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Jesus Sananda, Lord MIchael and St. Germain

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Dec. 28, 2013


PHOENIX OPERATOR-OWNER MANUAL’ – PHOENIX JOURNAL # 27 - Understanding  the  Nature  of




Now we will discuss the personal responsibility each of you Humans has toward harmo­nizing with and maintaining The Laws of Balance given forth above.  Since you have been gifted with Free-will and reasoning in­telligence by Your Creator, then so it is true that balance is a CHOICE made by each human, NOT the same as an “instinct” of maintenance and bal­ance given by Creation to your animal and bird kingdoms.


Did God therefore make you Lord over this his Creation?  Yes, but not to improve this per­fection, dominate, eliminate, and de­stroy.  He gave you a physi­cal kingdom to experience the won­drous and beautiful varieties of life.  This is a place given for you to attain spiritual per­fection by learn­ing and wisely fol­lowing The Laws given forth by God and Creation.  Also, this is a place of learning through THE DIVINE SPIRIT WITHIN YOU how to HARMONIZE with all of Creation which you choose to ex­perience in, including beloved Mother Earth.  Unfor­tunately, with your free-will reasoning minds you selfishly thought that to “modernize” and “improve” upon this wondrous creation, you would make this a better place FOR YOU to live upon, with total disre­gard to the rest of the Earth, the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms.


So as example, we will give honor to many of your “native” cultures who are known as the “ancients” or “Indians” who have existed throughout your world, throughout your planetary “cycle”.  These ones understood, because of the “richness” of their spiritual growth, that they were a part of this world, but not OF this world.  They honored and blessed the Mother who gave them beauty, food and shelter.  They honored and blessed the animals which gave them food and clothing.  And they hon­ored and blessed THE FA­THER, THE SPIRIT OF LIFE, which gave them their life experience.  They knew that they OWNED nothing, but that of the SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN them.  THEY lived in harmony and balance as a part of the whole, NOT the dominant part, but compli­mentary to.  This was their CHOICE by wisely fol­lowing the Laws of Na­ture given of GOD and CREATION.


And so then came the ones who arrogantly felt superior to ALL because they were “civilized”.  Civilization defined: “1. A state of human society character­ized by a high level of intellectual, social and cultural develop­ment.”  What about the development of true “spiritual” wisdom and per­fection?  Well, of course the intellectual ones judged the importance of having a carefully prepared set of “religious” (not necessarily “spiritual”) doctrines to guarantee for THEM­SELVES the necessary degree of con­trol, power and dominance OVER their brethren in their created “civilized” kingdom.


The “native” ones were despised, called “primitive” and so were either forced to become “civilized” or be destroyed.  Many of the ones who re­fused to sur­render to the WHORE of The Anti-Christ were simply de­stroyed.  The ones who survived were sorry to live in the spiritual poverty of “modern” civiliza­tion.  Now, many of the “survivors” have retained or regained the “ancient” spiritual teachings of balance and are working to re­claim their spiritually starved and lost brethren within this “modern” civilization.


So with the communion of THE SPIRIT OF LIFE WITHIN each of you, you must first wisely understand and follow the Laws of Balance AND sec­ondly, you must wisely know where YOUR responsibility begins and ends within THE CREATION upon this wondrous orb.


For example, are you responsible for the instinctual nature of the wild ani­mal, reptile, and bird kingdoms?  Of course not.  Are you responsible for the nature of the natural minerals, grasses, shrubs and trees?  Of course not.  But are you respon­sible to those in the animal king­dom whom you have do­mesticated either for food, clothing or pets?  OF COURSE YOU ARE! Is it wrong to have domesticated these animals?   Not neces­sarily, IT is just a fact that YOU have done so.  Therefore, YOU are re­sponsible for the care and personal tending of the domesticated animals, such as cows, sheep, horses, chickens, birds, cats and dogs which you possess.


Is it wrong to kill an animal for food?  No, but why do you kill creatures, call it “sport” and then brag to your brothers about what a wondrous KILLER you are?  We would call this selfish, malicious you see?  There is a difference.  Right now, if you have plenty of domestic animals such as cow, pigs, and sheep available for food and clothing, then why need you also kill the “wild” creatures?  Often, in these times, be­cause the human has stolen THEIR kingdom for cities, suburbs, agricul­ture and golf courses, he has then offered them a small “reserve” and when they “cross” over or “over” populate their re­serve, he must then bring balance and “kill” these excess animals.  (Just as was done with your “native” brethren.  You civi­lized and destroyed their kingdom and then offered them un­desirable (to you) “reservations” to live upon sepa­rate from “civilization”.)


