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AUGUST 19, 2016







SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1990   10.59 A.M.   YEAR 4 DAY 73





Hatonn present in service unto God and Man—within the Light of Truth.  So be it.


We are always pressed and crushed into the time limitations of Earth limita­tions, therefore, I must ask patience from ones who correspond and/or ask in­put for you have not enough hours in your days to accomplish all our work and allow the Journals to flow, also.  I do have some in­quiries which need re­sponse to the general group of readers.  I shall be brief for the material in the Jour­nals and Expresses is too urgent and timely to allow distractions, but I shall refer to queries regarding information within the books to clarify some points for all readers.


Dharma, as time consuming as it is, I must ask for expressions pre­sented by the letter from M.A. Ramadan, of the UN.  He has given phone contact in­formation but all need to have this infor­mation, not only the one.


We will please reprint the letter portions and I shall respond to segments.  The letter was not to Hatonn, but rather to George (Green) at America West but I have asked to respond for percep­tions and opinions cloud the issues.


Dear George,


Although it is extremely difficult to read the mind of God, it seems He does not put all the eggs in one basket.  For some reason, He gives dif­ferent people different pieces of the cos­mic puzzle.  This is all the more likely at those transitional times where the ulti­mate unity of mankind will be preceded by vast decentralization and fragmentation to fa­cilitate the dis­mantling of the present outdated world system and create a far more en­lightened one.


Yet, in order to go higher, man has to use his mind less in high tech and more in under­standing cosmic design.  Your pub­lications are a great challenge in this respect: They force us to use discernment.  For­tunately, they caution us, from the very beginning in the first book (I Am Sananda, p.128), that “man shall never force truth onto another.  For it would be worthless.”  We, therefore, have to use all the under­standing and self-discipline upon entering the minefield that God has planted to test us.  The different messages given to us by the more re­cent “masters” are no exception.  Let me explain.


In a letter entitled “Red Alert” and circulated in January this year or shortly before, you mentioned that your Journals are “transmitted di­rectly from Fourth Dimensional Extraterres­trials who call themselves `Space Brothers.’”  As you know, anyone who comes from less than the Fifth Dimension is terres­trial or human.  And to err is human.  In other words, those brothers, like us, are not infallible.


In fact, the transmitters or the messengers imply that.  For example, in the August Jour­nal Express issue entitled “Psychic Guru” (Vol. III, No. 4), you quote Hatonn as saying that “My computer system rarely re­flects errors,” which means that he does make mis­takes sometimes.  This is in sharp contrast with your recurrent statement that “the mate­rials are 100 percent correct”.


Adding the conflicting statements of the several Rainbow Mas­ters, in­ter alie, the major pitfalls of the Journals include the following:


I shall ask interruption before going further to make comment about the pre­ceding statements:


I ask that you all be gracious and patient with our contacts and publishers.  Brave, indeed, are the ones who stand forth against Earth forces to bring truth.  Please know that in January (ref. above), George and Desiree’ (who wrote “Red Alert”) had met the re­ceiver and had access to any of our writings for less than three months.  Please note that much of the above observation is correct in concept where man, fourth dimensional downward in the counting if you like, is subject to err.  Moreso, however, it is differing in “perception” and/or “opinion” and “interpretation” of intent.  Just as M.A.R. has erred ty­pographically in the printing of his letter—so too, are errors committed in non-intent.  I use this as example only in that all can relate to the subject in point through this example.  The “CONCEPT” of the letter is 100% (whatever); the errors impact not the “concept”.  Further, you must understand that we speak a “Universal Lan­guage” or no language at all.  Language (audible) is a very primitive mode of communication and transfers errors in perception—espe­cially through a “written” page.


I, Hatonn, can clarify further the reference to fourth dimension, etc.  I per­sonally come from an etheric dimension much higher than fourth.  I function in the capacity of a fourth dimensional being in “command” expression.  Many, many of the crew-members aboard craft are only a bit higher frequency than are you Earth persons and function mostly in the third dimension with only relative higher frequency and greater insight into time/space perspective. 


As communications vary from language to language there will be er­rors in the chosen “word” of use and/or typographical errors.  Short of God is not PER­FECTION either in expression or re­ception.


Everything must be taken most carefully indeed, with great discern­ment for each reader will read with differing perspective according to experience, geo­graphic tradition, etc.  It is with humble grati­tude when a student will carefully study the contents as closely as has M.A.R. and take time to express these in­quiries and observa­tions so respectfully and comparatively and with obvious effort at total discernment.


