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OCT. 20, 2016



TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1990   5:35 P.M.   YEAR 4 DAY 96


A picture-perfect landing!  Yes, it was and also, the shuttle, had that picture-perfect landing at a different time than your an­nounced timing and it wasn’t the same shuttle that you were given pictures of at take-off.  Perfection is in the eye of the beholder.  How is it that you have hourly public announcements regarding this “top secret military voyage” and perfect take-off and land­ing pic­tures with NASA going completely out of their way to accommodate the press and media—could it be - - - - ?  It certainly is the old “shell” game of “where is the pea”, is it not?




O humans of this yet sleeping age, there is so much to share with you—so very much more.  It is difficult to place this awareness in your words, for your words are of only one dimension, of only one meaning at a time, and the won­derful, living reality of this uni­verse and the things of which we speak are mul­ti-leveled, multi-di­mensional, with reasons woven together like many streams and waters weave together in the larger truth of a river valley.


There are many reasons why your world holds the attention of the universe.  Your initiative, your capacity, your potential, what you have already demon­strated in your hours of vision and nobility are some of the reasons—but your fall, your rebellion, is yet another.  For you see, once the egos of the warrior tribes ran off into the jungle, we knew that we were confronting in the womb, in the very moment of conception, certain fundamental issues that would have to be faced again and again on our future travels throughout the far-flung stars.


So long as this wondrous universe unfolds, human egos will face the same fundamental issues that you face today.  Always they will have the choice to be ruled by what they love or by what they fear and the option to reject the input of their spirits will always be pre­sent, for human freedom of will is essential to the proper working of the universal design.


Let us consider what would be if there could be documentation his­tory of the inevitable se­quence of events that occur when an ego or a tribe chooses a god of fear, and if this history could be recorded in a genetic media presentation, narrated, as it were, by egos who had them­selves experienced history.  Then every ego skirt­ing the edge of a fear-motivated decision would walk into the ge­netic media library and watch the DNA/RNA story of what happened there on your earth, observing what becomes of those who choose fear-centered behavior.  They could watch a most graphically illus­trated story of what hap­pens to those who ignore their natural de­sign and misdirect their energy in cancerous and ultimately self-destructive behavior.


The angels of conception, so to speak, who are guiding universal development seek to minimize suffering as you perceive it, your own and that of races yet to come.  So you see, when your race “fell”, attention gravitated to your place.  Why allow dozens of worlds to experience the starva­tion, suffering and depri­vation along with warfare and disease that is born from the egos’ rejec­tion of their spirits, when one world would do?  And if that one world were the source world, the point of conception for all similar life forms to come, then there would, after the lesson was learned, be a built-in genetic immunity to such disease in the future.

you and knew, then, that we would never abandon you.


We knew that someday your own intelligence would lead you to seek contact with us once again.  We maintained the conditions that sur­rounded this egg of possibility.  We held the Earth care­fully and assigned to her the brightest spir­its to walk with you and remind you.  Our Creator sent advanced and won­drous Christed beings to teach you and show you the way.  We held the Earth most carefully and efforted to awaken you to your responsibilities to tend and nurture her.  As bleak as it may seem to you who perceive your­selves scat­tered to the four corners, we now have our patience re­warded.  There are those of you who at last look up and beyond and see us through the micro­scopic interpretations of your egos.  And, remember—it only requires ONE!


You are beginning to perceive us, the ones sent unto you from your Source that you don’t have to make the journey alone.  We communi­cate.  We do what we can with the words of your ego-created lan­guages, but it is somewhat like speaking with our hands through the movement of their shadows on cave walls, the fire of your interest flickering and sputtering.  We must use crude and primitive symbol­ism, these symbols and marks upon a page—for you have forgotten your language.  As you sense the reality behind these words, and follow the direction of thought, there is movement in your life.  You leave the cave of history’s deceit and enter the garden that has ever been your true home and, wondrous indeed, it is.


