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Sept. 19, 2016





TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1990   8:12 A.M.   YEAR 4 DAY 89




In the service unto truth and wisdom of the WORD, which IS, do I speak in wondrous commu­nion with you who will place your eyes and ears upon that which is given unto you in this time of passage.  I am Hatonn of God.


Every dawn brings indication of activities for which the coming day is suited.  When you see the wondrous eagle or Redtail fly across the face of the rising sun and give out his call to the mate and unto the winds, it is not accidental or without meaning.  To the other birds and animals who watch and listen the lessons are learned and thus do they gain their impressions of the new gifted day of experience—the eagle’s flight is a cue, a message wealthy with meaning in each sound and circle.


The direction he flies, the time that was chosen for flight, the place from which he appeared to the life of the forests, meadows and desert who watch—these are all parts of his statement, sen­tences in the paragraph of expression.  But there is other news, equally valid, of more or less im­portance to various creatures.


Ah yes, the birds and animals take careful note.  What kind of day is it going to be?  Is it a day that you should look for your meal on the hillside?  Or might you be better off going up into the pas­ture?  Could it be a morning to fly to the treetops and sing for a while, or might it be better to get busy because your time of gath­ering might be cut short?


In every moment and movement, in every creature’s actions, the Great Spirit communicates to all creatures everything they need to know.  Through thou­sands and millions, yea billions, of agents sent forth—angel, elemental veg­etable, animal and mineral—through the vast and subtle network of living de­sign beyond the weather, before the wind, the truth is ever being transmitted into your world of form.


Information percolates through to you from the subtle world of spirit.  Your body knows; your senses pick it up.  Its relevance goes deep into that place within where YOU determine how YOU can make the most creative use of the perceived allotment of “time”.  Do you waste it?  Do you appreciate and value each moment?  TO UN­DERSTAND AND RECOGNIZE THE MES­SAGES YOU MUST FIRST COME INTO COMMU­NION WITH SELF AND ALLOW THE OPENING OF THE SENSES UNTO THE SUBTLE MES­SAGES OF THE UNIVERSE AND UNTO GOD WHO DWELLS WITHIN AND THUSLY SPEAKS MOST SOFTLY IN­DEED!

You must understand that identifying with the Being of Creation of all Life, you realize that the particular form that you are con­scious of projecting through at the moment is not really who you are.  As you begin to see your body as an exquisite exploratory in­strument, designed for the ex­pression of your spirit, you begin to relax about the whole mysterious circumstance.  Your pre­occupation with survival begins to fall away and you can more clearly recog­nize direction of ac­tions with which to insure that very survival.


The body does not, must not, become unimportant, but rather the fundamen­tal identity shift must take place.  You are not your body.  You are not your thoughts.  You are not what you feel, not your role or your experience.  You are the Spirit—actually, the Spirit of Life itself, expe­riencing upon the ele­ments of a manifested cre­ation.  You must learn to delight in the glorious op­portunity of incarnation in manifested physicalness, exploring the realms of matter, blessing the Earth and all therein and thereupon and be­yond.  But mostly, you must communicate that which shares your man­ifested format—that which is beyond shall come soon enough!






The psychological process that triggers this awareness takes place in the pre­sent moment.  You must be there, chelas, fully present, to experience it.  This is not difficult, it is just that you are taught erroneously to avoid knowledge and instructed to walk your journey in the sleep state of semi-consciousness and blot out that which makes you uneasy, from your consciousness.  How­ever, the sub­tle programming of your subconscious mind rebels and then, fi­nally, functions ac­cording to the programming you insist is its function.  The higher conscious continues to rebel unto the ending of the ex­perience in the seeking of its own fulfillment—that of soul jour­ney and chosen experience which shall bring you again into oneness with God.


