lord Roth­schild, who then ordered his lackey, Arthur Balfour to draw up a decla­ration without once consulting the people of Palestine, permitting a Zionist influx into their land.  This is the basis of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir’s an­gry demands made in Madrid that the Arabs “recognize the right of Israel to ex­ist”.  As we have clearly been shown, NO SUCH RIGHT EX­ISTS.


Previously we have shown how out­raged religious Orthodox Jews were when they found out what the Zionists were up to in their name.  Zionism was roundly denounced by religious Jews around the world.  Determined efforts were made to show the world that Israel was a bandit state that would only bring trouble and grief to the Jewish peo­ple.  We shall now return to some of the public condem­nations of Zionism made by orthodox reli­gious Jewry.


In the New York Times of April 26, 1974, there appeared this an­nouncement:  AND WHAT ABOUT THE JEWS?”

“The Israelis are very much concerned with their security, the Arab countries demand the return of occupied lands, the Palestinians as­sert their right of self determination but what about the needs and rights of the Jews? (Note the distinction between Arabs and Palestinians, Is­raelis and Jews, which this writer has always scrupulously observed.)

“Those Jews in the Holy Land in particular who have always re­jected the concept of a Zionist state, who have protested the use of the sacred name of Israel ... who have refused to take part in any Israeli election, who in accordance with a rabbinical ban have stopped visits to the Wailing Wall since the Zionist occupa­tion of the Holy City, who have refused to accept Israeli citi­zenship, who have declared to the British mandatory regime and to the League of Nations that they cannot possibly be repre­sented by Zionists or a Zionist government, who have in fact been stateless for a genera­tion and who have been consistently ignored by the United Nations.


“This year marks the 50th an­niversary of the murder by Zionist assassins of the great and dedicated Jewish statesman Professor Jacob I. Dehan in front of the Shaare Zedek Hospital where he had first attended the daily Prayer services.  Despite frequent Zionist threats, he had courageously continued to lead the fight against Zionism.


This sad anniversary is a time for Jews to rededicate them­selves to the elimination of Zionism and its disastrous deeds.  The reason for existence and firm foundation of the Jewish peo­ple rests on its Divine commandments whereas the haughty, empty sovereignty of the Zionist state is a DIRECT NEGA­TION OF THE IDEALS AND PRINCIPLES OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE.”


Could anything be clearer? Here we have religious Jewish lead­ers DE­NOUNCING the predecessors of Prime Minister Shamir and telling them that ZIONISM HAS NO RIGHT TO EXIST IN PALES­TINE AND THAT HE DOES NOT REPRESENT JU­DAISM.  To further establish this very material point, we ex­tract from an article which appeared in the New York Times of April 25, 1977:

“We are talking about the FAILURE of an idea and an ideolo­gy... because financially and politi­cally the Zionists are still doing fine.  When the first Zionists en­tered the Holy Land, they ridiculed the poor, pious Jews then living there as Chaluka­Juden, (welfare Jews) because they were supported in part by donations from abroad.  The Zionists were going to be dif­ferent: they would work hard and become self-reliant and proudly inde­pendent.


“Now, several generations later, the Zionist establishment has be­come THE LARGEST WELFARE CLIENT OF THE UNITED STATES, to the tune of thousands of millions of dol­lars.  The requests of the Zionist Lobby command top Priority on Capitol Hill... More and more Jews are finally recognizing Zionism as a complete falsifi­cation and perversion of Judaism... To the people of the Torah, a Jewish state before the coming of the Messiah is not a cause for celebration but a reason for protest and mourning ... Under relent­less Zionist pressure, dis­sent is stifled in Jewish commu­nities.  How much longer will the Jews be saddled with the Zionist yoke; how much longer will thev tolerate the misuse of the holy name of Israel and brazen usurpation of power bv Zionism?”


Need anything further be said that Zionism is not Judaism? In­deed we could write volumes on the subject, but we believe that we have made our point.  Christian evangelicals and fundamen­talists, stop playing the Zionist game; stop being their pawns.  The “father of Zionism” and his inheritors Prime Minister Shamir and the whole Zionist gang stand totally discredited.  Does the state of Israel have a right to exist on stolen and plun­dered Palestin­ian and Arab lands? We think not, and our view­point is shared by the reli­gious orthodox Jews of this world in whose name Shamir falsely claims to speak.


This concludes the three part article written exclusively for the Phoenix Liberator.

Feb. 16, 2011