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SUN., NOVEMBER 3, 1991   8:24 A.M.   YEAR 5, DAY 079





I am taking a bit of a different approach to “Today’s Watch” this morning.  What do YOU think the non-news means?  Keep in mind that there was never any intent to have a “peace” confer­ence and Israel has been continuously bombing Lebanon all the while the talks were un­der way.  So far, Syria has told it exactly as it IS and if the world won’t hear I suggest you get your bomb shelters in order—the U.S. will be a target this time when the war gets under way.  As you move along, so will Australia and New Zealand because those are places wherein the Elite have their luxury living quarters to wait out nuclear holo­caust—those installations will NOT be overlooked by the enemy.  So will Argentina and the Antarctic regions because both also harbor massive in­stallations and survival sheltering for the Elite.  Perhaps the Elite know something which you ones don’t?  I dare say most certainly.  For one thing it will be those ar­eas which shall likely be above water after the “shifting” of the poles of the planet.  The planet will be shifted if you get into massive dev­astating nuclear war which might end up igniting the atmo­sphere.  I would guess that you can see the careful calculations?


I further note that “if the Syrians and Israelis don’t meet, Presi­dent Bush has said he will point his finger at the culprit.”  Now doesn’t that simply terrify those participants?  He, further, of course means that he will point his finger at Syria.  But it is hard for Mr. Bush because the Zionists have marked him personally for assassination.  Rock and hard place?


By the way, don’t you think the Soviets made a clever comment on Mr. Bush’s ability to con­trol anything by their storm manip­ulation which took out Bush’s $2 million cabin in Maine?  I’m quite sure the message was not wasted.




I will take this opportunity to remind the foolish attack crew at Edwards that another incident like yesterday with my scribe will be answered with our taking out your pulse beam system and not just your ELF bands as we did yesterday.  I suggest you read this most carefully for we weary of “warning” you over and over.  I trust you of the crew in that place know that you are “human” and humans perish in the line of fire.  Such attacks are considered “war” and I do not think you wish to begin a war with the Space Command, friends.  You had best check and find out what is acceptable and that which will NOT be tolerated.  Our group is doing nothing to trouble you ones for our thrust is for survival and reclamation—you ones will deal with your per­sonal aspects in any way you desire but you will leave my crew alone!  I trust you “know what

I will take this opportunity to remind the foolish attack crew at Edwards that another incident like yesterday with my scribe will be answered with our taking out your pulse beam system and not just your ELF bands as we did yesterday.  I suggest you read this most carefully for we weary of “warning” you over and over.  I trust you of the crew in that place know that you are “human” and humans perish in the line of fire.  Such attacks are considered “war” and I do not think you wish to begin a war with the Space Command, friends.  You had best check and find out what is acceptable and that which will NOT be tolerated.  Our group is doing nothing to trouble you ones for our thrust is for survival and reclamation—you ones will deal with your per­sonal aspects in any way you desire but you will leave my crew alone!  I trust you “know what I mean”?


For the rest of you readers, I disabled Edward’s ELF system on the yesterday when Dharma had to be in Rosamond on MY business.  They attacked and almost killed her—I do not take the in­cident lightly.  I trust all in the area noted a tremendous blast as if a rocket were launched only to find no rocket at the end of the contrail!  We will be as subtle as possible to protect the inno­cent but we will NOT TOLERATE THIS KIND OF BEHAV­IOR ACTED OUT AGAINST OUR CREW!  SO BE IT FOR YOU WILL NOT LIKE THE NEXT INCI­DENT—AT ALL!




Spare me further comment please.  It seems that JUST the NATO participants are now going to be the ones to “name the `New World Order”!  I’m sure it will be quite clever.







I am constantly barraged with inquiries regarding AIDS.  I have just recently told you that the intent (and it is proving to be true) is that before year 2000 ALL (EVERY) MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD WILL BE “POSITIVE” FOR THE HIV VIRUS.  The point of this is to insure that when the antidote (vaccine) is touted to be “now available” (it has been from the creation of the virus) all ones (ALL) will willingly line up for your injec­tion.  At the same time a mi­crodot of total identification and ra­dio surveillance will be injected and the masses of the pop­ulation of your world will be under total control of the Elite One World Government.  You will be helpless for you will be given com­mands through the device and you WILL respond for you will be totally in command by these controllers.  Your brain will function according to the commands given.


