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WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1990   8:22 A.M.,   YEAR 4 DAY 83




November 7, 1990





Commander Soltec requests that you ones pay close attention to the Earth changes and rum­blings on your planet this day.  Whether or not you can find relationships is immaterial.  Note the activities in the Mt. St. Helens volcano along with the same day activities again at Mono Lake and the Aleutian Is­lands.  Note the beaching of the sea animal life (Dolphins) along the beaches of Japan and real­ize that there is deep activity sending out confused pulses unto them from the volcano readying itself to blow or collapse.  The “Ring of Fire” is in massive preparation for eruption and rear­rangement of surface to­pography.  The quake in Iran of this past 12 hour span, is related to deep un­derground fissure activity rather than surface rumblings as perceived by your geologists.  The sur­face “EVENT” is coincidentally projected by Earth ones to give a les­son regarding the push for a Holy Jihad just as was the last Iranian “quake”.  From “space” how­ever, the pulse monitors from the Cosmospheres can easily pick up the deep activities within the Earth and pinpoint activities.  The actual activities are more eas­ily monitored from space than from any­thing you have on your place­ment with which to monitor.  Further, it is easier to monitor non-surface “Earth” activity from the depths than to monitor sur­face trivia.  Massive changes are under way which cannot be monitored from your placement—just be aware and pay attention, please.






Unfortunately you cannot measure majority of corruption!


Now turn to world human doings.  Good children, you kept Mr. Bush from getting a majority in Congress.  It is the only balance you have left and now we have a bit of time to convince our brothers to SAVE THE CONSTITUTION!  I do not believe, however, you will be able to avert a war in the Middle East for it is already moving from Ex­ecutive capabilities without Congres­sional consent in any manner what-so-ever.









Note that the word will be, this day, to the effect that the joint forces may NOT actually join the U.S. in actual war—that the U.S. forces may have to move ALONE!  Mr. Baker has met at length with Fahd of Saudi Arabia and plans have been finalized!





Note the assassination of Rabbi Meir Kahane and the threats of re­taliation against the Arabs by the Israelis as massive madness is being churned.  Also note the attempted assassination of Gorbachev this day!  Please note further, that the celebration of the Russian Revolution has the “dates” changed to suit the Gregorian calendar.  This is a more important point than you realize and fits in with the “perceived `cycles’” more appropriately.  I cannot urge you ones sufficiently, to pay attention to each projection as we bring it forth lest you miss the most important clues re­garding sequence “timing”.


The Russian incident was well planned to signal intent to war with or without Russian consent and, hopefully, to deal with the cosmo­spheres.  Watch the space shuttle activities most closely indeed.  Note further that the secret air­craft around Edwards are being flown these days and you will not be given to know what is what or whose they are!  The B-1 and 2 will be flown as distrac­tors, simul­taneously, to pull attention from the all but invisible spheres.  Fur­ther, watch closely if you reside within that area—the cosmo­spheres are con­stantly present and visible a great deal of the time.  Keep your eyes to the heavens and you will see some wondrous things abounding.  We shall also be present for a different type of effort is being made to get the nec­essary equipment for war and an­nihilation into space by your military aggression teams.






Pay attention to the British Parliament which would have opened this day in your annual counting.  Margaret Thatcher’s government is in deep yogurt as they continue to push unre­lenting into Middle Eastern war.  Note further the pomp and circumstance of the “Royal Queen” draped in crowns, furs and gems and totally lacking in any power in government what-so-ever.  That does not mean that the Queen lacks power in an even more important arena—SHE IS THE WEALTHIEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD TODAY—SHE OWNS MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF BUSINESS IN THE UNITED STATES, AS A FOR INSTANCE!  THE BANKS AND BANKERS ARE MORE POWER­FUL THAN ANY OF THE SO-CALLED GOVERNMENTS!







