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Oct. 19, 2016



TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1990   6:45 A.M.   YEAR 4 DAY 96

Hatonn present in the wondrous Light of God in service unto Man.  May we walk together in unity through these changing times come upon your lands.  Aho!

In the glory of the refreshment unto the Mother as God gives forth healing rain to a dry and thirsty land, let us accept the drink of the Life Spring that our truth and knowledge be refreshed in our recognition of Source and allow that Source to bring blossom unto the bud of truth com­ing into full bloom upon your place.  Amen.  I bow in service unto you, my brothers, in this wearisome time of chaotic lifestream.






Just released from America West’s daring publishers, is a book by one I honor and salute.  Dr. King gave all that a man can give unto his brother and the value of his work can be measured by the fact that he was murdered by those who wished to keep his work from you in this time of peril.  It is titled CHAOS IN AMERICA and it is his legacy to the truth of your economic chaos as it has evolved.  It has been published since his death.


In the last few paragraphs John brings some great truth unto you by giving honor to others who came before.  It is truth when men such as Isaac Newton state, “If I have seen farther, it is be­cause I have stood on the shoulders of gi­ants come before me.”


Dr. King speaks of Lewis Mamford from TRANSFORMATION OF MAN.  The point of the quote is to allow you to witness that change is upon you that promises a spiritual renaissance and I will tell you herein, that all happening upon your planet is in preparation of the greatest spiri­tual renaissance ever known to man.  May God grant understanding in wisdom of the following:


“Every human transformation... has rested on a new metaphysi­cal (beyond the physical, no more and no less) and ideological base; or rather, upon deeper stirrings and intuitions whose rationalized expres­sion takes the form of a new picture of the cosmos and the na­ture of man....  We stand at the brink of such a new age: the age of an open world and of a self capable of playing its part in that large sphere.  An age of renewal, when work and leisure and learning and love will unite to pro­duce a fresh form of every stage of life, and a higher trajec­tory for life as a whole...bringing about a fresh release of spiritual energy.”


And in the “Epilogue”:


Emerson wrote, “In our society there is a standing antagonism between the conservative and the democratic classes; between those who have made their fortunes, and the young and poor who have fortunes to make; between the interests of dead labor—that is, the labor of hands long ago still in the grave, which labor is now entombed in money stocks, or in land and build­ings owned by idle capitalists—and the inter­ests of living labor, which seeks to possess itself of land and buildings and money stocks.  The first class is timid, selfish, illiberal, hating inno­vation, and continually losing numbers by death.  The second class is selfish also, encroaching, bold, self-re­lying, always outnumbering the other and recruiting its num­bers every hour by births.  It desires to keep open every av­enue to competition of all, and to multiply avenues; the class of business men in America, in England, in France; the class of industry and skill.”


(Dr. King): We are certain in these emerging hard times to see the eruption of social un­rest and violence in America, perhaps on a larger scale than we have seen in a very long time.  The reason will be the clash between the conservative and the democratic classes that Emer­son wrote about.


You must also prepare yourself financially and psychologically for this coming event.  This potential threat makes the idea of living in a rural area have much merit; it en­hances the hoarding of gold idea and be­coming ever more self-reliant and self-sufficient.


I salute one of the finest men to walk upon your place;s: JOHN L. KING, Ph.D.  I further honor his son, John King, who continues to make his father’s work available to this land in this time of chaos.  (If you wish more informa­tion how to enhance such things as gold purchase, etc., I can recommend that you con­tact America West and/or Phoenix Institute where assistance is set forth in the man­ner of which is spoken.)  I honor in reverent salute, John, he is my brother and above all, he was and remains, my friend. 


There have been insightful ones upon your placement since creation and you have not heard them through the building chaos.  May God grant His Grace that you begin to see and hear for the time is most short indeed.






