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OCT. 13, 2016




SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1990   8:41 A.M.   YEAR 4 DAY 94



May the light shine around about thee as we act in service this day, I am Ha­tonn.


There are two things I wish to take up prior to continuing on the CRE­ATION Journal for I said I would write upon the one subject and then I wish to please respond to a query from my beloved friend, L.F.  The question is asked by many and it is suitable to speak of it in this discourse.






I request that your attention be drawn to the volcanic eruption in Japan this day.  The last time this particular volcano, Oshima—I believe may be proper label and spelling in your English—erupted it caused some 15,000 souls to transfer.  I suggest you keep an eye open for it is indeed an important sign of activity for it indi­cates heavy action at great depth, of Fuji.  It is alright, Dharma, you will hear of it later this day.  We have trouble sorting out one tiny activity from all the others on your place and especially the correct labels which you attach to the items.  This is the mes­sage given to me by Comman­der Soltec and I simply pass it along.  By the way, Soltec plans to give you an­other lesson or two regard­ing geology as we have time for same.  The masses of citizens have no knowledge regarding simple geographic and geophysical concepts and terms.  It becomes important as you move into water supplies and soils for growing foods.  We will cover it in most generalized terms which will be suitable for general conceptual information in a global manner.


Hold your breath today over the games on the “Saudi” beaches—clever games can backfire most heinously.  It is no accident that your President AND Secre­tary of State are scouring Europe to drum up support for your grievous ac­tions—expect more money to flow from your coffers, like­wise.  “Spring in Prague?”  Indeed no, it is the onset of a “bitter winter”! and words from Bush will not change of it in the least—just give false hope to a troubled people.


Let us turn now to a discussion about abandoned GIs in Vietnam as I touched upon yesterday morning.  This will example, in a very brief manner, what you can expect for your beloved sons, fathers and hus­bands from the Middle East, if and when this heinous occupation erupts into war and moves on.  The rea­sons for the wars themselves are so tragic that a continued cover-up of intent must be main­tained by your Cartel Elite forever more.  Once the sham is pre­sented, the truth must be trapped within the cover lest you of the masses rebel.  IS IT NOT TIME YOU PUT A STOP TO THIS TERROR AND DE­CEIT?





This is going to be a bit of a story regarding a young man by the name of Robert Garwood.  This young man, a Marine, was a prisoner in Southeast Asia and came back in 1979.  As background, he had managed to get out be­cause he was able to secretly pass a note to a Finnish diplomat.  The contents of the note and the incident was broadcast over the BBC and the Vietnamese were required to release him.


I remind you of the book I suggested for your reading—or accept this truth, as you choose.  I think you should know that the book authored by Jensen-Stevenson is a brilliant and daring piece of journalism.  Mrs. Stevenson, (Monika), was a FORMER producer with CBS’s 60 Min­utes who literally “stumbled” onto the information re­garding the plight of prisoners of war (POWs) in Southeast Asia through daring ones such as Col. Bo Gritz, etc.  We honor ones who will take a stand for truth in spite of that which can be brought down upon them.  Salu!




Garwood said he was eye-witness to other POWs and had had direct contact with and knowl­edge of many other prisoners.  Of course the stories were dis­counted and the State Department and Pentagon de­nied any such prisoners as well as disclaiming any such stories by one, Bobby Garwood.  But indeed Garwood HAD talked about other prisoners and this was clearly noted in NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL DOCUMENTS!


The documents referred to discussions of how Garwood had spoken about other prisoners while he was still in Vietnam, shortly before he came back to the U.S.  It was proven that Garwood’s story was truth from first telling and there is now documentation of that truth.


The truth, of course, regarding this poor young man, is that he was set up—court-martialed—only because he knew about the other pris­oners, not because he had been a collaborator.  The horri­ble thing about this is that, of course, he came out in 1979 when a lot more other prisoners could have come back than will ever be able to come now.


The story of Garwood is heartrending, dear ones, but you must face truth lest you never clean of the mess within thine own nests.  He learned to speak Vietnamese from a veteran POW who taught him how to survive.  Yet, when Garwood escaped and came out alive, the U.S. govern­ment turned it against him and charged him with collaborating with the enemy.