Do not take your eyes from Jerusalem and/or what the Israelis and Palestini­ans are doing—nei­ther miss the ongoing and constant bomb­ing flights of the Israelis into Lebanon.  World atten­tion is being distracted from the ongoing PLANS while you attend all manner of little brush fires, allowing the forest to be lost to the fire.








I suggest you ones who intend to continue to obtain vitamins for your general food supplemen­tation—payattention to what is coming down in little noted legislation and stock up NOW!  You are moving into a period of legal con­trols!


DO NOT TAKE YOUR EYES OFF CHINA!  Note, further, the comments com­ing forth from China regarding your so-called democratic elections—you see, the entire world knows the farce and your lack of voting participation in­dicates that the majority of the citizens of the U.S. like­wise are coming into truth and understanding.  More progress is being made than is evident on the surface—don’t cease in your work, chelas, lest we become complacent.  You MUST hold the Constitution and it will not be easy for laws were passed as Congress went into recess which shall impact you magnificently in a most heinous manner—i.e., awaiting signature of Bush is a law re­quiring a registered nutritionist to approve “vitamins” for general use.  The loopholes of your own physical well-being must be care­fully attended for the good health of the na­tion is under at­tack.  You are a people who live on junk and once your ability for supple­mentation is removed, you will fall into a nation in terrible sick­ness, unable to defend self against that which will be in­troduced into your masses.  It is all a part of the PLAN and you must not miss of it.  Remember that the Plan 2000 only has less than a decade to be totally operational and YOU un­der total control!  Nine years is but the blink of an eye, even in your counting.  So be it.






Since most of you in the reading public will not even recognize the name Meir Kahane, I feel it necessary to enlighten you as to his identity and why he held importance.


I will only cover a brief segment for I intend not to write an en­tire document on this person at this time.  Further, to write of his importance, I must speak of others and shall do so; I ask that you pick up the players as we move along in the interest of saving scribing time.

We begin when, in Jan., 1976, Roy Godson and Tom Kahn, both then officials of the AFL-CIO, paid a visit to the “Bureau’s” headquar­ters in Washington, D.C. to deliver their spiel about the “dangerous”, “potential terrorist” and “Soviet agent” Lyndon LaRouche—(does anyone even re­member such a per­son as LaRouche?  Well, he sits in prison for daring to run against the politi­cal Democrats and Republicans—but mainly against the Zionists and bringing the Americans TRUTH regarding your jeopardy therefrom!).  The Godson-Kahn voluntary information was long on lies and devoid of a single bit of fact, as even your own FBI special agents writ­ing the notes at the briefing session ad­mitted under oath.


This is not about LaRouche but we cannot write of these other per­sons with­out speaking of this man.


In fact, beyond reporting widely publicized information that Lyndon LaRouche had at the time recently traveled to Baghdad, Iraq, to discuss his proposals for a Middle East Peace and Devel­opment Plan (which LaRouche also discussed at length with senior Israeli gov­ernment officials, including Abba Eban), the only “fact” that God­son and Kahn offered up was that they had de­ployed two infiltrators into the periphery of the National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC) in New York City.  One of those would-be infil­trators was one Dennis King, who would surface in 1979 as the Anti-Defama­tion League’s leading paid poison pen against any who would speak out re­garding the Zionists infiltration and take-over of your govern­ment.


The goal of the Godson-Kahn walk-in was to bolster demands already put be­fore the Bureau by British-trained MOSSAD officer Uri Ra’anan, namely, that the U.S. Government shut down the above noted political movement—at any cost!  Godson’s pilgrimage on behalf of Israeli spy master Ra’anan was not the first experience the George­town labor history professor had fronting for Mossad interests.





In 1967 Godson and Robert Brown had served as the university chap­ter presidents of a short-lived outfit called the July Fourth Move­ment.  J4 was set up by Rabbi Meir Kahane and Joseph Churba as a pro-war countergang to the Students for a Democratic Society.  Ka­hane and Churba had pitched the idea of a pro-Vietnam War student front to Jay Lovestone and Irving Brown, the former leading Ameri­can communists who had sided with Bukharin against Stalin in the power struggle after Lenin’s death, and had fallen from grace in Moscow—only to take refuge in the American Labor movement and later in the CIA!


