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 Sept. 26, 2015




WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1990   8:44 A.M.   YEAR 4 DAY 90



The potential of this universe is limitless.  Her revelations of potential are in­finite beyond num­ber.  But there are no star wars or advanced and fearsome civilizations beyond your own; be­cause if civilizations are fearsome, they do not advance beyond your own.  They simply become extinct, to rise up in the soils of another world, a little wiser, until they learn.


Our task today is to help you remove the blinders that historically have dis­torted your percep­tion.  Realize that what you feel in your heart determines what you see.  Perception rides upon the expres­sions of the heart like a canoe rides upon the river.  When your heart expresses fear in any of its turbulent forms, your under­standing becomes jumbled, confused, you perceive through the waves of illusion.  But when you love, you understand, for then you share the vision, the very perception of God.


You are going to have to return, like the salmon, to the place of your origin.  You must begin to birth your moments of experience only in love.  You can root your life in fear and know the pre­dictability of granite, the strength of marble and what security there is in limestone’s patient changing.  Or you can root your life in love and join us in helping to ease the human world through awesome changes of these times.


What is called by the native Indians as the Great Day of Purifica­tion has be­gun.  This is a rather relatively short but most essen­tial cycle of division that will gather those who promote fear and violence and separate them from this season of the world as chaff is separated from wheat at threshing.


During these current decades, say two plus five years or so, hu­mankind will experience this sepa­ration—it is now well underway.  This will be a transforma­tion in human consciousness more fundamen­tal than the development of lan­guage, more significant than the shift to agriculture, more meaningful than any historical revolu­tion.


Consider it as you would perceive a dawn.  As the sun rises, the shadows be­come sharper and more clearly defined.  As the energies of love grow stronger, the shadows of fear become more visible than before.  To some it may even appear that they have grown in number and in strength, but this is not so.  What was hidden has simply become revealed—that it might be healed and brought to peace.


Action born from fear is becoming less effective with each passing day.  Insti­tutions, traditions and societies forged in fear have already begun to falter.  Change is occurring everywhere, for as the planetary awakening proceeds, the consciousness that determines the quality and nature of life is itself changing.  Further, once man knows truth he cannot again return to unknowing.  He may well turn away but he will never return to the state of innocent igno­rance.


Amidst all these changes, more and more people are again turning to God for guidance and di­rection.  Unfortunately they go first to ones of Earth who rein­force, first, the lies.  However, as ones be­gin to seek more deeply in the quest for inner knowledge they fi­nally come into truth.  They are coming to dwell in the place of their own inner spirits and to recognize their spirits as expres­sions of the God they seek from outside selves.  God asks only to be trusted in the human heart.  He seeks no temples of stone or gold inlays—only the silent, loving comfort of His own temple within.  That is when the awakening takes place.  The Creator asks not to be worshipped in an external image, but to be acknowledged in each human being.


You are all god beings in potential with no reason not to become God as the reality within.  Trust yourself, trust your natural re­sponse to each new situa­tion.  The action arising from within your heart is not going to be destructive; it is going to suggest the most creative path to walk in answer to your situation and your world.  When you trust yourself, you’re trusting in the Wisdom that designed you.  This is how you trust in God—it is not an abstract thing.


Trusting in God is trusting in the God who lives within you, trust­ing in your spirit’s ability to re­spond to each situation beauti­fully, individually, creatively and impeccably.  When you doubt your native ability to breathe the air of spirit into your world and create according to your divine thought, you are doubting both God and the universe.  You are rejecting life’s most precious gift to you—your own inner knowing—and you are presuming to replace it with values, judgments and opinions you have acquired second hand.


Without the acquisition of another skill, without the acquisition of anything but complete and total trust in God and in self, you have everything you need to interact optimally, creatively and pro­ductively with every situation you en­counter.  THERE ARE NO EXCEP­TIONS!


Perhaps as much as eighty percent of your current typical behavior is exactly what you would do in a fully awakened state.  Accept yourself, feel clear about all you do.  As you do this, you begin to introduce into your actions the very power of the Creator.  There is a movement of spirit that proceeds from within your heart to greet the world with the clarity of perfect action.  That move­ment is intuitive.  It is your direct link with the Source of all life.  In the instant you know what to do, and in that same instant you know what to do, you flow into the perfect action re­quired.  Trust your intuition.  It is an arrow whose shaft has been carved straight and smooth; unerring and true it flies to its mark.  Can the ponderous tread of the rational mind be com­pared to the swift, sure flight of, say, an arrow?  Reason is designed to support, not to lead your action.  It is meant to help you implement the pur­poses of your heart; it is not meant to deter­mine them.