Ones such as Lt. Gen. Eugene Tighe, former head of the Defense In­telligence Agency (DIA), former POW Capt. Eugene “Red” McDaniel; also with others in the Pentagon and people with long family ties to the military were con­tacted by the authors and then came the call from a Colonel on the NA­TIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL who was in charge of the POW issue and he told the authors to “DROP IT”.  He proceeded to tell them about everyone with whom they had spoken and then proceeded to slander and discredit them.  Yet these were all people of im­peccable reputations who were quite obviously telling truth.  THEN THE PUNCH LINE—THIS COLONEL TOLD THE AUTHORS THAT IF THEY DID NOT CEASE AND DESIST THE PERSISTENCE OF LOOKING INTO THE MATTER THAT THEY WOULD BE “RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATHS OF THE MEN WHO WERE STILL OVER THERE”!


The colonel made it clear that it was well known that there are ad­ditional prisoners still in the Vietnam prisons.


Oh yes, to you who still believe in tooth fairies and Santa Claus—subtle death threats come also from several sources to effort to stop truth from flowing.  Our scribe and publisher and ones working on the Journals are constantly un­der attack, and threat of attack via phone, actual ap­proach, actual gunfire, microdot placement, beam pulses and thus and so.  THE COVER-UP IS MASSIVE AND THE TRUTH BRINGERS BEAR A MASSIVE FRONT OF DISCREDIT­ING AND LIFE-THREATENING DANGERS TO PUT MR. 007 TO SHAME AS A KINDERGARTEN CHARACTER.  YOU ARE NOW IN THE HARD-BALL GAME, CHELAS!  YOU ARE NOT DEALING ANY LONGER WITHSIMPLE INTER-NATIONAL, IN­TERNATIONAL—GLOBAL INTRIGUE——WE ARE NOW PLAYING IN THE MOST WIDESPREAD INTER-GALACTIC INTRIGUE EVER UPON YOUR PLACE.  The rapid spreading of the truth is the only protection these ones have in your big, nasty world.  It is through rapid dispersing of the truth, the materials, the books, that pro­tection comes for these daring bringers of truth.  It finally gets too OBVIOUS if something happens to them which causes their death.  This is why we reveal the death power of beams and pulses—so that a cardiac arrest, say, in this scribe is in no manner construed as “natural causes”.  The conspirators have taken out so many valid truth-bringers that it would in­deed shock your senses.  Further, those within the conspiracy system are equally taken out when and if they in any manner become a hazard to the PLAN!  These ones who would be put on trial, for instance, where truth might come forth—are stricken instantly with terminal cancers, brain tumors and or severe heart at­tacks and so forth.  Pay attention, it is happening every day of your existence.






The authors of KISS THE BOYS GOODBYE had, for example, the man who was in charge of prisoner security for the Vietcong, a man about whom many prisoners who did come back in 1973 reported.  Garwood also described this man as having been in charge.  This man was of Chinese descent, and because the Vietnamese had a conflict with the Chinese in the late 1970’s, he defected.  No one in the U.S. wanted to speak with him, to be sure.


It was only because Ross Perot, the Texas billionaire who got his own em­ployee hostages out of Iran, flew this Chinese man to the U.S. that he could testify before Congress.  He talked about two things: first, a warehouse of bones that the Vietnamese have and how every once in a while they would re­turn a few bones as “American remains” when it was diplomatically advanta­geous.  That was accepted.  It’s on the record.  He is known as the “mortician”.


However, he also talked about live prisoners.  He was the man who had been in charge of them.  He reported on specific Americans who were under his control.  Everything he said about those live Ameri­cans was somehow dis­credited.  He was considered “believable” on the matter of the bones, but not believable on the matter of the live Americans still held there—ah yes, the abso­lute integrity of your Congressmen!


Funny thing, when spoken to OUTSIDE the great halls of “injustice”, nobody has any difficulty, what-so-ever, in believing the truth.  As you might guess, however, the greatest support for this truth-bringing is from the precious Vietnam veterans themselves and those men who were in­volved in intelli­gence operations, most especially the Special Forces and military intelligence.  These ones must face the facts, that their lives are of less than no value to your gov­ernment or Pentagon.  If their presence is apt to pierce the cover-up—they are expended.


These men, however, are everywhere and they do know the truth.  What they have actually done now, is to shape an intelligence net­work that is probably better than anything the U.S. has officially.  This is because they have had to use their ingenuity, and they have contacts still inside Vietnam.  Over the years they have collected volumes of information.


