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AUGUST 25, 2016







THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1990   6:48 A.M.   YEAR 4 DAY 77



November 1, 1990

Hatonn present in the service of Holy God, the One, The Many—ALL!  I AM and because I AM, SO SHALL YE BE!


Rather than note the myriad of fragments which impact you this day, I shall note only a few and move on.  I am besieged with requests to integrate the “whole” picture in the Persian Gulf for I am told it is too hard to keep all the “fragments” of information confined to a single thought pat­tern.  I have out­laid it so many times that I hesitate to utilize the precious time in so-doing, but I will ef­fort at giving you an overview of the Persian Gulf power play for it is so vital to the Global Agenda of the New World Order.


You ones cannot seem to understand the close power ties with the Soviet Union to solidify the “new partnership”, which by the way, has been binding for decades.  As we move along with this scenario, however, hold uppermost in mind that the Zionists of the Khazars want the Russian territory of their “heritage”, most urgently in­deed.






The U.S. “imperialists” have seized upon Iraq’s so-called invasion of Kuwait to strengthen their global power under the banner of cre­ating a “new world or­der”.  It is the same overall plan as the “GLOBAL 2000 PLAN”.  Russia has not changed her plans for world domination nor has the Zionist brotherhood, nor has the Global Elite Cartel—the bankers!  The action in the Middle East has sev­eral dimensions to it.  The U.S. has been working closely with the “state capitalists” in the Soviet Union throughout the Gulf crisis to solidify their emerging “new partnership”.  This new partnership is not about bringing peace and justice to the world, as U.S. and Soviet leaders hypocritically con­tend.  It is largely about jointly exploiting the Third World and collaborating to suppress revolution and unruly Third World regimes (even as they continue to compete for ad­vantage within that collaboration).


Let us see what is being touted, first of all.  The Soviet leader­ship (and their apologists) claim they are trying to block U.S. “adventurism” and prevent war.  The reality is just the opposite.  The Soviets do have their own agenda in the Gulf and their own con­cerns about war breaking out on their doorstep.  But for now they are more concerned with strengthening their new “partnership” with the West.  Actions like backing the U.N. embargo against Iraq and issu­ing a joint condemnation of Iraq at the recent U.S.-Soviet Helsinki Summit constitute important po­litical cover and support for U.S. bullying and war preparations.  Soviet leaders have even stated that they would join a U.S.-led military attack on Iraq IF the U.N. sanctioned it—as if U.N. sanc­tion would make such a crime any less murderous or less imperialist.  Further, on the other side of the mouth it is emphatically stated that, “Russia considers her­self no longer a `Super’-power and would not send any troops into the fray!”  The high level meetings are mainly to lay options out clearly.  At Malta, Gor­bachev and Bush AGREED there would be no nu­clear war in the Middle East until about 1992. 

Russia means it and will take measures in hidden ways to insure it is delayed as long as possible.  WATCH THAT COLUMBIA SHUTTLE!  As the December 3rd nu­clear plan nears, there will be some very interesting incidents to make some serious points to you ones regarding POWER!


The U.S., after encouraging Saddam to do exactly that which he did (you see Satan always tricks and deceives), the U.S. has seized on the crisis to shore up its leadership control of the Western al­liance.  In the post-WW2 era, that leadership has been based, in part, on Americas role first as the direct sup­plier of Gulf oil to Europe and Japan and more recently as the power insuring its unin­terrupted flow at low cost.  Remember that Japan gets 70 percent of its oil from the Gulf, Western Europe 50 percent.


U.S. supremacy slipped as there has been rising German and Japanese eco­nomic strength, American economic weakness, and the easing, in temporary measure, of East-West tensions.  Today the U.S. sees the Gulf crisis as a golden opportunity to restore American authority by de­feating Iraq and demonstrating that only the U.S. military um­brella can “guarantee” Europe and Japan their oil lifeline and eco­nomic survival and thus bring the nations under control.


Meanwhile the actions of the Bush administration and Global Cartel show the American people that you are under total imperial control—regardless of what the “polls” proclaim.






By the way, chelas, don’t fool yourselves into believing you func­tion in a Democratic/Free Elec­tion nation.  The Congressional can­didates are carefully chosen and the mold formed and ready for you to produce just the proper elected officials to further the Bush doctrines.  He is telling you exactly what to do and you will do it—vote him in a Republican Congress!  After all, look what Congress has done to you—given you a worse tax burden than you have ever known!