I, further, ask that all readers keep in mind that we write through this scribe — in the U.S.A., her only reference point as she is not a student of any litera­ture, religious history, language, etc.  She cannot tamper with input for she has no background to either contradict or confirm.  To find only ten points to ponder and ques­tion after penning 21 Books within the past year, is get­ting pretty close to accuracy by any standards.  Furthermore, the subject under discussion is the most controversial of all information of all time inclusive—re­ligious information and disinforma­tion.  I am most grateful to have opportu­nity to respond to questions or observa­tions so well studied and compared and presented in such clarified format.  Thank you.


We are in the commission of “awakening” a sleeping people who are, in fact, at great crossroads on human cycles.  We must present truth in a manner which can be received and best under­stood and we must ask that the more advanced student of “one” subject be patient while we deal with the myriad subjects in order to touch “all”.  If we can cause mankind to “see”, we shall have touched on some type of miracle in itself.


We each—you and I—come from varying dimensions in experience and expres­sion, to express as we are experiencing at the current per­ceived “time” se­quence—for specific purposes, yet elusive to most individuals.  We of the higher dimensional plane of experience rec­ognize our purpose as do “some” of earth compression—but yet “few” in relative numbers.  But, on to the sub­jects as presented:  I.        The Nature of Sananda


1.   In the Red Alert letter, you mention that from the aforemen­tioned Fourth-Dimen­sional Masters who call themselves Space Brothers like “Hatonn, Ashtar and Sananda, comes the shocking truth...”  Are we talking about the same Sananda who will be our Messiah?


Yes and no.  It is incorrect to place Sananda into the category of a “Space” man as referenced in the above “assumption”.  This en­tity, Sananda, is a Christed being having served Earth man in sev­eral capacities and identities.  He (if you will) is “overall” “Commander” of this project.  There is no way to limit his intent, stature or abilities.  There is such misunderstanding of factual truth regarding God and life, perception, illusion and reality that it would take ten Journals to outlay it all.  But, the greatest misperception of mankind is to categorize the “Masters”, “Teachers”, “God” and thus and so.  This entity known as Sananda, is a “designation” of identification (as I gather you already rec­ognize from your intelligent factual information).  It is now time for the readying of the planet for the perfection of truth to re­turn—first “WITHIN” man.  Just as the myth goes that he “went forth to prepare a place for you...”, so we now ready a reception for Him in God “growth”.  The English language simply has not the proper definitive words for total clarity to express my full in­tent.


I, Hatonn, am expressing in the capacity of “Commander”—I, how­ever, come from a dimension of totality of expression and/or mani­festation: Aton.  We do not “rank” in the higher dimensions and yet, it is the only measure I perceive you recognize.


Yes, to respond to your last question: it is the return of God, by whatever name you have called him.  Actually, it is a return to consciousness.  The awareness of God in that manifestation of “God-ness” can be returned into that consciousness.  God dwells within his creations so—without contradiction—God is already with you!  Keep in mind the question which bore no misunder­standing on your part but might very well among the lay reader—”Messiah” meaning a professed “teacher”, “messenger”, marked by mystical idealism in behalf of a cherished cause or sense of historic mission devoted to perfection in belief in the absolute rightness of truth.  To attach this entity to any one “religious” doctrine is to err indeed.


2.   Ashtar himself distinguished in the letter between Space People and the spiritual people, who start from the Fifth Di­mension.  If your Sananda is only a 4th-dimension being, fine.  But in this case he cannot put “The seal of Truth” after al­most every other transmission in the Journals by equally-rank­ing brothers.


True!  We have efforted to define categories as clearly as possible while knowing that man can­not conceive of that which we proffer.  Allow me to note that Sananda is from the highest di­mension and has all qualifications to place His seal upon the WORD!  It was not our intent to indicate equality as such, although we allow some ignorance on the part of mankind into the higher truth of “unlimited” exis­tence.  We have ability to “manifest the expres­sion of our thoughts” and it is very hard, indeed, to describe this quality unto ones who have nothing against which to re­late in any manner, in conscious­ness.  The reason for any such reference as to “seal” is to allow knowledge that statements are carefully considered as to content by council of higher energies that none overstep the boundaries of command of another in purpose and di­rection.


3.   But let’s assume that your Sananda is higher than the 4th dimension.  If this is the case, why does he hardly refer, if at all, to other high-ranking Masters like his assistant Kuthumi or to Sai Baba, when sev­eral books were written about them and their mira­cles?


This is going to be harder for you to understand for I am not sure I can answer without confu­sion.  You have simply not had access to all the materials pre­sented and that which has not yet been given into print. 

There are thousands of hours of audio tapes wherein this subject is cov­ered most carefully in detail.  Babajee has come forth on many occasions—to witness thereof through this scribe, as has Lord Kuthumi.


