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Sept. 16, 2016






MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1990   8:15 A.M.    YEAR 4 DAY 88



November 12, 1990


As we come into communion this morning, I ask that we quietly peti­tion for greater under­standing in the Light of Truth.  I am Hatonn come in service and brotherhood.  Let us honor the glories of Cre­ation and recognize our appren­ticeship unto truth that we might recognize the omnipotent Spirit of Great­ness within, yet reaching infinitely beyond self.  May that dimension be ever incarnate in us.  May your infinite power reveal itself that we might see in our locus as truth is seen and followed in the higher dimensions beyond the finite.


Give us this day that which fills our needs for service unto YOU and unto our fellow-man and so, let us always recognize our own transgressions and errors of thought and action that we might rightly recognize and act in truth.


Please lead us not into temptations of the physical temptors to seemingly make our journey easier for that, we must recognize, is the temptation of illu­sion—let us sort carefully in thine presence our actions and our truth.  Let us not “preach” but rather, let us lead by example in love and totality within thine laws and the bal­ance and harmonious order of The Creation.


Let us always be cognizant of the sentient presence within and without of your totality and infi­nite circle of actuality.  Let us recognize that the truth of reality is that which is infinite within soul and let pass that which is the illusion of be­ingness that we again come into the domain wherein we shall be at “home” again in oneness of being.


Let us understand the LAWS of God and The Creation that we maintain the power and control of divinity as outlayed from the center of wisdom—not force or coercion.  Let us realize that force and phys­ical coercion is of limitation and only the soul is of infinity.  MAY WE SERVE WELL THAT WE LEAD NO OTHER EXPERIENCING ENTITY UNTO DESTRUCTION NOR INTO THE PATH OF DARKNESS FOR YOURS, GREAT SPIRIT, IS OURS AND MAY WE ALWAYS HONOR AS THE MOST HIGH CAUSE OF ALL AC­TIONS AND THOUGHTS!  SO BE IT FOR WE HAVE COME TO PREPARE THE WAY FOR THE RETURN OF LIGHTED TRUTH AND THAT WHICH WE DO SHALL MAKE THE DIF­FERENCE UNTO A WEARY AND SICKENED PEOPLE AND WORLD.  AHO.








Pause a moment in reverence unto the souls being given up in the land of Lebanon.  Not just from the Israeli “invasion” which is hidden most carefully from you, but also from the invasion and on­going gift of slaughter given into the hands of Assad of Syria and led by the most heinous terrorist, Aoun and associates.  Your Bush administration gave Lebanon away to Syrian butch­ers, friends, and leave them helpless against Israel as well.


To see that which has been done in the name of alliance with the reflection of the Devil himself, you have denounced the very foun­dation of what you call “Christian” stance.  The numbers of Chris­tians, and of political opponents of the Syrians and their puppet Hrawl government, who are now being mur­dered in cold blood in Lebanon, continue to grow; yet it is the supposed out­rages commit­ted by Iraq’s President Hussein which dominate headlines in the presses of the world and most especially in the United States for deliberate reasons of secrecy.


Since, on October 13, the Syrian armies in Lebanon began to smash the Chris­tian resistance there, led by Gen. Michel Aoun, the troops of Syrian dictator Hafez al-Assad have massacred the Chris­tians.  They did it with the blessings of President Bush, who is the new-found political friend and military bed-mate of anti-Iraq ally, Assad.  The fruits of Bush’s friendship with Assad were not long in coming: On October 21st, the Lebanese Christian leader Dany Chamoun, his wife, and two small sons, were shot dead in their home in East Beirut, murdered by men in mili­tary uniform—a joint effort of the Syr­ian/Israeli Mossad.


Chamoun, the son of the late Lebanese President, Camille Chamoun, was head of the National Liberation Party and a strong supporter of Aoun’s fight to end Syrian occupation of Lebanon.


In 1958, it was Camille Chamoun who called upon President Eisen­hower to send in the U.S. Marines to preserve stability in Lebanon.  Now it is another American President who is respon­sible for giving Syria’s Assad the green light to take over all of Lebanon.