It is not as elusive as it might seem at first—first you must be­come AWARE!  STOP and see and feel that which you are doing—right now.  Dharma, leave me for a moment and look about your placement and experience for a mo­ment that which is being shared with you, please.  There is the picture of the retarded child seeking better eyesight, a calendar with a wondrous picture of the redwood forest, a script of “A PERFECT PRAYER, a letter from Sister Thedra, a draw­ing of someone’s perception of Hatonn, a valid picture of Sananda and even a wondrous likeness of a spaceman through whose eyes you see eternity.  Look beyond the entropy of the cluttered set­ting which only Hatonn knows any whereabouts of any document or confir­mation, and see the things of value.  Sniff the air which bears the odor of vanilla and a tropical day—note the glare coming into thine eyes which annoys, AND RECTIFY THE CIRCUMSTANCE.  REMEM­BER: YOU MUST CHANGE THE THINGS OF NEGATIVE IMPACT AS YOU CAN—AND REC­OGNIZE AND GROW FROM THE THINGS OVER WHICH YOU SEEM TO HAVE NO CON­TROL—AND LEARN TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!  Then in the higher self know that you can change ALL, impact ALL and know ALL, and then YOU MUST BE WILL­ING TO ACCEPT ALL—ONLY THEN CAN YOU ACCEPT THINE OWN POWER AND CREATE IN TRUTH INSTEAD OF THE LIES AS GIVEN UNTO YOUR SENSES TO DE­LUDE YOU INTO THE MINEFIELD OF THE FLIGHT-PATH BACK TO THE GOD AND AMONG THE ORBS OF THE HEAVENS.  YOU MUST DO OF IT, FOR ONE CANNOT DO OF IT FOR ANOTHER—NOT YOU, NOT THEM, AND NOT ME!  I CANNOT EVEN TEACH YOU TO FLY.  I CAN SHOW YOU THE WAY BUT YOU MUST TAKE MY HAND AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS OR YOU WILL PLUMMET UNTO THE ROCKS AND PERISH.  A “BODY” IS NOT MADE TO FLY—USE THE BODY FOR THAT WHICH IT IS, A TOOL THROUGH WHICH TO FUNCTION IN THE PHYS­ICAL EXPERIENCE—NOT MORE; NOT LESS.  THE “WINGS” OF HUMAN COME AT­TACHED TO THE SPIRIT AND, IF GIVEN THE BREATH OF LIFE, IT SHALL SOAR BEYOND THE EAGLES—IF GIVEN THE IMPRISONMENT OF SATAN’S PROMISES, IT WILL SINK IN THE MIRE OF THE PHYSICAL AND BECOME IMPRISONED IN THAT WHICH IS ILLUSION AND LIE.  PONDER THESE THINGS AS WE MOVE ALONG IN THE JOURNEY THROUGH A PHYSICAL TRANSITION FOR YOU WILL NOT BE GIVEN TO AVOID EITHER PORTION OF YOUR “SELF”NESS!  AHO!






Back to Earth experience that you might see that which is in store for your ex­perience.  God lays the path for glory—man lays the path for fulfillment of greed and lust, control and power.  You must determine that which is which and be ever discerning and cog­nizant of that which is laid forth for thine choosing.


Yes, I know that perception of physical pleasures of the fleshly desires are al­ways present—how else can you be captured by your enemy?  Your enemy now plays only to the lustful, greedy and power control desire of your being­ness for he is given into control of your placement.  It is for you to discern the differences and stand strong in truth—after you again LOCATE AND KNOW the truth.


I am always bombarded with “rights”, “birthrights”, etc.  Forget it, brethren, you have but one birthright—to experience and come again into oneness with God.