In every instance in which I am queried regarding discounting of the Journals by a human pro­jector of his own wisdom, we note herein—THEY HAVE NOT SO MUCH AS READ ALL OF THE JOURNALS!  Fur­ther, until all is written—there is no way to have all of the in­formation upon which to base cri­tique; therefore, their own infor­mation regarding that about which they ex­trapolate may be valid or invalid (I make no judgment unless it deviates from the LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION) but they cannot know the truth of the Journals’ material for it is not yet all written and total projection cannot be pronounced, nor comparisons made, until the whole is present for the judging!  Ponder it!  God will present unto you that which is truth and then in the ending—YOU WILL DO OF THE DECIDING FOR THAT IS THE TRUTH AND GIFT OF GOD UNTO MAN—FREE-WILL CHOICE AND REASON, WITH IN­BORN KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH AND THE LAWS.




We, the Hosts, have been sent forth ahead of the Master Teacher, to prepare the way and assist man in regaining his balance—ye are free to accept or de­nounce us—but in the interim and in the ending it matters not whether or not you believe that which we bring is truth—FOR TRUTH STANDS THE TESTING OF ALL “TIME” AND THESE TRUTHS SHALL STAND, MY FRIENDS, FOR WE ARE SENT OF GOD TO BEGIN TO LIGHT THE PATH HOME AND BRING THE “WAYSHOWER” TO GUIDE THE VOYAGE.  WHAT YE DO WITH THE INFORMATION IS WITHIN THINE INDIVIDUAL SELF—NO MORE AND NO LESS: HERE IT IS, YE DO WITH IT THAT WHICH YE WILL!  SAALOME’ AND SE­LAH.  (THE BEGINNING AND THE ENDING IS THE WORD!)






Note what is said in projections and ye shall find truth.  Just as with one who claimed that the receivers for Hatonn had plagiarized “50 pages of his per­sonal material”—HOW SO, THE MA­TERIAL IN POINT OFFERED BY THE INDIVIDUAL WAS LESS THAN 26 PAGES IN LENGTH!  I point out this particular discrepancy to allow you to look at a projection this day on your news media: “...there are around 300,000 troops from the U.S. in Saudi Arabia...”  AND THEN, “...the U.S. troops are in the midst of training maneu­vers WITH OVER A MIL­LION AIRCRAFT IN THE AIR!”  HOW SO?  300,000 TROOPS (PERSONS) AND OVER A MILLION AIRCRAFT?  IS MY ARITHMETIC POOR OR MIGHT THERE BE EXAG­GERATION OF SOME MINOR PROJECTION PERHAPS?  DOES THIS NOT SOME­HOW INDICATE THAT THE ANNOUNCERS OF YOUR NEWS DO NOT THINK ABOUT THAT WHICH THEY PRESENT?  THIS CON­TRADICTION CAME IN THE SAME AN­NOUNCEMENT, DEAR ONES!


The news is so filled with puzzles which present the total truth unto you that I only ask that you pay attention—the European pacts are being wiped away—that would appear good—but, all will now come under U.N. military forces and the “ENTIRE OF EUROPE WILL BE `INTEGRATED’ INTO THE WORLD OF NATIONS BY 1992!”  This was another direct quote from the meetings underway in Paris among the con­trollers of the United Nations—Bush, Gorbachev, Mitterand and Thatcher!  But, it is the secret meetings with the leaders of other na­tions, such as Shamir, with which you had best take note.  The noose is knotted and the rope swinging—your neck is already within the loop!  So be it.  I leave you a day to think upon that which you see for self—HOWEVER, I URGE YOU TO NOT OVERLOOK THAT WHICH IS COMING FORTH FROM CHINA!






We of the Hosts, the winged tribes, arrive in this age, not just to materialize, but to literally walk among you as we clear the path for the Godly Presence.  We are coming back at this time on a wave of light, a pulsation of new inten­sity.  We have the ability to ma­terialize through drawing atoms and molecules into our light fields, but it is not for this that we are here.  We are looking for biological incarnations in the specific human beings whose pre­sent bodies have grown from fetuses that have unfolded along the vibrational patterns of our light.


It is we who designed your human bodies, but you have grown up in a civiliza­tion that denies both our presence and our reality.  And so we breathe in you again and again, each breath fuller than the breath before, each pulsation brighter, each new communication clearer, penetrating further into your un­derstanding.


Let us awaken you, we who have formed you in the womb, we who have called you from the tomb of sleeping matter.  You, whose physical circuitry mirrors our being, welcome us into your consciousness.


