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March 10, 2017




TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989   1:00 P.M.   YEAR 3, DAY 083

Dharma, let us make it clear from the onset of this chapter that we are sin­gling out this partic­ular game for it carries with it such obvious messages.  There are others which could be dis­cussed in depth but this will suffice for our needs.  You ones must learn to look within even your games for hidden content and impact.  The game of “DUNGEONS & DRAGONS” is es­pecially good for critique for it is noted as a Satanic game.


This, too, will be quoted in full that it can be verified.  I give appreciation to ones A. Chaitkin and E. Corpus.  Dateline: August 11, 1989.



Astronaut Reveals NASA Mind Control Program Involving Children


(Disregard print, as this is only to show the photograph desired)



            “Remember. . .that goodness has no absolute values.  Al­though many things are commonly accepted as good (helping those in need, protecting the weak), different cultures impose their own interpre­tations on what is good and what is evil. . . .”


            “Remember that evil, like good, is interpreted differently in different societies. . . .”


            “Curative and healing spells can have no effect on a dead character—he can only be re­turned to life with a raise dead or resurrection spell. . . .”

            “A spook spell enables the wizard to play upon natural fears to cause the target creature to perceive the spellcaster as someone or something in­imical. . . . .”


            Animate Dead (Necromancy). . . .This spell creates the lowest of the undead monsters—skeletons or zombies—usually from the bones or bodies of dead humans, demi-humans, or hu­manoids.  The spell causes existing re­mains to become animated and obey the sim­ple verbal commands of the caster. . . .”


            “A geas spell places a magical command upon a creature (usually hu­man or humanoid) to carry out some service, or to re­frain from some action or course of activity, as desired by the spellcaster. . . . While a geas cannot compel a creature to kill itself or to perform acts that are likely to result in certain death, it can cause almost any other course of action.  The geased creature must follow the given instructions until the geas is com­pleted.  Fail­ure to do so will cause the creature to grow sick and die within 1d4 weeks (sic).”


            Control Undead (Necromancy). . . .At the end of the spell, the con­trolled undead revert to their normal behaviors.  Those not mindless will re­member the control exerted by the wizard. . . .”


            “The finger of death spell snuffs out the victim’s life force.  If success­ful, the victim can be neither raised nor res­urrected.  In addition, in human subjects the spell initiates changes to the body such that after three days the caster can. . . .animate the corpse as a ju-ju zombie under the control of the caster. . . .”


            “Trap the Soul (Conjuration/Summoning). . . .This spell forces the creature’s life force (and its material body) into a special prison gem en­chanted by the spellcaster. . . .”


            “When a power word, kill spell is uttered, one or more crea­tures of any type within the spell range and area of effect are slain. . . .”


            You have just read some of the rules in the Advanced Dun­geons and Dragons Player’s Handbook, 2nd edition (1989).  The book’s cover invites “players, ages 10 and up” to “enter a world of fan­tastic role-playing adven­ture”.


            The publisher, TSR Inc. of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, producer of the game Dungeons and Dragons, will stage a kind of Satanic games fair in the Mecca arena in Milwaukee, August 10-13.  Ap­proximately 10,000 partici­pants, aged 10 years and up, are ex­pected at the event, known as Gen Con.


            Some players will appear in occult or pornographic cos­tumes—a prize will be awarded.  Some will be stoned on drugs.  From 8 a.m. to midnight, for four days, the “D&Ders” will play fantasy roles under the control of Game Masters.  The elements of the fantasy scenarios date back as far as the occult fakirs of ancient Babylon, with added new technologies of manipula­tive mind control developed during the post-World War II period.  The object: to strip partici­pants of their human sympathies and hu­man identity.


            The formal logic of Dungeons & Dragons, played by over three mil­lion in the U.S.A. and Europe, is as follows.  Any num­ber of persons (with fantasy character identities) enter a “dungeon” (predetermined group of rooms and corridors) that con­tains a trea­sure, there to duel against monsters, hostile infe­rior races, and other characters to retrieve the treasure and emerge alive.  Equip­ment ranges from simply paper and pencil, up through elaborate com­puter software.


