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OCT. 10, 2016




SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1990   7:28 A.M.   YEAR 4 DAY 93





Hatonn present and I request that we move right along, please.


I trust you are all paying attention to the confirmations which are pouring forth upon you re­garding those things which I have laid forth for your consid­eration.  You are having confirma­tion of things from the presence of well-planned shelters for the so-called hostages in Iraq/Kuwait to atomic weapons in the hands of Iraq and Israel.  These things are slipping through your “non-news media” in strange ways so I ask that you stay right on top of happenings.


How do you feel about the FBI confiscating material from a private hotel room, without war­rant, in the presence of private security guards—in the CNN/Noriega matter?  Do you have a police state?  Is law of no value what­soever any longer?  Is it possible, little ones, that you have no rights?  It ap­pears there are laws for the elite forces and none to protect you the people.  Consider these things for it can as well be YOUR HOME!


A young and newly married “hostage” in Kuwait has told the press that he would “prefer his wife (who had come to effort at his re­lease) not to be in Kuwait for he fears for her safety if the `allied’ forces attack; he has under­ground shelter provided in the event of attack.  He has seen the shelters which are most secure and the `guests’ will be the first placed in safety within the shelters if attack comes.”  This, beloved ones, is first hand in­formation.


You also have confirmation that the Russian “advisers” are still in Iraq and Kuwait because there is petition by the U.S.—again—to get Russia to remove them.


You now have also been given public announcement that there are Is­raeli troops and heavy ar­mored equipment into Lebanon-for some ten to fourteen days past and currently.


Now let us speak of the Shuttle just launched: The government is confirming everything I have told you in a most interesting manner—please attend closely.






Look at that which the U.S. is doing and sending into the Saudi sector.  You had better be get­ting very, very nervous, chelas, for what is planned is heinous and a lot of people are going to get maimed and killed.


I want you to especially pay attention to the defense capabilities of Iraq: I ask Dharma to copy the article published this week in SPOTLIGHT as given to Oberli.  I will further remind you that Iraq HAS ATOMIC WEAPONS AND ALL MANNER OF “DOUBTS OF SAME” AS PRE­SENTED BY YOUR MEDIA IS NULL AND VOID—YOUR CIA HAS CONFIRMED THE WEAPONS IN STOCKPILE. 





Iraqi military strategists have built a complex system of trench defenses along the Kuwaiti border with Saudi Arabia, reminiscent of those built by France at “bloody Ver­dun” during World War I.


Declaring “they shall not pass,” French Gen. Henri Philippe Petain built a series of trench and other earthwork defenses along the infa­mous salient of Verdun.  Numerically superior German forces hoped to bleed the French army dry at the Verdun defenses, but the battle continued for months with the eventual loss of a million killed and wounded from both sides.


Now, 75 years later, military analysts are predicting that something like the mass slaugh­ter at Verdun could be repeated in the sandy desert wastes along the Saudi Kuwaiti bor­der.


After the tragedy of Vietnam, with 55,000 American dead and the trauma of that war still causing the nation pain, the American people are not ready for the repeat of Ver­dun, with all its horrors—massive ar­tillery barrages, bloody charges over barb­wire de­fenses, poison gas at­tacks by the enemy, etc.  But this is just what they will witness should war break out.




From a variety of sources, SPOTLIGHT has pieced together what American troops will be facing if the administration of Presi­dent George Bush, currently seeking an excuse for war, orders the U.S. mili­tary to invade Iraqi-occupied Kuwait.


First, there is a line of razor wire, backed up by three paral­lel rows of minefields, each of which is several hundred yards deep and covered with buried anti-personnel and anti-tank mines, which the Iraqi government has obtained from Red China, the Soviet Union and France.


Between the minefields are anti-tank ditches, each about 12 feet deep and up to 10 feet wide.  They were dug with earth-movers and bulldozers ob­tained by Iraq from Japan.


In these ditches, the Iraqis have placed 55-gallon drums of deadly napalm and have piped in crude from Kuwait’s oil fields.