Americas massive intervention in the Gulf aims to intimidate any Third World challenges to im­perialist domination.  The “new world order” the Bush ad­ministration is crowing about is really just the same old lopsided global order that already exists but is ready to pull your Constitutional Rights through a new Constitution and new rules which you cannot oppose—openly!  With America as the one and only superpower cop, imposing its agenda at the point of a gun from Panama to the Persian Gulf, under this “order” 40,000, at least, children of the oppressed die every day from starvation and pre­ventable disease just as planned and orchestrated.  In oil-rich Saudi Arabia this status quo means that a mere 12 percent of the women are literate and over one in ten children dies before their first birthday—long live the royal elite oil-lords!


These frigid calculations of empire, not a desire to prevent ag­gression or bring peace to the world, have led the U.S. to mas­sively intervene in the Gulf and spurn repeated Iraqi offers to ne­gotiate.  Bush comes forth and “is tired” of the treatment of a few men who refused to leave the Embassy in Kuwait—and on that premised lie will slaughter your own countrymen in Iraq and Kuwait and thousands upon thousands of your “kids”, he calls them.  Even ones with loved-ones in custody in Iraq urge him on as if crazed by the desire for a good old “Marine” bloodbath.


Some argue that it is irrational, even outright crazy, for the U.S. to go to war in the Gulf be­cause war could destroy many oil fields, spark a global depres­sion, and/or throw the Middle East into tur­moil.  All this and more could hap­pen, and such possibilities gravely concern imperialist strategists.  Yet they are even more concerned about losing control of the Persian Gulf and the erosion of their global power, and if they feel they have to go to war to protect them, they will.  This too, is the “big B-word”!  One of many points of “timing” is to pull this war off prior to full oper­ation of the NEW OIL FIELDS in Saudi Arabia which could easily be destroyed later in all-out conflict.  I referred to these fields within the past two days.




Good gracious, no.  In 1502 the Portuguese mercenary and explorer Vasco de Gama sailed to the southwest coast of India with a fleet of 21 warships.  His goal—to seize control of the lucra­tive trade routes between Europe and the Far East from Arab merchants.  The ensuing combat was terrible with no atrocities too horrible to com­mit against the infidel competitors.   Cities were devastated, ships burned at their docks, prisoners butchered and their dismem­bered hands, noses, and ears sent back as derisive trophies.  A bit, I interject, like that which will happen in the relatively near future by your gov­ernment while claiming it is done by the aliens from the Cosmos.  It has al­ready been in preparation and training of you ones to expect that action from your space broth­ers.


What commodity inspired those 1502 atrocities?  Oil was not a point—it was over “spices”—you know, important things like pep­per, cinnamon, cloves, gin­ger, and nutmeg!


These “spice wars” were some of the world’s first wars over com­merce and marked the “rosy dawn” of capitalism as erroneously and heinously projected by the criminal elements.  You see, this is the kind of “capitalism” that Marx and Lenin wanted to suppress.  How­ever, they sup­pressed it by destroying the people caught in their own clutches of dictatorial state power.  Yes, your world has ever been thus—does it begin to fit with that which I have been outlay­ing unto you for consideration concerning the purpose of Earth com­pression experience?


Today, you ones look at the olden times as absurd; absurd that cities were ravaged and leveled and thousands massacred over pepper and nutmeg and cinnamon for your pumpkin pies.  But in the future, the fact that tens of thou­sands of troops squared off and hundreds of thousands, even millions of lives were risked and sacrificed over oil will seem even more ridiculous.  There is already abundant technology available IN YOUR CURRENT DAY, to have already obsoleted all use for carbon fuels of any kind!


It is sad to note that at least in 1502 there were no alternatives to spices.  To­day there are many, many alternatives to oil.  Sec­ondly, oil has distorted the world’s economies and fouled the envi­ronment in ways nothing else could do.  Strange outlook; if you survive a century from now you will still be using spices—you won’t be using very much oil!






Let us look at statistics which might tell you a great deal about that which is at hand.


Middle East oil has been essential to the functioning of the West­ern capitalist economies for over four decades in two major ways: as a source of superprof­its and as a cheap source of energy and raw material for industry.