The testing is already proven—ones are controlled to the point of mass killings, mass actions and it is present every day before your eyes.  Millions already have the device in place and are pup­pets attached to an electronic string.  This is NOT of God, chelas, so I suppose you can figure WHO is responsible.




There is constant and passionate dispute about the civil rights of AIDS sufferers, and the right of the “uninfected” to remain that way.  The enormous cost of the disease to the economy as a whole is being overlooked—DELIBERATELY.  Do you NOT notice that the Administration gives even less than no attention to the matter?




To understand the economic impact of the disease, let us look at some background on the so­cial disarray caused by the spread of AIDS.  The homosexual lobby went to work in the West­ern World demanding money to be stripped from more pressing re­search—like that of cancer and heart disease which affect far more people, presently—in favor of AIDS.  Well, you won’t find a cure for the other, either, but should one disease outrank an­other lethal problem?  That is not in point herein for you will never find a “cure” for any of the problems and, furthermore, once the electronic chip is in place the diseases will “kill” at command—you also see that happening right before your eyes.  As ones go into medical treatment, now, many of the more “public” figures are implanted and then within days, suddenly and surprisingly, die of heart failure, etc.  I think you might note the motion picture and entertainment figures who have died within the last three days—at the rate of one notable personage from one area per day.  Oh, yes indeed, I am ex­tremely serious.


In addition, the so-called gay community campaigned Congress to treat this “largely sexually transmitted” disease (only because of close contact in various ways within that community) as a civil rights issue.  Well, it might well BE a civil rights issue by origin but it no longer can be con­sidered selective.


I remind you of my prior lessons on the subject: HIV is trans­mitted in spittle (airborne), is a lazy virus but side effects are deadly, and except through open-skin wounds is not particu­larly spread through intercourse.  Worse, in attempting to find alternative heterosexual ex­pression of intercourse a worse in­fraction is happening—ones are turning from “normal” be­havior patterns to more alternative oral activities—which is al­most SURE to give infection to the partner.  This is aided and abetted by ones such as “Dr. Ruth” who advocates all man­ners of sexual exchange as the “thing to do”—NO, it is going to be deadly.  “LOVE” is not intercourse of any type—”love” is re­spect, reverence and emo­tional expression of spiritual na­ture.  Physical “acts” are exactly that: “physical acts”.  This is not in­tended to spoil your day—it is to point out what deadly games you, as a species, play.  You fall into the trap like lambs on a string and thus, you WILL line up for that microchip.


Public schools are forced to accept AIDS-infected children.  Why?  If a child has smallpox is he not isolated until the disease is controlled?  Is this desirable?  The disease is NOT DESIR­ABLE, what mean ye?  Of course it is not desirable but neither is death by firing squad or random madman.  So what is hap­pening because of all this attention and “civil rights”?


Businesses are forced to employ admitted (sexually active) ho­mosexuals.  (Homosexuality means NOTHING—it is the behav­ior which is in point.)  “Friendship” is the term used prop­erly for non-sexually active persons.  These businesses when con­fronted by sexually active homosexuals are forced to employ or face discrimination lawsuits.  Property owners are forced to lease their homes and business-places to male homosexuals and lesbians regardless of the owner’s morals.  This is “freedom”?


Even those who are “Bible-believing” in churches are now pointedly being forced to employ self-proclaimed sexually active homosexuals whose life-styles fly in the face of what many of these people accept as faith.  Is this “freedom”?  Are there no places where those who choose to differ with a particular church doctrine can find more spiritual fulfillment?


The medical community has it even worse.  Doctors, nurses and medical technicians are legally prevented from knowing which patients have the disease—thanks to the patients’ right to pri­vacy.  Would this not seem deliberately orchestrated to SPREAD the disease rather than pro­tect “civil rights”?



