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Phoenix Journal 105

Your nation is in such peril as to cause trembling in the knowing of how close you are to the pit's brink.  If the facts have not come to your attention yet, I suggest you take this journal and read, at the least, the FOREWORD and carefully study the Presidential "Executive Orders" now IN FORCE in the United States and all of America.  Then I suggest you get aboard the Freedom Train in consideration of re-estabishing the CONSTITUTION by peaceful and AWFUL means.


By Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn

211 Pages (115)

One of the most important topics today--as regards YOU--is in-formation which deals with EXECUTIVE ORDERS and a warning: Wake Up--Freedom is not Free!

You cannot hear it often enough, citizens, because it is obvious by actions and continual tightening of consolidating additional Executive Orders (E.O.s) without any voting, recognition or public access that you are "had" and it is intended that you never KNOW or be able to act against this treason. You CANNOT be exposed too often nor too strongly!

Executive orders are laws established by United States Presidents. These laws are not passed by the Congress or the Senate, and create an end-run around the Constitution. These laws be-gin as Executive Orders which are simply printed in the Federal Register. After thirty days these orders become law and carry the full impact of any law passed by the United States Congress. These laws are UNCONSTITUTIONAL because THE CONSTITUTION DOES NOT AFFORD ANY PERSON THE RIGHT TO CREATE LAWS BY HIMSELF THAT NEGATES THE CONSTITUTION.

Some topics covered are: Executive orders—Protocols of Zion—The European Parliament—More From The Usurpers—The Schemers Such As Abe Fortas And Others—Will The REAL Clinton Stand Up?—Seven Years From August 17, 1987—Black Helicopters—Mexico Retaliates For NAFTA Invasion—Background Check On Ronn Jackson—Chelation Fights Heart Disease—Cosmos To Treasurygate—Gold Certificate History Lesson—Grandma—Flesh Eating Bacteria—Wholesale Elimination Of Populations—Religions Kill Off Religions—Update On Ray Renick—A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste—Jackie Kennedy’s Gold Certificate—Help The Hopi Nation—THE COMMITTEE OF 17 LIST. (Index Included)

Phoenix Jouranl 105
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Phoenix Journal 86

As you read the pages, especially the "Introduction", you are urged to ponder carefully the circumstances of your world and your SELF.  More garbage is being flung against the teachers from God and the bringers forth of the words of instruction and guidance.  You are moving rapidly into a time of chaos just as all your prophecies of all time have presented.  The enemy is at your door even as your "lifeboat" awaits.  How many of you will choose to WAIT for decisions until there are no more "saviors"?  Each will choose for there will be no "snatch-up" of evil into glory---no paid-for "trips" to anywhere of God and, as in the places of physical---YOU WILL DO IT!  No one, not MAN nor GOD, will do it for you.


By Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
  221 Pages (124)

As the "front" heats up in confusion and time for "takeover" of the New World Order I wish to offer thanks and appreciation to those who work diligently and unendingly to PROVE MY PRESENCE. I specifically wish to take note and offer appreciation to ones, Col. James "Bo" Gritz, George Green, Gary Anderson (known under so many names as to be unable to list appropriate or current label), and all those participating in their nest of co-workers.

Mr. Green, for instance, gains ability to lie and have the courts back him up by his unending stream of "connections" (such as: "Ask Bo Gritz," and, "I'm just an 'agent' smoking out these cult operators..." etc.). Gary Anderson goes forth with their costly and DANGEROUS plan for sucking you nice people into "trusts" which will be confiscated and a full-out effort to see to it that you "patriots" do all the right things TO GET YOU DEADED IN THE UPCOMING CLOSE-DOWN OF YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.

Do not think for one minute that I am "against" these goodly teachers for they serve the most impressive jobs on the globe--that of disinformation, deceit and legal manipulation which ex-presses the very epitome of that which has GONE WRONG in your nation and world--AND PERSONAL VALUES.

Some very important topics covered in this JOURNAL are: Update on George Green and the above gang - An Illinois suit against FEMA - Russians "feeling their oats" - Patience vs. inaction - YOU must decide as a nation do we live or die. Paul Wilcher's letter to Janet Reno - WEAN'S DYNAMITE EXPOSE - Serious earthquakes ahead - Judge Smith guilty of jury tampering - New World Order targets Calif. first - The missing gold from Fort Knox. (Index Included)

Phoenix Jouranl 86
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