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August 31, 2016



FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1990   10:39 A.M.   YEAR 4 DAY 78



November 2, 1990



In the Glory of HIS presence, may we serve.  I am Hatonn.  You ask a heavy load this day, Dharma, in behalf of your fellowman.  I feel the fear rise within as you ask of me the truth of the “plans” of the involved parties for the Middle East laid forth for the next short days, in counting.  You believe truth can change the actions?  Oh, might it be so, but man seems to have need of great disaster to make his attention focus on “fact” and not the “lies”.


I ask that you “write” the document yourself every few lines for as we move into this segment of truth your computer is programmed to erase the mate­rial—your “autosave” mechanism has al­ready been eliminated.


You had to test me, didn’t  you?  Now that you are paying atten­tion, allow us to continue.  So be it, chela, you are most human, also!  I” bear the responsi­bility—not you, for you must also hold truth in the knowing that you are but a translator and I will give unto you nothing that will fur­ther target you more than is already present.






This can also be a great teaching lesson in seeing behind that which the Es­tablishment media gives unto you and the lies projected from the mouths of the “planners”.  As we move along with outlay of planned activities, we can relate them to the projections as they are coming forth unto you ones of the world.  Actually, the “world” news is far more informative than is that of the U.S. but by taking that which is given (or not given as the case may be) you can learn to observe the probabilities of intent.






Bush denies “readying” you for war while all the while he is push­ing you into total programming for war—immediately!  He has told you that the American “hostages” as he calls them, will be sacri­ficed in full intent!  He has told you that a very few people in the Embassy in Kuwait (after having been ordered, by Saddam, out of Kuwait) are to be fought over at the cost of death to over a thou­sand other Americans in Iraq.  He says he will not tolerate this kind of treatment of Americans in Kuwait—but will outright kill, by your own hands, the well cared-for ones in the area—AND YOU AS A NATION CONTINUE TO URGE HIM ON IN HIS CRIMES!


Your “RULERS” know that we have projected the truth of their plans and also know that the plans have been deliberately leaked by the Mossad, to great extent, in order to allow for discred­iting of the information and allow consideration of whether or not the deception can work suffi­ciently to allow a continuation of the plans as laid forth—BUT YOU ONES ARE WORSE OFF THAN YOU KNOW!  THE PLANS WERE LAID FORTH BY ME IN GENERAL FOR­MAT ACCORDING TO THE DATES PUT FORTH BY THE PLANNERS AND MOSSAD—AND SENT TO OVER 80 RADIO STATIONS ALONE.  THE RESPONSE WAS, “GIVE US THIS INFOR­MATION AFTER IT HAP­PENS, OLD BUDDY, BECAUSE WE DON’T EVEN WANT TO KNOW ABOUT IT, NOW!”   Word has been blanketed to all the networks as well as independent radio and T.V. broadcasters to dis­allow and decline any such infor­mation in the interest of “NATIONAL SE­CURITY”!!!!!!!  SO BE IT.  What is planned is more massive and destructive than you can imag­ine for you think that you are greatly bonded with Russia now—YOU HAD BETTER LOOK AGAIN!  YOU ARE ONLY BONDED WITH THE ELITE MEMBERS OF THE GLOBAL CARTEL IN RUSSIA—YOUR DEADLY ENEMY!


Every phrase that Bush utters now is full intent toward war and election to Congress, of his choices of representatives—which will push through all neces­sary Constitutional deletions and changes to insure his dictatorial powers.  There MUST be world incidents to insure that the Car­tel’s plans are “forced by you the people” into law.  They have set up win, win situations for them­selves and lose, lose circumstances for you no matter which way you react as a people.






Let me just tell you the plans and then we can point out incidents which can give you proof of my projections.  Keep in mind that our intent is to cause them to cease the operations and I ex­pect every “THINKING” human to pray for success in stopping this insanity in­stead of forcing proof of space command existence.  Either way, it will happen in the overall—even if not on the sched­uled dates leaked by the Mossad and confirmed by your own security services.  The fact that Bush denies the leaks should tell you the story.


As planned: On November 4th Saddam (because he knows the plans and the enemy intended him to know the plans just as on October 3rd) will be in secu­rity out of Baghdad even if reports place him there via media.  As many American “hostages” will be placed in secure shelters as will go (underground to secure their safety to all pos­sible extent).  The Iraq forces will be at ready and the surface stationed air force will remain in the air.  Because the threat has come forth yes­terday that if Israel strikes, Saddam will take out at least half of Israel, the stage is now set to fulfill exactly that which the Israelis have set-up.


The Israelis will proclaim that Iraq is set forth to drop chemical bombs on her people and are headed to wipe out Israel and attack the Saudi oil fields.  Their international projection will be “proof” by the action of the Iraq Air Force moving into the air and missiles moved to defensive stance inside both Iraq and Kuwait.


The facts are that Israel intends to precipitate chemical weapons detonation from Iraqi-marked Israeli aircraft (Russian-made) on her own people—overfly the forces in the Saudi desert in sim­ilar planes and bomb at least one, or more, Saudi oil fields.