You see, one of the things that your government does is keep all this informa­tion “classified”.  They keep it classified so that no one is legally allowed to look at it, and then they can say that “there are no prisoners” and in the inter­est of “National Security” the  records are restricted.


However, as with all lies—there are always ones who KNOW TRUTH, and they have managed to get much of even that “classified” intel­ligence and have put it right onto computer files, scat­tered about and carefully analyzed.  Just as we place our information and com­puter output on discs and store the in­formation in many various and distant places, they have protected the truth—it is impossible for man to destroy that which he cannot locate.  Further, as with us, the scribe and no ONE person KNOWS the whereabouts of all and this in­sures safety for there is no way to obtain information that is not within a given person.  Further—LET ME ASSURE YOU; AS ONES IN SURVEILLANCE CREWS AND SURVEILLANCE SERVICES COME INTO TRUTH—THEY REALIZE MOST SPECIALLY OF ALL, THAT THEY, TOO, ARE VERY MORTAL AND THERE IS NO SECURITY FOR THEM FROM THE VERY ONES WHO HIRE AND TRAIN THEM.  THESE SURVEILLANCE CORP WORKERS ARE THE FIRST TO BE TAKEN-OUT AT UNCOVER TIME!  REMEMBER, ALL MEN DIE!


I want you to further understand the confusion and perplexion of these au­thors for she was a producer of a major media “hit” program and Mr. William Stevenson, her husband, had a long, long history of defending the intelligence agencies.


As it became known of the investigation by these authors, informa­tion began to come in by many methods and a whole network of sup­port began to flow from very substantial resources such as Gen. Tighe and Ross Perot—the bil­lionaire industrialist—and people in the Pentagon who were credible and in­credibly daring sources.


Tighe, for example, was the head of DIA from before the end of the war in Vietnam through 1981.  DIA is the organization that analyzes all of the intelli­gence from the other agencies.  It would have knowledge of all of the intelli­gence on POWs.  Tighe said that when he had that job, he made the POW is­sue a top priority.  Every morn­ing it would be the first thing on his desk, and based on that in­formation he is convinced that there are prisoners there.  As a matter of fact, he calls that intelligence a “miracle”.


This is because many of your Southeast Asian allies were imprisoned with a lot of your men.  You had, when they came out of imprison­ment, a lot of di­rect reports about American POWs.  It is not that just that ONE man saw it or was vaguely aware of it.


Tighe describes it as there being as many as 25 different people living in dif­ferent parts of the world who saw prisoners.  There were absolute, wonderful, bonafide reports coming in from all over that had been sifted through, and they were convinced that it was good intelligence.






Ones such as Gen. Tighe have broken no “oaths” of secrecy.  He doesn’t give information from “files” nor documents—he is simply an observant person and citizen—YOU DON’T HAVE TO SEE THE MISSILE INSIDE THE SILO TO KNOW IT IS IN THERE!  This is a point he of­ten recites.  The facts are that all of the intelligence, even unclas­sified, indicates that the POWs are there.  It is through great men such as this that you can come to believe the truth of it.  These men have additional struggles, beyond the norm, with con­science.  If they come into con­frontation with God, the conscience will al­ways move toward God and truth if it be an honorable man.


At some point you ones must face the fact that “secret intelli­gence” has be­come a tool used in the bureaucracy, not to defend your country, but to de­fend positions and personal interests.





If indeed, Garwood was a “collaborator” with the enemy as the gov­ernment has claimed, then all of these veterans would not have been on his side.  These are all very brave, very courageous men with incredible records.  It doesn’t matter, though, what kind of record you have when you confront the people who control the POW issue, because if you dare to tell the truth you get smashed.  This is why the returning veterans of Vietnam have been so shab­bily treated.  Further, it is sad that such great and outspoken persons such as Jane Fonda, have capitulated to the pressures and now come within the very system which she could have influenced ultimately, for truth and justice.  Well there are others who have not capitulated and still daringly place their necks on the chop-block every minute of every day to give you truth.






I cannot honor this man often enough—I have personal discourse with him and I bend in salute to his courage.  Each must do all that is possible within each—to spread this truth and awaken the sleepers.  I give great honor unto this brave soldier.


This man has suffered endlessly, for speaking out on the POW issue and the uncovering of fac­tual evidence and documentation of the drug situation in Asia.  He has named names and brought irrefutable proof unto you and he has been targeted for death by your own gov­ernment and Pentagon—but he works within the shield of God, my friends, and it becomes quite difficult to break through that shield of Light as long as the protected keeps the shield in­tact.