U.S., British and Israeli complicity and active “look the other way while ac­tively participating” in Assad’s butchery is revealed by the fact that for the first time, the Syrian Air Force was allowed to bomb Aoun’s headquarters.  Previ­ously, the Israelis had demanded the Syrians be prevented from deploying their air power in the area, because of the obvious implications for Israel.  Could this not be considered, by your astute United Nations, as even worse than Iraq reclaiming their own child, Kuwait, as indeed worthy of world atten­tion and half a million troops from the U.S.?  The cir­cumstance and murder and the subjugation of freedom, human rights and democracy is in­deed most heinously shattered by “naked aggres­sion”!







Americans of Lebanese descent have been pointing angrily to the hypocrisy which allows Presi­dent Bush, on the one hand, to pontifi­cate about democracy and sovereignty in Kuwait, and, on the other, to allow Syria to devour Lebanon.  The outrage is buried in Budget debates and de­liberately kept from the public masses.






There is an unpublished transcript of a discussion between Bush and Lebanese-Americans which took place in Washington Sept. 24, 1990—before the Syrian blitz.  One questioner asked the President, “Our government has been taking every action against Iraq that we have been urging should be taken against Syria for its similar action in Lebanon.  Syria is now apparently allied with our government and others against Iraq.  This disturbs us greatly.  Unless our govern­ment has some plan to use its new-found leverage on Syria to cause Hafez Assad to conform to the norms of civilized behavior that we are attempting to enforce against Saddam Hussein....”


Then, there was a letter to President Bush dated Oct. 16—three days AFTER the Syrian on­slaught began—and written by one Toufic Nassim, president of the National Alliance of Lebanese Americans.


“Saturday, Oct. 13, will be remembered as a black day in Lebanon’s history, as a black day in Lebanese-American rela­tions, and worst of all, a black day in American history...


“Does the world order that you referred to make use of massive air strikes by the Syrian forces against civilian and Lebanese army posi­tions to kill the last hope the Lebanese had for free­ing their country from occupying forces? ... Does the new world order call for entrusting the terrorist, drug-trafficking po­lice state Syria, to restore democracy, free­dom, and human rights in Lebanon?”






So far, the United Nations has shown itself a tool of Anglo-Ameri­can policy.  For example, in the case of repeated Israeli attacks on the Palestinians, the UN response has been little more than wag­gling fingers and producing noth­ing—as contrasted to the UN’s sup­port of the boycott and other military mea­sures already taken against Iraq.


Nonetheless, on the initiative of French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas, the Security Council would meet on Oct. 23rd to review the situation in Lebanon.  The French protested the murder of Chamoun, and Aoun was taken into safety in the French embassy, where the Syrian blitzkrieg forced him to seek refuge.


The embassy was immediately ringed by Syrian troops, demanding Aoun’s release to the puppet Lebanese government they installed.  In a replay of the U.S. invasion of Panama, Syria would like to place Aoun on trial, supposedly for misappropriating Lebanese funds.  Doesn’t this at least give you good Americans a headache?






The situation in Israel is out of control just as was planned and orchestrated.  A number of vio­lent incidents, in which Palestinians have responded to Jewish actions, have occurred—following the Is­raeli police massacre of Muslim protesters who were protesting the Jewish fundamentalists (Zionists) to build a third Temple where the Muslim mosque, the Dome of the Rock, Haram al Sharif, now stands.


A couple of weeks after the Oct. 8 “Temple Mount” massacre, on Oct. 21, three Jews were stabbed to death in West Jerusalem.  The Is­raeli government banned all Palestinians from Jerusalem for some two days.


Such terrorist incidents were predicted when the Israeli government sanc­tioned the attack on the Palestinians and the desecration of Haram al Sharif, the third most important holy site in the Muslim world.  In addition, just two days prior, Israeli troops had in­vaded a Palestinian refugee camp in the Gaza Strip and raised an Israeli flag there.  The reason given for this obvious provo­cation was a decision to use the camp as an observation post for the Is­raeli army.  I bet most of you never heard of that incident?