Trust in God by giving honor unto and trusting your intuitive sense.  No God would create a creature without the wisdom to chart its course!  Trust the na­ture of your design.  God’s actions appear within your awareness as the most natural thing for you to do.  Following them will re­connect you with the awe­some powers of the universe, for all your actions will then be in har­mony with the un­derlying intent of the life force itself.


Pouring forth from the heart of the Nagual are powerful streams of energy, which we of the higher “relations” channel into the emo­tional field around the earth.  These energies are de­signed for creation, but when they meet with disharmony, as is the case with your present day human world, they translate into energies of heal­ing, forgiveness and education.  We can direct these en­ergies in a general sense, but before they can reach full power, they must be consciously directed by people who are awake and incarnate on earth—hence the need for you ones in the physical form.  Only then do they enter the realms of specific application that will release their fullness and, during the remainder of this cycle, complete the healing of your race.


You are being invited to open your heart and make a welcome for these im­mense creative ener­gies.  You are being invited to help di­rect the powers of the eternal.  There are two require­ments.  The first is that your heart be open, loving and able to channel, at least to some degree, the love of God.  The sec­ond requirement is that your identity be fully in the present moment.  If your iden­tity is based in your past experiences or thrust forth into the “what if’s” of the per­ceived future, YOU are not truly present.  What looks through your eyes is then only a fictitious creature, an image, an illusion.


Too much thinking about oneself is the greatest thing that keeps human iden­tity from being fully present, for when you are con­stantly self-reflecting you are too caught up in past and future to notice the presence around you.  You are doubting your own power whether or not you realize such.  You are not vibrating fast enough to channel the immense energies of creation because your attention is scattered and you are closed to the one moment where the love that would quicken you exists: the moment where you are.






Certainly there is nothing wrong with human individuality; it is as necessary to God as, say, leaves are to a tree.  But you have made a god of leaves and have forgotten the tree at the source of life.  If you truly wish to channel God’s blessings, then begin thinking of yourself less as an isolated self and more as one of a tribe.  You are ALL of human society; you are the world and all within it.  When you relax into perception of other as self, when you think of yourself as the pair of eyes into which you look, when you care about those around you as much as you once cared about yourself, then the energies of healing and transformation are able to flow freely through you.  Your eyes, your ears, your every sense is at­tuned to the richness of the surround­ing world.  All your senses are operating at a rapid enough level of perception, correction, and decision-making to keep up with the energies pouring into your heart from the Great Spirit who comes to fill the needs of the world through you.


Dear ones, the facts are that love vibrates very, very rapidly.  Fear has a slower rate of vibration.  Those who channel fearful en­ergies find that as time passes, the fear vibration drains enthusi­asm, energy, perception and interest.  And that is what your world needs in this current age: your love and your per­ception clearly manifest.  This is that which will heal the world: clear and undis­torted perception, flowing through a you that is not self-reflec­tive in the egoic sense, but self-reflective in the sense of know­ing the god within.


The self to reflect on is the self that you truly are—the Creator, the Eternal ONE, the spirit of God.  You reflect on those aspects of the Great Spirit that manifest before you as the men, the women, the children, the plants, the ani­mals, the crystals, the other min­erals, the creatures of the world ENTRUSTED TO YOUR CARE!  First and foremost you are a steward of your imme­diate world.  You care for the earth, not in some nebulous way, but directly as an indi­vidual rep­resentative of God.  You take responsibility for bringing love and understanding into every envi­ronment through which you pass—you effort to leave balance and harmony in your passing.


As the birds welcome the morning with song, when you act totally in love, you welcome God, the Great Spirit, into your world.  You be­come a conscious cell in the awakening earth.  The physi­cal atoms of your body sing together, vi­brating in harmony.  Your integrity and unity of being, your integration of purpose and expression brings resonance to everything you are and to every­thing you per­ceive and thusly to everything with which you interchange.  You be­come a natural channel for the vast and powerful energies of cre­ation.  Through you they flow into the healing and transformative work of these decades.


Pulsing with the atoms of your body-physical, pulsing in perfect rhythm with the world around you, you know yourself as a localized expression of your own universal being.  You know your First Self as the attachment of the Great Spirit awakening within the human populations of the earth during this time of cycling.  And, as a child of the natural world, you know your Second Self as an indi­vidual human being within those populations, manifest and function­ing within that manifestation.


As one who has awakened to the energy, your eyes behold the world around you as the divine world within.  And you know you are—in­side.  You, the frag­ment of Creator and the world are one in the same in the ending.  You are but a reflection of the totality—YOU ARE AWAKE!