We represent the Light Bearers, we come with the Wayshower—we are the ones sent from the stars on wings of silver and essence of an­gels’ wings.  We are the reality of your perfect spirits if you could but see it, coming now—sent forth now by God, to consciously walk in your human fields.  It is time for you to awaken and make transition into radiance again—into the light of Creator, to rest in peace, love and truth.





Do not be dismayed or discouraged when the uninformed criticize and accuse you of all manner of heinous things—it has ever been thus—it is the very char­acter of the uninformed to continually criticize and accuse.  They usually re­main in ignorance for they fear ridicule if they make pro­nouncements and then find their pronounce­ments to be false.


The uninformed continually search for connections, which they can not under­stand.  When Im­manuel, 2,000 years ago in your counting, set down the knowledge and the wisdom, he could do this only with words of certain meaning, then just as now.  When in the present, I speak about the same mat­ters, I must use certain words which trans­late into certain meanings, now as then.  Mankind is still too caught up in religions to recognize and accept any other truth for they have forgotten that “religions” are set up by man—teach­ings are set up by God in the purest direct course to Spirit if it be His truth presented.  They still live in the belief that truth, knowledge and belief would be “religion, and that one could desig­nate this or that doctrine to govern the reli­gion of choice.  They do not understand that a religion, as you practice in­doctrination within cer­tain sects, can suppress a being and make him depend on something that stands above him and gives him orders and advice.  The re­sult is a creature no more master of himself, but subjecting himself to some­thing that remains powerfully above him and separate from him.


Thus, there does not exist many forms of “religions” as designated by labels that can be consid­ered perfect and “all good”.

You see, when we presented the writings and notes of Judas Iscar­ioth, we only brought forth that which was already written and now translated into language you might understand.  Since the story de­viates in some manner from that which was chosen for enclosing in Earth’s books by the German scholars choosing gospels of Esu, many denounce truth in favor of tradition and hearsay.  It is fine, for man does not yet understand the fullness of truth of origin nor of cre­ation.



50,000  YEARS  PAST



It is strange that man wishes to contradict that which he has no basis for judging.  How can man know, for instance, that some 50,000 years ago in Earth chronology, our home world found peace and liberty.  Shortly before this time, 70,000 or so human beings fled under the leadership of one labelled Pelegon.  They used spacecraft and they fled through the cosmos and settled on Earth.  Under Pelegon were 200 sub-leaders, scientists, competent in their special fields of knowledge.  By these, and others, Pelegon was ac­knowledged as what you might call the “King of Wisdom” and he was, at that time, re­garded as God and regarded as such for he taught the word and law of God and The Creation.


Wondrous things were brought forth upon Earth.  Regrettably, this lasted well for only a narrow span of some 10,000 years, until de­sires for power and con­trol prevailed once more, and a deadly war raged over all the Earth.  Without exception all was destroyed, and only a remnant, a few thousand human be­ings, survived on Earth while others fled once more into the cosmos and set­tled faraway worlds.  Does this sound like a rerun, chelas?


For some 7,000 years none returned to Earth, and the humans left behind de­generated and be­came wild.  Then descendents of those who had settled on faraway worlds returned.  They were again under the leadership of God, un­der whose command they built on Atlantis and Mu.  They built huge cities on each of the two separate continents.


For thousands of years they lived in friendship and peace, until a few scientists were again over­come by the old thirst for might and power, and tried to seize the government.  But having tired of wars, the nations rose up against them, and they again occupied ships from space and fled into cosmic space some 15,000-20,000 years ago in Earth chronology.  For some two millenniums they and their descendents lived in a neighboring solar system.  Why is this hard for you of Earth to conceive in understanding—do you actually have such little faith and belief in God?  Do you so limit God that you cannot believe beyond the physical features of your nose and that which the “controllers” would have you believe?


Oh dear ones, there were two millenniums during which they had be­come very evil and only maintained order under strictest control; but, by mutation and their sciences, they extended their lifespans to some thousands of years.