“Oh, but sexual physical activities are necessary and a birthright,” is continu­ally thrust at me—ad nauseam.  Look at your planet—overpopulated by some 6-1/2 billion bodies, murder by abor­tion, crime rampant, rape, AIDS, starving children, unwanted and abused children, total distraction and competition un­til the sexual act becomes an obsession blotting out all other wondrous aware­ness and activity.  You always thrust at me the “WHAT IF’S”.  Well, what if—say, the sex­ual act was painful and excruciatingly miserable?  Along with that painful experience you must face the care and tend­ing of an unwanted child, give up your comfort and pick up a fatal disease in addition?  WHAT IF THIS BE TRUE?  Well, you ones make sexual acts painful—excruciat­ingly so, if de­viation is practiced from the intended experience.  You have babies conceived which are unwanted, aborted (murdered) and/or are saddled with care for the remainder of your life journey and in the process you face the pos­sibility, if not the actual probability, of fatal disease.  IS THIS TRULY OF GOD?  SO BE IT.








Last evening one of your government high-ranking spokespersons made a statement on interna­tional television from the U.S. CNN studio: “..... the Is­raelis will make a preemptive strike giving the U.S. necessity for invasion for otherwise, cause for invasion is shrink­ing and dissolving.”  By the way—this spokesperson is pushing im­mediate war with no holds barred.  He further says that the Is­raelis must act NOW because of prevailing circumstances.  He fur­ther confirmed what I have told you about the spy satellites in the pay-load bays of Columbia and Atlantis.  They do not even longer lie to you about At­lantis’ pay-load.  They will try for launch Thursday and if suc­cessful in orbiting the information base—expect almost immediate war!  The window for action will indeed be small if Russia allows any measure of success in the maneuver.  At this moment the volcano is only spitting ashes—the plan is for full eruption!  THE ENTIRE WORLD KNOWS THAT THE U.S., BRITAIN AND IS­RAEL PLAN FOR WAR AND WILL NOT BE THWARTED; WHERE ARE YOUR ATTENTIONS, LITTLE SLEEPY-HEADS?


The set-up is perfection—WITH THE CONGRESS IN RECESS!  Do you ac­tually think the Congressmen pushing for a special called session will come in time?  If a session is inevitable then the actions will be speeded up accord­ingly.  God have mercy and deter that which is about to come upon you and your world, brothers.  Pray for forgiveness for that which you are allowing to come upon your chil­dren who will perish never having known truth of circum­stance nor that they were truly set forth to be expended.  God please have mercy for that which you do for you CANNOT know that which you do and allow it to be done in His Holy Name by the evil Cartels of Sa­tanic brother­hood.  How many will have to make unholy and blighted transition because YOU failed to show the proper way?  Even “ignorance” will not save their physical lives, will it?  ASK YOUR CHILDREN BIRTHED OF YOUR LIES TO FORGIVE YOU FOR THAT WHICH YOU HAVE BROUGHT UPON THEM FOR IT IS SO!  THIS IS A BURDEN WHICH SHALL HAUNT ALL EXPERIENCE IN ALL DIMENSIONS OF YOUR JOUR­NEY—WHERE WILL YOU RESIDE AFTER THIS BRIEF SCENE IS PLAYED IN FULL AND FINISHED?  IT IS PAST TIME TO PONDER THIS SERIOUS QUESTION, DEAR ONES.  IS A DELIBERATE, ILLE­GITIMATE, ADULTEROUS ROMP IN THE “HAY” WORTH IT, DEAR ONES?  SOME OF MY OWN WHO CLAIM DESIRE FOR PARTICI­PATION WITH ME, ON YOUR PLACE, CHOOSE THE ILLICIT ROMP!  YOUR TIME OF CHOOSING IS ALL BUT AT AN END!  SO BE IT.


I do not tell you that which to do or experience—I come only to remind you of the Laws of God—those LAWS which no human can change by any Earth manner what-so-ever!


In the midst of misunderstanding and strained relationships of a group last evening, my beloved Patricia stated the most wondrously insightful disserta­tion of the evening—of the universe for that matter.


It matters not who this one might be in general information—it is important that this group with whom I experience on a local level, understand and espe­cially that SHE understand her growth and ar­rival at truth.