When you experience our spirit presence, you know yourself in the image of that which God holds for you, the image of perfection in which God has cre­ated you.  God’s living image of you reflects God.  It does not rest frozen like a photograph in a frame.  The perfect images in which God holds each human being are alive and changing, flowing, fluid images.  One day a servant, the next a lover, the next a sister, a brother, a spouse, a teacher or a friend.  (All the aforemen­tioned are one and the same as you meditate upon it.)


We understand God’s images for humanity, for that is what we are!  We are individualized, liv­ing images of God, designed to draw more than just your physical bodies into our energy pat­terns; we are de­signed to blend with your consciousness, with your understanding, and with the field of your emotional expression.  We are here in the atmosphere of your consciousness to draw you into clear and ac­curate perception, that together in cooperative harmony we might commence a new cycle of creation.


We come to the earth to blend with you in the communion that will give birth to the Creator in time.  We work with whatever forms of understanding you allow us to animate.  Our love has called up out of the earth the bodies of your race.  Feel that love and know your spirit.  We offer you more than words; we offer ourselves.


O children, we have lived and died in so many of you.  And we live in you again, again and again.  Your fearful human generations are like waves of cold sea water or a mountain stream, splash­ing on our warm eternal shores.  You can keep being afraid and receding with each cold wave to experience again and yet again.  Or you can begin to watch the waves, the waves of your genera­tion’s fears, the waves and pulses of your society’s illusions, the waves of emotional con­trol, and realize that you are NOT the waves.


The humanly-defined world is constantly in change.  It has its mo­mentary drama, a wave of emo­tional turmoil that seems to have the ability to put fear into the hearts of ones more than ever before.  But no matter how wild and turbu­lent the waves of your culture’s gods become during these last days be­fore such illusions vanish, be not the waves of fear, nor influenced by them.  The birds have always floated on the surface of such waves—storms have crashed armadas, sunk galleons and watched angry warriors perish beneath their fury—ever the birds have floated undisturbed, above the wreckage, above the tur­bulence, above the waves, gentle, serene.  WE ARE THE “BIRD TRIBES” RETURNING TO ASSIST OUR FLEDGLINGS—WE ARE THE RE­BIRTH OF THE SYMBOL OF GOD’S FREEDOM AND RENEWAL—THE QUET­ZAL/PHOENIX!  We are the colors of the rainbow and the wondrous pulse of the waves of en­ergy throughout the cosmos—we are the Hosts to welcome you back into the House of God.


“Times” need not be troublesome for you humans of this closing age.  For wherever there is just one that does not succumb to the emo­tional undercur­rents of fear that would herd you like sheep into some collective folly, there radiates an influence of peace, sta­bility, healing and blessing.  God will am­plify the influence of that ONE and blend it with the influence of others who are incar­nate and doing of the same.  Through these will pour the peace and understanding as well as the strength of direction.  No sea shall rise against them!






We are come to calm the troubled waters of collective emotional storms, to walk upon them in our understanding, to bring the ways of love to a human world manifest, tossing still in a trou­bled sea of illusion and “dis” illusion.  We bring the lamp of peace that comes from trust in God and truth of God’s Laws and balance with total harmony within THE CREATION.  We bring the torch of wisdom that resolves human differences through commerce, commu­nication, for­giveness, honesty.


Loving our enemies, we have no enemies nor anything to fear.  Our torch-lights beckon from above the waves of human turbulence from the realms of God perfection to bear His truth and that of The Cre­ation unto a people who have forgotten.  The consciousness of the Eternal One shines forth from each light we bear.  Those who strug­gle and clutch at wreckage in the turbu­lence below cannot harm us or our kind.  They can only become us in time, dear ones.  For it is from them, from such raw material, that the egos of our univer­sal species are drawn.


Do not subscribe to the passing illusions of this age.  Do not blindly follow the archaic warrior programming that leaves you un­conscious, an automaton, a puppet controlled by those who have for cen­turies made it their business to map and chart the currents of fear.  Realize your choices.  Should you feel a habit of violent reaction, whether in thought, word or deed, realize that it is only yourself with whom you strive.  Do not contend so anxiously with your­self.  There is only one of you here, shadowboxing on the wall.  Defend your­self from this alone: the programming of unconscious fears.