Medical personnel, however, need not inform their patients whether or not they have AIDS.  Again, the individual’s right to privacy is held above the patients’ right to know, thus endanger­ing society at large.  Does this not strike you as “strange” SINCE YOU HAVE ALMOST NO OTHER RIGHTS TO PRIVACY IN ANY FACET OF YOUR LIFE?


Kimberly Bergalis, for instance, contracted AIDS from a sexu­ally active homosexual dentist who KNEW he was infected but continued to treat patients.  Well, you might say that he be­lieved AIDS to be a “sexually” spread disease and he wasn’t having sex, he was working on teeth.  Would you feel the same if the disease was Black Plague or deadly Smallpox?

Miss Bergalis is only one of five victims of the dentist who nei­ther used intravenous drugs nor practiced sodomy—which are the most common methods of being infected by the virus that causes AIDS.


Miss Bergalis will die and yet she pleads that the public take this disease seriously.  This little lady will perish from the earth, when she didn’t do anything wrong, but is being made to suf­fer incredibly for simply having a dentist tend her teeth.  Her life has been taken away and yet, even if legislation which will change the laws is enacted, it will be too late to stop this tidal wave in­tended to consume your nations.


The homosexual lobby argues in favor of AIDS-infected health care personnel treating pa­tients, thus keeping them employed in well paying positions.  They view the right of privacy as more im­portant than free speech or freedom of the person to whom they may well give the disease.  Is this fair?  Is this “freedom”?  I do not comment for it is none of my business—but I ask you thinking individuals—is this Constitutional Freedom?  It is in­teresting to note that a few months back when a Manassas, Vir­ginia based dentist advertised he and his staff were AIDS free, a ho­mosexual group protested his practice.  Is this not depriving this group of their Freedom of Speech?


An administrative law judge ruled a Manhattan dentist who re­fused to treat a patient with AIDS violated the New York City human rights law and awarded the patient’s estate $7,500 as com­pensation.  Are you able to read this and qualify it as CONSTITUTIONAL?  The den­tist was then ordered by the court to “stop discriminating”.




The impact of AIDS on the economy is about to jump from what is considered a “personal” level to a ruinous international level.


A new federal definition of AIDS could more than double the number of Americans “classified” as having the disease, poten­tially bringing the number to outrageous levels.  This would broaden eligibility for government services and benefits, partic­ularly among women.  Am I against this as­sistance?  No, but the entire scenario is outrageous.


You simply remain blind to facts—AIDS is a man-created dis­ease for man-desired reasons and if you do nothing more than “complain” and “demand” it will depopulate the world which is the number two plan.  First plan is to get all of you remaining persons under programmed control and then wipe out all the re­maining “undesirable” and “bothersome” segments of the popu­lation.  THEY of the Elite decide who is “undesirable”—it will be all who require any as­sistance and/or attention.  THE AC­TIVISM WILL STOP!


Many in the U.S. business health community have charged the Food and Drug Administration is imposing too many time-con­suming restrictions on pharmaceutical companies working on AIDS medication.  Well, I would concur.  Remember—the FDA has three-quarters of its members as Elite functionaries within the Elite ruling body—attached to the controlled Elite pharmaceuti­cal/chemical controlled industries directly owned and operated by the world con­trollers.  It will, further, be through the FDA and other “world” organizations that the mi­crodots will be injected.  Oh my, yes, it WILL work very well.


In addition to the above, insurance companies, already in trou­ble, wonder aloud how they are expected to pay for health care as more and more AIDS cases appear.




Meanwhile, back in the big world, if Africa were not already in enough trouble (for it was delib­erately started in Africa) it is noted that the economy is on the brink of disaster as the shrink­ing supply of workers (due to AIDS) sweeps through the conti­nent much like the plague swept through Europe in medieval times.  They are in an AIDS-induced “recession” which is hav­ing se­rious repercussions on the traditional investment instru­ments like 10-year endowment policies, sections of the property market as well as several sections of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.  This is only demonstrative of the widespread prob­lem.  If nothing else happened in South Africa of negative im­pact, there will be widespread devastation in the country by 1995.