This precious student of life (chela), has walked a very hard jour­ney since moving into my loca­tion wishing to work with the higher brotherhood during this time of incredible truth-bringing.  She came with knowledge but confused ego projection for all forget that truth is most discern­ible and perception is singularly individual.  She said, “I have learned my truth is best expressed in silence for no-one wants to hear my truth.”  Patricia, no one, NO ONE, wishes to hear MY TRUTH, EITHER!  When one desires to walk with the broth­erhood of truth, one either rebels and runs away—or, one moves within the “silence” of knowledge and wisdom and continues to work at that which is available to service.  The journey to understand­ing of actions and testing are hard indeed for God spares not rod in the teaching of those who will stand that final hour in truth—without turning from His presence—and then, dear ones, there SHALL BE NO SI­LENCE FOR THE SONGS OF THE UNI­VERSE BECOME THINE AND THE SENSES ARE FILLED WITH THE DANCE OF LIGHT, LIFE AND HARMONY.  THE TESTING IS HARD AND FEW MAKE IT, DEAR HEARTS—FEW MAKE IT!  Rejoice as ye ones reach one graduation marker after another, for in this manner shall ye reach the final gradua­tion—there is no other way except through that red road of truth—back home unto God.






Interpretations are what stand between you and the clarity of per­ception that you will need to do the work that lies ahead.  You must release them with your thoughts, with your dreams, with your hopes and with your fears.  They may seem to be insignificant, ethereal things, floating gen­tly through your mind or heavily upon it, but do not be misled by their apparent lack of sub­stance.  They are the stuff that wars are made of, the harbingers of death, the agents of disease and destruction.  With the energy that you give them through your attention, they have the strength to cripple a planet and all its civilization.


There is an old myth regarding a tree in the center of the Garden of Eden: Why do you suppose the Lord forbade those first recognized humans to eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil?  If, indeed, He did so—it might well have been thine dark brother who set you up!  At any rate, only ONE WITH A CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE WHOLE OF CREATION IS IN A POSI­TION TO DETERMINE THE GOOD AND EVIL AS IT PERTAINS TO THE VARIOUS CREATURES.


In the “other” reality, the first humans shared in the holistic perspective of the Creator, but in the form reality, their perspec­tive was decidedly subjective, in­capable of accurately assessing the needs of the whole.  They could not cre­atively direct the course of those who had projected forms functioning within Cre­ation.  Only the Totality of Consciousness, God the Father, the Creator, was in such a position.


So long as they had trust in Him, and were willing to function within the range of their design, within the context of the Cre­ator’s own internal dynamics, they had complete freedom to enjoy the created realms.  Now consider WHY the dark brotherhood had to come in the deceiving by pretending to be the lighted God.  He could present himself as a wondrous God and fool the per­ceiver and cause them to act “as if” his were the LAWS OF THE CREATOR GOD!  Well, the old boy is a God—HE IS A GOD, THE GOD OF THE FLESHLY, PHYSICAL EXPERI­ENCE OF EVIL INTENT.  HE CANNOT CREATE AND THEREFORE MUST UTILIZE THAT WHICH IS CON­SCIOUSLY AWARE OF PREDICAMENT—YOU, THE HUMAN SPECIES.  ALL OTHER CREATURES ACT IN BALANCE AND HAR­MONY BY IN­STINCT!


In the parable of the partaking of the forbidden fruit, these first representa­tives of deity stepped outside the range of their desig­nated function, conse­quently outside the range of the creative en­ergy that was available to them ac­cording to the nature of their design.  This was the begin­ning of disease, aging and death, the beginning of their pattern of false identity, and the begin­ning of human history so to speak.  The pattern of false identity has lasted and in­creased in in­tensity unto this very day of perceived experience in your format, and while it has not critically affected the gestation period, it has certainly made it far less enjoyable.