Between 1948 and 1960 Western capital earned $12.8 billion in “after every­thing” “reported” profits so you know it was far more, and that was just Middle East oil.  This was on “fixed in­vestments” totalling a mere $1.3 billion—a rate of return far beyond any available in the industri­alized countries.  Now, don’t get con­fused, we are not speaking of banking, criminal robbery via the law, or anything else—just oil.  This was just spending change to the elite, dear ones, and that was a long time ago!


Today, despite the larger role played by the producing countries, oil remains extremely prof­itable for imperialist capital.  In 1989 52 of the of the world’s 500 largest corporations were oil compa­nies, with sales of a staggering $758 billion.  Seven of the 14 largest U.S. corporations are oil companies: in 1989 their $248 billion in sales and $14 billion in profits accounted for 37 per­cent of the total sales and profits of the top 14.  Don’t err in calculation of these fig­ures.  This does not even begin to scratch the surface of either profits or num­bers of corporations—you can­not even imagine how much money and how many corporations are un­known—hidden away in places off-shore and in Nevada, for instance.  I am going to use your own published data, how­ever, for I do not wish quarrels on distractor points.


Globally, 22 percent of all U.S. profits from direct investment in the Third World and an esti­mated 60 percent of total Third World profits accumulated by U.S. capital come from oil.  Much of this income is derived from refining and reselling oil from the Gulf.  For example, on average, 30 percent of the oil imported into the U.S. is by the 10 largest oil companies from the Persian Gulf.  Af­ter all, every barrel imported brings a “subsidy from you taxpay­ers” of a minimum of $.75/per barrel.


These superprofits have boosted the profitability of Western capi­tal as a whole.  But that is not the only way the system has bene­fited from Middle East oil.  Oil is far cheaper to produce in the Persian Gulf than anywhere else in the world—particularly in the developed countries.  One rea­son is that oil workers are paid a mere pittance.  Indian contract workers in Bahrain’s oil fields, for instance, make a poorly $75 a month.


Another is the staggering productivity of Gulf wells.  The average well in the U.S. produces some 12.5 barrels of oil a day, while the average well in Saudi Arabia produces 5,668 barrels a day.  In other words, the U.S. has to use 700 times as many wells as Saudi Arabia to produce the same amount of oil.


Cheap oil from the Persian Gulf has lowered production costs and raised the overall efficiency and profitability of imperialists capital.  Oil has become the primary source of energy for the capi­talist economies of the West, which have been structured around it in a thousand ways.  To­day the Western powers are the world’s biggest oil gluttons, with the seven largest consuming nearly one-half of the world’s output.  The U.S., alone, with 5 percent of the world’s pop­ulation, consumes 26 percent.


The importance of Persian Gulf oil has grown since the 1970’s and the onset of the pervasive economic crisis that has gripped the Western imperialist-dominated world economy.  This has occurred for two related reasons: high volume and low price.  Because the Gulf contains two-thirds of the world’s known oil reserves with more on the tapping board, and produces 30 per­cent of the world’s oil (excluding, of course, the Soviet bloc).  Gulf producers are the most able to boost output to meet rising world demand and prevent price explosions.


With oil reserves of 255 billion barrels—fully one quarter of the known world’s total—and a small population, Saudi Arabia in par­ticular has played a critical role as a “swing producer”, able to raise and lower production according to the demands of the global capitalist cartel economy.  Saudi production went from 10 million barrels a day in 1981, for instance, when oil prices were high, to 3.3 million barrels a day in 1985 when demand was down, to 7.4 mil­lion barrels a day now.  It is expected the Saudis will further in­crease production to seem­ingly make up for any current loss of oil from Iraq and Kuwait—which is ridiculous in itself.






A beautiful concept, fully reliable and wondrously conceived has been de­stroyed in practice.  This is because of the greed of man and the desire to con­trol and suppress his fellow-man.  It is sad, indeed, that ones of great suppres­sion of the masses would so clearly point out the inconsis­tency of “capitalism” as practiced—not conceptually.  “The more capitalism is developed, the more strongly the shortage of raw materials is felt, the more intense the competition and hunt for sources of raw materials throughout the whole world, the more desperate the struggle for the acquisi­tion of colonies.”


