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THE PHOENIX JOURNALS: Featuring Phoenix Journal #89 'FOCUS OF DEMONS (REAL GREMLINS IN THE WORKS)' and Phoenix Journal # 44 ' TANGLED WEBS 'GOTCHA' --AGAIN, Vol. II '


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*Phoenix Journal 89

If you do not know your enemy--how shall you prevail against him?  The controllers deceive and confound your consciousness as you struggle in confusion.  KNOW the players, the gremlins in the committees, and recognize that they actually be "few" but have gained great and evil POWER to control and enslave--to take man's freedom and trake his soul.  When you KNOW the players the game-board becomes a finite focus and ceases to be the all-encompassing demonic possession it appears to be.  In that KNOWING--LIES THE HOPE OF TOMORROW IN CHANGE FROM THE MARCH TO DOOM INTO THE DESTIHY OF RADIENCE.  "Give me liberty or give me death?...No----may we have strength to LIVE that we might TAKE BACK OUR LIBERTY!!  This is no longer some kind of Greek or American or Russian "tragedy" on the stage--it is a WORLD TRAGEDY under way and under the direction of the few would-be Kings of destiny.  May you come to see and hear that you may find TRUTH !



By Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
  222 Pages (124)

“If you do not know your enemy—how shall you prevail against him?” --HATONN.

You can witness as you go through these journals that the weakness, and the strength, of any society is dependent upon the level and quality of its spiritual life. You can have great industrial wealth and much abundance but you have NOTHING without that which is moral and Spiritually sound. Your WORLD, not just a nation here and there, has become buried in the LIE and Spiritual TRUTH is buried around the corners of the graveyard of a dying moral civilization. All the signs of a perishing civilization are at hand--visible and rolling upon you as a tidal wave washing all that WAS in goodness into the ocean of forgetfulness. It is the awakening which now brings the growing pangs, the heart wrenching pains of hopelessness--but readers, GOD is infinite--only the perception of TIME holds you bound to that which is projected in prophecy or revelation. This too is tampered so that you EXPECT destruction without capable recourse. Within GOD all things ARE--and all is POSSIBLE. Change your minds and you can change the entirety of the world. You who choose to follow Satan's Drummers--are destined to end up in Satan's chaos. Follow GOD and TRUTH and you shall cease to march in the band of human deception or in the army of the incarcerators.

Some important topics included are: Controversy over Louis Farrakhan - ADL corks popping - Zhirinovsky--mad dictator or man of peace? Aleksei's. proof of identity - Aleksei's information accurate - South Africa warning - LIGHT AND MIND - Conspirator's Hierarchy "300" cont'd - Vince Foster--Clinton's cocaine connection?? - Hate Japan campaign - Control by "sanction" - Meditation & Yoga - Space age technology and our money system - The Michael Benn story - Mother Teresa. (Index Included)

Phoenix Jouranl 89
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Phoenix Journal 44



Just as with disease--to avoid contact you must either

disperse the disease OR you must learn to protect yourself

from the contagion. Either way- YOU MUST KNOW THE CAUSE.

By Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn-Aton
  168 Pages (104)

While most of the leaders of the world are telling you they are working on the "peace process" the Committee of 300 are closing down businesses by the 100's of thousands, creating and spreading highly virulent diseases, feeding and spreading addictions of all types, bombarding the world with frequency waves that are highly dangerous to your mental and physical being, carrying out warfare with highly technical means without the average person having any suspicion of what is truly going on, blackmailing the leaders of the world into doing anything they request, setting up concentration camps (even in this country) for those who they desire to keep alive for a while, pulling out all stops to destroy any recourse we may have in claiming Constitutional rights, using the CIA and other intelligence services around the world (working together) to protect themselves and take all freedom and property from all except themselves and to accomplish their goal of KILLING OFF A MINIMUM OF 3 BILLION PEOPLE BY THE YEAR 2000.

This book stresses the role of the secret services of the world and especially the CIA in the process of accomplishing the above goals.

Hatonn also keeps us updated on what is going on in our election of a president process and all other important world events.

Some topics covered are: The History And Data Of The CIA—Oliver Stone And JFK—Clandestine Mentality—Stanford Research Institute And Cold Fusion—Bush October Surprise—Plans For New York City—The Goal Of Global Control—British Intelligence real Head Of U.S. Intelligence—The CIA And The Intelligence Community—The Science And Technology Directorate—Concentration Camp Earth—The Importance Of Knowledge

Phoenix Jouranl 44
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Jan. 19, 2011