On Oct. 17 the strongman in the present Israeli government, Gen. Ariel Sharon, told the UN to keep its nose out of Israel’s “greater Jerusalem”.


Sharon bragged to the French paper, Liberation, that Israel “will not let any­body direct things in Jerusalem.  Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people for 3,000 years and no one has any po­litical status outside Israel to deal with matters there.”  He es­timated that the Jewish pop­ulation in what he called “a Greater Jerusalem” would grow threefold over the next few years, to a total of one million, primarily because of an influx of Soviet Jewish emi­gres—that, dear ones, is Zionists—not sons of David.






The same nations who were loath to insist that the Israelis allow a UN inves­tigative team to re­port back on the Temple Mount killings, on Oct. 21 began considering a War Crimes Resolution against Iraq.  One reason for that was that Saddam Hussein has indicated his will­ingness to withdraw from Kuwait if he is given redress for his grievances against the former Kuwaiti gov­ernment and some assur­ances about Iraq’s future security.


Well, we all know where it has gone from there—not only is there no security for Iraq allowed but you will now have more than half a million troops in Saudi Arabia, in addition to a planned nuclear first strike against Russia in early December.  WHERE DOES THIS LEAVE YOU, AMER­ICA?  SITTING DUCKS WITH ALL YOUR MILITARY DEFENSE IN A DISTANT DESERT—WIDE OPEN FOR INFLUX OF THINE TRUE ENEMIES FROM ALL BORDERS!  SO BE IT!  YOU HAD BETTER ALL GO BACK AND READ MOST CAREFULLY, SURVIVAL IS ONLY TEN FEET FROM HELL.


No, if things go according to the planned blueprint of your Govern­ment and military rulers—you don’t have time for building bomb shelters—BUT YOU WILL KNOW WHY AND WHAT HIT YOU—IF IT MATTERS AT ALL.






Perhaps this scenario will give you an idea as you just didn’t un­derstand the in­tent of the “real” drug war.


Let us look at that little hot spot of drug war intent, Colombia.


Now that one of Colombia’s narco-terrorist chieftains, the M-19’s Antonio Navarro Wolf, is sit­ting in the cabinet of Columbian Presi­dent Cesar Gaviria Trujillo, can a Narco-Minister be far behind?  Of course not.  Check this out—not according to former ambassador Joaquin Vallejo Arbgalaez, who made great and mighty waves when he told the press THAT HE HAD ADVISED THE HEADS OF THE MEDELLIN CO­CAINE CARTEL TO HIRE HENRY KISSINGER AS THEIR ADVOCATE IN WASHING­TON!


Vallejo argued forcefully for “achieving peace, at the best possi­ble price”.  That price, he said, included granting a ministry to the M-19 narco-terrorists.  Now, he says, “The citizen is doubtless prepared to pardon sins against law and public order, as the Church does with peni­tents...Negotiated peace for­mulas should be broad be­cause the country cannot put up with more violence and terrorism.”





So, President Gaviria is moving in that direction.  He continues to sweeten his Decree number 2047, which offers the drug traffickers reduced penalty sen­tences and protection from extradi­tion in ex­change for surrender, concession and collaboration.  With the lat­est changes, whether or not traffickers confess and collaborate, they are assured of a “fair” trial in Colombia and no extradi­tion to the U.S. at all, under any circumstances.


The criminal ill-gotten properties will no longer be subject to confiscation and they will remain free while awaiting lesser charges of possible criminal con­spiracy and/or “illegal arms pos­session” of military weapons imported from places like the U.S.  Now, they will remain “free” during awaiting legal hearing and fur­ther, if not sentenced within a year’s time, a confessed trafficker will be released from custody, despite the fact that many traffick­ers have complicated and multi­ple charges against them—you know, that even in good old America, it takes longer than a year to even get ready and set to have a hearing on even the slightest charges, much moreso—sen­tencing!