Much has been done to discredit this man.  It has been done very effectively!  As a result, a lot of people think that he is just some “crazed Rambo”!  The truth is that he was on a very fine ca­reer track when he decided that the POW issue was more important.  He was persuaded to leave the military officially but continued to work with it—one of those top-secret arrangements!  He made that decision because he was a partner with the government in knowing about POWs absolutely.  Part of that intelligence was photographs and spe­cific reports coming back on pris­oners in Laos, on very spe­cific people.


The government was initially involved in a mission to get those men out, and then they pulled back, and Gritz went in by himself and was sabotaged.  The way they sabotaged him, among other things, was to announce over the Voice of America that he was in Laos “on a top secret mission”.  This was announced over and over again to make sure that the information was not missed.  This has happened to others, also, and is a common trick to render a mission use­less.


The minute the U.S. government finds out that someone is over in Southeast Asia and may bring someone out or bring information, they sabotage it.


It is always awkward to identify “they” although you should always inquire.  It is very difficult to pin down and accuse large numbers of bureaucrats who, for a large number of reasons, including total incompetence, contributed to such a scandalous situation.  The name of the game is blame-passing and cover-up, bribe taking, etc., so you just have to understand that “they”, in this in­stance, must stand without further identification.


In this particular situation, however, a group of people did take control of the issue of these missing Americans and wanted to con­ceal their existence in or­der to continue their own private work, as it were, against the Vietnamese communists after the peace ac­cords in 1973 and after the pullout of U.S. troops in 1975.  Fur­ther, some are in very useful placement which would de­stroy effec­tiveness if revealed.  There are quite enough credible spokesmen to suffice.


It is interesting to note that some of the “they” group are credi­ble in a most “reverse” manner.  Many of the “they” group have been following their own particular policies and intent.  When Secret Intelligence becomes too big and too bureaucratic it becomes possi­ble for small groups of “theys” to follow their own particular policies.  They became (in this instance) accustomed to fi­nancing covert warfare through unorthodox and even criminal methods like illegal drug smug­gling, etc.  This was usually done with blessings and instruc­tion of the government and Pentagon itself.


It was, however, when people began to touch upon that aspect that they got into trouble.  At first it seemed to them to be a legiti­mate means of financing covert warfare in order to avoid oversight by Congress.  However, as time wore on, it began to yield huge profits, and the money became too big a temp­tation—as it always does.


This aspect of drug smuggling and covert operations was revealed quite well in the Iran-”contra” entangled mess.  It has, further, been linked inseparably with the S&L scandals—BILLIONS AND BIL­LIONS OF DOLLARS ARE INVOLVED AND THE INVOLVED PARTICI­PANTS GO ALL THE WAY TO AND THROUGH YOUR PRESIDENCY.






Mr. Perot has revealed a lot—in some instances more than intended—but we note that it is all public record so we will share it with you.  He put the circum­stance very well; this small group, this “secret team”—whatever you want to call it—had become addicted to drugs.  Not in the sense of taking drugs them­selves but in selling drugs as a means of financing a secret war that had no of­ficial public support.  It was therefore being conducted in total secrecy—with blessing all the way to the top and on the secrecy as well.


These people became totally addicted to the money, the power and the im­mense profits to be made from the sale of arms.  They fooled themselves into thinking that what they were doing was patriotic—or at least that was the “excuse” foisted upon you the public.  They fooled them­selves, and you, to the degree that any men who had to do the real fighting had to be written off, or otherwise their grand scheme would be jeopardized.


The first thing you owe anybody who goes to war on your behalf is the decency to bring them back, dead or alive, and account for them to their families—nothing less is acceptable.  For hun­dreds of years that has even been the agreement between any government and the men that go to fight for the gov­ernment.  Look what you have here!  You not only have your own govern­ment as a player—but you pay (did you hear me?) PAY the old enemy to keep the men until death takes them—ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!  The government is now black­mailed for if the men are simply killed outright, the old enemy will tattle on you—and so the payment goes on and the bribes for silence given freely.


A lot of grieving wives who have been involved in the POW issue have suf­fered greatly and blessed are they who have not “just gone away”.