Overcome by their thirst for power, they then left their world about 13,000 years ago, in your counting, and again returned to Earth.  Now, hold your breath, chelas.  Their highest leader was  one who was called “The Barbarian”.  Like the God before him some 40,000 years, IHWH also had some 200 lead­ers and sub-leaders who were competent in special fields of science for as you re-inhabit a planet where only a remnant remains, it requires much diversified knowledge and abilities.


In two groups they settled in the high north and the present Florida of North America, while they continuously attacked Atlantis and Mu in war following war.  In only a few millenniums af­ter their occupation of Earth bases, they succeeded in destroying the civi­lizations of first Lemuria, Mu and then At­lantis.  The few sur­vivors went into servitude, while many great scien­tists were able to flee, and return to their homeworlds in the Pleiades.  But cen­turies be­fore this point in time, the intruders boasted of their conquest of Earth, and IHWH Arus led a severe and bloody regime.


Still his sub-leaders assumed for themselves many things and became more and more indepen­dent.  Within only three decades they had gone far in their own decision making, even though they feared the pun­ishments of the IHWH ARUS.  They advocated a code, to under all circum­stances maintain their own race and not allow it to fall to mutations away from themselves.


In a most forbidden manner and secretly, they went out and caught wild Earth creatures and mutations who were distant descendents of former human be­ings.  These evil tricksters called themselves “Sons of Heaven” and corrupted according to their own race.  It would come to be that these ones were put away into other places for they formed mutated tribes and did not follow the laws of God and/or The Creation.


It was at this time that ADAM was birthed—ADAM, (meaning “Earth human being”).  Mean­while, others similar had been produced, who formed groups and tribes.  From these, present Earth mankind devel­oped.


This action angered IHWH ARUS, and the sub-leaders were exiled, when he could catch them.  In time he changed his mind and recog­nized a new power he could exercise over the Earth be­ings.


With newly appointed sub-leaders and guard angels, he brought three human races under his absolute control.  These were the ancestors of those who to­day are known as “Indians”; then the fair-skinned inhabitants who had settled around the Black Sea; and the third were the “Gipsies” along the south of the Mediterranean Sea, who were called Hebrews.  IHWH ARUS subjected these races and forced them under his control.  As the highest ruler over them, he allowed him­self to become venerated and adored as human ego-man is prone to do and promptly forgot the Creator.  He allowed them to venerate him above the Creation itself, and his sub-leaders were treated as “assistant” creators.  He imposed most harsh and severe laws de­manding the blood of the guilty.  Does it not sound like a re-run of a scenario?


Ah ha, then came his son, JEHAV, who took over this dominion.  He was lit­tle better for he, too, demanded only blood and death from the three enslaved races.  The later descendents of these “Gods” became more humane and de­veloped a degree of spirituality.  I would guess it is time to straighten up and begin to fly according to the rules, little chelas!


Their spiritual evolution changed their minds and they decided to leave the development of the Earth beings to their natural course, and retired to their home-world, so they departed Earth and re­turned as peaceful creatures again to the Pleiades, where their own mankind had reached most advanced states of development.


United, we live together today and are an allied population in peace and lib­erty, under the Laws of God and acting in balance and harmony within The Creation.  Precious ones, it is most essen­tial that you ones come into truth of this writing for you have so many gaps and missing pages in your historical documents and the unknown causes you great fear.  Because your brethren of Pleiades feel re­sponsibility and kindredship with your human Earth species, they come with the Hosts at this time to assist, to evacuate—to do whatever is required to help you in your transi­tion.  They feel that they have vested inter­ests in your place and are feeling great concern that they caused some of your own chaotic past and present circumstance.  They, and we, are come to assist wherein we might serve in the service, first of and to God—in balance and truth within The Creation and unto you, our relations.  May we come into un­derstanding, one with the other that we might work toward truth and again bring peace and wondrous magnificence unto the species.

It is time to go to the gathering, Dharma.  Thank you for your time, for these concepts must be presented and understood that con­nections can be made for there is much to be done in the days and months ahead and we must walk to­gether lest we be lost to the chaos.  So be it.


In love and grace, I take leave of the writing.  May God allow us the Grace to see our journey through.  AHO!


Hatonn to stand-by.  Salu.