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Phoenix Journal 8


By Sananda, Hatonn, Ashtar, Nikola Tesla & Walter Russell
  141 Pages (78)

This book TRUTHFULLY ASSESSES the AIDS crisis. You will learn the shocking truth about the World Health Organization’s (WHO) DIRECT involvement in the spread of AIDS world-wide as well as the U.S. Public Health Service’s DIRECT involvement with the spread of AIDS in the U.S. You will learn how the experimentation of animal retroviruses in humans, namely Bovine (cow) Leukemia virus and Visna virus (Brain rot of sheep) were combined to create the deadly AIDS virus and so why the African Green Monkey Theory is totally dispelled. You will learn WHY condoms offer NO protection from AIDS and WHY the vaccine option will not work since recombinant retroviruses replicate at least 9000 to the 4th power which means every AIDS virus diagnosed to date is different with each individual! Other questions answered herein are WHY would anyone perpetrate such evil upon humanity? And who is responsible for this horrible disease? What OTHER viruses are THEY dumping on mankind?

This disturbing report may leave you in shock. Where is the HOPE? There IS hope with knowledge of TRUTH and UNITY, mankind can stop the spread of AIDS. AIDS will NOT die out naturally, so we are being given clues for cures of this disease and OTHER diseases as well. From the work of Dr. Royal R. Rife we learn about electromagnetics and SEM waves, since viruses are crystalline structures they are therefore affected by sound vibrations and light. Walter Russell speaks about the “secret” of light, about electricity, octaves and atomic structures. You will learn about the works of Bruce Cathie, John Crane and Nikola Tesla. Remember, there is assistance coming from God and our Heavenly Hosts. It is up to mankind to take the necessary steps with the tools and “clues” provided. Will YOU join us?

The following quote by Dr. Michael Urban, Ph. D.; “AIDS is the most electrifying, terrifying, exaggerated, hyped, misunderstood and misrepresented disease of modern time.”

Topics Include: Assessing the situation. The World Health Organization (WHO)'s involvement. Virus review. T-Cells and HTLV-1 through HTLV-5. The African Green Monkey. Animal retroviruses in humans/bovine leukemia cattle virus/visna virus (brain-rot) of sheep. Viruses jump through condoms. Asian Tiger Mosquito. Forget the vaccine option. Recombinant retroviruses replicated at 9,000 to the 4th power, minimum. It's all around you and spreading fast. Safe sex? And you thought the common cold was easy to get. Will AIDS naturally die out? Viruses are crystalline structures and are therefore affected by sound vibrations and light. Dr. Royal R. Rife. Electromagnetics. SEM waves. Antoine Priore's ma-chine. Sir Walter Russell speaks on the 'secret of light'. Electricity. Octaves. Atomic structures. John Crane. Mr. Cathie. Nikola Tesla speaks on 'light and applications'. There will be assistance from Divine Source to bring forth a cure, but man must do the work with the tools and "clues" provided. Start work now.

Phoenix Jouranl 8
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Phoenix Journal 80


By Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
  224 Pages (124)

What you will find in this JOURNAL will undoubtedly be controversial (as you ones like to say). I can only ask that you READ IT ALL--CAREFULLY--so that you do not miss the confirmations of the Truth within.

“WE ARE NOT A PATRIOT GROUP—WE ARE NOT A `GROUP’ OF ANY KIND. WE ARE EFFORTING TO DO A JOB (A MISSION) WITHIN THE ASSIGNMENT OF HOSTS INTO A CHANGING ERA OF EXPRESSION—THE TRANSITION INTO THIS RADIANCE WILL `GET’ MOST OF YOU, AND OURS IS TO LEAVE A HISTORICAL DOCUMENTATION OF `WHAT HAPPENED’. We will always do the best we can to fill your needs and desires as to offerings—but we compromise NO ITEM OF TRUTH TO PLEASE ANY MAN. This is hard for our workers in the focus on THE LIES. I can only ask that you go to the end of this Journal and read what one, Rosenthal, had to say about you, the masses and `them’, the Elite. GOD WAITS—BUT NOT MUCH LONGER!” --HATONN.

A few of the many enlightening topics discussed are: Thoughts on freedom - Saint Germain's role in the signing of the Declaration of Independence - A tax recovery SCAM - Disarmament--Soviet Style - Our troublesome WHITE community - Assaults on WHITE culture - A chance encounter with two KGB agents by two Americans - Zionist Occupational Government’s, ZOG's tremendous power and control of ALL media - ZOG is a CANCER that has infected every fabric of our culture. Life as we know it will be snuffed out SOON. American steel mill being shipped to China - Midwest floods created by man--DETAILS given - Purpose of GWEN towers—Liberty Vs. Slavery.

Phoenix Jouranl 80
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