This scribe has no recollection of any “contact” prior to mid-September of 1987.  SIPAPU ODYSSEY was written as a “fantasy” in 1986.  She was not exposed in any manner to Space Command nor to higher energies prior to that time—in fact, she had very negative opinions of the entire operation of same.  Dear ones, it is a time “of remembering”, now.  I further urge you ones to not err in per­ception of assuming, for instance, Sai Baba to be an identical en­ergy form of Babajee.  You must be most careful for it has been told to you of physical format to beware of bringers of great mira­cles in the closing cycle for they will most often be of evil.  All will not be of evil and I certainly infer no such thing—I JUST WARN YOU TO BE DISCERNING AND KNOW THAT THAT WHICH CAN BE DONE BY THESE “MIRACLE DOERS” CAN BE DONE BY YOU IF YOU BUT ACCEPT YOUR CREATIVE GODNESS WITHIN.  HE OF LIGHT WILL ALWAYS TELL YOU SUCH AND THE “TEACHERS” COME FORTH TO PREPARE THE WAY—YOU WILL BE THE DIS­CERNER FOR GOD HAS CREATED YOU WITH FREE-WILL CHOICE AND YOU WILL STAND RESPON­SIBLE FOR DISCERNMENT—i.e., the “minefield”.


I apologize to the sender of this letter for the document has been separated in the faxing thereof, and we may have these numbered queries out of order.  I will, however, effort to re­spond properly.


II.  The Nature of Jesus


4.   In the green book “I Am Sananda” we are told by Judas Iscar­ioth (another Master) that Thomas complained to Jesus Christ that “Your disciples have falsified your teach­ings.  They say you are the Son of God...and have pronounced that you are equal to the Creation” (page 131).  Yet, in the Rainbow Mas­ters (p.58), Serapis Bey, who claims he is often referred to as the Commander Hatonn, equally claims “I Am That I Am: Christ, the only begotten Son.”


Semantics can be the downfall if we are not indeed careful.  Firstly, allow me to be in the re­minding of something: Judas Iscar­ioth was “translating” his own scribing from Arabic and into En­glish for understanding and revealing of truth from the erroneous documents of mistransla­tion by the German scholars who chose the “gospels”.  Judas Iscarioth was erroneously blamed with the be­trayal of the one known as Immanuel (Emmanuel) (Jmmanuel) (Jesus) (etc.).  (For clarification, “Jesus” came through Paul the Apostle much later as a label as Paul traveled in ancient Greece.  The facts are that to be the “Son of God” and “equal to Creation” are mutually exclusive and contradictory statements.  The “man” as such, whether by manifested extension of God’s thought (begotten) would need travel the path of life into the perfection of God to be as God fulfilled.  This becomes the status of a “Sananda” as rela­tive to the term “Christ”—a level of acquired knowledge and per­fection.  Intent is that this entity could only be “begotten” of God-ness and not the “ONLY” one.  The seed, if you will, was brought forth by the Archangelic en­ergy, Gabriel.  The book AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL, I AM SANANDA is a transcription ba­sically unchanged from the original scribing of Iscarioth and might very well bear some misperceptions in choice of vocabulary.  I urge you all to read with conceptual truth of the whole, lest you not only miss of the lifeboat sent to save you from the floods, but the heli­copter as well!


5.   In many other locations, Judas refers to God as the Father of Christ, who, still, claims “I am Esu Jesus Sananda, I am the Lord Thy God, Manifest and Incarnate.  One with God and The Creation.  I Am and ye can be as I Am.” (p.7).  However, how can I be like Him if I cannot be even the second son of God?


Firstly, why think ye that ye cannot be the second son of God—OR, THE FIRST, FOR THAT MATTER?  Do you not refer to God as “Father”?  Most earth men do so.  The Indians of the native tribes go further—Tunkonshila (Grandfather)/Creator.  You are each and every one a manifestation directly from God which causes you to be the child, son/daughter, of God just as you might call your own idea or thought manifested, your “child”, “brainchild”, etc.  How, sir, would you get this concept across to 6-7 billion earth humans? 


I suggest you do not get “hung-up” on names.  If you be speaking unto God, it matters not what you call Him, even unto Satan—for He hears thine intent of heart and hears not the sounds from the open­ing on thine lower face!  The Christ came forth to tell you that all (each) can be exactly as he, and more!  No more and no lesser.