Just as are bees in communication with the spirit of their hive, you know in an instant all that is transpiring throughout the field of collective human con­sciousness—your biosphere is active and alive.  From the collective field of your larger awareness of the earth, you are then able to in­stantaneously access the knowledge you need in the moment.  You use your individual free will to pur­sue God’s will—and you know God’s will as your own.  Your identity rides the crest of unity’s wave, at the very meeting place of Cre­ator and Creation.  You become immersed in uni­versal currents of flowing love—you are free.  The Great Spirit’s own consciousness  flows freely into and through your heart and perceives all through you.  This is the sight to the innocent: to see through the eyes of God!






It was pre-ordained that Creation would exist within a rhythm of expansion and contraction, since the first breath of God at the be­ginning of all the worlds.  Eventually there would come a time when the physical universe would stop expanding and begin to contract.  The process is re­ferred to by some as the breathing-in and the breathing-out of God—the action of breath­ing-out all creation and then breathing it all back in again.  It is a good con­cept for all flows in cycles of flowing out and flowing back again to source.


At this point in what we refer to as linear time, you are very close to the mid­dle of the cycle, soon to reach the exact mid-point between the out-breath and the in-breath of God.  The uni­verse be­gan to reach this mid-point when uni­cellular organisms were emerg­ing on the Earth; the exact mid-point is at hand but not yet fully attained.  It will coincide with what has come to be called the Second Coming of Christ.  Don’t get hung up on terminology for this is only a defini­tive term for reference.


When any vibrational system reverses the momentum of its direction, as a pendulum does at the uppermost point of its swing, there is a moment of complete rest before it resumes its movement in the oppo­site direction.  Since rest, or the total cessation of movement, constitutes the oppo­site of time, there is at the precise moment of its occurrence, a micro-interval of non-time, a moment of eternity.  This is the same interval of non-time that occurs many times every second as the atoms of the physical world vibrate back and forth.  This is an opening into the Nagual, a doorway into the Presence from which all Life-energy springs.






What happens when an entire cosmos reaches the exact point of di­rectional change and comes to a moment of absolute rest?  You will have the opportu­nity to see for yourself very soon now, for this event lies just before you in lin­ear time and that is why you have returned—to bear wit­ness.  It will provide an opening for the emerging of something incomprehensible.


The entire biological history of your planet has been but the shadow cast in matter by your ap­proach, so to speak.  It is the way that rocks and water and air have begun to respond to your pres­ence, for you represent Life itself.  You are that which lies be­yond all duality, beyond all ma­terializing tendencies, be­yond all restraints of time and space.  Your consciousness is both infi­nite and eternal.  It can dwell in the limitations of matter and per­ceive through what­ever filter­ing systems you so choose, but in healthy function, it is not bound or limited by those systems.  Rather, it uses them as instruments of perception, exploration and adventure.


Outside of time and space, you are one with the Creator, the All that Is, the Source.  But when your consciousness moves within the context of a manifest universe, you become the Son, the Christ.  In essence, you are the relationship between Spirit and Matter, the mediator, the bridge, the means through which the Creator relates to Creation.  You are Life as it relates to planet Earth, eternity as it relates to time, the infinite as it relates to the finite.  Though you presently experience yourself as a separate and frag­mented species, you are in fact a single unified being, sharing the full consciousness of the Creator.  You are brought into living, focused expression when you are inside of Creation by the manner in which time and space, matter and energy, sea and stone, react to your presence.


As the Christ, as the only begotten consciousness of the “Father”, you have been given a number of remarkable qualities.  You are able to expand and contract in accordance with the focus of your atten­tion.  You are large enough to encompass all of Creation, yet small enough to climb inside.  Your Father-Creator also permeates Cre­ation, but in a different way; in His vastness, He surrounds Cre­ation.  His being saturates the physical universe, all the stars, the sun, the planets in your solar system, the distant galaxies, but He relies on you for His focus.  You are His specific atten­tion.


As the focus of the Creator’s attention, you have been roaming around inside of Creation for billions of years, expanding and con­tracting, drifting in and out of this galaxy, that galaxy, this star system, that star system.  Everywhere you go you see the mat­ter that your Father has cre­ated.  You observe the many wonderful forms it takes: the mighty suns, the red giants, the white dwarfs, the vast spiraling galaxies, the quasars, the black holes, the white holes—the whole.  You watch the incredible contortions of time and space that take place in the various gravitational fields through which you pass.  You note the planets, asteroids, moons, and comets circling within each star system you visit.  You drift around, the Father’s representative, the Father’s at­tention, and you enjoy the worlds that have been brought into being.