Lovestone and Brown funnelled AFL seed money into the project, fully aware that Kahane and Churba were already on the Mossad pay­roll.  To secure their interests, they had installed Brown’s son Robert and Roy Godson, son of Joseph, another ex-Red turned labor bureaucrat, and ersatz CIA agent, as the student leaders, and the only other members of the J4.

Although the July Fourth scheme flopped, it would serve as the ba­sis, later, for the Jewish De­fense League countergang and the CAUSA front for the Unification Church.


Roy Godson was only a graduate student at Columbia University, but he had already been steered into the orbit of dirty intelligence games by the time he put his name to an ad in the New York Herald Tribune seeking members for the J4 in the autumn of 1967.  Oh yes, it is as blatant as this!  Godson, Jr. re­ally never contemplated the ultimate source of control over his activities henceforth; whether it be KGB headquarters in Moscow; Mossad’s offices in Tel Aviv; some dirty crawl space at the CIA in Langley; or MI-6 in Lon­don.  And you thought Zionists and lovely Jewish sons of David were one and the same, (sic, sic, chelas).  It was simply because he was his father’s son that the mediocre academic failure was a player in the wilderness of mirrors and in­trigue.






Joseph Godson, a German-Polish emigre to the U.S., became an early associ­ate of Jay Love­stone, the founder of the Communist Party USA, who was os­tensibly purged from the party with the Bukharinite fac­tion in 1929, but al­legedly remained a Soviet Comintern (Communist Inter­national) agent in so­cialist clothing until at least year 1938.


Joe Godson and other Lovestoneites founded a series of front groups includ­ing one called the International Rescue Committee and the Jewish Labor Committee as organs of what came to be known as the Trust, the most sophis­ticated overseas Soviet intelligence appara­tus, which op­erated in league with prominent American and British financier networks seeking collaboration with the Soviet regime.  The leading banking houses of Morgan and Mellon put significant funds into those Trust projects, including the Lovestoneite ef­forts.


Beginning in 1950, as an outgrowth of the Lovestone-Irving Brown penetra­tion of the U.S. in­telligence community, which began during the Second World War with their active involvement in the CIA’s forerunner of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Joe Godson went to work for the U.S. State De­partment as a labor attache at a number of key foreign embassies, including Ottawa (1950-55) and London (1956-59).  After serving as the counsul general in Zagreb, Yu­goslavia, in the early 1960’s and as a senior labor adviser to the state Department’s Bureau of European Affairs, Godson ended his govern­ment career as the consul general in Edinburgh, Scotland.


On retirement, Joe Godson remained in London, founding an outpost of Georgetown’s Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and cre­ating a Lovestone international front called the Labour Committee for Transatlantic Understanding (LCTAU).






Joe Godson’s second wife, Ruth, was an Israeli intelligence offi­cial of great standing, serving as the personal secretary to the Israeli ambassador in Lon­don.  Her Mossad ties were a big nega­tive for stepson Roy, who flunked his security clearances for a post as CIA congressional liaison during the early Reagan days, before the CIA and MOSSAD virtually became the same entity.  Although he was eventually cleared to assume a string of posts with the NA­TIONAL SECU­RITY COUNCIL and the PRESIDENT’S FOREIGN IN­TELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD, the aura of suspicion still surrounded Godson, Jr. and served to track him into a very specific and very nasty corner of the international intelligence community.


Perhaps one of the earliest indications that Roy was on a career track defined by dad’s own ca­reer was his first “grown-up” job, following the July Fourth Movement adventure, as staff func­tionary for the Mellon family’s Pittsburgh apparatus.  In 1967, Godson left Columbia for a teaching post at Carnegie-Mellon University and a second job as program director for Pitts­burgh World Affairs Coun­cil, a local Mellon family outpost of the New York Council on For­eign Relations and the London Royal Institute of International Af­fairs.