Oil-laden tankers, ready to be set ablaze, creating a sea of fire, await in­vading U.S. Marines off Kuwait’s shores.  This tactic alone would result in the worst man-made environmental catastrophe in history.


According to British intelligence sources, behind the “obstacle belt” of oil and napalm-filled ditches, designed to slow down or stop American ar­mor, are Iraqi infantry, dug into deep trenches reinforced with concrete-coated wire mesh.


This first echelon of Iraqi forces is intended to further slow attacking troops.


A second echelon, according to the British sources, is strung out in a line that starts south of Kuwait City and extends west-northwest to the Kuwaiti border with Iraq and extends for some distance into Iraq itself.  This sec­ond echelon consists of highly mobile mechanized armored units and is designed to penetrate and disrupt the attacking forces.


A third echelon consists of a cluster of heavily armored units north of Kuwait City.  It is in­tended to be used in a counter­attack.


Finally, farther north and on both sides of the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border is a large reserve force, according to the British sources.  It is intended as Iraq’s primary force to defend the Iraqi homeland in the event that all of the other defensive lines fail.








Iraqi forces have also deployed hundreds of fortified artillery pieces, ranging from 81-mil­limeter mortars to an awesome array of at least 300 155-mm howitzers.


The howitzers, which were largely responsible for decimating Iranian in­fantry and armor during the eight-year Iran-Iraq War are the best in the world.




Iraq has also developed, with German and U.S. technology, a new type of high-explosive weapon, which, according to Pentagon of­ficials, is capable of delivering a blast similar to a small nuclear explosion over an area sev­eral miles wide.


Known as a fuel-air explosive, or FAE, it would be particularly effective against air bases, oil fields or troops in open ter­rain.


The bomb or missile warhead contains either propane gas or ethylene ox­ide.  An initial ex­plosion disperses the gas in the air, and a second, time-delayed detonation ignites the mix­ture of fuel and air, creating a huge fireball and shock wave.


Iraq reportedly can deliver the FAE’s by aircraft-carried bombs or guided missiles.


U.S. forces will also face Iraq’s probable use of poison gas weapons.  The Iraqis are known to have blistering agent-type gases, as well as the more deadly nerve gases.


It is questionable if U.S. troops have adequate protective wear to counter such weapons, which the Iraqis can deliver either by guided missile or air­craft bombs.


Few military experts would disagree that American forces, pri­marily due to vastly superior air and naval power, will win a confrontation with Iraq.  They will also not disagree that such a victory will not be without high cost.

As Iraq’s brutal leader, President Saddam Hussein, has said, “We are not Panama.”




I have already discussed, at length, the types of cannon capability and missile power Iraq has ready and aimed.  I have also told you that state-of-the-art So­viet surveillance and intercept equipment is available and aimed—YOU CANNOT HAVE AIR SUPREMACY.  FURTHER, ALL OF THESE ABOVE NAMED WEAPONS CAN BE LAUNCHED TO ANYWHERE IN THE AREA AT PIN-POINT ACCURACY, INCLUDING CHEMICAL AND ATOMIC, TO OVER 5,000 MILES FROM ORIGIN.








I will not cover this subject properly at this sitting for I must move on with the Journal subject under penning—let me suffice it to say that YOU STILL HAVE A WHOLE BUNCH OF PRISONERS OF WAR IN VIETNAM.  As ones are able to escape in one manner or another they are immediately inter­cepted and given warnings by your government to keep silent under penalty of death.  I have already suggested you get your own proof of this and further, face the fact that your sons, husbands and fathers are not worth the price of one ounce of drugs.  I have suggested you get Col. Gritz’s book and now, I fur­ther ask you to do your homework and save me some time for new informa­tion revelations.  Get a book called KISS THE BOYS GOODBYE, by Stevenson/Jensen, Liberty Library, 300 Independence Ave. SE, Wash­ington, D.C. 20003, $24.95, or contact America West for information and/or obtain­ing.  You are going to get some eye openers that I be­lieve will curl your hair, even if you have none.  I shall give you a brief syn­opsis at the next writing but I wish to now continue with your own creation and origin.