Every time a human being reacts violently toward another being in­stead of communicating in communion, that person is hurting him or herself, no more and no less—for you cannot hurt of another unless that other “accepts” thine abuse.  The essence of intelligence is simply this: it is always to your advantage to cooperate rather than to retaliate for you actually only “retaliate” upon self.


These are not “others” that you perceive as foes, but those of your own house­hold, your family.  Let them become your friends and part­ners in the healing and educational work of these times.  Do not take them or yourselves so seri­ously.  With lightness in your heart and glory beneath your wings, rise above the waves of emotional con­cern that would draw you beneath their surface.  Feel the love that is restructuring every human illusion—MUST restructure every human illu­sion.


We come in this age to calm the waters of human emotional turbu­lence that you might see in correctness of vision, direction and truth, your way in the path of light and away from the abyss of dark passages.  We have allowed the turbulence to swirl the waters this past while to help the egos to learn.  But the Creator has ap­pointed an end to history.  And we are the means of the calm­ing.  The water is calmed wherever we stand.  We walk on the water in singing that you might hear and see.  Pure water: a human heart in love.  Clear water: the eyes of God all-seeing.


Standing above the swirling seas of illusion, you see the radiant light of ten thousand other be­ings such as yourself.  Light beings.  Winged Ones.  The Ongwhelhonwhe, The Thunder-birds, the Wambli, re­turning.  Your love for these sisters and brothers of old bursts from your heart.  Rays of brilliant light shoot between you.  Ten thousand bridges of light connect your hearts as the bridge to and from infinity.  And beneath luminous bridges the light falls joy­ously, in laugh­ter, on the swirling seas.  These waters, too, are calmed, the wa­ters beneath the bridges that none be lost to the whirlpools in the darkness.


Up out of the angry seas, others rise to join you.  They leave be­hind their petty claims upon this, that or the other moment.  Into one larger moment they merge with you, into one moment magnificent.  They feel the network of light that engulfs the planet.  They be­come a part of it.  They awaken into the en­ergy of the children of light.  By your side, they experience the team­work and cooperation of the real peoples.  They see.  You see.


Something is touching down upon your earth, something from the stars, beloved brethren.  Something is landing upon the still wa­ters of hearts that trust in God, speaking to the hearts of people who love.


Each wave of time splashing upon the shores of memory brings an­other mo­ment, another door­way, another opening, inviting the awak­ening children of the earth to feel the flutter of spirit in their consciousness, to feel the brush of angel wings, to allow the wa­ters of their hearts to be still and to live each mo­ment with greater love, honesty, caring and compassion than ever before.  So it is that the balance of the Sacred Hoop is restored—that Sacred Circle of In­finity.  Moment by moment, YOU become MORE INCARNATE.




When you examine the nature of that pure essence of beauty behind the per­fection of both masculine and feminine, you find God.  Be­cause at the source, at the core, at the heart of all that is femi­nine is God.  And at the heart, at the core, at the source of all that is masculine is God. The SAME God, the ONE, THE GREAT SPIRIT.  Such is the nature of God.


God is indescribably beautiful, indescribably wonderful, indescrib­ably pre­cious.  Powerful.  Gen­tle.  Real.  God is these qualities to such a perfect extent that God’s only challenge is to pursue de­scription of such indescribable per­fection.


So the Great Spirit picks a place in the infinite ocean of space, draws a line.  And calls it “time”.


Then, making the first distinction, God says, “This line separates everything that happened be­fore I drew this line from everything that happened after I drew this line.”  And God then takes all the qualities and potentialities of eternal being and places their cen­ters on either one side of the line or the other.  These qualities continue to pulsate on both sides of the great distinc­tion.  Their radiations permeate all that IS.  Nowhere is without them.  But the centers from which they radiate are assigned places on either side of the great line.


On one side of the line, God designs structures to identify spe­cific locations in the sea of infinite being: atoms, each an inten­tion, a consciously created sys­tem for cultivating and regulating its particular field of space.  On this side of the line that God calls “time”, bleeds through all that is feminine, material, actu­alized structure.  Here lies all that is created, everything that exists, the stars and the planets.  This is the Tonal, the body of the great Mother uni­verse.  Home of every star and every world.