Godson’s “rabbi” during this weaning period was R. Daniel McMichael, an aide de camp to Richard Mellon Scaife and a member of the board of direc­tors of the Security Studies Program at the Fletcher School in Boston, headed by none other than Mossad officer Uri Ra’anan.


Under McMichael’s direction and Mellon Scaife financial largesse, Godson, Jr. was sent around the world doing an oral history of the Lovestoneite movement and gathering “credentials” as a “labor stud­ies” expert.  On or about the 15th of Jan. 1976, Godson was plopped onto the faculty of George­town University as a labor historian and installed as head of a little-known AFL-CIO “youth” front group called Frontlash.  In 1975, he had become a member of the original BRITISH FABIAN SOCIETY front in America, THE LEAGUE FOR INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY (LID)—also known as CHATHAM HOUSE.  And to add the MOSSAD’S stamp of approval to Godson’s future mischief, he was si­multaneously made a director of the AMERICAN CULTURAL EXCHANGE IN­STITUTION.


Kahane was one of the most outspoken racists of your time and worked his evil rabble-rousing in anti-Arab rallies all over the nation and his Jewish De­fense League has made, and still makes death-threats against ones who speak out in any manner against Is­rael or Zionist actions in any format, including this scribe!


Now, most importantly—Kahane may be gone but not forgotten—this is a MA­JOR INCIDENT (his murder) AND YOU HAVE NOT HEARD THE LAST OF THIS.  PAY ATTENTION—ALL THE OTHER PLAYERS ARE STILL AT WORK!  AC­TUALLY, KAHANE WAS AN EXPENDABLE AND WAS THUSLY EXPENDED!  Hold your breath for the next episode for I have just given you names to watch.






Well, you keep wanting to know the connection with the Middle East war sit­uation and Henry Kissinger?  It is his plan!  He laid the plans and orches­trated them in 1975.


The U.S., which has already persuaded the Saudis to increase pro­duction by 2 million barrels of oil a day, could order or persuade them to handle produc­tion any way chosen by that same U.S. and Baker (yesterday?).  The Saudi-Emirates production could be raised to 20 million barrels a day within three or four years through an already planned program.  You see, you could then write off perma­nently—or at least for a generation—Iraq, Kuwait, and for good measure, Iran.  So you can see the merit for Israel for making an “incident” of “a little bombing” of Saudi oil fields and a big “incident” of a nuclear shut-down of the Iraq, Kuwait and Iranian fields (for that same generation).


The oil price would be kept fairly low, ensuring the support of the world’s consumers—say, Japan and you nice unsuspecting Ameri­cans...or the price could be set somewhat higher, say, about $20 a barrel.  Cost of production would be no more than $2 per barrel.  The U.S. could take a man­agement fee of say, about $10 per bar­ 20 million barrels a day, your $10 manage­ment fee could reduce the federal deficit by some $70 billion a year after payment of the occupation costs.


Sucking dry Saudi oil fields to bail out the U.S. economy is not a new idea, chelas.  In 1975, the “enemy” was the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).  Kissinger manipu­lated the increase in oil prices at that time by secretly urging the Shah of Iran to steadily boost prices, even though it was official U.S. policy to “restrain” them.  Today, it is Saddam Hussein against whom President Bush is willing to sacrifice 300,000 American sol­diers to “preserve our way of life”.  There can be no less than a death sentence against at least a minimum of about 30,000 soldiers—more than 50% of the number that died in your Vietnam sham.  This is the fig­ure for “acceptable losses”, with “no problem”, should the U.S. engage Iraqi forces in combat.  It will be far higher!