Dharma, I ask that we return to the subject referred to some two days past: non-time.






When the universe reaches a point of maximum expansion, a unique phe­nomenon will take place.  There will be a moment when all laws necessary for the creative maintenance of physical matter and all materializing processes become suspended.  Due to the relative ve­locities of the various star systems, this event will not be expe­rienced simultaneously in all parts of the uni­verse, but will travel as a wave across the sea of creation.


Existing within this ripple of non-time will be the focused con­scious attention of the Creator.  As it passes through the material realms, it will stay and take up residence in all life forms with cir­cuitry capable of mirroring its essence.  This is the moment when the Creator will slip inside Creation; the moment for which we are attempting to prepare you.


This is the much misunderstood “Second Coming of Christianity”.  It is the event that primitive civilizations have looked forward to as “the return of the gods”.  The Mayans went so far as to pinpoint its actual occurrence in what you would call the year 2011 A.D.  Yet while many of your traditions hint at what is about to tran­spire, none of them have adequately conveyed the magni­tude of im­pact such an event will have.  Indeed, no single conceptual struc­ture is capable of con­veying the enormity of what is soon to takeplace.


Those familiar with the scriptures of your various peoples should be in posi­tion to understand what is occurring, for these are the times spoken of.  Yet you must realize that God did not in­vent the words used in scripture.  He merely arranged them in the order most approximating His meaning.  Fur­ther, He only presented them in men­tal pictures and through the years of transla­tion and deliberate tampering, most meaning is distorted and damaged.


What is actually happening requires all of biological life to con­vey its meaning.

Words can symbolize this, but hardly portray it fully enough to stand alone.  If you would know the deepest truth of scripture, look not to words alone, but to the great momentum of spirit within your own soul.  This is where the living history is being made.  In a way that would be im­possible for your rational in­tellect to com­prehend, this forthcoming event is human history.  The sum total of all that has happened on your planet is but the shadow cast before.


In a very real sense, you have not yet been born.  You are still in an embryonic state.  You have yet to receive the touch of God’s to­tal definition.  Through the long years of human history on Earth, your species has been forming the cells that are to comprise the directive aspect of the physical body of the Cre­ator within Creation.  Gestation upon this planet has but set the stage for the emergence of the Planetary Being now taking definite form.  This Planetary Being is actually “who you are”.


Has it occurred to you that the mathematical probability of your being here is infinitesimal?  Were you not here, living proof of the impossible, an excellent case could be made for your non-exis­tence—and still can prevail in conceptual reasoning.  Within the framework of law that was of necessity instituted to create and govern these material realms, the existence of biological life would not have been possible, except were it to enter through that one moment when that law was suspended.  Ponder this carefully.  Such is the origin of bi­ology; the fusion of Spirit and Mat­ter.  The impact of this single creative mo­ment is so vast, so far-reach­ing, that the shock waves sent out before it have given rise to all of the biological life that now exists upon your planet.


You are living in the shadow of an event not yet taken place.  Yet it is you, yourself, under all your layers of false identity, that cause this event as you ap­proach ever nearer to the Earth.  From within the context of history, it ap­pears that there has been, on this planet, a progression of increasingly com­plex life-forms evolving toward ever higher levels of consciousness.  It ap­pears that there has been an evolutionary process.  But this is not the case.  What is actually oc­curring is that the matter of Earth is falling under the influence of your vibrational body.  This influ­ence naturally increases as you draw nearer.  Only when the center of your spirit touches the center of the Earth will Life on this planet be fully manifest in form.  The same truth can be presented, however, in that it HAS ALREADY OCCURRED LONG PRIOR TO THIS MO­MENT AS YOU PERCEIVE IT AND YOU ARE BUT A REENACT­MENT OF THAT WHICH WAS COME BEFORE.