Now it might seem that I would suggest communism?  Oh, dear me, have we gotten nowhere?  The communism as practiced, say, in East Germany, will destroy West Germany and in turn, will be the down­fall of Germany if not stemmed in some manner.  In the mingling of the suppressed, all desire for production at one’s own labors has been negated—looting of West German busi­nesses is completely out of control—ones just “take” that which they want and cart it away.  If the police or shop owner attempts to stop the thieves, others come and take their portion while the owner is occupied.  The in­flux of people willing to take jobs at lower labor rates has flooded the employment market and increased the unemployment rolls.  Further, the production has dropped drastically due to non-interest in “work ethics”.  It is far more critical than you can imagine.  This was well planned in order to bring down the Ger­man economy and thus, the na­tion as a whole.  Methodically, the nations of Europe are being brought to their knees and be­come helpless on the ends of the Cartel’s strings.


The growing importance of Middle East oil for the imperialist economies has made the struggle to control it all the more fierce, Saddam’s takeover of Kuwait all the more threatening, and the U.S. reaction all the more belliger­ent.  The U.S. supported Hussein’s “invasion” to precipitate exactly what has occurred in the Middle East this day.  Does this mean Saddam is a Godly saint?  My, my—no!  He was just duped!  In the world of Satanic greed, you cannot trust your brother!  It is a mark of Satan—remember the “clues”.


U.S. power in the Middle East is exercised through a complex web of eco­nomic, political and military relations with most states in the region, along with various forms of direct intervention.  This net­work is designed to block challenges from rival imperialist powers, keep regional clients in line, and, most importantly, crush mass rebellion, which has repeatedly broken out in the re­gion against imperialism and its local enforcers.


(Dharma, close this segment—NOW!  They have changed your computer to eat your work from here on in this document!)





Two examples illustrate some of their means of control.  One, even though the oil-producing states now own their production facilities and earn billions in oil revenues, they remain eco­nomically subor­dinated to imperialist capital.  To begin with, they are overwhelm­ingly dependent on oil income, mainly from the West, and Western capital still controls refining and distribution.  In 1981 Western multinationals controlled over 82 percent of the world oil sales, along with over 56 percent of world production with the 7 biggest controlling over 40 percent and some 37 per­cent respectively.


These countries also remain dependent on the West for investment capital, industrial goods, in many cases even food.  Iraq is a prime example of this economic dependence: 95 percent of its rev­enues were generated by oil sales and 70 percent of its food is im­ported.  In working against this day, however, food reserves were carefully put aside, with, of course, the U.S.’s undercover agree­ment to supply needed survival commodities in case the plan should break down.  Don’t believe for one minute that the plan has broken down—you just don’t know what the plan IS!  Where do you think a major portion of that grain the Russian’s obtained from your silos is now residing?  What about the supply of dairy products such as dried milk and surplus butter has gone?  You disappoint me, chelas!


Second, the U.S. has built up an extensive military network in the region.  Is­rael, Egypt, Turkey, and Pakistan, key enforcers of U.S. interests, receive $6.5 billion in U.S. military and economic aid a year—half of the U.S. world total.  The U.S. also sells billions worth of arms to its regional clients.  From 1977 to 1987 the U.S. delivered $34 billion worth of arms to the region; this was more than it sold all other Third World countries put together.  In ad­dition, over 15 percent of the U.S. military budget, or roughly $40 billion a year, is spent on U.S. forces whose mission is to inter­vene and wage war in the Middle East.  I want you to separate the above figures from what it NOW IS.  This was just a minimum of on­going and constant input from you nice U.S. citizens setting up your children for gun-fodder.





No—even if it appears so.  The Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein is a comprador regime, tied to both Western and Soviet imperialism.  The U.S. helped Iraq prevail in the Iran-Iraq war, and over the course of the war Iraq moved closer to the West.  Yet the war also sowed the seeds for Iraq’s inva­sion of Kuwait and the current cri­sis.


The destruction of eight years of war and deepening economic cri­sis, coupled with Hussein’s ambition to become the Gulf’s dominant regional power, along with a seeming green light from the U.S., propelled Iraq into Kuwait.  Kuwait was, after all, a part and par­cel portion of Iraq and oil was being stolen even from the Iraq oil fields by the British—Saddam was actually between the very hardest place and a very large rock.  In particular, Kuwait had been pro­ducing nearly double its OPEC oil output quota, helping drive down world prices ac­cording to the Cartel plans.  This benefited the im­perialists but cost Iraq bil­lion of dollars in lost revenues.  Iraq also accused Kuwait of pumping over $1.4 billion worth of pure Iraqi oil from wells that straddle the Iraq-Kuwait border—run by those nice British companies through the U.S. corporations.