Anti-drug forces in Colombia are angrily denouncing this treason because many honorable peo­ple were assassinated and publishers’ of­fices and presses destroyed by these terrorists as the “war” went forth.  Well now, under the presumption that the destablizing forces are invincible, have not been de­feated—people are simply learning to reconcile “justice” with “crime” and allow the drug lords placement in the Government and merely dismantle the State of Law.


With the government’s abandonment of any pretense of waging war on drugs, the “citizens above suspicion” who have been acting as the cocaine cartel’s “catspaws” are emerging all over the place.  Exem­plary is former ambassador to Spain, Ramiro Sandrade Teran.  An­drade sent an open letter to Jorge Luis Ochoa, a leading Cartel partner, urging him to release the kidnaped journal­ists in repay­ment of a favor the ambassador did him back in 1985, in blocking Ochoa’s pending extradition to the U.S.  Andrade concluded his let­ter with the promise that, should the majioso grant this “personal favor”, he could be assured that “generous, Christian, and noble acts rebound many times in favor of those who do them.”


Legalization lobbyists are also having a complete field day.  A new and large publication has come out in Bogota called Palomas, en­tirely dedicated to achieving cocaine legalization as the path to peace.  National University law dean Ricardo Sanchez got a column on the editorial page of the daily La Prensa, to argue the “inevitability” of dialogue with the traffickers—culmi­nating, he writes, in “gradual legalization of cocaine as the central point in stopping the acts of violence that are killing us.”








Why should he?  You had better pay better attention to facts, dear dreamers!  American ground forces in Saudi Arabia are “sitting ducks” on a very dry pond for the artillery designed for Iraq by the lately murdered Gerald V. Bull, the Canadian-American space and ballistics genius whose advanced weapons sys­tems were repeatedly rejected by the Pentagon.  I shall insert a little side-story herein just to give your resting peace more infusion of sleeping pills.






The U.S., dancing madly to Israel’s tune, is preparing to launch a Mideast war, aimed at usher­ing in that wondrous projection by George Bush to have “new world order”.


Some members of your Congress are stunned by increasing evidence that Bush and Secretary of State James Baker III handed Iraqi Pres­ident Saddam Hussein At-Takriti what amounted to an open invitation to invade Kuwait.  Oh yes, they did exactly that, dear friends.


However, no one on Capitol Hill has yet dared mention evidence of Israel’s behind-the-scenes orchestration of the race toward war that began soon after Iraqi leader Saddam tested an in­termediate-range missile capable of deliver­ing nuclear or poison gas warheads right to Tel Aviv.


The opening gun of the Israeli propaganda blitz was literally fired the night of March 22 with the assassination in Brussels of Dr. Gerald Vincent Bull, the Canadian-American space and ballis­tics ge­nius suspected of helping Iraq de­velop its missile and long-range artillery capabilities.


Bull, whose proven ballistic breakthroughs were rejected by the Pentagon, was shot some five times in the back and neck by a si­lenced pistol as he tried to enter his apartment in a fashionable suburb of Brussels.


Belgian police termed Bull’s murder an act of “political terrorism” and the German news re­vealed that two Israelis had taken apartments in the same building shortly before the murder.  One of them was known to be the Mossad chief in Brussels.


Bull’s assassination signaled the start of the world-wide campaign to cast Hus­sein as another Hitler, capable of touching off World War III.  That little ploy and pronouncement continues to be thrust about constantly.


The Israeli-directed propaganda explosion has continued to pro­nounce the lies regarding such things as Iraq bombing her own peo­ple with chemical weapons—OUTRIGHT LIES!


Further, George Bush, just like Ronald Reagan before him, had adamantly refused to call for sanctions against Iraq and bent over backwards to improve relations with Baghdad—right along with the blueprinted plans and obvious collusion with the projected lies.  Funny thing, though, the instant Hussein acted as encouraged, by moving into Kuwait, Bush reacted instantly from prior printed in­struction sheets, by sending massive U.S. forces into the Saudi Arabian desert.  He all but acted accidentally, before the fact even occurred, due to botched up intelligence in­formation.