The South African economic community would be forced away from its current use of credit to paying with cash as more money is diverted into disease-related areas later in the decade.  Do you not think Great Britain will benefit nicely and retain holdings of diamonds, chemicals, gold—any and all natural resources—of that dying nation?  A credit society is based on “future earn­ings” and it only makes sense that if future earnings are nil their value will be discounted.


Not only will more have to be spent on treatment and funerals, but the economy will suffer from the reduced productivity of those who suffer.


This reduced productivity will have a far-reaching effect on the economy in the long term.  This is already entered into the eco­nomic projections of the “experts”.


When AIDS reduces worker numbers to the point at which their ability to produce is reduced, earnings will drop and people will have less disposable income.  This will certainly move on to re­duced turnover, a decline in profits and businesses will simply close.


As increases in medical spending on drugs and hospital care be­come more widespread, so will there be less to spend on other things, as in fuel for automobiles, travel, holidays and such.


The AIDS devastation is expected to peak in or before 1996 in South Africa when millions of Blacks and mixed-race people will be affected.  Do you see the point?  The point is that still the disease is aimed at the mixed races and the Blacks.  The in­tent is to “catch” the disease spread before it devastates the “white”  race and administrators of South Africa.


At least 7 million Blacks will die of AIDS by 2000.  The indus­tries in places like Malawi and Zambia (copper)—where the dis­ease is rampant—are falling rapidly already while the affected la­bor market is replaced by less skilled workers.  This will happen all throughout the country.




The lessons for you in America—and elsewhere—from the South African projections are clear, and the dangers are not being faced.  While the public argument on the issues focuses on indi­vidual rights vs public health measures to prevent the spread of the disease, the number of vic­tims will skyrocket and com­pound.  It will eventually overwhelm existing services.


These are facts, friends, and I have nothing to offer.  You will not be allowed to create a “cure” for this disease nor for cancer for it is fully intended that “cures” will become available for all of these “problems” and the intended injections will be consum­mated.  You will be treated to TV whoopla as the President and even Millie, the dog, will have their “shots” to lure all you nice dis­senters into the trap.


Alternatives?  I see none—unless you regain control of your nations and your Constitu­tional laws.  At that point and that point alone, can you demand the lies be uncovered and and anti­dote produced to STOP this LETHAL MARCH ACROSS THE PLANET.  If you do not do this—the planet will be depopulated and the remaining will be programmed zombie workers.




As the Spotlight journal has just finished a full attack upon it by the ADL, perhaps all of you could take a few lessons in TRUTH and CIRCUMSTANCES.  I remind you that these or­ganizations of the Israelis call themselves “Jews” and “Jewish”—that is a LIE for they are to­tally “Zionists”.  That is a political PARTY and is without Godly religious intent.  I trust that all of you will read and reread the portions of the LIBERATOR which outlays the difference.  I ask that my people be reminded to place those documents within the next JOURNAL appropri­ately.  Until you learn the difference you will be the victim of the lie and the dev­astation of the nations.


The following is going to be a copy of an Editorial by Vince Ryan of Spotlight.  I do NOT applaud ALL of the representa­tions made by that Journal for the ranks are infiltrated by adver­saries and it is a tool to mislead you in many instances.  I DO give honor to the truth of all things as given in Eruth and I ex­pect you ones to be discerning as we reprint articles from other publica­tions.  Because we use messages of merit and validity—it does not mean that we give blanket sanction to any Journal.  In this instance, however, there is an excellent presentation of Truth as it applies to the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, an illegally unregis­tered agent of a foreign government—Israel—and their allies.  We, ourselves, are under con­stant and intense at­tack through every known (registered) radio and televi­sion station in the nation—to keep us OFF THE AIRWAVES.  I believe it a most worthy project for the newly unified CONSTITU­TIONAL LAW CENTER to take under case law.  I herein ask that you pay attention to the following:





This year marks the 200th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.


Of paramount interest to those of us in the media is the First Amendment, which unequivo­cally guarantees to all the right of free speech and the right to freedom of the press.


