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Peace, Thomas, for I am come.  I Am Sananda of the Sacred Circle of In­finity for I am come again as ONE with The Most High Living God/Aton/Father.  Man will never again return unto the unknowing and the ignorance that has been his down­fall.  Never again shall the dark­ness keep man bound from walking within the lighted Pres­ence that I Am.  Each must choose...each must decide.  Always man will cast to the side that which does not suit his view, his way, his opinion, his new laws.  It matters not one whit.  Nothing shall be changed for herein lies the Truth of the matter, plain for all to see.  All who have eyes to see and ears to hear shall receive the message and be in­creased thereby.  Each may come into knowing and therein be most grate­ful, for these are the instruc­tions you have pleaded for and at last you have that which you have wanted, for lo, these eons of time. 


Man has struggled in his turmoil and conflict and warring na­ture.  Man has lusted after women without shame and now lusts after man in like have entered into the pit of dark­ness and you must return to living according to these LAWS OF GOD AS THEY WERE GIVEN UNTO THEE FOR THINE GREATER GOOD.  You have been care­less and thoughtless and have trampled the Holy Word of God under thine feet.  No longer shall you do this in ignorance...each shall act responsibly in their deci­sions to remain in darkness.  And the decisions made in con­scious error shall be the most painful of all.  The soul shall cry out at that hour when stand­ing in the Presence of the Mighty I AM.  We weep for you and plead with you to hear, to take heed, to change.  YOU ARE RESPON­SIBLE AND YET YOU HAVE BE­HAVED IRRE­SPONSIBLY.  EACH SHALL BE GIVEN TO FACE THE CHOICES AND THE CONSE­QUENCES SHALL RETURN UNTO THEE. 

Do you recognize that the Hosts of Heaven have been sent?  Do you ac­knowledge that God/Aton has returned to the once beau­teous jewel to bring order out of the chaos of this end­ing cycle?  Why do you not believe that I Am come again?  Has it not been prophesied?  How did you think I would return?  Did you think to one day turn on “60 Minutes” perhaps and see me speaking with Mike Wal­lace?  Did you think that one day you would turn on TV and see me preaching from the stage of the Crystal Cathedral?  Come now...times have not changed so much...the crucifix­ion would take half the time.  I HAVE NOT SAID THAT I AM COME AGAIN UPON THAT PLACE...I HAVE SAID THAT I AM RE­TURNED WITH THE HEAVENLY HOSTS, AS PROMISED LONG AGO, AND WE ARE ABOVE YOUR NOW POLLUTED AND TROU­BLED PLANET TRANSMITTING FORTH INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUR VERY FREEDOM, SURVIVAL, AND GODNESS.  WILL YOU LISTEN?  WILL YOU LIS­TEN? 

What must be done in order that you will listen to the message?  Has it not been said that by their fruits you shall know them?  Herein is your life-raft.  We do not come to force anything upon you...we come to offer instruction and tell you the way that it truly IS.  Man may do what he will, as he has done to this point.  It takes no brilliant mind to see that you are in most grave cir­cumstance.  Why will you not consider the mes­sages that are of­fered for your protec­tion and wisdom?  THE LAWS OF GOD ARE FIXED...IMMUTABLE...MAN MAY CHANGE WHAT HE WILL BUT HE WILL NOT CHANGE THE LAWS OF GOD FOR THEY ARE THAT WHICH WAS GIVEN FOR BAL­ANCE WITHIN THE CREATION.  MAN HAS SOILED THAT WHICH HAS BEEN GIVEN INTO HIS CARE FOR HIS STEWARDSHIP. 

Herein you shall find The Laws clearly outlined.  There is no room for misunderstand­ing the message.  There are no little grey areas for you to move around in.  If you vio­late The Laws af­ter completing this docu­ment you shall do so willingly, know­ingly, and therein shall be CONSE­QUENCES FOR THOSE ACTIONS.  God is most forgiving for ac­tions done in igno­rance.  Willful violation of The Laws is en­tirely a different matter.  It is the better part of wis­dom to heed this warning for it is most grave indeed. 

We are at the final hours of the planetary cycle.  Choices will be made by man that shall affect him for eons in your future counting.  Be most cau­tious when seeking the momentary thrill, for the excitement you seek shall not satisfy you in the count­less gen­erations of recycling and re­births be­fore you as you learn well the lessons you so care­lessly refused to learn this time around.  Fleshly pleasures are fleeting...the soul is infi­nite...and in the cosmic realms of Light where we dwell...infinity is a long time in­deed.  Ponder it.  Where do you wish to spend your time?  Upon what do you wish to gaze?  In the ending will your ego-filled and willful ways have been worth the pain you shall experience in the recycling of rebirth?  Why does man al­ways think that he knows bet­ter than God?  Foolish, foolish man.  I do not come here to chide you.  I come to plead with you on bended knee...these are your instructions...clearly given in full radi­ance of The Father’s presence.  These are no abstract con­cepts for you to struggle them...learn them.  To return to the radi­ance which I AM, The Laws are truly the only way in which to live.  The Laws are the ultimate in logic and reason.  The Laws work.  Has your way worked?  Oh?  Look around you...look at your planet.  Perhaps you should take the next shuttle flight, if it is not cancelled due to faulty equip­ment, and view your very atmosphere from great distance and you shall see how man’s way has worked thus far.  You are in most dan­gerous waters and the instruction we bring with total love is offered to bring you back unto the Presence of Holy God.  Why do you resist so? 

Beloved, we are here.  I Am returned.  I Am returned with the Heavenly Hosts and with The Father/Aton.  Listen to the words we bring for therein IS LIGHT.  Man has walked the dark­ened pathways for too long.  Return to the ways that shall see you through unto the lighted realms wherein I dwell.  The time grows most short indeed and the hour for de­ciding is upon you.  Which path shall you walk?  Come...walk the good Red Road...walk the lighted path­way according to The Laws herein and you shall KNOW GOD

I place my seal upon these words.  I Am Esu Jesus Immanuel Sananda of the Christed Sacred Circle of Infinity and ONE WITH THE FATHER.  Blessings unto all in whose hands these words are placed for you have found your very soul’s freedom therein.  Walk most gently the pathway before you and treat your brother as ye would be treated for you are, in truth, one.