The opening public salvo in the debate regarding intervention by war ap­peared in the March, 1975, edition of Commentary maga­zine, in an article en­titled “Oil, the issue of American interven­tion”, by Robert W. Tucker, then a professor of international rela­tions at Johns Hop­kins University:

“Those who insist that armed intervention be ruled out so long as we are confronted only with a distinct possibility of disas­ter are perfectly at liberty to do so.  But candor does at least require them to concede that this is what they mean when they say that interven­tion is unneces­sary.  For there is a gen­eral consensus, which includes most of the `optimists’, that if the present situation goes unaltered, a disaster re­sembling the 1930’s is indeed a distinct possibility...This being so, it is irrelevant, though true, to be reminded that the current eco­nomic maliaise—above all, the global inflation—had its ori­gins in con­ditions largely unrelated to the price of oil today and would persist even if this price were drastically lowered.  A generally sick man who also happens to be hemorrhaging will not be saved from bleeding to death by being reminded of the other and more deeply rooted causes of his ill health.”


Now try this complementation of Tucker’s piece.  This was also in 1975, March, Harper’s entitled “Seizing Arab Oil”, written under the pseudonym of Miles Ignotus (Latin for the “Unknown Sol­dier”).  The author outlined the necessary military components of an inva­sion, starting with the deployment of the 82nd

Airborne.  The au­thor was actually Edwark Luttwak, a pro-Israeli An­glo-American mouthpiece housed at the Washington, D.C., Center for Strategic and Interna­tional Studies.


“Virtually every industrialized oil importer is in deep reces­sion, with its threat of social instability and, in turn, po­litical disarray”, was the as­sessment of the author.  There­fore, “the only feasible countervailing power to OPEC’s control of oil is power itself—military power... This, then, is the scenario: an Arab embargo or supply cut, an atmosphere of cri­sis, most probably in the aftermath of a short but bloody war” be­tween Israeli and se­lected Arab forces.


“The first question is where?  The goal is not just to seize some oil, say in accessible Nigeria or Venezuela, but to break OPEC.  Thus force must be used selectively to oc­cupy large and concentrated oil re­serves... Faced with armed consumers occupy­ing vast oil fields the price down to 50 cents per barrel, most of the producers would see virtue in agreeing to a price four or five times as high, but still six times lower than present prices.  This being the ultimate goal, there is only one feasi­ble target: in or around Saudi Ara­bia.”






Surprise: London and German newspapers are citing “high-ranking” political sources in Wash­ington who say the Gulf crisis will be “ended by December”.  Here you have the misinformation “leaks” at work: “...Oct. 20 is the likely date for a U.S. military strike on Iraq.”  The truth is being printed daily in Europe: “...President Bush gave Congressional leaders the clear sense that the adminis­tration was `looking more favorably on an EARLY WAR OPTION’.  There are several things pushing to an early war, certainly before the first of the year, and most probably no later than MID-NOVEMBER!”

Finally, Henry Kissinger has been going with the same war scenario in a series of articles.  In the Washington Post on Oct. 1, he warned of the “danger” that the Iraqis would actually withdraw from Kuwait.  He, too, posed an October-November deadline, by which the U.S. should be prepared to go to war—on its own, with only British support, if necessary.


Dharma, close this document for the computer will destroy any addi­tional in­formation on the subject.


Leave this desk and go elsewhere even as it prints the document as the atten­tion is focused this day.  Call to the office and get Oberli.  You have been in­formed again and again; you are left alone and it is not missed.  Do not open the door to anyone—lock them all!  There are two men approaching your dwelling at this moment—do not respond to the entry-bell.  I am giving warn­ing now, to shut them down and cease and desist in approachment to this dwelling but I am be­ing ignored.  Oberli, you will not be in the leaving of this scribe alone and do not think that on such days as this that “just another per­son” will suffice for your presence—it is pre-set to know when YOU are ab­sent!  How dare you be left isolated without even a phone number to reach the Bear Valley moving site.  Are we going to get attention to the seriousness of this matter or do we play at games until someone ends up dead??  Dharma, this is urgent!  Hatonn at ready, go now, and lock the dwelling—NOW!.