In immediate response to the chemical “incident”, the Israeli Air Force will at­tack Iraq and bomb the daylights out of her until the 6th (election day).  The U.N. will be in “shock” and immediately (if Russia allows it) the United States in the name of the U.N. will invade by the 11th.


There is a gross “fly in the ointment”, however.  Russia demands that there be no nuclear war allowed until 1992, according to the Malta agreement, and Gorbachev doesn’t have much say about it!


To do an efficient job of pulling off the entire scenario of in­tended war (nuclear first-strike on Russia) on the 3rd of December, the U.S. still needs surveillance satellites in space and Russia continues to say “no way”!  But, the hope is that, with precipitated war in the Middle East and as­surances of “just surveillance ability over Iraq”, the Russians will allow launching of the shuttle with that touted pay-load.  The Russians, however, know that the surveillance equipment is aimed at the Soviet Union and it is doubtful if they will allow such equipment to be placed with­out de­struction of same.


Now, we have observation of proof of this which I tell you: Mr. Baker is in se­rious negotiations THIS DAY, with his counter-part Russian.  He immedi­ately moves on to the Middle East where it is touted openly and loudly that he will meet with other Arab leaders—NO—the main meeting will be a finalizing of plans, or the re-ar­rangement of alternative actions, with Israel!! 


You will note, also, as this day passes, that the military officer in charge in Saudi Arabia of the U.S. forces is hyping the troops for war within the next few days!  The media is announcing that he ends his briefing by saying that he is only preparing them, “but doesn’t EXPECT any­thing to actually happen for another few weeks”.  That latter is for your consumption—the troops are on notice and alert from the “big boy” himself.  The desert is absolutely alive with so-called training maneuvers and preparations for offensive all-out invasion.


The media and your government will later come to you the public and an­nounce how “LUCKY” that your troops were in the middle of “training ma­neuvers” and were “already in movement” and could re­spond immediately!


The hope, of course, is to knock out nuclear capability of Iraq right off the starting line.  But you can’t stop the air-fuel weapons counter-attack for they are on auto-pilot, so to speak. 


This is another portion of the negotiations with Russia—to get the Soviets to utilize their space beam cosmospheres or base systems to knock out the nu­clear weaponry to meet the require­ments of Rus­sia regarding timing.  The in­tent is to gain control—not yet anni­hilate your planet.


This is all planned for the U.S. to have to act during Congres­sional recess for two reasons: to allow the administration full power and to allow the congres­sional finks to claim inability to stop the action (a Pontius Pilote maneuver) of “look how hard I tried, but I wasn’t in session”.


I warn you ones, the plans are well laid and all possible avenues covered.  I can do nothing save warn you and stand by the “watch”.  Other heinous things are planned by these ones for your at­tention as the weeks pass but remember, in your prayers—we are your broth­ers and not your Gods.  We will honor all Cosmic Laws which prevent our intervention UNLESS there is imme­diate pending total destruc­tion of the planet!  Petition GOD FOR HELP AND IN­PUT—NOT SPACE COMMAND!  We take our orders from the HIGHEST CAUSE, not from Com­mand wishes.


Either way, this is only the beginning of the massive manipulations coming upon you.  I, too, ask for mercy and grace for you of the planet who have slept so long—ye people of the lie.  Your Earth Elite and Puppet Masters have heinous things in store for you, dear ones, and we see not massive efforts in size enough to bring it to a halt without more pain and times of dis-ease and oppression com­ing upon you “innocent” ones.


I plead on bended knees that you reach out and take of God’s hand that he might hold you in safety, ye of His own.  He sends unto you help, would you but reach out and take of it.  He sends his own to show you the way but he shall keep of his promise unto mankind and allow of your free-will choices unto the ending and then shall it come to a halt.  How will it be, beloved ones, from here on to Ar­mageddon?  YOU HAVE BEEN HEINOUSLY “PROGRAMMED” UNTO YOUR DEATH AND YE HAVE SEEN IT NOT!



Dharma, you have done that which you can do—you who weep long for the death of thine pet sparrow—can you not see?  Man must act as individuals, and he takes his lessons most hard—yours of our work­ers are to bring truth, impact that which we can to change of al­lowances and then release it unto God for we cannot act “for” an­other! 


How shall it be?  Will we change of the plans through outlay of the truth?  It is not yours to know, chela, for you, too, must move through the veil in igno­rance for ’tis the way of the human-ness.  I touch you ones and give unto you peace that no matter how the outcome, you do not lose of your way nor of your ability to con­tinue on with your work.


God loves you so greatly that He is again sending unto you His hosts to be in preparation for the reclaiming of His Kingdom again unto His name—so be it and selah (it shall be so for it is the WORD and THE WORD IS GOD!).


Close this portion, Dharma, for the computer if fouled and will write no more at this sitting—this should be your own confirma­tion, chela.  So be it for God shields ye ones of his fore-sent.  Saalome’


Hatonn to clear and move to stand-by.  You are under constant pro­tection and I again give warning unto the surveillance crews moni­toring this informa­tion—ye shall touch not one hair of this scribe’s head lest you declare war upon the United Federation Com­mand and I humbly ask that you recognize as much.  Salu.