            Players, typically beginning involvement in their early teens, must align their emotions with fear and degradation, vio­lence, sadistic sex, torture and pain, and suicide and death.   As the game consumes more of their time, they are isolated from contact with family and peers.  The family’s loyalties and val­ues, and the child’s self-control are attacked and altered in favor of alle­giance to the “Dungeon Master” - - often a schoolteacher or older teen - - who rules over the multiple deities and gods, necromancy, magical spells, in­cantations and curses, the sorcery and mysticism of the ages.


            As more and more deranged child-players have died from sui­cide, and have murdered fam­ily members and friends, Dungeons & Dragons has been banned from a number of schools, and has come un­der increasing attack from concerned religious and child-wel­fare groups.


            Beyond these shattered lives, perhaps the community’s gravest imme­diate concern should be whether the Dungeons & Drag­ons game could be used as an entrance point into hard-core Sa­tanist groups, such as the OTO, or “Ordo Templi Orientis”.  D&D game clubs inter­twine ev­erywhere with proselytizing Satanist and witchcraft organi­zations, linked together by oc­cultists’ com­puter networks such as BaphoNet and Wierdbase.  If only one in 10,000 young people per week are  successfully recruited to criminal pe­dophile circles, that is 300 minds lost, and count­less children abused and murdered.


* * * * *




            In preparing for a battle—whether it is to stop the brain­washing of children or to repel an armed invasion—it makes sense to know who the en­emy is, and why he is attacking you.  De­spite the growing controversy about Dungeons and Dragons, no one has yet printed a real his­tory of the game, or even the smallest biography of the mysterious E. Gary Gygax, D&D’s origi­nal promoter.

            Published sources say that Gary Gygax, assisted by personal friends, invented the game and first sold it in 1974, through his TSR Hobbies, Inc.  Gygax is no longer with TSR; in a 1985 power struggle, he lost control of the company to Lorraine Williams, granddaughter of news­paper syndicate boss, John Flint Dille.


            In his 1987 book, Roll Playing Mastery (Putnam, New York), Gy­gax tells of three separate sources for the idea of Dungeons & Dragons:


* *       The use of role-playing in clinical psychotherapy, a widespread prac­tice in the “Aquarian Revolution” of the 1960’s.


* *       Military conflict-simulation—through which think-tanks such as the Rand Corporation helped direct the Pentagon away from “traditional” to “utopian” military thinking of the Robert McNa­mara variety.


* *       Military miniatures gaming, i.e., playing with toy sol­diers.  Gygax credits British author H.G. Wells as the ultimate father of D&D, through Wells’s 1913 book Little Wars, describing an elaborate game world with fights between tin figures.


            There is no biographical data in Role Playing Mastery, not even the usual blurb on the au­thor.  Magazine articles about Gy­gax call him a retired insurance salesman and shoe peddler, sim­ply an enthusiastic hobbyist, dreaming up spells, racial archetypes and elaborate modes of murder.


            In his Mastery book, Gygax describes his work in a sophisti­cated mid-1960’s Stanford Uni­versity project: “of the conflict sim­ulation sort, and with a bit of military miniatures.  As I recall, it was labeled the Ad Hoc Committee for the Recon­struction of WWII—a massive, fairly chaotic effort using the en­ergies of several people plus computer assistance.  I partici­pated in the role of the Chinese Communist commander.”


            “. . .I proceeded to acquire books on the history, culture, agriculture, politics, and literature of China. . . .Of course, I bought maps, military histo­ries, and even writings of Chairman Mao—the person I played in the game.  At the same time, I tried to learn about the economy and who and what the so-called National­ists, my opponents, were and their resources in thinking, manpower, weapons, and what have you.”


            In a recent telephone interview, Gary Gygax told us that the Stanford war game simulation was run by six people, none of whose names he remem­bers; that he doesn’t remember what agency sponsored the Stanford affair; and that all records relating to it are lost.