This invasion, however, somewhat threatened—or at least gave good public “reasons” for imme­diate U.S. action—to tear Americas web of regional power and control.  What it did was set the stage and lighting for the play’s act al­lowing the troop set-up for later purpose of conquest.  Through direct control of Iraq and Kuwait’s 20 percent of world reserves—a mere pittance—and indi­rect control of another 30 to untold amounts in percentage points through mili­tary intimida­tion of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf oil sheikdoms, Iraq could gain considerable leverage over world oil output and prices—or it would have appeared so.  Even if Hussein left Kuwait but still had his army intact, the U.S. has good reason to fear Iraq would intimidate Saudi Arabia for years to come and pose a real, valid threat to little Israel!


For the powers in the U.S., this not only trespassed on what they consider their sacred right to dominate the world oil market, but threatened their global standing and the world economy as well.  Hussein is now an “unreliable” client that would be dealt with ac­cordingly.  Now, we won’t talk of who was unreliable to whom.






In the light of truth and facts you can see that the U.S. dis­patched over 200,000-300,000 person­nel (minimum, for you have no way to imagine how many are in the desert), at least 600 (known) planes and over 50 warships to the Persian Gulf, not for freedom but for greed and world control by the elite.  It further set the stage for action by Israeli Zionists without directly pointing the finger at their unilateral actions.  No one would notice the de­struction of the Pales­tinians while all hell was breaking loose in Iraq.


Let’s not play games, good people.  You know that the U.S. govern­ment is straight-out lying when it talks about storming into the Gulf to uphold noble-sounding principles like “stopping `naked’ ag­gression”, “protecting the peo­ple”, and “defending international law”.  This is the same government that has been trampling over the Middle East—not to mention the rest of the world—for the last 40 years.


The U.S. directly helped start the Iran-Iraq war in 1980 by giving Iraq the green light to invade Iran, and then helped drag the war out for some eight years—a million people were killed in the war—by your aiding and manipulat­ing both sides.


In 1982 your military and government backed Israel’s murderous in­vasion of Lebanon in which over 30,000 Palestinians and Lebanese were butchered, and it today supports Israel as it guns down Pales­tinians fighting for self-determi­nation.  The U.S. has installed and/or propped up dozens of tyrants through­out the region—from the Saudi royal family to the late Shah of Iran, from King Hussein of Jordan to Saddam himself.


Most of you know that Americas rulers wouldn’t be bothered by one country invading another unless their interests were somehow threatened, and that in the Persian Gulf those interests center around oil.  Sometimes they’re right up front about it.  One Bush adviser put it very well: “Even a dolt understands the principle, we need and want the oil.


But you need to get clear as to just what the oil connection is.  For instance, the U.S. didn’t dis­patch troops to the Gulf just to create an oil price panic so a few oil companies could make a killing—that would come in due course of events.  The oil giants will jump at any opportunity to skin you people but if that were the deal, why not let Hussein have Kuwait and do the price hiking himself?  In reality the Western governments and big capitalists are afraid that skyrock­eting oil prices will throw their economies into a premature tail­spin before they are totally pre­pared to con­trol it.


Further, the Persian Gulf is not on the edge of war because Ameri­cas own oil supply is immedi­ately threatened.  Iraq and Kuwait only account for 5 percent of U.S. oil consumption—remem­ber?  This could easily be made up from any number of other sources.  Besides, Hussein jumped into Kuwait so Iraq could sell MORE OIL—not cut it off!


Sending your death machine to Saudi Arabia is actually not a gov­ernment ploy to boost Pentagon spending, cut social programs, or divert attention from the S&L crisis; for deploying troops and wag­ing war in the Gulf immediately threatens to make their budget and financial problems much worse and could trigger up­heavals through­out the Middle East.  Your ruler’s are actually risking a lot and are not playing publicity games.  The games are afoot, however, and the stock markets, gold prices—everything in the economy is at present under to­tally panicked manipulation in hopes of gently walking you through this disas­ter and into the prison of total con­trol.  It is a risk the Global Cartels are will­ing to take to ob­tain the prize.





In a movie on your placement, called “The Little Shop of Horrors” Audrey-2, a people-eating plant with a never-ending appetite, warns Seymour, the naive, near-sighted florist who nurtures it, “You don’t know what you’re dealin’ with, you don’t know who you’re messin’ with.”  The rulers of the U.S. are never going to be that honest with you the people.  To understand what they are up to in the Gulf today you have to first understand what kind of a system with which you are dealing.