Might you now see more clearly why it is absolutely essential in these closing days of the cycle to release your interpretations?  They belong to the past.  Life exists eternally in the present.  You were intended to share in this eternal Life.  But to do so, you must release identification with the past lies put upon you for your misinformation and misperceptions.  You must release identifi­cation with the material garments you wear, and accept the creative definition that Life gives to you in this present moment.  What do you call Satan?  His body is the past, his breath, the future.  En­ergized by your past-oriented guilt and your future-oriented fear, he follows you around like some vast cosmic shadow.  He casts his nets of fear on the waters of your awareness, then draws them with ropes of “reason”, back into a guilt-ridden past.  You can only ex­perience in the moment—ALL is the present and you must re-evaluate that which is fed unto your con­sciousness lest you end your journey before coming into understanding.


Let me illustrate for the sake of example.  Your presence might well be com­pared to an inflatable baloon—a plasmic membrane of sorts.  It is designed to be filled to the full with the energy and power of Life.  Like two gigantic tears in the side, guilt and fear allow the precious life-substance to escape, leaving you withered, inef­fectual and short-lived; all the while, using your own life-sub­stance to energize everything that you fear.






It is easy to reverse the situation.  Let yourself die to the past and wake up in the present mo­ment.  Why should you hesitate?  Are your past experiences really comprehensive enough to provide a ba­sis for understanding everything you encounter in the present?  Do they truly de­serve the authority and credi­bility that you give them?  How attentive were you to all the factors that were present in the moment of their occurrence?  If you are preoccupied with “experience”, how attentive will you be to what is occurring in this very mo­ment?  Where is your attention right this moment?


You MUST be wherever your attention takes you.  In fact, you are your atten­tion!  If your at­tention is fragmented, you are frag­mented.  When your atten­tion is in the past, you are in the past.  When your attention is in the present moment, you are in the Pres­ence of God and God is present in you.  Let your­self die to all that does not really exist and discover what does.  Let go of all you think you know.  Be honest; all you know is of the past.  It does not exist in the eyes of God.  In the eyes of God, your knowl­edge is but dust in the eye of a child, blinding you to the splen­dor of Creation.


You know, in effect, nothing of eternal significance for you have forgotten that which really was and cling unto that which is brief and spoiled by the lies given to trip you up along the path of ex­perience.


I have one bit of clarification unto Patricia, who went too far, and equated herself with “being at the bottom”.  I know what she meant but the group did not.  She does have a nasty habit of dis­counting self-worth, which is insult unto God.  However, being at the bottom is actually being at the summit because the circle of life moves from one extreme into the other rather abruptly at times and there is no actual difference in the circumstance in the least.  If you ones could but put aside the ego in honesty without giving it perfection nor imperfection you would gain greatly and swiftly.  Accept those things which were incorrect in information and give honor unto the creation which YOU ARE!  Be most careful, for as with a Patricia, you hold to the expectations of past and insist that the same abuse and lack of acceptance shall come upon you—making it necessary that in the physical consciousness that is what must occur.  In other words, all agreed with the concept as ex­pressed in the group—but you must understand the significance of that which was stated and remove it from individuality in the “holding”.  Do not allow the luxury of being a mar­tyr wherein there is not one placement intended.  To suffer for the show of suffering is foolish indeed for it detracts from the truth espoused.  YOU ALL MUST BE AT AWARE­NESS OF INTENT AT ALL TIMES OF THINE EXPERIENCE LEST YOU FALL INTO DEEPER TRAPS THAN THAT WHICH YOU JUST EXTRACTED SELF.


You know, in effect, nothing of eternal significance.  When you op­erate on the basis of your so-called knowledge, you are operating without divine founda­tion.  Belief in your own knowledge is not be­lief in God, dear ones.  Trust in your own knowledge is not trust in God.  No matter how much you learn within your present framework of finite knowledge, it will never be even one step closer to an understanding of God, the universe, or yourself.  Knowledge, as you presently understand it, will never bring you “closer to LIFE”.