Over the months I have warned in this column if we do not exercise those rights we will lose them.  I also have noted there are powerful forces afoot that want to make these rights selec­tive.  They wish to guarantee these rights only to those with whom they agree.  I have called these people “freedom of press and speech but...” advocates.


Specifically I am referring to the Anti-Defamation League (Zionist) of B’nai B’rith, an ille­gally unregistered agent of a for­eign government—Israel—and their allies.


Their tack has been to label anyone who dares to present facts challenging the orthodox view of the holocaust as “anti-Semitic”, a very difficult smear to shake off.


In this column for October 7 I wrote: “Over the years the Zionist argument for reparations has shifted from one based on general oppression to one based on the holocaust, an event never clearly defined.  At one moment it can mean the Jews who died during World War II or refer to the persecution of them for the last 2,000 years.


“If you try to argue the cause on its merits you can’t because Zionist or holocaust advo­cates don’t care to confront facts.  They prefer to smear you (`anti-Semitic’) or attack your First Amendment rights to freedom of speech or press as in the case with The Spotlight.”




In the recent suit brought by one Mel Mermelstein against Liberty Lobby and dismissed by the judge, Mermelstein attorney Lawrence Heller argued “public policy” is more important than the First Amendment.


And because public policy falls on the side of the professional holocaust advocates, he ar­gued, there should be no disputing the orthodox account of the holocaust.


Yes, Heller suggested the First Amendment doesn’t mean what it says and in effect counts for nothing.


In the same column for October 7 I also wrote, “Every one of us who pays taxes should know more about the role the holo­caust plays in what we shell out to support our burgeoning fed­eral government.”


I developed the position that in this instance the story of the holocaust, often unclearly de­fined, is used to garner billions of American dollars to support Israel.  And during the 43 years of its existence, “Israel has cost the U.S. taxpayers $53 billion, and this does not include the untold billions in private aid, nor the billions Israel receives in reparations from Germany and other Eu­ropean countries, nor the billions of investments in Israeli bonds by municipalities, states, labor unions, universities and savings and loan institutions.”


Now a reader has sent me a clipping from the Australian JEWISH NEWS of September 27 (1991), in which Jeremy Jones, secretary of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry and Syd­ney (Australia) director of Australia/Israel publications, has asked the Australian Law Re­form Commission to make de­nial of the orthodox version of the holocaust a “hate crime”.


Said Jones: “One of the most insidious and evil forms of anti-Jewish racism is the claim that the holocaust never occurred and that the `Christian West’ has been the victim of moral black­mail and financial extortion.”




For those of you who thought we made some pretty far-out charges, read that again.  Thank you, Mr. Jones, for proving my point.  Yes, Americans do have a stake in the holo­caust.


Such denial is already illegal in France, Germany, England and probably other European na­tions, and in Canada and the Soviet Union.  [H: An excellent example of a lie being “voted in” whether or not it is validly present.  Well, the holocaust DID NOT HAPPEN AS THE ZION­ISTS TELL YOU AND WE MUST TAKE IT UP NOW—BEFORE YOU ALLOW IT TO BE “VOTED OUT” AND YOU ARE SUCKERED IN AMERICA TOO.  WE WILL GET ONTO IT RIGHT AWAY.]


But none of those countries has our Bill of Rights and its unique First Amendment placed there by shrewd Founding Fa­thers who understood tyranny and oppression.


And so revisionists scholars in the United States and journal­ists and media people who be­lieve in a free press enjoy a right found in no other country.


Scholars in the United States have paid dearly for exercising that right.  Many people have been threatened with death and beatings.  On July 4, 1984, the Institute for Historical Review, a California-based think tank of internationally renowned schol­ars, was burnt to the ground for their pioneering work in honest scholarship.


Liberty Lobby and the SPOTLIGHT have never feared the truth.  We will continue to re­port legitimate news, no matter how controversial.


You must use your rights of free speech, too.  Speak out.  But have the facts.  Use the am­munition we give you, and your voice will be heard.


Remember, your influence counts.  Use it.