6.   ..but, let’s suppose for argument’s sake, that spiritual en­tities are “interchangeable” and could become anything, from God to Jesus and Sananda.  To make it easier, let’s also ac­cept Jesus’ claim in the Bible that God is “My Father and yours”, implying that he is not God, or bet­ter, he is not the only son.  In this case, why should Thomas complain to Jesus that his disciples had falsified his teaching, for merely say­ing that he was the Son of God?  The question here, therefore, is not one of interchangeability but of falsehood.”


Yes, exactly, and so it is a lie.  Further, that was not the only false teaching projected by the disciples.  Moreover, in the retelling and selective transla­tions, more was lost from the truth and intent for power and control placed within the covers of the Bible.  Immanuel (Jesus, to you ones), never claimed to be The Cre­ation but only “OF” and/or one with/within The Creation.  The PUR­POSE of a visit from the “Great Teacher Masters” has always been to bring truth of the need for living within the Laws of God Creator and within the Laws of The Creation.  God Creator might well be the creator of The Creation but “He” is WITHIN THE CREATION, be­coming the “whole”.  Remember—in all things, it comes back always—to ONE, (1), UNO!


            III.       The Nature of Mohammad


7.   Although Hatonn and most of the Rainbow Masters are against the Church or orga­nized religion, they staunchly, but subtly, side with Jesus at the expense of the other two monotheistic religions, i.e., Judaism and Islam.  There is hardly any men­tion of Moses, the only prophet who spoke to God, and of Mo­hammad, who was “the only man in his­tory who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level,” according to Michael Hart, in his book “The 100: a Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in His­tory”.  Nevertheless, “none of the great figures of history is so poorly appreciated in the West as Mo­hammad”, to quote British professor W. Montgomery.  For that reason his case needs more detail.

Quite frankly, my thrust is to awaken mankind to his plight in his physical state—right now.  You will note through the continuing series of books (Journals) we deal with that which is!  I have not now, nor ever, had intent to relate all the world’s religions or their leaders, as such.  There is great misper­ception regarding Esu, Issa, Immanuel, Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, Pale Prophet, Quetzal Coatl, Wakan Tanka etc., etc., etc.  YOU OF EARTH TRY TO SEPARATE THESE GREAT CHRISTED ENERGIES AND THEREIN LIES YOUR MOST HEINOUS ER­RORS—”DIVIDE AND CONQUER”.  The Satanic energies never miss a trick, dearly beloved ones, and they haven’t missed this one!  Fur­ther, to quote from “experts” on your placement bears little influ­ence for if their projections be in truth they are valid—if not, they are not valid.  No more and no less.  If man already was ap­prised of truth there would be no need for the en­lightenment of Journals or other forthcoming documents of higher understanding.  I hope we can reach a point wherein we find “time” to further detail many of the “great” teachers; Mo­hammad is only one such.


As you will note from my current Journals, we are deeply into the subject of Judaism.  This world has stumbled a long way into the abyss.  You ones now equate the Khazar Zionists with Jews/Judaism.  NOT SO!!  Herein lies the key to the truth of the fall of the king­doms.  JEWS AND ZIONISTS are no more factual than is BLACK AND AFRICAN.  It is through these in­correct and habitual “assumptions” that man loses his path.


8.   While the nature of Jesus and Sananda is perplexing, this is not the case with Mo­hammad.  He made it clear that “I am only human like you.”  The Quran also mentions that this prophet is only a mortal mes­senger.  It seems that the very simplicity of Muslim teachings was be­hind its quick spread from the Hi­malayas to the Pyrenees and, natu­rally, behind the strong counter-attack by the threatened Church with “the legend of fa­natical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword”, which De Lacy O’leary de­scribes in his book “Islam at the Crossroads” as “the most fan­tastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated.”


Correction, friend: Jesus, by any name, did not claim to be other than human “like you”.  Those ridiculous teachings were projected after his passing.  Just as this man’s teachings were cor­rupted, may I suggest that Mohammad did not espouse murder, Holy wars, killing or maiming of brothers and thus and so.  These are the things projected by man “IN THE NAME OF THE TEACHERS”.  Let us be most careful in our projections or quotations from writers who sug­gest otherwise.  The truly divinely sent great teachers and Christed energies always espoused and taught the LAWS and the need for man to live within and according to those LAWS (OF GOD WITHIN CRE­ATION).  You must look carefully at the birthing of “ISLAM” for few, indeed, realize that it is an “interbreeding” of two, and yet, being all one in truth—are they not one in the same?  Can we not function as brothers in the service of God and put the separations behind and away from us, for ’tis the truth of the ONENESS with and within God and those absolute truths in action which shall prevail if man is to survive as a species.