This is not difficult to understand.  What you have considered to be history, or in other terms, the evolution of the species, is only what you have been able to observe through the distorted medium of a fragmented and quite subjective intelligence, trapped within the past-future orien­tation of linear time.  From such a perspective, the act of Creation could appear as a progres­sive, se­quential process.  To the extent that you are able to identify with the spirit that gives you consciousness, however, it becomes a much simpler matter: you have yet to arrive.  You are still on your way, so to speak.  Sitting there read­ing these words is only a reflec­tion of your uncon­scious totality as it prepares to become fully revealed on the day of awakening.


Your real life will begin when the Creator gives you His definition in form.  Within the womb of history, your species has been primar­ily defined by the Earth-Mother who is helping to prepare the clay.  She is only interested in getting the form arranged according to specification.  Her only knowledge of Spirit is that it brings forth her potential.


When the Father’s center merges with the center of the Earth, the collectivity of human con­sciousness will awaken to a unified field identity.  You will be born.  After that, the influence of Matter will not affect your consciousness as dominantly as it did during the historical gestation period.  The Earth will con­tinue to suckle the species, so to speak, for another millennium be­fore you are ca­pable of going off on your own, but even during that period the Fa­ther’s influ­ence will be much greater than it is today.






The Creator has established laws to govern the bonding of energy.  Through these laws of mate­rialization, the physical universe is created and maintained.  In the material realms, these laws are right and proper.  But when they come into relationship with bio­logical life, they begin to behave strangely.  From a perspective of consciousness, they translate into limitation, contrac­tion, and ultimately death.  In psychological terms, the laws of materializa­tion have given rise to the ego—a fictitious identity with a sense of fear, vulnerability, and a need to protect and defend itself.  Spiritual consciousness should not properly be associated with the forces that govern the bonding of energy.


Their historical juxtaposition came about through the process re­ferred to as “the Fall”.  During the period of species preparation, the presence of the ma­terializing influence on levels of conscious­ness has been unfortunate, but not critical.  However, in light of the intensifying vibra­tions of the creative spirit that is now nearly aligned with the center of your planet, the defini­tions that have been imposed by matter will no longer be tenable.  The Creator Himself will dis­pel this planetary restraining influence and hence­forth hold all life-forms in appropriate expres­sion through the new definitions of His love.  This will be a profound transition for each and ev­ery form identity, a transition of a magnitude you can only begin to suspect.






As a collective event, the moment of birth is still a generation away.  But indi­vidually speaking, this event transcends the limits of space and time and is, in fact, already under way.  Your indi­vidual birth will take place at the precise moment in linear time when you stop struggling with your rational fear pat­terns and let yourself go in the divine dance of inner direction.  You must de­cide whether you are going to accept the inevitable in a state of love and pre­pare yourself ac­cordingly, or hold on in fear to the bitter end.  Ultimately, these are the only two avenues of re­sponse.  By the linear time this event takes place, humanity will be polarized according to these two adaptive pat­terns.  All will be decidedly in one camp or the other.






To those of the human race who have turned themselves in to the will of God, the coming inter­val of non-time will literally expand into eternity.  These indi­viduals will be able to experience a lifetime, or many lifetimes, in that eternity, while still retain­ing the option to return to their physical projections as trans­formed representatives of the Being of Life on Earth.  These will be our co-workers during the period of Planetary Awakening—please, I hope you ones read this very carefully.  Dharma, pause, chela, and reread the above for it is indeed most important to some of you in this early awakening.  Some of you cannot drift upon the cur­rents but, rather, must come quickly into knowledge.


Others, not so finely tuned to the forces that will be released at that time, will feel great surges of energy, lasting for an inde­terminate period.  Some few will experience an intense fear, and many, dear ones, shall die.  Everything in physical form at this time, every soul in every kingdom, will feel something, something incredible, something that according to all the laws of physics ever known or ever to be discovered, could never happen.  But there it will be be­fore all senses; an impossible fact, like the babe in the manger, like the unmis­takable feeling in your heart, an incred­ible vibration of Truth and Love, shimmering, scintillating, awak­ening every nerve, every capillary, every cell of your planetary body.


