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 August 11, 2016





By Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
  231 Pages (131)

In this "JOURNAL" we are given day by day information of important events going on in the world and especially about Russia, Iraq, Israel, the Middle East and the U.S. and how these tie into the major prophecies of the end-times.

We are given information about the history of this planet and origins of the humans here.

We are also given a response to the "Middle East Prayer Alert", put out by many well known "Christian" leaders, by Jesus Sananda.

Many other topics are covered including: Our origins - The moment of "no time" - Cities of Light - Pres. Bush and the "New World Order" and its consequences - The geological processes involved in vulcanism - Learn how water (Babylon's Achilles' heel) will play a major role in the starting of Armageddon - The "Global Agenda" and how oil control is of key importance - More about Noriega - Why doesn't Saddam give up? - Russia's real role with Iraq and the Middle East - RUSSIA'S SUPERIOR WEAPONS DETERMINES WHAT WE CAN DO IN SPACE - The POWs we abandoned - The origin and purpose of the Bird Tribes - Some history of Earth and the settlers that came here 70,000 years ago. (Index Included







As you of the human species move into the throes of the time of chaos, you will be turning again and again unto the “meaning” of life and the question of existence.  The pat answers from those self-appointed gurus and preachers will not fulfill your quest for truth.  There is only one place to turn for coming into peace and understanding—UNTO GOD.  God never pulls away from man—man ef­forts to pull from God in his searching for the physical path to spirituality.  There is no such thing, beloved ones.


How did the “higher brotherhood of man” get so smart?  The same way as you—the hard way!  We evolved and grew and learned our lessons and now we are come again unto you, the human of Earth, as emis­saries of that One Cre­ator and in the service of the wondrous whole of The Creation—to serve as teachers and wayshowers to you who have lost your vision of truth and stum­ble in the darkness.  God has sent ones of His realms to fill commissions that you might be given that which you need to find truth and the WORD.  The choice of participation shall be left unto EACH until the final hour.


As the cycles turn and the wheel of Creation rotates, there would be the time when you would again look unto God.  We come only as heralded as the “Hosts”, in service and forerunner of God, unto your placement for we are representative of naught except your higher self coming into awareness—we act in separation only as you separate from us of higher beings.


You were sent forth upon the planet to be caretakers and now, the conse­quences must be faced for failure to perform your task in gen­tle and balanced truth in action unto Her.


We have held the Earth most carefully and assigned to her the very brightest spirits.  In this age, now, our patience is rewarded for there are those of you who at last look up and see beyond the mi­croscopic interpretations of those singularly misleading egos.


You begin now to perceive us and communicate with us.  We do that which we can with the primitive words of your ego-created lan­guages, but it is much like speaking with our hands through the movement of shadows on a cave wall, the fire of your interest ever flickering and fleeting.  But crude and primi­tive symbolism is that which we have with which to come into communion and so shall it be.  For as you sense the reality behind words, and follow the direc­tion of guided and divine thought, there is movement in your life as a collec­tive people desiring change from the chaos into life.  Per­haps you can now leave the cave of deceit and enter the sunlit gar­den that has ever been your true home and heritage.


We are referred to in many ways: the Pattern Beings, the Winged Ones, the Travelers of the Heavens, the Sky People, the Light Bear­ers and the Flying Tribes—we are but the Hosts sent in service for a transition back into Godness and to act as alarm clocks to those sleeping while de­struction descends upon you.  We are come at your request to open the door of the prison you have built around your selves without realizing the consequences of the isolation of a fragment taken from the whole of God-ness.


The journey of spiritual growth has been long indeed—there is no “quick fix” and no “instant” perfection.  Perfection comes only with and through God and therefore man seeks in all the wrong places and directions searching for a PHYSICAL way to attain God­ness.  The very sim­plicity of the transition is too much to be reckoned with in most instances.  The God within calls softly unto you to open your eyes and see that which He has sent unto you to Light your path.  We are your brothers, come to show you the way and the “Captain” of the ship is perfection of brilliant light which is missed by the totality of its sur­rounding capacity.  You cannot “see” be­cause of all of which you “see”.  You look for proof in a manner understood only through the physical experience and you shall never find understanding through the physical—only through the spirit.


It is however, only through coming into truth and knowledge that will allow your physical jour­ney to be long enough to allow your spiritual understanding to find balance and peace for you are mani­fest upon a physical plane of expe­rience.  Ours is to bring truth that you might be an “informed transitioner”!  What ye do with the WORD is placed within your own decision.  We judge not for yours is to have free-will choice and ours is to bring the Word.  We come with total love and petition that you look carefully indeed, for the cycle of change is now upon you.  Saalome’


May you ever see as with eyes of the eagle and walk gently as the dove that we each and all will be found whole and worthy of flight unto our Source.


I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn