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FRI., NOVEMBER 1, 1991   9:25 A.M.   YEAR 5, DAY 077




With so many topics needing outlay I am a bit at a loss as to how to present it all to you.  Each topic seems as important as that of another and background appears even more pertinent but we will simply do the best we can.  I feel I must reprint an arti­cle of which YOU MUST TAKE FULL ATTENTION.  The world is not large any longer, chelas—Africa is instantly in your living room, for instance.  You get no actual truth from the me­dia and/or press and what happens in that arena impacts you very greatly.




Claims and discounting are pouring forth—if you stay alert you don’t even have to read the book to see the farce involved.  Watch WHO says WHAT!


The National Security “experts” are diligently downplaying Oliver’s new book.  Robert McFar­lane, Former Reagan aide, dismisses North’s claim that a few more days of bargaining in Tehran in 1986 might have freed all U.S. hostages as “a stupid idea” and thinks Iran may have duped North into making the trip.  A top Bush official says North’s assertions are aimed at selling books.  Yes, and taking more “credit” than deserved for his infamous “superman” roles.  Come now—this was a Lt. Colonel who hardly could wipe his own nose, chelas.  He was the “fall guy” who was paid off to take that fall and the one who could testify was mur­dered—that was Bill Casey.  Instant brain tumor it was called!  The cover-up and the present cloud-bank of half and whole-lies is without “reasonable” credibility.  What you had best pay attention to is the mum­blings of the under-cover “pushers” to run the treasonist for President.  He has sold out so it is obvious that he would be an excellent puppet for the job.  Also note WHO is pushing it!  The ADL, WZO, AJL—right with Solarz.  “Heroism” just seems to have no bounds in America.  You don’t seem to recognize the criminals when you have one do the act right under your noses.


Well, there is always an “Achilles’ heel” in every dark intent—and it just might be that Ross Perot and his “proof” of the North lie is the first one.  If you cannot see that Oliver North is a pup­pet, then this nation is in worse trouble than I suspected.  LOOK at the man portrayed on TV and in the pictures in the press—then go look at the man as he testified, etc.  You MUST learn to rec­ognize that which is ammunition against you!




Take a deep breath and then hold it for a minute because this one is going to be more impor­tant than you can imagine: A Po­lice Corps provision in the crime bill to provide scholarships for col­lege students who agree to serve four years in a police force is getting great support and a lot of rhetoric.  This would put $800 million available to TRAIN SPECIAL FORCES!




I guess I need to help my people put another 2 + 2 together here, if you will be patient a mo­ment.


I want you ones to remember that you have found out quite ac­cidentally that Salomon is named as being involved in the title “rights” to this Ekker property case.  Please bear with me while I re­cite some facts to you and see if you can’t begin to add those numbers.  A headline in the Fri­day, Oct. 25 issue of the WALL STREET JOURNAL went something like the following: “Salomon said its profits from eight Treasury auctions in which it submitted bogus bids totaled no more than $19.7 million, much less than thought...”  I don’t have the story at hand and it matters not in any way regarding the whole story.  If they have bogus Treasury auctions does it not BECOME MORE THAN REASONABLE THAT THEY WOULD HAVE MULTI­TUDES OF BOGUS PROPERTY AUCTIONS TO WHICH NOT EVEN AN AUCTIONEER WOULD GO?  The assump­tion of “potential bidders” would simply be that the property had been “settled” so no one would be able to push the issue.  Worse, it would be impossible to discover “how many” such sales were never made!  This is one of the largest scam opera­tions and no one can ever seem to hang on long enough to un­cover the culprits.  Well, I suggest that we may have begun to un­cover the bugs ‘neath the rocks.


I think you might also note that “Salomon had to withdraw $110 million THE SECURITIES FIRM HAD EARMARKED FOR STAFF BONUSES.”—(Surely there would be no bonuses when a company is in trouble.)


By the way, the technicality utilized by Steven Horn regarding the four “witnesses” who at­tended the first court session which did not take place because of collusion—were “technically” wit­nesses for Larry Mitchell.  Of course Santa Barbara Savings and Loan Association (Association) in­tended to use them if it should become necessary—since they are the ones who said they were present and NOT Mr. Mitchell—but, technically, Horn can con­tinue to say that the Association only had TWO witnesses pre­sent—and has done so time after time, making a big issue of it to boot.  I suggest you allow no moss to grow on the matter—like get on it NOW or you will find it forever used AGAINST you as some sort of laughable “nuts”.