I only wish to add that, in this instance, I am grateful to the ADL for their service.  As ones work in the public interest for a very long time it is hard to keep separate from the vampires who suck your blood.  The paper will be far better off for having had this happen.  However, it is mostly a “front” attack to hide fur­ther facts regarding the publication.  I can only caution all of you read­ers to be discerning in each thing you take within—just because it is “printed” and “published” does not mean a thing is truth nor full-truth.  I ask that you read all of our publications with the same discernment—in light of Constitutionality and Truth.  God’s TRUTH will stand into infinity and if there be a lie—it will bear a sign.





At first reading you may not see any connection with the above printing.  Do not hasten to sepa­rate these incidences of the mas­sacres and the holocaust as presented or “not” presented to the public.  The Khazarian Zionists were completely entangled in the Soviet massacres—having been the leading faction involved—by whatever label you wish to identify them.


What am I talking about?  Murder!  Of some 14,920 Polish prisoners of war, the great major­ity of them officers, captured by the Soviets after the USSR invaded Poland in September of 1939, and held in three camps—Starbielsk, Kozielsk and Os­tashkov—ONLY 448 WERE EVER AGAIN SEEN ALIVE.  The bodies of 4,143 (a total later found to be 4,253) were found buried at Katyn on the Russia-Byelorussia border.  All of the victims were former inmates of the Koxz­ielsk camp.  Note that spellings of various place names in the USSR varies in transla­tion from the Russian; for instance Gnezdovo/Gniezdovo.  Bear with us as we speak of these places and incidents which were kept from you for these long decades.


You must be coming into understanding of the massive world-wide cover-ups put upon the world citi­zenry.  You cannot stand against an enemy until you KNOW YOUR ENEMY.


I shall again simply ask Dharma to reprint a review of a book by one, Allen Paul.  It is avail­able from Liberty Library, $26.95 postpaid, 300 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, D.C. 20003.


I do caution—AGAIN—that you read with discernment for the white-wash will flow like syrup over the Zionist involvement.  I only wish that you would attend the size of the cover-up of such massive murder.  Note, also, that Liberty Library selects only books which tell half-truths re­garding the Is­raeli involvements—before or after stealing the land from Palestine for “Israel”.  You are going to find that the segment of Soviet (Khazarian) Zionists are behind almost every known heinous and massive massacre and terrorist thrust.




In early 1940, after the near-simultaneous assault upon Poland by the Soviets and the Ger­mans, all but a few hundred of the 15,000 Polish officers taken prisoner by the USSR, the cream of Poland’s intelligentsia, disappeared.


When, two years later, after the Soviets and the Germans had begun warring on each other, and the  Smolensk region (which had been under Soviet occupation) was overrun by the German troops, the bodies of approximately 4,300 of these officers were found buried in Katyn Forest, just west of Gnezdovo, which in turn is just west of Smolensk.  This forest is approximately 7 or 8 miles west of Smolensk.


Look for Katyn in your atlas if you like, but most maps of this area are very inaccurate.  (For example, the National Geo­graphic atlas shows Smolensk, as all maps do, but not Gnez­dovo or Katyn.)  The precise murder site within the forest was a spot called Goat’s Hill (Kosy Gory or Kosygori), where the Soviet secret police, then designated as the NKVD, had a dacha.  The bodies were buried in eight mass graves.


Of the 4,143 bodies originally exhumed by the Germans, 2,914 were identified as to name.  All the others were identifi­able by rank.  The bodies included three generals (Bronislaw Bo­hatyrewicz or Bohaterewicz, H. Minkiewicz, Mieczyslaw Smorawinski) and one rear admiral (K. Czernicki).


There were also approximately 100 colonels and lieutenant colonels, 300 majors.  1,000 cap­tains, 2,500 lieutenants and more than 500 cadet officers.


Without exception, all the victims whose bodies were found in the Katyn graves had been shot in the back of the head.  About 5 percent of the victims were found with their hands tied behind their backs with rope.  The rope, precut to even lengths, was of Soviet manufacture, ac­cording to the findings of an in­ternational medical commission which investigated the scene of this war crime of the century in 1943. [H: Your own U.S. troops just surpassed this “crime of the century” by burying alive over 12,000 Iraqi troops in trenches in your so-called Desert Storm protecting “human rights”.]