Actually, Bush was reacting to a lifelong vision of the “New World Order” first proclaimed by your Woodrow Wilson and his alter ego, Edward Mandel House, later advanced by Franklin Roo­sevelt and Alger Hiss in their design for the creation of the United Nations.


But to get Bush to overcome his deeply ingrained caution, it was necessary to make Saddam a credible “threat to world peace”.  Sad­dam’s native belliger­ence could be counted on to con­tribute sub­stantially to this scenario.  But who could take Iraq seriously as a major military power?  That is where the genius of one Gerald Bull came into play.


The military and scientific world knew Bull as a super brain on a par with Werner Von Braun, the space pioneer who launched the Ger­man V-1 and V-2 rockets against Britain in the closing months of World War II.  Von Braun later masterminded America’s initial pene­tration of space and the building of the first intercontinental ballistic missiles—strange bed-fellows, indeed, are made from war.


In his youth, Bull had been known as “the Canadian Von Braun”.  He was a full professor of aerospace engineering at McGill University at the age of a mere 23 years.






If anyone on your place could transform Iraq into a major military threat, it was Bull, whose out­rageous theories for launching space probes with over­sized cannons had long ago been proved by the U.S. army—not to even men­tion the research of the Soviet Union.


Moreover, Bull and his Space Research Corp., headquartered in Brus­sels, had been working with Iraq to improve its weapons systems ever since the pro­longed 1981-88 war with Iran.


Bull’s assassination in March was quickly followed by a succession of events that fired the world’s fears of Iraq and its iron-fisted ruler, Saddam Hussein, right or wrong.  The evidence is obvious that these events, if not planned well in advance by Iraq’s ene­mies, were closely moni­tored with an eye toward their propaganda potential, along with blatantly perpetrated incidents created and committed by the Israelis themselves and then announced to the world as “Saddam’s mad-man actions”.


Four days following the gunning down of the scientist, a shipment of 40 nu­clear triggers (krytrons) made in California was inter­cepted at London’s Heathrow Airport.  Several news re­ports drew a connection between Bull’s suspected involvement with Saddam’s mis­sile program and the U.S.-made nu­clear devices.


Then, on April 11, came the most frightening news of all.  Eight crates con­taining huge steel tubes—allegedly for a mammoth “nuclear cannon” designed by Bull—were seized at Tees Dock in Eng­land as they were reportedly being loaded aboard the Gur Mariner, a freighter bound for Iraq.


Banner headlines and TV newscasts sounded the alarm.  Bull’s re­ported plan was to build a “doomsday gun” for Saddam Hussein.  For several weeks the media fed the world’s growing ap­prehensions about this previously unknown weapons system falling into the hands of the Iraqi dictator.  The lies are so obvious that I have great dif­ficulty believing you can be so easily made the fools.  It is not even reasonable that any such weaponry (or any materials for Iraq in any manner) would be routed through England!  These are simply out­rageous dis-information as­saults to manipulate you the public.


Actually, as the story flagged, the New York Times took up the ban­ner and re­vived it on the front page of its Sunday edition of April 22.  The very next day the Wall Street Journal weighed in with a lead story on Bull accurately depict­ing him as a space and ballis­tics genius who rivaled Von Braun.


By the end of May, U.S. News and World Report, using Bull’s amazing ballistics accomplishments as evidence, could credibly portray Sad­dam Hussein as “The Most Dangerous Man in the World” splashed all over the cover of the publi­cation as the cover story of its June 4 issue.  We spoke at length about it at the time and told you that this was the most dangerous set-up in the world—not the man, Sad­dam.


However, if anything galvanized the West’s attention on Iraq, it was the evi­dence that Gerald Bull, a renegade naturalized American artillery genius, was helping Baghdad build the world’s biggest gun as also reported by these same misinformation journals.