It is forbidden in the mainstream media and polite conversation to call the U.S. an imperialist power—but that is the most important truth to understand about it.  Today this power (your administra­tion) is preparing for war because it is an imperialist power with its oil, profits and global power on the line in the Persian Gulf and it is the next step in Global 2000 control.


What is meant by imperialism?  Imperialism is not a curse word—al­though it IS a curse on hu­manity.  Imperialism is capitalism in its highest and most mis­defined and practiced stage of de­ceit.  The economies of the industrialized countries are dominated by inter­connected networks of giant banks and multinational corporations.  Like real life Audrey-2’s with a global reach, these giant concerns stretch their tentacles all over the globe, madly chasing maximum returns and strategic advantage through the export of capital, the penetration of new markets, and the control of raw materials.  In the process they dominate and twist the economies of the op­pressed, or Third World countries, condemning the vast majority of your planet’s people to lives of degradation and misery for the benefit of a handful in the rich industrialized countries.  To­day the 23 percent of the world’s population living in a few rich nations con­sume 82 percent of the world’s output while the 77 percent living in the Third World are left with 17 percent.  This gap between rich and poor countries is now over twice as wide as it was 30 years ago.


This dog-eat-dog system is backed up by the military and political arms of the imperialist state, the Pentagon, the State Department, the CIA, etc.  This ma­chinery of death and domination is used against rival powers, unruly clients, and especially the oppressed masses in order to subor­dinate whole regions of the earth, secure them for exploitation, and use them as strategic pieces in imperi­alism’s never-ceasing contest for global supremacy.


Overseas operations, especially in the oppressed countries, gener­ate enor­mous profits for the imperialist countries.  For example, between 1984 and 1988, Third World countries transferred $140 bil­lion to the rich countries in the form of loan repayments.  Today the U.S. also has some $373 billion in di­rect investments around the world ($90 billion of which is in the Third World) which gener­ate over $53 billion in profits annually.  Operating around the globe and exploiting the oppressed countries is not “icing on the cake” for U.S. capital; the system couldn’t function without it.


The imperialist centers are strategically dependent on the Third World as a source of cheap la­bor, markets, and low-cost strategic minerals.  This is not a question of sheer magnitude of in­vestment, the superprofits extracted in the Third World play a critical, stimulating role in the overall process of capitalist reproduction and expansion.

I believe that nowhere has this been more clearly demonstrated than in this current Middle East situation. Since your World War II, domination of this region has been a key pillar of Americas global power and economic func­tioning—”He who rules the energy resources, rules the world.”


The U.S. is preserving its political and military predominance in the Persian Gulf.  For one thing, this is strategically linked di­rectly to protecting Israel and to insuring overall U.S.-control­ling in­fluence in the Middle East, a region of critical importance in global military and political affairs.


Second, two-thirds of the world’s oil reserves are located in the Gulf, with more opening up, and U.S. predominance in the Gulf is crucial to maintaining effective control of world oil pricing and production.  For the U.S., Persian Gulf oil is a vital source of superprofits, a cheap and essential energy source for the West, and a lever for U.S. leadership of the other Western imperialist pow­ers.


These U.S. objectives are in turn linked to bigger goals: maintain­ing, indeed reasserting, Ameri­cas role as the world’s number one imperialist power and propping up the very fragile world capitalist economy as practiced by the Elite Cartel.  This is why Democrats and Republicans—from Jesse Jackson to Jesse Helms—all support U.S. domination of the Persian Gulf no matter what their “tactical debates” over current policy, not just a few oil monopolies.  And this is why they are willing to risk so much—and slaughter so many—to maintain it.






By the way of straightening out a few facts regarding the “Jerusalem Mas­sacre”.


Palestinians threw stones over the walls of the compounds and into the Jewish quarter ONLY AFTER THEY WERE ATTACKED BY GUNFIRE FROM THAT DIRECTION.  By that time the moving of the  “worshipers” had been completed and, according to plans, only a very few remained and hardly any were injured in any way.  Bloody hand-prints on the wall were a set-up—use your intelligence, you do not get perfect handprints in blood from random injuries unless staged and orches­trated!


The Israeli forces shot tear gas, rubber bullets and live ammuni­tion, including from a large-cal­iber machine gun and an army heli­copter.  When the con­frontation was over, blood was heavy on the walls of the mosques and on the floor of many near-by hospitals—not on the Jewish Wailing Wall.