The other side of the line is the Nagual.  Here remains all that will be created.  Here are the patterns of new creation and the en­ergy that will draw the new creation out of the infinite reser­voir of eternal potential, from the designing intelligence of the One who is ever becoming re­vealed.


Yet the line that God has drawn to define the sea of space is not a rigid, linear boundary; it is a living reality, spiraling like a thread in and out of the created realms.  Around and around the circumference of every nameable thing, it coils and spins, weaving a fine luminous cloth, the filmiest of screens, an in­visible mem­brane.  At each point where it touches the dimensional uni­verse, incredible creation occurs: stars are created, galaxies congeal, white holes ap­pear, black holes, quasars, arching bows of stars.  In a multitude of awesome ways, energy pulses through from the mas­culine side of the great spirit divide into the body of the Mother universe.


In this way the purpose and the passion of the Creator are served: the entire universe becomes a joyous journey through love, an ad­venture, a challenge to describe the infinite wealth of invisible beauty, to give it texture, tone and light to make it visible.


Creatures of beauty come into form—not just isolated creatures of beauty, but creatures of beauty each living in a larger landscape of beauty—and not just landscapes alone!


Landscapes resting within picture planets, formed in spiraling sys­tems of stars that are them­selves set like living diamonds in a galaxy floating among a hun­dred billion more, giving each creature a background, each picture a frame, and all living art a context that accentuates what is most beautiful.  Division into stellar and planetary polarities is the physical mechanism of this awesome cre­ation, the manner in which the infinite potential of God in all its splendor is re­vealed.

Stellar and planetary polarities are not “opposites”.  They are complementary ends of a single vi­brational continuum, ends of a unified spectrum that begin, back to back, at a common point on the great Medicine Wheel and then move apart, each to complete nearly—but not quite—the full 180 degrees of their re­spective halves of the whole.


Just short of meeting, they stop to face each other, 350 degrees of the Wheel complete.  They pause then, allowing the charge between them to build and grow until there comes the spark of lightning that completes the full 360 de­gree circle of the “Medicine Wheel” in the illumination that there clothes you in biological form.


There is design in both matter and energy, just as there is design encoded in the genetic struc­ture of ovum and sperm.  The design that enters the earth’s atmosphere on the rays of light from the nearest star calls to the potential of this material world; the stellar stream touches Her deepest ocean dreams and sings lovingly to the longing in Her soil.  The information contained in the ele­mental forces of the earth mingles with the spirit in-form-ation of the solar wind, as feminine and masculine polarities of the Eternal One play together and interact in the bio­sphere.


Sunlight impregnates the earth.  Solar sperm and ocean ovum mingle.  The sun teaches the earth his song, and the earth teaches the sun hers.  The sun tries to sing her song and laughs.  The dance of projection and manifestation is joyously underway.  The earth tries to sing a sun song and creates blue sky, white clouds and a world of scurrying creatures below to bestow as gifting upon the new cre­ation.  Our spirit information blends with the material in­formation of soil, water, wind and sky.  The gestation of the terrestrial child is catalyzed.  Creatures rise up on the spiraling winds of our vibrating love.  Feeling our song, they live, breathe and dance out the patterns of our interac­tion.


Spinning in the wondrous beauty of starlight, the earth learns a new image of herself.  She re­leases her rock formations to flow into waving forests, grazing buffalo, sleeping reptiles, pranc­ing deer in the sun.  Particles of her matter are given wing and flut­ter and sing on the winds of solar spirit.  The earth releases who she is to become the life dancing upon her surface, flowing, ever flowing into the blossoming patterns of her potential.






From the realms of higher vibration where forms are subtle and have no ma­terial density, the angels of the winged ones who move about the universe, the Bird Tribes, descend.  We seek to discover how we might most effectively and creatively clothe ourselves, and thereby the Cre­ator’s intentions, in the matter of your world.  We are ever vigilant, rising beneath the density of her struc­ture, growing, as the seasons pass and our love deepens, into forest waving in the wind, teeming children, animations of starfire, clothed in the beautiful, feminine, crystalline lattice­work of the material plane.