            He did recollect that he founded the International Federa­tion of War Gaming in 1967, sev­eral years before the invention of D&D.  This involved some 600 computer war-game special­ists nationally.  He could not remember anyone who worked with him in that organiza­tion!!


            While Gygax played Mao, another Stanford University experi­ment developed theories and methods of thought control which would aid the game designers of the 1970’s and 1980’s.  Artificial intelli­gence” researcher K.M. Colby created several models of computer simulated paranoid neurosis, the “Artificial Belief System” for which he was named Research Scientist in 1967 by the National In­stitute of Mental Health, with Pentagon agency backing.  The idea of the Colby-Stanford project was to imitate human in­sanity, in or­der to induce it, or manipulate it, for military or “social” pur­poses.  Expert judges from the American Psychiatric Association, could not distin­guish between teletyped dialogue with actual human paranoid patients, and di­alogue with Colby’s program.


            The artificial intelligence work has been applied to the study of both robotics and brain­washing by Pentagon sub-agencies includ­ing the Office of Naval Research, and “linguistics” ex­perts at the University of Wisconsin.


            In our exclusive interview, Gary Gygax boasted of a family back­ground of more interest than that of most Midwestern insur­ance underwrit­ers. He claimed that the Gygax family moved in 200 B.C. from Thessalonika, Greece to Switzerland, where today there are four Gy­gax castles centered around Berne.  As our discussion ranged across time to the magicians of the Persian empire, Egypt, etc., it became clear that the lore and practice of the occult could well be a living family tradition with Mr. Gygax.


            Frederick Gygax was the Swiss consul general from the end of World War II until the mid 1950’s, while the Swiss-and New York-based Allen Dulles was forming the U.S. Central Intelli­gence Agency.  Consul Gygax was extremely guarded in a recent telephone interview with us on the Gygax family, but he acknowl­edged the fame of a cousin of Gary Gygax, U.S. Admi­ral Felix Gy­gax—who held the curious position of naval attache’ in Switzer­land before World War I.


            Another political curiosity in the family is Gary’s uncle, Eu­gene Burdick, the author of the anti-war thriller Fail-Safe, and The Ugly Ameri­can.  Burdick taught at the University of Cal­ifornia until 1965, after lecturing for a time at the Naval War College.  Here is the leftist Mili­tary Expert, teaching rules of “little wars”.







Gary Gygax confirmed our tip, from a former TSR executive, that Gy­gax was deeply in­volved with another firm, the Avalon Hill Game Company of Baltimore, Md., before he set up TSR for Dungeons and Dragons.  Gygax says he designed a game called Alexander the Great for Avalon Hill; perhaps this was simply family history.


            According to the Avalon Hill chairman, Eric Dott, his game company has done military simulation exercises for “colonels and up” in the defense Department.  Mr. Dott absolutely re­fused to be specific about the nature of these exercises, or if they were of a classified nature.


            Sources close to TSR say that,  “The government was suspi­cious of Avalon Hill—they saw them as knowing things they weren’t sup­posed to know”.  Eric Dott explained that, “The FBI and the Secret Service have come around asking questions several times”.


            There are a number of reasons for counter-intelligence in­quiries about Avalon Hill:


            The games they produce, played at popular weekend gaming con­ventions, involve large numbers of U.S. military personnel, both officers and enlisted men.  What are they being re­cruited to do?


            Even apart from Dungeons and Dragons, the typical role-playing game seen in current hobby shops involves an unbeliev­ably horrible post-nu­clear holocaust nightmare world.  The men­tal life of the gaming genre is a perfect conduit into OTO and Satanism generally.


            Asked about the political-military outlook of Avalon Hill, Chairman Dott said, “We’re pretty much all conscientious objec­tors here.”  Here, the “peacenik” who brings young people into fantasy race-wars and every-man-for-himself bloodbaths, gives conflict-sim­ulation exer­cises to the Defense Department!