You must understand that God gave you the animals for food and clothing if you so choose and need them.  He gave you the wondrous vegetables and herbs and plants for food, medicine, and wonderful “taste” for your survival and en­joyment.  Do you give THANKS and HONOR and AP­PRECIATION EV­ERY DAY to the animal, the plant, the vegetable and GOD for sus­taining you physi­cally and spiritually?  Do you give THANKS, HONOR and AP­PRECIATION EVERY DAY to this won­drous planet, Mother Earth, for bringing you the gifts of beauty and sur­vival she has so abundantly supplied?


Let us discuss the care and tending responsibilities of humans to their do­mestic “PETS”.  When you have a pet animal such as a cat or dog, this cat or dog is dependent upon you for his love, his care, and his food.  A cat or dog or any animal for that matter, has the group spirit of his species from THE CRE­ATION within him.  He possesses the “instinctual nature” of his particular species.  The animal, contrary to what many of you would like to believe, does NOT possess FREE-WILL and the same de­gree of reasoning ability of human beyond his instinctual behavior.  Ani­mals are extremely responsive to LOVE as are all creatures within THE CRE­ATION.  They make wonderful friends and companions, and bring lightness, fun and humor to the human.


Because of the domestication of these pets, there has been cre­ated an in­terruption of the natural balance mechanism for these animals.  They have over pro-created.  Many irresponsible “owners” of these animals have al­lowed this to occur and have not always wanted to care for the offspring.  Many are left to die, spread disease, go wild, or to ultimately end up within one of your “humane societies.”  Fortunately the ones responsible for creat­ing such “humane” soci­eties understood the need to take care of THIS EX­PLODING population of unwanted animals, especially dogs and cats.  It is an orphanage for lost, stray or unwanted animals, and is most sad indeed, be­cause although the animals are offered for a nominal charge to humans who might “adopt” them, most are not adopted and therefore are destroyed, usu­ally by euthanasia.  It is truly heartbreaking, but sur­prisingly enough, many of the ones who choose to work for “humane” so­cieties do so because of their LOVE of animals.  Also, most of these “humane” animal adoption homes re­quire all cats and dogs to be sterilized as part of the adoption policy.  Wouldn’t you say then, that it is logi­cal, dear ones, that sterilizing these pets is much more humane and responsi­ble than allowing the continued over pro-creation to occur?


So you must now think and reason, dear ones, how can you maintain your life in Harmony and Balance with the rest of this CREATION?


You begin with the pure desire to KNOW Truth.  In order to come into knowing, you must recognize that your conscious “altered” ego is limited in its perception of Truth and that GOD KNOWS the best way and the path for you in His service.  So you must then surrender your WILL to that which is GOD’s Will.  In your daily prayer you must ask GOD for the LOVING LIGHT of protection, guidance, power, wisdom, knowledge, Truth, integrity and courage in order to best serve HIS will and not YOUR will.  Then, dear ones, you must WAIT upon the Father to give you that which you need to sustain in HIS ser­vice.  Do you see?  Your will and HIS will must become ONE again.


For you ones who now SEE the Truth and find your cup is full of the knowledge and wisdom given of THE FATHER, you now also have the RESPONSIBILITY to pass the cup on to your brethren who will accept it.  You will find that for you to move on in your service, the cup must be passed.  You, therefore, cannot hold it unto yourself, for it is full and must be emptied to again become full.  You cannot sprinkle it haphazardly on all who come in your presence; it must be passed and it must be ac­cepted by the choice of EACH one.  It is not your responsibility to try to give the cup where it is not accepted.  You pass the cup, and ones will refuse and ones will accept, but it is not your concern who does and who doesn’t accept.  Your responsibility is to pass the cup to those who accept and release the outcome TO GOD who exists within each.  So too, those who accept the cup of knowledge and wisdom and drink of the Truth will be nurtured and filled with the JOY of Truth and then they will pass their cup as well.  All will be given opportunities to take the cup, if not from you then from another.  It is yours to offer it to them and WAIT UPON THE LORD.  Your cup will again be filled and you will again pass it on, and in this way will you SERVE THE FATHER WHO IS WITHIN ALL.