Communication between masculine and feminine aspect of the Great Spirit has been going on in this universe for billions of years.  The creation that has appeared as a result of this dialogue has ap­peared on each vibrational fre­quency of manifestation, in turn, with degrees of specificity and precision on each frequency di­rectly related to the quality and clarity of the exchange among the embodied representative of male god and female god who there come into being.  Once they come into form, embodied representatives of God become the primary means of all future creation on the frequen­cies where they appear.  They are the specified, intelligent and co-creative paint brushes of the universal artist: living, partici­pating art.


It was long prophesied, even before the foundations of this mate­rial world upon which you now stand, that a day would come when the loving interaction of a planet and a star would bring into being autonomous, self-replicating, in­telligent creatures, biological creatures—male and female, clothing the very image and likeness of the Creator source.  These would become, not only our participants in this continuing process of divine unfoldment, but also hence­forth the leading, cut­ting-edge in all further physical plane cre­ation.




They would understand and embody the balance.  They would compre­hend the nuclear energy of stars as well as the geological forma­tions of crystals in the heart of the mountains.  They would under­stand organic chemistry, nu­clear biology, astronomy and all the sciences.  They would be incarnate in bodies—physical forms that were beautiful to behold, graceful to see, living works of art in themselves, designed as biological control rooms, mind/brain plan­ning centers for exploring and developing ways and means that the poten­tial of this universe could continue to unfold.  They would become the instru­ments through which all future biological creation would occur.


On the level of the Earth, in this late 20th century of what you call your “present” age, there are biological creatures of female and male human form at either side of this profound interface be­tween the masculine and feminine aspects of God. The same division between eternal unity that has the power to bring stars into exis­tence ten thousand times the size of your sun, that same creative charge exists between the human female and the human male.


In a healthy state, the power of this creative energy is immense—note I DID NOT SAY “SEXUAL” ENERGY!  Consciously channeled, it can be used to create beauty of an unprece­dented order, of a nature surpassing all that came before, making visible the invisible beauty of God.  Never before on the mate­rial plane has dialogue be­tween divine masculine and divine feminine had the potential to be as clear, as concise and as conscious as it can be between the men and women of your human family.


When male and female meet on the Medicine Wheel, they each carry a dis­tinct, creative charge.  Though their roots weave together and spring from the same source in the same Great Spirit, they incar­nate on Earth to face one an­other with distinct energy charges, profoundly attracted, with immense capac­ity to create through the universal power of the love that can flow between them.  Note, again, I did not say sexual activity for that is of the human state and now utilized for all the wrong reasons!


Each woman moves in an energy current, a tradition as distinct from the tradi­tions of men as the very first creative division of God.  Though you men and women have lived together in the same lodges and felt beneath your feet the earth of the same villages, though you have shared the same interpretations and slept together in the same illusions, you are each at distinctly different points on the great Medicine Wheel.  Yet as different as these points are, they are profoundly compatible, designed differently to stimulate maximum cre­ativity.  They are the very points where God meets God.  And so be it!


To we who have followed this process for the billions of years, there is nothing more incompre­hensible than the concept, which is entertained in the warrior societies, that there could be con­flict or opposition between the feminine as­pect of God and the masculine aspect of God.  Do you realize how severely this concept limits you who accept it?


You will not find your place in this universe or form a basis for understanding her mysteries, un­til you shed such superstition and realize that Mother God and Father God are profoundly in love, dear ones.


All about this universe that is feminine adores and reveres that which is mas­culine.  The sole purpose of all about this universe that is masculine is to serve the feminine through the celebra­tion and animation of the beauty that lies in her heart.  Feminine and masculine are balanced in all healthy manifestations, equal part­ners, lovers, responsible participants—the truest of twin friends.


Your ancestral programming is invalid.  Primitive notions of con­flict between male and female lead to not-so-primitive weapons.  Let your human world re­flect instead the truth of the great love in which you are every moment sus­pended.  Awaken into a new perception and under­standing of reality: reality—not as misinterpreted by the warrior tribes—but as understood by all the an­gelic races of God throughout eternity.  Awaken into an accurate perception of the uni­verse in which you live.