            When H.G. Wells wrote Little Wars in 1913, humanity faced a New Dark Age in the im­pending world war.  Wells proposed that strategic plan­ners engage in fantasy war games as a healthy alter­native to a major conflict.  Wells—called the real father of Dun­geons & Dragons by inventor Gary Gy­gax—placed no value on human life.  He merely proposed a more expedi­ent route to the New Dark Age.


            A recent article by a top Pentagon “expert” illustrates how deeply New Age delusions have penetrated American strategic think­ing.  Charles A. Whitehouse, now Assistant Secretary of De­fense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, was formerly U.S. Ambassador to Laos, Undersecre­tary of State for Henry Kissinger, a regional chief of the Operation Phoenix as­sassination program in Viet Nam, and founder and chairman of the “preservationist” Pied­mont Environmental Council in northern Virginia.  He once directed a State Department project to guide public opinion away from blam­ing either Communist China or the CIA for dope sales in Viet Nam.


            Writing in the newsletter of the Reserve Officers Associa­tion, White­house lays down the rules for the new era of “U.S.-Soviet reap­prochment”.  The “distortion” of the U.S.-Soviet ri­valry is now over, he claims, allowing us to see clearly the “threat” the U.S.A. faces in the Third World.  Those poor coun­tries, not the Commu­nists, should occupy our strategic planning.  He proposed an in­creased emphasis of “deception, stealth and guile” to win the new-type wars.


            Whitehouse, like Gary Gygax, would teach from the Communist Chi­nese model:  Mao had only three rules that governed rela­tions between his guerrillas and the Chinese people:  All ac­tions are subject to command.  Do not steal from the people.  Be neither selfish nor unjust.  Simple, yet effec­tive, and the kind of ‘art’ that makes low-intensity conflict work. . . . We for­got these lessons as we focused our attention on ‘big’ wars.  It has been nearly 50 years since the Marine Corp issued the Small Wars Manual. . . .Perhaps it is time. . .for a new Small Wars Man­ual.”


            Ambassador Whitehouse executed countless persons in Opera­tion Phoenix, and is fasci­nated by the honesty and selflessness of the Communists.  Rest easy.  The conduct of national affairs is in the hands of the fantasy game masters.


 (Disregard print, as this is only to show the Three Pictures)

* * * * *

I will ask that you please take note of recurring persons, i.e., Henry Kissinger, etc.  It might be good if you went back and re­viewed SPACE-GATE and SPIRAL TO ECONOMIC DISAS­TER.


I am not going to linger longer on the foregoing subject.  It speaks for itself.  Further, I hear the protests coming forth: “Well, everyone doesn’t fall prey to the darkness of this game, or the metal music - - - - you have no right to go on in this manner or quote such antiquated mate­rial.”  True—very true; however, look around at your society and determine how long you can go on in this manner of existence!  So be it and Selah.


Dharma, just add one last thing—quote from the notice posted re­garding the August 10-13, ’89 Gen Con games fair.


“Be advised: this is not simply some mindless amusement, such as a Space In­vaders video game.  Dungeons & Dragons, the fantasy role-playing game, has already resulted in numerous child sui­cides and related murders.


“This is brainwashing, carried out under the control of “Game Mas­ters”.  It is designed to break a person’s self-control, loy­alty to family, and sympathy for human life.


“Further warning: Dungeons & Dragons clubs function in an environ­ment of computer inter­lock with groups practicing Sa­tanism and witchcraft, whose objectives include the recruitment of children as sex objects.”


So, come on in and see if you can outwit Gen Con!


I guess my case rests regarding this “silly” little child’s game.  I knew that all you good adults and parents knew all about these things. . . .Dharma just needed typing practice!


Close this portion, that we might move on into the really won­drous world of Satanic games and secrets for you ones who are now mum­bling about the boring stupidity of this book.  Unfortu­nately, there is no way to really shock any of your society any longer.  Unfortunate indeed!  However, perhaps a few of you will blink a bit and raise up off your comfortable places of resting and self-indul­gence and see a bit farther.