In spite of the escalating media campaign that—sometimes even ac­curately—painted Saddam and his military forces as a growing threat to peace, Bush and Baker perversely tried to maintain good relations with Iraq.  The foreign aid and cut-rate grain kept flow­ing to Baghdad, as did Washington’s avowals of friendship.


This was, in large part, a hangover from America’s support of Iraq against Iran in the 1981-88 war, though, as the Iran-Contra Af­fair proved, the United States had at times helped the other side as well.


When Iraq began massing troops on Kuwait’s borders, with a nudge to “move with the plans”, Bush and Baker still did not warn Saddam to stay his hand which makes obvious the full intent of the collusion.


On July 25 the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, met with the Iraqi ruler.  A transcript of the tape made at that meeting reveals that either Bush and Baker were unbelievably obtuse or they were deliberately inviting Saddam to invade Kuwait as the first step in an elaborate plan to save Israel from a mortal en­emy, while at the same time paving the way for the “New World Order” that would fol­low Iraq’s presumed defeat or back-down.


Ambassador Glaspie, following policy instructions from the State Department and speaking as the president’s representative, informed Hussein on July 25: “We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts like your border disagree­ment with Kuwait... Secretary of State, James Baker, has directed our official spokesman to emphasize this instruction.”  So be it.


Ambassador Glaspie immediately cabled Washington with her report on the meeting.  Incredi­bly, Bush then sent a personal message to Sad­dam underlin­ing Ambassador Glaspie’s friendly overtures and, in his best “kinder, gentler” manner (read my lips) mildly reminded the Iraqi strong-man that it was not “nice” to use force against a neighbor.


This message was calculated for the brush-off by a totalitarian leader who didn’t hesitate to make his move right on schedule.






You must look beyond the facade to see the role of the Soviets in the Mideast buildup toward a possible Armageddon.  At least it is more difficult to detect than is the Baker-Bush tug-of-war with Saddam.  But, dear ones, it is known that a top Soviet general was in Baghdad shortly be­fore the “invasion” of Kuwait and we have al­ready told you about it.  Further there were known to be between 4,000 and 5,000 Soviets in Iraq (actually, there were more than 15,000).  Most of them were allegedly “oil field workers”, but were actually ad­visers for military purposes.


Don’t show your foolishness; who can actually believe that Saddam would in­vade Kuwait with­out a green-light from the very source of four-fifths of his armaments—the Soviet Union?  How could he hope to sustain an assault that might involve battle with U.S. forces without at least as­surance of spare parts for the thousands of So­viet-made tanks and aircraft and Scud missiles, not to even mention the air-fuel weapons that make up the military might.












In addition to the 2,000-mile-range super cannon which is already assembled outside Baghdad, it was already well known in the world military circles that Bull had masterminded two shorter-range field artillery pieces that can out­shoot anything in the American arse­nal.


Bull’s 155-mm Howitzer, originally developed for Israel and manu­factured in South Africa (oops, didn’t you know that?), is capable of “hitting a fly on the wall of a house 30 miles away”.


Dear ones, that was over a decade past.  The more advanced cannon Bull’s Space Research Corp. developed for Saddam’s forces have ex­tended the weapon’s range to over 40 miles with the same accuracy.  Moreover, Bull de­signed a 210-mm Howitzer for Iraq that has a far greater range and mobility than the rather “primitive” toys.






Part of the secret of Bull’s amazing artillery records lay in the design of the ex­tended-range ammunition he developed.  In fact, his 155-mm ammunition are actual “missiles”—equipped with sophisti­cated homing devices for greater ac­curacy.  Indeed, the U.S. troops are sitting ducklings ready to be fried.


For over 15 years your Pentagon turned down Bull’s strenuous ef­forts to equip the U.S. armed forces with the advanced 155 and the long-range projec­tiles your Army now faces at the hands of the Iraqi army.  Funny thing about arms dealers—they will sell to who­ever will buy and/or sell-out.


