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Graeme Whitmeyer

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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 2:20 PM
Subject: Link for VOICE TO JOURNAL #27!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Pat!!!  Hahahah!

Just got most of the Phoenix Journal: Phoenix Operator/Owner Manual UP AND RUNNIN' WITH COOL PICTURES ON "YOUTUBE" !!!!!!!!!  ISN'T THAT GREAT!!!

It took a while to type it all, but after I did, my friend put it to a voice software, so people, in ALL THEIR LAZINESS, may still be able to SEE and HEAR the Truth to our very salvation.  Please, you may feel free to LET EVERYBODY KNOW that if you go on YOU TUBE and search for "Phoenix operator owner manual" that you will hear it ALL, READ TO YOU, QUICKLY!!!!!!!!!  --for those whom "have not the time to sit and read truth", AND FOR US, BECAUSE IT IS SO COOL TO BE DOING THINGS LIKE STRETCHING OR MEDITATING WHILE LISTENING --- OR LAUGHING AND DEEP THINKING ABOUT THE MATERIAL, OR BEING ENTRANCED BY THE MAJESTY OF THE AWESOMENESS OF THE VIDEO PICTURES, WHICH MY FRIEND PUT TO THE READING~~~~!!

As you can easily see, I'm VERY EXITED about having the Journal available in audio again!  AND FOR FREE!!!

Please spread the news on fourwinds10 so that MORE PEOPLE LISTEN TO IT ALL!!!  And, if I get any requests for more journals, then, of course, I'll feel obligated and VERY MUCH OBLIGED TO PROVIDE THE TYPING EFFORT, so  ========   STAY IN CONTACT AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!!

Thank you very much, Ringer of Bells~!     I LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH AS A PROVIDER OF VITAL WORDS OF LIFE!!!!!   LOVE AND LIGHT! LOVE AND LIGHT LOVE AND LIGHT!!!!       Blessings... blessings, always with the blessings.



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: Link for VOICE TO JOURNAL #27!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry... but, it IS the only one~!  I figured searching would be enough.

There are at least sixteen parts on there so far!

Here is the link to the first one.

... and you can just find the other ones from there!  (at "")

                    The voice takes some tolerance... but the message is worth it, and, frankly, I'm impressed that the program could even do as good as it did!  In some places it sounds just like how I imagine Hatonn would speak, only in a girl's voice!  --- and in other places it gets a little monotonous--- but O it's cool to hear the MESSAGE so very quickly... I think it's wonderful to hear the voice as if it was really them speaking to me!!!!  It's so awesome!  ENJOY!!!