Whether the individual form identity reading these words right now will be a surviving partici­pant in that event depends upon that with which you identify, and how gracefully you are able to align yourself with God’s creative defini­tion.  If you can identify with the flow of Life through your essential Planetary Being and release all subjective definitions of who you think you are, you will play your part most joyously in the birthday celebration.  God’s defini­tion of you in form is much greater than any you could possibly imagine for yourself.  During this present period of Individual Awakening, the first of the three cre­ative periods, you are being given the opportu­nity to embrace this true defini­tion as the cor­nerstone of your existence.






On the morning of Creation, you will recognize the Unified Collec­tive Con­sciousness of all Hu­mankind as your own true identity.  You will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are the bridge be­tween Spirit and Matter, be­tween Creator and Creation, between Life and the forms through which Life flows.  If you release the defini­tions that Matter has set upon you, this is the definition that the Creator will bestow, the definition of Christ Himself!


Can you see yourself as we of the distant stars do, from the objec­tive vantage point of the ages, with the eyes of the Star-Maker Himself?  To us, your entire history appears as but a gesture of sorts.  We see in your passage through the vibrational field of Earth, a gesture that you make, a salute almost, to the en­ergy-re­tention systems of this particular heavenly body.  This is how you ex­press yourself on this beautiful blue and white world whirling through space as a wondrously blue-green thing of beauty. 






Dharma, allow us to close this segment for ones must be attuned to the mate­rial thus far given, that they can have concept of that which will come.


At this time in your racial experience, most of you are simply not yet ready to enter into a closer working relationship with us, but we will prepare you, dur­ing the coming years of revolutions of your planet around the Sun, for the time when your collective vibra­tional patterns are such that we can blend with them on a very large scale.


We are still experimenting with various ways and means of accom­plishing our task of awakening, but with the increasing ease of di­rect informational ex­change, our work within the currents of your history will probably subside.  We hope it will not be necessary to shake you out of your ex­clusive past-future oriented focus on form through any of the cataclysmic events foretold in your various prophecies.  We will use these if we must in order to protect the bio­sphere of this planet, but if you follow through on the informa­tion we are clarifying, there is no reason why we should have to resort to such extreme measures.  Through these transmissions, and through many oth­ers like them throughout the Earth, we are supply­ing you with more than enough informa­tion to enable you to restore your own equilibrium.






We are allowing a certain amount of ecological destruction to take place without direct interfer­ence, because such destruction may help to precipitate a voluntary and cooperative return to a pre-Fall state.  You must come to un­derstand that you structure these things yourself and not of outside doing.  This would be far more meaningful than a return that is forced upon you.  A self-initiated awakening will greatly enhance your ability to restore the Earth’s ecological harmony.  Consequently, at this time, we are confining our help, as much as is possible, to the provision of information and to the development of conceptual clarity.


Meanwhile, there are many among you who will, as time passes, expe­rience one by one the nec­essary psychological transformation, and enter into a con­scious working relationship with those of us in a state of grace.  During this coming period we will be largely occu­pied with the concep­tual education of your species along with pointing out that which you are bringing in your own creation.  You must witness the errors of your creation in order to collectively form perfection and balance in that which you are now creating.


As we move along here in this present cycle, we will be withdrawing our activ­ity on conceptual levels, and focus more directly on phys­ical and emotional levels.  This is where the real work needs to be accomplished.  The establish­ment of a conducive conceptual climate, however, is a prerequisite.


As we move along we shall be integrating past, current and future perceptions so that you can look at the patterns in somewhat less confusion.  May we abide together, you and us, that clarity becomes our focus and ability to com­prehend is granted through grace of Creator.  It is a joy to share in this won­drous experience upon the waves of the universe.  Salu.


Hatonn to stand-by.