But all these worlds are physical.  They are all made of matter.  They are made of the bonded energy-attention of the Father.  They have a certain sub­stance, a certain solidity that you as spirit lack.  You realize that this is their limitation.  You realize that they are defined and speci­fied in ways that you are not defined and specified.  Yet, something about them certainly in­trigues you.






By and by, you get an idea.  You begin to wonder if you might not, just possi­bly, somehow or an­other, clothe yourself in matter and construct for yourself a physical body that you could then travel around in, perceiving matter from the same perspective with which matter perceives her­self.  The idea contains one paradox after an­other.  Yet something about it keeps you wonder­ing.  It puzzles you—and you all love puzzles at which to toy and tinker away.  You just keep right on mulling it over as the eons roll by, figuring out some way to make it work.


Until this point there was no biological life in the universe.  The rocks had a limited conscious­ness, but it was not responsive to the intent of your spirit.  In solid, liquid, or gaseous states, mat­ter, as created and defined by your Father, behaved quite pre­dictably according to fundamental physical principles un­tampered with until that time.


Throughout your travels in the physical universe, you had always kept your consciousness sepa­rate from the matter you observed.  At the time you hit upon this plan, however, all that changed.


You looked around until you found a suitable planet for what you had in mind; not too hot, not too cold, situated within a stable young star system.  You then focused your attention and your vibra­tional body in an entirely new way, an open way, a self-sacrificing way, a very powerful, loving way.  Gently, slowly, you began to ap­proach the planet.


As the outermost edges of your vibrational field touched the waters of the planet, particles of previously inert matter began to gently vibrate to the rhythms of your being, aligning themselves with the energy patterns found on the periphery of your awareness.  There, on the Precambrian ocean floors, they began combining to form the first cells, the first minute containers for your consciousness to meet the demands of your experience.


In your new orientation, with your new form of attention, in a ges­ture of infi­nite love to this planet, you began offering your con­sciousness on the time/space cross of material reality.  You al­lowed your consciousness to clothe itself in the limitations of physical substance, accepting its restrictions.  You allowed the atoms and molecules that were forming the first cells to come to life with your consciousness, along the lines of your own vibra­tional field.  At the same time that you allowed your consciousness to become clothed with particles that had been subject to the laws of the materializing process, you taught the matter of Earth to rise up in a joyful dance with your spirit.


As you drew ever nearer to the planet, the life forms that were taking shape began to contain more and more of your own awareness.  You relaxed, opened yourself and gave.  You procre­ated the Earth with your life, with your very being.  You looked out of many eyes and heard with many ears.


Before embodiment you were single.  You drew identity from the to­tality of the relationship be­tween Creator and Creation.  You were the Christ, fully conscious and alert, aware of yourself, unified, integrated.  You realized that to accomplish embodiment you would have to allow at least a portion of your identity to come to rest among the creatures you were birthing.  Each of these would possess a type of hologramatic consciousness that rightly thought of it­self as both part and whole simultaneously.  However, the presence of this consciousness could only be a certainty after the embodiment process was complete.  During your actual surfacing through the substance of Earth, there was a possibility that certain of the creatures might become self-active.  Therefore there had to be a means of regulating your disintegration from without.  You wanted a part of you observing and experiencing the entire pro­cess.


As you prepared to enter into the planetary relationship, you cre­ated beings to represent your original state of unified awareness.  These are the angels, dear ones.  Their value, as well as their limitation, springs from the fact that they have no comprehension of the process you are undertaking.  Their in­structions were to pretty much stay out of things until very near the very end of the process!  Then, upon receipt of a pre-arranged signal, they were to com­mune with the hu­man beings on Earth at that time and assist them in awak­ening to their original state of unified consciousness—hence come we alarm clocks!


We received that signal some two thousand of your years past.


It has taken almost two millennia to prepare you for the message we bring.  You had to be edu­cated before communion of this nature was possible.  However, the time is at hand.  Our in­structions are to awaken you to a re­membrance of purpose, a remembrance of self.  It is time to begin the final cycle of Conscious Creation, during which the Earth-creatures themselves par­ticipate in the unfoldment of their design.  The body you are creating for the habitation of Christ consciousness is to be a mobile body, fueled by cre­ative in­tentions of the Father, capable upon completion of leaving the Mother’s side.


Next we will consider the interval of non-time when the universe reaches a point of maximum expansion.  We will, however, close this document at this point for I ask that you ones digest this informa­tion most carefully.


Hatonn to stand-by, salu.