It has been totally outrageous—the things done to these people.  The wives, especially, have been helpless.  They don’t have any money, any large organi­zation—no lobbying power like the Zionists, for instance, who, by the way, send the Mossad trainers to train the groups involved in the drug running and in keeping the men im­prisoned.


If the wives didn’t go along with the National League of Families, which rep­resents the “OFFICIAL” government point of view, they have been ham­mered, discredited, attacked and threatened.  Oh yes, some of these wives have been killed in cold blood to shut them up.  The National League of Families, like so many wondrous organizations originally founded, was origi­nally of pure intent.  It has since been taken over completely by the govern­ment in order to con­trol the issue and to state only what the “secret team” de­cides to be palatable to the public’s ten­der ears and eyes.


This is the epitome of abuse of secret intelligence, and one of the things you must work to do is have the intelligence on prisoners declassified.  The infor­mation of worthy nature will not be re­vealed but the fact of destruction and/or cover-up would be re­vealed by the very lack of records.






Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes was cool to the whole Garwood story from the be­ginning of its break­ing.  Let us look at possible connections and why he might have wanted it “stuffed”.


Bradley was a Vietnam correspondent and had been very close to some of the people who were in charge of the POW issue.  When he dealt with them again, he fell to their “reasoning”.  He came away claim­ing to be convinced that people being dealt with were either senile or distraught widows, orphans and so forth.  Bradley preferred to play the game with the deceivers.


The authors of the material were leaned on very heavily by the net­work who in turn were leaned on very heavily by at least one sena­tor who had a very im­portant role in all of this.  Of course those avenues of “pressure” are covered very, very well.  And so it goes.  This is the story as af­fects all truth-bringers.  The dark “criminals” who would control your very world, assets and citi­zens as well, will stop at nothing to stop the truth from unfolding.  They control by force and de­ceit and you ones must open of thine eyes before it is too late to make a difference.  Your na­tion is on the very brink of destruction—pulled down by the very ones you gave power to “protect” you.  So be it.






As usual, not very much and that which they have done is all but inconsequen­tial to utterly dam­aging and ridiculous.  Oh, there have been one or two as I will note: Jesse Helms and Charles Grassley are two.  They have finally man­aged to bring this issue to the at­tention of, of all things, THE SENATE FOR­EIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE—a dandy offshoot of the FOREIGN RELATIONS COUNCIL of which we fre­quently speak.  But the only real work is going on through indepen­dent publications and groups such as YOU THE PEOPLE.


Prior to this there were many congressional committees that looked into this and came up with some quite unbelievable answers, having totally accepted the cover-up for obvious reasons.


Interestingly enough, there was a very big Veterans Affairs Commit­tee look­ing into this, and they simply came up with the solution that the guys were all dead, and in the process they discredited a lot of the people who had given them information—and a lot of that information has since completely disap­peared—somewhat like the FBI and Noriega’s files with CNN!  When the owner of CNN capitulated it was a great loss to you the people and you don’t know even the slightest bit about what really has transpired.  Well, in the POW matter, people had to testify in secret.  The congressmen who heard the testimony came back and said there was no validity to it.


How about the Ray family, for example.  The Rays lost a son in Cambodia, and had very valid information that their son had not perished where he was said to have died.


They even found out that their son received a Purple Heart medal SEVEN MONTHS after he supposedly died, and that there were two death certifi­cates and that other people reported hav­ing seen him ALIVE long after he was said to have died.


They took all of this information to the committee headed by Sen. Frank Murkowski and when they tried to question the senator, Murkowski said: “If he’s dead, he’s dead.  Have you ever con­sidered the possibility that maybe people are trying to save your feel­ings?”  Well, he is, of course, dead by now!  And so it goes, exam­ple upon example.  May you come into your awakening soon, dear ones, while there is possibility of change for it is a most dreary pic­ture as it now is out-laid for and by you.  I can only assist by bringing these things into your attention and you will do that which you will; may God touch of your hearts with compassion and understanding for you must be acting quickly now, if you would change of your direction into destruction.  Change must be­gin with the single individual willing to stand forth—but, you will find there are already those there who have dared and you will no longer stand “alone”.  So be it.


Dharma, this has been longer than intended.  Therefore, we will not begin an­other subject at this sitting.  Thank you for your patience as we sidetrack onto such issues as the above.  How­ever, we must not lessen our current projec­tions of insight for each and all is critical.  May we take rest, please.


Hatonn to stand-by, awaiting your readiness to continue.