“SEROTONIN YIELDS REMEDIES INCLUDING ONE TO TREAT MIGRAINES.”  Nice headline?  “Its a gold-mine,” “ is predicted to be a billion-dollar-a-year holding,” says ones such as Theresa Branchek, a pharmaceutical scientist at Neurogenetic Corp., Paramus, N.J.  Sound good?  I think I will tell you how it REALLY is.  This drug, Imigran, is being re­leased by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  Now who do you suppose constitutes the FDA?  Over three-quarters of the FDA are from the major drug houses owned and operated by the Elite Banksters.  Go back and read the names of the Drug Com­panies from Europe who are totally controlled and operated by the Elite and get sick—or wait until the drugs kill you to get sick—take your pick.

Oh, but this little company is called “Glaxo Holding PLC”, not Schiff, etc., you might say.  No, this “little company” is num­ber-two drug maker, right behind Merck & Co.  They plan, further, to soon release and “exploit a mother lode of potential drugs...for depression, anxi­ety, memory loss, eating disorders, impotence, substance abuse, addictions and schizophre­nia.”


What you are witnessing is the Elite closing in on total mind-control through drugs which are nicely approved and will turn the population into zombies.


Dear ones, if you refuse to “see”, I can’t help you—you must wake up before they put you to sleep forever.




See how this little reality sits with you dear ones who think the economy is in recovery: “OLYMPIA & YORK FINDS THAT IT ISN’T IMMUNE TO REAL-ESTATE CRUNCH; Value of the Firm’s Holdings Falls as It Struggles to Fill Its Many Office Towers.”  Who is this company?  It is THE WORLD’S PRE­MIER REAL-ESTATE COMPANY!


Let me just reprint here briefly: “...Its $550 million mortgage on a lower Manhattan property was coming due to Japan’s Sanwa Bank, but no bank in sight would refinance the loan, given New York’s depressed market.  A default would send shock waves through Olympia & York’s multibil­lion-dollar global em­pire of real estate, energy and newsprint companies.  So the com­pany’s owners, the Reichmann brothers of Toronto, turned back to Sanwa in near desperation and, after tense ne­gotiations, cut a deal: O&Y would pay Sanwa about $200 million—using up precious capital—and Sanwa would give the company more time

to refinance the rest of the mortgage.  The Reichmanns had bought some breathing room.


“But not for long.  For like the man in the circus who catches cannon balls in his stomach for a liv­ing, the much-admired O&Y has lately taken one body blow after another—and more are on the way.  Already, the market value of the private company’s stock portfolio has dropped more than $1 billion in 12 months.  A third of its New York staff has been laid off.  Its two major non-real-estate industries, energy and newsprint, are depressed.  A major O&Y investment in Campeau Corp. [Yes, indeedy, you recognize that name!] has proved disastrous, and many of its stock plays, in compa­nies such as Santa Fe Pacific, have been unprofitable....”






Here is a dandy: “A U.N. panel has decided that the Baghdad government will have to compen­sate Gulf War victims for men­tal pain and anguish caused by Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, diplo­mats in Geneva said.  Among those who were singled out for compensation are the hostages that the Iraqis held as `human shields’.....”  Funny thing, I see no mention about compensation to any of the family members of the 12,000 men the U.S. troops BURIED IN TRENCHES (ALIVE).  Nor do I see any compen­sation for anyone bombed out in a civilian survival shelter.  I do not even see any compensation allowed for the Palestinians and Jews slain at the hands of the Kuwaiti Emir AFTER the rein­statement of him to his royal pink palace throne and 80 wives.  I suppose it must seem appropriate to some readers—but it is cer­tainly elusive to me.




“Anti-government protesters barricaded streets in Zaire’s capital and clashed with the soldiers who fired into the air to disperse the crowd.  The violence in Kinshasa came as opposition par­ties refused to accept President Mobutu’s new choice for prime minister, and appealed for the reappointment of a leading oppo­sition leader to that post.”