Instead of adopting Bull’s weapons systems, however, the U.S. gov­ernment, during the ill-fated Carter administration, threw Bull into a federal prison for more than four months on charges of ship­ping American-made artillery shells and other arms to South Africa.  Now, that did nothing to endear the blessed U.S. into the heart of one, Mr. Bull.  Further, this was fully a decade after Bull had successfully tested his super cannon for the U.S. Army in the 1960’s.  In fact, the joint Canadian-American High Altitude Re­search Program (HARP) BROKE ALL RECORDS FOR LONG-RANGE ARTILLERY.


Using two 16-inch Navy guns welded together, HARP set a new high-altitude record for ballistic probes into space of 180 kilometers, shattering the previ­ous record of 43 kilometers made by the Ger­mans’ “Paris Kanonen” that shelled the French capital from Crepy, 130 kilometers to the north, in 1918.  A kilometer, for you who don’t recall, is a bit over 0.62 mile.




Bull’s HARP firings were limited to 50 miles from Barbados down-range over the Cape Canaveral missile course.  However, he proved that artillery using rocket boosters could sustain accurate fire up to 250 miles and, by extrapola­tion of preliminary tests, extend the range up to 2,000 miles or more.


Since the “nuclear cannon” Bull was building for Iraq was at least three times as big as the HARP guns and could fire 5,000 miles at least, bringing not only all of the Mideast but a large part of Eu­rope within Saddam’s pin-point accu­racy range.


Moreover, parts for the “doomsday gun” have gotten through to Bagh­dad long before the seizures or touting thereof, in England and a half-dozen other countries.  American forces in the Saudi Arabian desert are facing a more formidable foe than the U.S. government has dared re­veal and thus—the Nu­clear War One First Strike is very definitely mandatory and still full-on.


Two newer field artillery pieces that Bull developed for Iraq al­ready increase the danger to U.S. forces substantially.  One is the 155—mm Majnoon, an up­dated version of the deadly Howitzer, also designed by Bull, that  was used by Iraq against Iran.


Bull’s other verified contribution to Iraqi artillery is the 210-mm Al Fao How­itzer unveiled in Baghdad last fall and is known to be the very best in the world today.






This big gun, mounted on a self-propelled armored vehicle, provides the Iraqis with several ad­vantages over their opponents in Saudi Arabia.  Not only does it have far greater range than any artillery in the allied arsenal, it is more mobile and, properly camouflaged, would be extremely hard if not impossible, for U.S. aircraft to hit.


The range of the 155-mm Majnoon is over 40 miles, and the 210-mm Al Fao is even greater.  Both can employ the rocket-boosted extended-range ammuni­tion designed by Bull, equipped with sophisticated hom­ing devices to increase accuracy.


More ominously, the 155 is known to be the only field artillery piece that can hurl both nuclear and poison-gas as well as fuel-air missile projectiles.


Thus, your half-million plus man-and-woman force in the Saudi desert are stuck ducks in the mud for Iraqi artillery—the very same artillery that your good government turned down for use.


Small wonder, dear ones, that the Pentagon gives “conservative pro­jection figures of fatalities of a minimum of 30,000 or more in your forces during only the opening phase of the war.





Oh I see—you think you can take them with air power?  Let me tell you about air power—the So­viets can take out a jet plane by pin-point accuracy of firing right into the jet engine itself—FROM SPACE!  They, further, have the ability to scan and “see” all “stealth type” aircraft you can send into their spaces.  Fur­ther, do you actually believe the Soviets will sit still while you blow up over 10,000 Russian advisers STILL IN IRAQ?  Come now, little sleepy-heads, it is time to awaken and hear the bugle blowing.


Allow us to close this portion, Dharma.  Thank you for your service and I ask that you and Oberli take leave of this place and spend time in relaxation and refreshment.  I further thank you for the gathering yesterday in allowing me to touch with new ones on a per­sonal basis.


I move to stand-by but remain on instant call.  Hatonn to clear, please.

June 14, 2010