I shall leave this input at this point for I shall finish my re­sponse to the above after outlaying the 9th statement from M.A.R.:


9.   Naturally, while Mohammad held Jesus in very high esteem, and the Koran (Quran) mentions the name of Mohammad only four times against 28 favourable times for Jesus (Essa) and 38 times in favour of Mary, Hatonn’s computer was poorer than that of the Church he de­tested.  In the green book “And They Called His name Immanuel, My Name is Sananda,” Judas Iscarioth quotes Sananda as warning his killers: “Verily, verily I say to you, his name will be written with blood and his hatred against your kind will be endless.  But since he will be a false prophet,” (referring to Mohammad) “and bring you a false doc­trine, so will his cult eventually be finished, when your kind and his kind will put down the foundation for a bloody ending for this world” (p. 118).  It is interesting that this statement is not confirmed by the seal of Sananda at the end of the reading, yet still bears his name in the title (REC.#3...ISCARIOTH/JMANNUEL SANANDA, Thurs­day, August 10, 1989).


Last, first, please.  The portion above (in parentheses) is identi­fication for the ones handling the writings.  Dharma sits to the keyboard and identifies the speakers—nothing more or less and la­bels the writings for further reference.  “REC. # 3 means the third writing on that date.  “ISCARIOTH/JMANNUEL SANANDA” means the “subject”, “speakers” and reference for placement.  Sometimes there are three or four separate documents in receiving at a given date.  There will always be reflected a “time” which you have not noted, which may indicate that Dharma forgot to note the time or perhaps you omitted it.  This is for information when docu­mentation is re­quired in “time sequence” of instructions and/or happenings upon your placement to allow actual reference “timing”.  Then, of course, the remainder indicates the day, date and year.  The other indication of Yr: 2 day: 359, indicates the sequence of days since the onset of the new calendar of counting from August 17, 1987 at which time you entered the new calendar of sequence.


I have no wish to pick problems with the Quran as such.  Please un­derstand that I care not one whit what it says.  Islam, for in­stance, is a cross between the teachings of Jesus and Mohammad, etc.  It is incorrectly translated at the very best for as I have stated, Jesus as a label was incor­rect, therefore, the transla­tion is incorrect.  The overzealous nature of using “Mary” as a Holy De­ity is incorrect in all instances and was begun and expounded by the Holy Church of Rome.  I, Hatonn, detest no “church club” above that of another—I detest any group that projects lies upon believ­ing people—I care not where they are or who they are.  If a lie be a lie, the telling of it by great numbers of liars does not make it truth!


Regarding the quotation of “Sananda” by Iscarioth regarding the warning: please realize you have left out the circumstances under which the statement was made.  Also, you must realize several dif­ferent facts herein which I will at­tempt to delineate.  Sananda (the one you call Jesus) was before the council and Pilote at His condemnation.  He warned the crowd and people pre­sent that one would come forth (Mohammad) who would write his name in blood and the hatred would last endlessly.  Brothers, that is truth enough—the hatred of the Arabs and the Jews under whatever religious doc­trine prevalent, is endless and bloody at best.  The term: prophet” must be considered very carefully to discern the meaning of “false prophet”.  There were ones who were proclaimed “prophets”, i.e. Moses, Daniel, Eziekel, etc.  Mohammad came forth as a leader and teacher; (and I do not even speak herein of credi­bility or incredibility) I simply speak of his status as man/teacher.  He was “falsely” called “prophet” although his pro­jections have come to pass in a most remarkable manner.  The mea­sure of the proof of a prophet is total coming into being ALL PRO­JECTIONS.  Therefore, it is not until after the fact that a man can be labelled a “true” or “false” prophet.  Before the fact, the prophet would have to be referred to as “false” or “projected” prophet.  In this instance the entity Jmannuel has just proved his worth in that one instance as a true prophet by projecting the above prediction regarding Mohammad.


Now, as to credibility.  About the Quran, just as the Holy Bible of the so-called Christians and/or Jews: I make no statement at all.  I am not come to compare the books of instructions for they are all tampered and mistrans­lated—however—there is also truth abounding in each and all.  It is for the in­dividual to isolate the truth of God according to the Laws of God and The Cre­ation.  If the instruc­tions are according to the laws it is of God, if not, it is aug­mented by man and thusly, altered in form, i.e. “Thou shall not kill”—meaning “thou shall not murder”.  There­fore, murder is mur­der is murder and likewise are the other commandments truth is truth is truth.  I speak of the true laws of God and Creation—I care not for the “voted in” rules of man to gain power and control over his brother.


Now if you believe that ultimately the bloody end of your world will come other than through the hands of these hating rivals, look again—you are al­ready on your way for the Zionists have infiltrated all of the nations and the bloodshed shall be violent and terrible indeed.