“The African National Congress urged the South African gov­ernment to reopen investigations into the deaths of more than 80 anti-apartheid activists in police custody from 1963 to 1990.  The opposition group said many deaths had been `disingenuously’ ascribed to ailments or ac­cidents.”  Now who is kidding who?  Please pay attention to the following:





New York, July 23, 1991 (see, already four months old).  I ask that this writing immediately be sent to our brothers in South Africa—immediately.




Western delegations to the United Nations are expressing in­credulity and shock over publi­cation by the Carnegie Endow­ment for International Peace of a battle plan mapping out a U.N. invasion of South Africa.


Titled “Apartheid and United Nations Collective Measures”, the 170-page book sets out in elabo­rate detail military measures to be taken by ground troops and naval and air units.  Casu­alties are carefully estimated.


A total of 93,000 ground troops with support from air and sea would cost $94,137,000 for a 30-day blitzkrieg, it was esti­mated.  The idea would be to bring the government to heel for its apartheid (racial separation) policy and turn the country over to non-whites.




Carnegie’s document raised eyebrows of U.N. diplomats be­cause the source is a tax exempt foundation supposedly dedi­cated to peace as opposed to war.  It appeared at a time when the United States is being urged to forget all about the refusal of the Soviet Union, France and oth­ers to pay for U.N. peace­keeping ventures.

The battle blueprint, it was noted, flies in the face of a U.N. Charter provision prohibiting the international organization from taking action in matters “essentially within the domestic jurisdic­tion” of any country.


The volume has been circulated among all 114 member country missions here.  According to re­liable sources, it carries the ap­proval of U Thant of Burma, U.N. former Secretary General, and Alex Quaison Sackey of Ghana, General Assembly Presi­dent.




Quaison-Sackey recently launched a violent attack upon South Africa at the University of Cali­fornia where he received an hon­orary degree.  Earlier he opposed the joint United States-Bel­gian-British air lift rescue of white hostages from the Congo.


A foreword to the book by Joseph E. Johnson, endowment president, asserted that the reason for its printing was the “explosive situation” and “the impact that situation may have on the prospects for peace and on the future of the U.N.”


“Only two things are certain—that trouble is coming, and that when it comes it will have immedi­ate repercussions in the U.N.,” he wrote.


Johnson said that, while no policy recommendations were made, the endowment’s analysis “would have certain implications”.




Ambassador Matthys I. Botha, South Africa’s permanent rep­

resentative to the U.N., de­nied trouble was brewing in his country.


“Why all this agitation?” he asked.  “The fact is that economic and social stability exists in the country.  There is prosperity and peace.  South Africa has been built by the whites into the in­dustrial giant of the continent.  The per capita income of the nonwhites far exceeds that of any other country in Africa.”


The endowment call to arms was edited by Amelia C. Leiss, a member of the foundation staff.


Contributors included Vernon McKay, Director of the pro­gram of African Studies at the Johns Hopkins School of Ad­vanced International Studies and a State Department adviser.  William O. Brown, professor of sociology and Director of the African Studies Center, Boston University, and William A. Hance, Chairman of the Department of Geography of Columbia Uni­versity.




Although the book was printed by the foundation, a footnote said, “The findings and conclu­sions are those of the authors and do not purport to represent the views of the Carnegie en­dowment, its trustees or officers.”  [AND IF YOU BELIEVE THIS YOU ARE IN PRETTY BAD SHAPE!]


The authors say a way of forcing South Africa to obey the U.N. would be by a “show of force” to persuade “the South African government and people of the seriousness of the U.N.’s intent and of the resolve and determination of its members.  Given South Africa’s long coast line and its vulnerability to air attack it would seem most logical that a U.N. show of force would be primarily a naval and air operation,” the authors went on.  “These forces also have the advan­tage of being readily ob­servable.”


“The psychological impact of such an operation might be even greater if there were well publicized incorporation of some ground units in these forces—implying the possibility of an in­tention to go beyond a blockade if necessary.”




A six-month’s naval and air blockade would cost approxi­mately $185,672,000, it was said.


Turning to direct military intervention, the book said a ground force of 93,000 was well within the capability of some lesser military powers but that one big power might have to be re­cruited for the final showdown.  Russia, which has been at­tempting to gain a toehold in the Congo and elsewhere in Africa, would presumably eagerly volunteer for the role.


The United States in the past has opposed military and eco­nomic sanctions.  Last year Washington cut off sales of weaponry to South Africa and a protest against apartheid and the British followed suit.