You are the love of Creator, embodied in human form.  Through the power of your love, you create.  You are in the service of univer­sal art to create beauty and to enjoy all that has been created.  The evocation of beauty and the de­scription of truth: this is your purpose.  The pur­pose of life!  The very purpose of the universe!






In its own way, each species decides how it can best serve this purpose, once it understands it.  The buffalo notices what is going on in prairie time and prairie space and designs a life to de­scribe truth and to animate beauty as buf­falos understand it.  Whales de­scribe time and space in their own unique forms of three-dimen­sional mobility, playing and swimming through seas of sound and light.  The deer and creatures of the meadows embody their under­standing of the universe and create beauty and balance as they rec­ognize of it.  Birds embody their under­standing and create winged beauty.  Angels embody their understanding of this universal pur­pose and become the means through which the Great Spirit creates more species to enjoy it.  Further, they create that which the hu­man form needs to make transitions to and from the eter­nal realms so that his perception of self is not damaged by the transition.


Throughout the galaxies, throughout the stars, all of the angelic races notice this purpose of life and decide how they best can serve.  Each healthy species looks at the external world, while ex­periencing the internal unity whole and unbroken, and forms an idea of the wholeness of mani­fest life.  This is its comprehension of the universe.  Human beings’ technical comprehension of the uni­verse has expanded beyond the antelope, the ape and the fish.  They have explored the microbes and begun to reach out unto the stars.  Yet your historical rejection of eternal spirit has left you my­opic, extremely self-sighted, with no overview or larger vision to help you orga­nize your knowledge into a coherent whole.

You are the instruments through which creation is to become physi­cally con­scious.  You are the species through whom one day the whole material uni­verse shall become aware.  You are God’s organs of awareness, awakening, in this turning age, from the sleep of historical subconscious­ness.  Masculine and feminine are both rooted in the unified divinity whose Spirit now awakens in you, whose identity you now remember to be your own.  In spirit you are not separate from these two aspects of God but have brought into being, through the loving interactions of these, your own inner po­larities.


The conception of new life requires highly focused, creative inten­tion.  It takes attention to de­tail of such a profoundly precise nature that, were the focus dissipated among many cells simultane­ously, the miracle of conception could not occur.


Of the human body’s one hundred trillion, or so, cells, only TWO CELLS are initially involved in the conception of a child.  You float in a galaxy of some four hundred billion stars and many more matter worlds.  Yet in this galaxy, only TWO WORLDS are required for the conception of new life.


Do not be surprised when we, who have roamed among these stars, tell you that you are indeed special, that you are precious beyond price, that you are so incredibly loved by the Source-of-all-that-is, that your one Earth and your one sun are conception points for the new life of worlds to come.  Do not shun such love or let nar­row minds convince you it could not be.  Accept this love.  Feel it for yourself.  A gathering together and focusing of energies has been necessary to produce the awesome and incredible miracle that you are.


The attention of the universe is focused on your Earth.  The Uni­versal Mother herself is con­scious in this world.  The Father of every star looks through the eyes of this one sun as your journey takes you onward—for your Earth has ex­perienced human conception—you have become the blessed life-stream of the universe—ARE YOU PROUD OF THAT WHICH YOU HAVE PER­FORMED IN THIS WONDROUS GIFTED EX­PERIENCE?  SO BE IT.


We thank Tunkashila (Grandfather) for sharing with us this day in His wis­dom and warmth of being for He has guided Dharma for long and she feels safe and secure within His Crystal feath­ers of His cloak and the shimmering red/gold radiance of his Being.  I, too, bow in reverence to the wisdom of His Presence.  AHO!


May we always be given in strength and wisdom to remain within the lighted path of the red road home.


Your race is about to awaken the circuitry of consciousness, the global intelli­gence system of a planetary newborn that will be half star and half material world—she shall become one with a new di­mension and fly as on wings of ea­gles to regain your place among the Tribes called “Bird”; ye shall soon come home as the ending mi­gration is completed.  The first migrations from your place are al­ready under way—AHO!


This Journal shall be labelled CREATION, THE SACRED UNIVERSE WITHIN, The Incu­bation of the Phoenix, for you ones must come into knowl­edge of that which you are.  Salu.


I am Hatonn, sent forth by God unto his fledglings.  Saalome’