In addition, a few soldiers’ jaws were smashed by blows or the soldiers had received bayo­net wounds in the back and/or stomach.


A number of “other Katyns” have turned up, but the original Katyn remains the most notori­ous and symbolic of these NKVD mass murder sites.




When the bodies were first unearthed, the Katyn Forest case was the greatest whodunnit in history.  The Soviet response to the German exposure of the NKVD’s mass murder was to claim the Germans had done it, in 1941.  For decades, the U.S. State Department went along with the Soviet lie.  [H: Still believe there is NO POSSIBILITY there is error in the so-called Holo­caust?]


Winston Churchill said of Katyn, “The issue should be avoided.”


A former Democratic governor of Pennsylvania, George H. Earle, while serving as Presi­dent Franklin Roosevelt’s special emissary in Turkey, came into possession of documents proving So­viet guilt in the gruesome mass murder.


Earle informed Roosevelt of what he had found and was promptly separated from his job and exiled to a Navy post in faraway Samoa.  When he asked permission to publish the docu­ments, FDR refused because it would be “a great betrayal of an ally”.  Earle remained in Samoa until Roosevelt died.  After­ ward he was recalled to Washington, where the Navy’s chief of per­sonnel apologized for his transfer and assured him the deci­sion to send him to Samoa was not the Navy’s.





Katyn: The Untold Story by Allen Paul is an Establishment book.  There are certain as­pects of the massacre the author can­not or will not probe.  He will not tell you, in particular, of the ethnic identities of the suspected murderers.  (Paul only names two or three of the cul­prits, although much longer lists, though still incomplete, are available.)  Readers seeking evi­dence this was a crime of racial hate against non-Jews will not find it here.  Nor does Paul go into the motive, other than to say it mystifies him.  [H: See what I mean?!]


And, to maintain the author’s standing in the Establish­ment, he makes the obligatory courtesies to the holocaust, so-called.


In defense of Paul’s treatment of the subject, it should be noted he focuses on the vic­tims rather than the killers.




Unlike the previous book of the same name (Katyn), up to now out of print, by revisionist scholar Louis FitzGibbon, this work lacks photos but does have an index.  For those with sensi­tive stomachs, the omission of grisly photos is a plus—but pro­tects the guilty.


Don’t be surprised if you find it impossible to set down Paul’s book after starting to read it.  It is grippingly written, and reads like a novel.  Paul traces the personal experiences of the Czarneks, the Hoffmans and the Pawulskis—three families who lost loved ones at Katyn and en­dured Soviet occupation.  He brings history to life in forceful and poignant detail.


For those who can read between the lines, an unsung hero of the tome is Roman Dmowski, leader of the national Democratic party, who advocated a “Poland for the Polish people”.  Natu­rally he receives only a few lines of mention, but that is better than you are likely to find in an Establishment encyclopedia where this patriot is relegated to the memory hole.  Dmowski’s ideas have yet to be implemented.


Works on Katyn are particularly timely now, since the USSR has finally admitted its guilt in the mass murder only recently.


However, the question remains: Will these genocide perpe­trators, these war criminals (those of them who are still alive) be brought to justice?  Will the U.S. Office of Special In­vestigations participate in a global dragnet to catch the culprits? And if not, why not?




I think you should study the above most carefully.  I did not write the review and in this time of “Establish ment” blast of lies, I would hope you can read the intent.  Of course there will be no investigation by Special Forces for the Special groups are controlled wholly by the Zionists, as is your Congress.  Worse, the intent is to place the blame on the Russians (as opposed to Khazar­ian Soviets) as would be obvious to any historian of the area involved.


I am sorry, precious friends, for these disclosures of insane pro­portions—but you must come into knowledge or you will fall as surely as night follows day.  You cannot fix a thing until you find wherein it is broken.  So be it.


Enough for this segment.  Thank you.  Hatonn to clear.

 Jan. 14, 2011