Voluntary economic sanctions against the country have flopped.  South Africa’s trade and prosperity have flourished.


The invasion blue printers said their estimates were based on World War II, the Korean con­flict, the U.N. venture into the Congo, the Bay of Pigs fiasco against Fidel Castro’s com­munist citadel in Cuba, and other sources.  END QUOTING.


For me to do justice to this insanity is too time consuming and assumes you don’t understand what it says.  Let me just point out that any time you have an American “foundation” footing the bill for anything—beware.  They are in cahoots with the British who fully intend to retain the na­tion of Africa for the wealth within and, further, they plan to take out the blacks.  Re­member, world—it was in South Africa that AIDS was deliber­ately introduced and now there are two ad­ditional “lethal” dis­eases loosed on the people in experiments.  The United Nations is simply a tool of the Elite and NOTHING GOOD COULD OR WOULD COME FROM ANYTHING SET FORTH BY THESE TRAITORS AND CONSPIRATORS.

Precious ones in South Africa, I am sorry, for my heart cries out at the madness of evil intent.  Hold strong for we must take the first steps where it can later bring the most impact—where freedom can still be reclaimed to some extent.  It is from this sector that the reversal of intent must be made and then the Elite will be shown for that which they are.  What you have is “a world imprisoned”.  Effort not to despair for help is coming.



You who still want to dwell on the “October Surprise” as relates to the holding of hostages in Iran in order to get Reagan elected—had better be looking at other surprises you haven’t had “leaked” to you yet.


Forget, if you will for a minute, that a man called “Gunther” flew Bush from the Paris meet­ing in the super-swift “Blackbird”.  I am “leaking” it that Mr. Bush was also flown secretly to Moscow to meet with Gorbachev and confirm the “deal” and “rules” of the Gulf War—just as it began.  The entire thing was set-up and orchestrated right according to the blueprints.


You ones don’t seem to understand the technology abounding about your place—which will, by the way, be used to make you think space aliens have invaded.  That cute little spy plane in point can travel at least triple to quadruple the speed given you-the-public.  It moves quite ef­ficiently at extremely high altitudes at several times the speed of sound.  This is the little plane which has been “retired”? and a copy of same put into a mu­seum!  If you don’t wish to believe Hatonn’s prior writings or this one—just stick around for a while!


I don’t want to leave out you “tax” interested people.  If you don’t pay attention you will miss a big one.




Don’t miss the hidden “between the lines” in this one: “IRS No­tice 940, `Por Que Debo Entre­garie Una Forma W-4 A Mi Em­pleador? (Why Do I Have to Give My Employer a Form W-4?),’ explains tax withholding in Spanish....The IRS’s retiring deputy commissioner, Michael Mur­phy, IS TO BECOME EX­ECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE TAX EXECUTIVES INSTI­TUTE—A CORPORATE GROUP.”


Number one: The requirement of a W-4 is unlawful.

Number two: The IRS is already a private corporation and not a Federal agency, so what is this NEW ‘Tax Executives Insti­tute’?




A couple of last-minute items and then I will give you all a break: “Time-Warner agreed to sell for $1 billion a 12.5% stake in its cable, HBO and film businesses to Toshiba and C. Itoh of Japan.  The media giant plans to make more such arrangements.....”


Pay attention to these things because it tells much.  It says openly and loudly that the Elite have capitulation for control of the media—even extended to the Japanese interests—remember, Japan is a mighty member of the Trilateral Commission and,


“Mitsubishi Motors bought for $99.8 million Chrysler’s 50% stake in their Diamond-Star U.S. auto factory.”


Does this sound like “economy recovery” in the U.S. to you?




Didn’t it?  What about a near seven point earthquake in Japan?  What about an “airquake” that rattled all of Southern California and was unaccountable for it was NOT an “earthquake”?  I sug­gest you ones might be missing a few things which the news­makers desire that you NOT have!


No, I am not going to write about “Halloween” happenings to­day—as long as you continue to support EVIL, you will be ab­sorbed by the EVIL—I hope the dental bill does not outweigh the “fun” of being reflections of satanic entities.  Some things will never recover from the things of yesterday—are the lives and property worth all this “fun”?  So be it. 


 Feb. 11, 2011