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This information was not, has not, and will not be copyrighted by the authors. Even though the banned journals appear to be copyrighted, that was done illegally and against the authors wishes by the persons who stole the journals--done purposely to bury this information and to keep the general public from knowing Truth. As quoted from Journal #34 E.T., Phone Home--Reach Out And Touch Someone Like God! page 213:



"I and those others whose names are affixed to this document hereby give full and inclusive permission to all who would hold the Word of Truth aloft and maintain the light of freedom of expression of that Truth, to utilize, verbatim, the following JOURNALS: THE LAST GREAT PLAGUE: AIDS [journal #65 available from Phoenix Source Distributors]; AND GOD SAID: LET THERE BE LIGHT; MY FATHER AND I ARE ONE; MURDER THROUGH ATOMIC SUICIDE; ET, PHONE HOME; YOUR SACRED SPIRIT WITHIN; TRANSFORMATION OF MAN; and SCIENCE OF MAN, HUMAN.'

"This information, in no way, is the property of ANY person. Dharma holds NO credit for the work and does, infact, give credit to a pre-press manuscript of 1927 (public domain) for any work not directly given--the AUTHORS do not, in any instance, give credence to Lao Russell for Walter's work. Likewise, all diagrams are to be found in that manuscript. For this reason (that the entire work has been in the public domain since 1927) there is actually no reason for permission to be asked or granted. THIS INFORMATION IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF ALL MEN!"

Violinio Germain

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