The massacre touched off immediate anger and outrage among the Pales­tinian people.  Protest marches and demonstrations broke out all over the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as well as Palestinian areas inside Israel.  The Israeli police and army shot down more Palestinians in clamping down on the protests.  Israel enforced strict curfews on Palestinian towns and refugee camps and closed down all schools in the West Bank.  The Palestinians were then kept away from their places of worship—at gunpoint.


The action by the U.S. in all previous such uprisings has been to solidly back Israel, openly and defiantly.  Now, however, there en­ters a conflict of inter­ests.  The U.S. elite want global one-world-order for one reason and the Zionists want it for another so the alliance becomes a bit shaky, especially with the rise of the intifada and the Palestinian resistance.  The U.S. certainly is not going to abandon the Israeli attack dog.  But they are using “opposition to Iraqi aggression” as a rallying call to forge a new military bloc around itself in the region—a bloc that includes Is­rael but also more open alliances with the royal elite rulers of Egypt and Saudi Arabia and now Syria, as well.  This has opened the door for PERMANENT MILITARY PRESENCE OF THE U.S. IN THE REGION!


These are the cynical big-power interests and schemes that are be­hind the U.S. moves of half-hearted spanking of the Israelis by the U.N. following, but not immediately so, the massacre.  Bush is try­ing simply to cover his plans and assets by sponsoring a U.N. reso­lution that “condemns” Israel while at the same time trying to STOP another resolution backed by Yemen and the PLO that uses very harsh language, indeed, against Israel.  Whatever comes out of the U.N., one thing is clear: the U.S. is a deadly enemy of the Palestinians and other people in the Middle East.  Remember that the U.S. con­trols the U.N.


The Bush administration’s maneuvers in the U.N. also point to weak points and possible prob­lems for the U.S. in the Middle East which Bush is shoring up as quickly as possible.  Just before a major Is­raeli-U.S. precipitated planned incident, they always arrange for “distancing” of Israel from the U.S. to appear in conflict and dis­tract “watchers”.  Then they strike with deadly accu­racy right along according to the pre-planned blueprint.


The imperialists are playing with dynamite, however, for if a Holy War is pre­cipitated, there will be massive and terrible slaughter and the rivers will run with blood.  The citizens of the nations in point are unarmed for the most part and the massacre shall be un­heard of in the annals of time.


There is no guarantee how this will turn out.  A Middle East war instigated by the U.S. could end up with the U.S. rushing from “brushfire” to brushfire, try­ing to prevent a collapse of their po­sition in a most hostile environment for troops accustomed to air-conditioned houses, twice daily baths, beer and girls along with rock music.  There even might be massive upsurges of protest and even rebellion right within the U.S.A. if you ones open your eyes to the truth of what is coming-down here.  But it will take bold and determined action by people from the Mid­dle East to you in the U.S. within the belly of the beast it­self, to turn the imperial­ists’ offensive into a defeat for the oppressors.


Does Hatonn advise “revolution”?  Not as you interpret the defini­tion.  I only advise a “turning about” into the paths of truth and stand strong in that truth.  That is the first definition of “revolution” (the turning about).  All you would do from active, armed revolution, as in describ­ing “war”, is the losing of your rights into enslavement.  USE THE POWERS GIVEN UNTO YOU AS A PEOPLE AND A NATION—RECLAIM YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS!






Let us examine that which is undertaken.  Bush and the U.S. rulers are hoping to cover their as­sets by “criticizing” Israel’s latest massacre in Jerusalem.  Ac­tually, bombing raids are being car­ried out daily now, into Lebanon by the Is­raelis.  The U.S. is a proven enemy of the Palestinian and other Arab people.  The U.S. has backed the Zionist rulers from the very beginning of the Israeli state in 1948—a state set up through massacres of Palestinian peo­ple and forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their land—and through Israel’s various wars of expansion in the Middle East.  This is a very brief review of how the U.S. has acted as oppressors of the Palestinian people—especially through Israel—in the recent years.


The establishment media says that the U.S. criticism of Israel is the sharpest since Israel’s inva­sion of Lebanon.  In 1982 Israel had launched a full-scale in­vasion of Lebanon to crush the Pales­tinian resistance.  Some 25,000 people were killed and 400,000 made homeless.  The U.S. government supported a U.N. resolution critical of Israel.  But  that was only a public show of a hard line towards Israel—in an effort to respond to public pressure and also to de­flect the pres­sures from the Arabs—and to use the same opportunity to extri­cate itself from the image of a participant in the Israeli operation itself.


Your own President Jimmy Carter emerged from a national security briefing and said, “The word I got from very knowledgeable people in Israel is that `we have a green light from Wash­ington’.”


In October of 1985 Israel flew eight U.S. supplied F-15’s 1,500 miles across the Mediterranean Sea to bomb undefended PLO offices in Tunis.  The White House called the raid, which killed 55 Pales­tinians and 20 Tunisians, “a legitimate response and an expression of self-defense”.  Im­mediately after­ward, Congress approved a sup­plemental grant of $1.5 BILLION to Israel.


The U.S. gives Israel more economic and military aid than any other country on earth.  Just on the record for this year without any special gifts, you have given Israel $3 BILLION in CASH in official government aid and over $3.5 BILLION in investments and other fi­nancial transfers.  YOU HAVE FI­NANCED ISRAEL’S ARSENAL OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS ON TOP OF ANY OTHER FINANCING.

The U.S. has backed Israel’s colonization of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and other land seized from Palestinians.  The U.S. looks the other way as the Is­raeli government continues Jewish set­tlements aimed at encircling Palestinian villages and bolstering Israeli control.  Most of the lead­ers of armed Jewish settler groups like Gush Emunim are Americans.  This year the U.S. guar­anteed Israel a special aid package of $400 million (from you nice taxpayers) for the settlement of hundreds of thousands of Soviet Jewish immigrants who have been streaming into Israel, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.  In April of this year Congress overwhelmingly passed resolu­tions endorsing Israel’s il­legal annexation of East Jerusalem and its declaration of Jerusalem as its capital.


In 1989 a report by U.S. consular officials in Jerusalem critical of Israeli vio­lence against Pales­tinians was heavily edited by the State Department to por­tray the abuses as infrequent and uninten­tional.  This March the State De­partment announced plans to work for repeal of the 1975 U.N. resolution identifying Zionism as a racist movement.  (Go back and reread that sen­tence.)  ZIONISM AND JUDAISM ARE NOT ONE AND THE SAME, CHELAS!  In June, af­ter the mas­sacre of seven workers from Gaza by an Is­raeli gunman, the U.S. ve­toed a U.N. Se­curity Council resolution calling for a fact-finding mission on violence against Palestinians.


The U.S. government represses Palestinians in your country.  Ac­tivists like Ziad Abu Ein have been deported TO Israel to face jail and torture.  Seven Palestinians living in Los Angeles were rounded up several years ago by the INS and threatened with deportation as “undesirable aliens”.  Warning: your government has designated an INS detention camp in Oakdale, Louisiana as a holding area for large numbers of Arab-Americans if needed for reasons of “national security”—all ready and waiting.


Last year U.S. Secretary of State Baker (remember Bush’s old busi­ness buddy?) proposed a “peace plan” involving elections in the territories occu­pied by the Israeli army.  Under the plan, elected Palestinians would negotiate with Israel for “local autonomy” under continued Israeli rule.  The election ground rules would be set up by a delegation of Israelis and Palestinians hand-picked by the U.S., Egypt and Israel.  The plan was widely rejected by the masses of Pales­tinians as a scheme to have them participate in their own op­pression and to give up hopes of genuine liberation.  It was so exposed and hated that even the PLO leadership couldn’t stomach it.


After refusing to recognize the PLO for many years, the U.S. gov­ernment be­gan talks with the Palestinian organization last year.  But before starting the talks, the U.S. demanded that PLO agree to Israel’s “right to exist” and “renounce terrorism”.  Funny thing about that, the Mossad of Israel is the leading terrorist training machine.  This was just one more way for the U.S. to demand that the Palestinians give up all armed resistance to Israel and any hope of real inde­pendence.  The dialog with the PLO was aimed at finding a way to save the status quo in Israel, cool out the in­tifada, and promote the U.S. role as a broker in the region.  Six months later the U.S. suspended the talks—basically because the Palestinian people refuse to abandon their hopes for liberating the land belonging to them.

On and on it goes and has gone while you saw not!  May God grant you Grace to undo that which you have allowed for you the people knew not that which you were doing.  So be it.


Allow us to bring this to a close.  In love and service, I move to stand-by.  Saalome’. 


Hatonn to clear, please.