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THE PHOENIX JOURNALS: Featuring Journal #74 ' MYSTERIES OF RADIANCE UNFOLDED' and Journal #95 'HEAVE-UP (Phase One)


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*Phoenix Journal 74

In the wondrous manifestatoin of physical expression comes the need to "finally" understand that which IS and that which you ARE.  It is the coming into knowing of the truth of your expression and the ability of your manifestation which allows the passage on to higher and greater expression and experience.  May you walk ever in LIGHT for therein is ALL.


By Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn

225 Pages (124)

Truth is Truth is Truth--and ALL is LIGHT. YOU and YOU and YOU ARE the manifested thought focus of GOD who is LIGHT! Through eons of "teachings" God ends up presented as some "white" being. No--GOD IS LIGHT which is ALL colors becoming ONE. If there was not present the red-bronze of the Native, the brown-bronze of the "Black", the golden hue of the Oriental and the blue-pale shades of other spectrum colors of the "White" and thus and so--there would he missing in the WHOLE. NOTHING is missing from the "whole" and therefore ALL are a part of the ONE Creator source--SPIRIT--GOD!

How that ONE CONGLOMERATE fits into all other expression as YOU PERCEIVE it to be is the MYSTERY OF THE AGES AND THE UNIVERSE. In explaining it in such a way that can he understood by an unenlightened but awakening civilization of human expression--it is difficult indeed to start at void-point and reach apex of the WHOLE without being able to utilize that which you MIGHT understand. CAN we do it? Of course.

Some of the many important topics covered are. What is CREATION AND WHAT IS CREATOR? Who Are You? What Are You? What Is Your Journey and purpose? The Eighteenth Dynasty in Egypt - "Matter" is wave--"Matter" is light. All light particles are alike. The "Photon Belt" - The body is a light being. Invisible light - Nikola Tesla's contributions - What is gravity? The "remnant" - 22% pronounced dead are not dead! - Floods and other terrors - What is Luminon? "Cold light"? - Newtonian theory challenged—Questioning “Laws & Theories” (Index Included)

Phoenix Jouranl 74
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*Phoenix Journal 95

*You are in serious danger of getting caught with the poison witin---which will destroy you.  Satan reigns, my friends, as surely as day perceptually follows night.  You are IN TROUBLE!  First you will be sickened unto "heaving-up", then perhaps you will "Heave-to" and finally, perhaps you will "heave the bastards out."  Indeed the term "bastard" is wisely used for these Evil Elite Satanists are SIRED BY SATAN HIMSELF!  You may well believe that this cannot be...?  It can and IS!  While you slept the prostitutes of evil were at their duty stations.  Satan is alive and well on planet Earth!  But---GOD ALSO HAS A PLAN 2000!  GOD SPEAKS TO US IN OUR JOY BUT SHOUTS TO US IN OUR PAIN.  HE IS SHOUTING, NOW!

HEAVE-UP(Phase One)

By Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
  249 Pages (137)

A lot of people are WAKINGJP America! From Fed-Up American: “It is time that all of us Fed-Up Americans come face to face with reality and fully understand that government at the highest level desires us to be their sex slaves to the fullest extent.”

“Indeed, the sleepyheads are beginning to stir…! First you are going to find it helpful to `heave-up’, then perhaps you can `heave-ho’ and then maybe, just maybe, you can `heave the bastards OUT!’ ” –HATONN

Living the past is a dull and lonely business; looking back strains the neck muscles, and causes you to bump into people not going your way. –Ferber.

Looking back is as necessary as looking forward but while you are doing either—you are often overlooking the “now”! Hatonn….

You must see from past experience and history, tainted and untainted (if you can find it) that which was trying to “getcha” as come this far and right to the point of “gotcha” –and how, for goodness sakes (not to be confused with “badness” sakes) you can “gettem” so that you CAN HAVE a future to perceive in freedom and LIGHT.

Among the important topics discussed are: THE MONARCH MIND CONTROL PROGRAM - Money changes – Politics could doom a new currency plan. Vincent Foster suicided – Ancient Prophecies – Gold in them-thar vaults – The Jackson connection – The “Butch” Acheson of “Justice” - Photon Belt warning again – PG&E and Diablo Canyon - Satchel nuclear bombs – More on Russbacher and Ronn Jackson - Satanism and missing children – Kevorkian – More on Inslaw—Suiciding Of Vince Foster—Doomsday 1999 Prophecies—Currency Shift To Gold-Standard Base—Caspar Weinberger Conspiracy — Terrible Fate Of Missing Children--Interview With Inslaw Bill Hamilton—Hawaii State Sovereignty—Interview With Ronn Jackson—“The Photon Zone”, by Robert Stanley—The Gulf Breeze Prophecies—“Satanism, A Practical Guide To Witch Hunting”—“IRS Pink Papers”. (Index Included)

Phoenix Journal 95