Do not cling, in imagined righteousness, for that is where many of you contin­ually reside.  Do not cling to this or that segment of your experience, as if this or that piece of the past were somehow worth the saving.  “Well”, you say, “I will die to everything BUT this or that.  This is too sacred.  This means too much to me.”  LET IT GO!  Does it mean more than Life?  You don’t need it any­more, whatever it might be





You are usually concerned that some aspect of your identity will not somehow survive the psy­chological process.  You might well be correct in the percep­tion of same.  But you may just as well be wrong!  Let it go.  It makes abso­lutely no difference what-so-ever!  There are no guaran­tees that this or that is going to survive the sight of God.  But the only things that are threat­ened, the only things that will not survive, are things that do not exist apart from your concep­tions, things that have no reality apart from the reality that you give them.


The only essential thing to you is being sustained by the creative power of the living God.  All that you sustain in existence through the misuse of your cre­ative abilities only serves to involve you in areas where your own life energies become mischanneled and eventu­ally dissipated.  Any belief, any concept, any conviction that you might have that truly mirrors what is present in the mind of God, will still be there on the other side of the psychological process.  Only that which has sought to cheat you of your destiny will per­ish.  It is really very simple: let it all go.  See what God has in store.


Hesitations which you feel are only indicative of a continued trust in fear and reason.  These are the false gods of the cycle of the ages in which you find yourself experiencing.  They will con­tinue to enslave you until your trust is re­stored in Love and Life.  Trust God implicitly and ex­plicitly and the Truth of His divine de­sign will be revealed in every situation.  This design is your own operating manual.  Ignore it in favor of your own interpretations and you are ignoring the blueprint for your own identity.


Specific information of each and every situation is being supplied to you con­tinually by the source of infinite knowledge.  Why do you not trust it?  Your first impulse will always be, as it has always been, the programmatic instruc­tion from your subliminal analysis system, the advice of your Creator.  It will be a direct message from your true self, the impulse of Life, the gateway to all that you call heaven.  It is the spontaneous spark of divinity as it differentiates through you into your environmental situation.  It can assess and evaluate the factors present in any situation at a rate of speed far exceeding a rational thought process.  You have all the pertinent informa­tion in the universe avail­able simply for the asking—as quickly received as the thought itself, ac­tually prior to the thought itself.


When you are aware of your totality, the Life-impulse will transmit to you ev­erything that you need to know in any given situation.  Its message will always come as your first spontaneous im­pulse so you must be attentive and then do not effort so hard at discounting of it.  You will al­ways be given to know in­stantly that response requested.  Until you recognize your own totality, how can ye ex­pect to guide thine brother through the maze for it will be through example that he will learn and see—not from all the lecturing in the universe.  So be it.


Dharma, allow us to close this writing.  I shall dwell on this sub­ject through the following se­quence of penning for it is necessary that man come within bal­ance.  We shall simply function as best the human limitations allow us ability.


You ones can know every detail of the plans of the elite brother­hood of dark­ness for your down­fall and still not have the slightest notion of that which you can do about it without coming into under­standing of self.  We simply must take the time away from the phys­ical aspect and percep­tions to speak of the spiritual truth lest you become distracted into the frivolous as if it were a sa­cred thing unto Life.  It is only pertinent unto “death” of physical perceptions and yet, you are manifested into the dimension of phys­ical experience and thusly, must the experience be con­fronted and the changes must come through the power and control of the Spiri­tual knowledge of truth.  God does not move from man—man efforts to move from God!  Selah!


I shall move to stand-by that you might take rest.  These, Dharma, are the words which will salve men’s souls in this blind journey—we must set this doc­ument forth in prior order with all possible life perceived necessities set aside in your attention.  Man floun­ders upon the brink of destruc­tion and cannot seem to grasp a hand­hold on the polished surface of the mountainside.  We must build him a stairway if we expect to help him reach the stars.  Salu.


Hatonn to clear, please.  Thank you, chela.  You are my hands of the physical plane and I bow in gratitude for the service rendered by you, of my brood.  May we never falter in our work lest our brothers perish in the darkness.  Saalome’.