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Eustace Mullins: From Unpublished Phoenix Journal #208

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by Eustace Mullins    6/25/97


Studies of the criminal mind prove that a constant determi­nant in criminal operations is the desire for notoriety, the urge to make “the biggest score in the history of crime”.  An accompa­nying desire is the resolve to set a record which no one else will ever be able to equal, a matter of distinction which will endure in the record books.  The extortion plot against the government of Switzerland seems certain to make its mark as the most ambi­tious scam in the history of crime.  International in its scope, it was masterminded by the world’s most resourceful confidence artists, and backed by limitless amounts of cash and propaganda vehicles to carry out a program unequalled not only for its au­dacity but also for the brilliance of its planning.


The caper was conceived by billionaire Edgar Bronfman, while watching a rerun of Charlie Chaplin’s film, The Gold Rush.  He turned to an aide at the end of the film, and said, “This is it. We’re going to go for the gold.”  The gold which he intended to seize was Swiss gold, which reputedly had once been Nazi gold, and prior to World War II supposedly had been “Jewish” gold, that is gold held by Jewish people.  A hasty cal­culation con­vinced the plotters that, at today’s prices, this “Jewish” gold to­day could be valued at $71 billion, a figure ar­rived at by “computing” the alleged value of Jewish bank ac­counts in Switzerland at the outset of World War II.  However, Bronf­man’s aides soon returned with the discouraging report that the record of the claimed amounts was a much more modest amount, $4 million.  Even more dismaying was the revelation that the Truman Administration had promptly appointed a deputy negotiator to conclude a treaty with Switzerland in 1946 by which the government of Switzerland agreed to pay the sum of $4 million ($55 millions in today’s currency) as a final quit­claim full settlement of all claims against Switzerland for alleged “Nazi” gold.  The U.S. negotiator was not someone who could be called insensitive to the Jewish aspects of this dispute.  He was Seymour J. Rubin,   Jewish, who is now an 83-year-old re­tired international trade specialist living quietly in Washington.




The “experts” of the World Jewish Congress refused to be de­terred by the disheartening news of the 1946 settlement of these claims in full.  They decided to ignore the 1946 treaty with Switzerland, and to call for the reopening of the claims on more “updated” research.  In fact, no research could be carried out.  Not only had the alleged accounts in Swiss banks been carried as “numbered” bank accounts, by numbers rather than by names, but the accounts had never been segregated as “Jewish” ac­counts, “Nazi” accounts, or by other categories.  These ac­counts had been set up in Switzerland solely because of the shrouding of these holdings in the deepest secrecy.  To “reopen” the settlement by attempting to trace accounts which went back fifty or sixty years, and which had been established to maintain secrecy, as the Swiss now maintained, would be impossible.


Although most conspirators would have quietly buried their plans after these revelations, the World Jewish Congress opera­tors received the news as a gauntlet thrown down to them, a challenge which they welcomed.  In fact, the Zionists have on numerous occasions achieved impressive gains by making seemingly impossible demands.  First of all, by advancing de­mands which cannot be met, they issue a challenge to both their supporters and their opponents to choose sides, and to go on record either with their support or their opposition.  It does not matter how unreasonable the demands are; if they are com­pletely unreasonable, this means that their supporters agree to uphold them even in the most preposterous claims.  As for the opponents, their names also go on the record, and can be dis­posed of later, by the most ruthless means. “Never forgive; never forget”, as their motto proudly proclaims.


The Swiss government’s initial response to the demands from the World Jewish Congress were firm, but unyielding.  How­ever, they were amazed, and then terrified, by the counter-tac­tics which engulfed them from the conspirators.  A worldwide media assault was launched which denounced the Swiss,  not only for “stealing” Jewish gold, but also for alleged cooperation with the Nazi government throughout World War II.  However, the Swiss government’s record during the Second World War showed that its famed neutrality was maintained, not only by the German government, but by the Allied governments as well.  It suited the warring nations that a Swiss island of neutrality be ob­served in order to carry on negotiations and to provide the ideal meeting ground for espionage agents of all the powers.  Britain’s famed Secret Intelligence Service had its James Bonds roaming freely throughout Switzerland during the war.  The U.S. government set up Allen Dulles of the Office of Strategic Services with a full-time espionage office in Switzerland from 1943 to 1945.  From this redoubt, he directed a network of American agents in Germany, many of whom established direct contacts with Nazi officials.  After the war, Dulles was re­warded by being named the head of the new Central Intelligence Agency.




In its new assault against Switzerland, the World Jewish Congress was ably abetted by Zionist control of media outlets: the Meyer family at the Washington Post; the Sulzbergers at the New York Times; the $10 billion Newhouse newspaper empire which controlled many dailies throughout the United States, and their Canadian and English associates in the Hollinger and Thomson chains, which owned hundreds of daily newspapers in the United States.  Always eager to oblige, the cover of Time magazine featured a lurid gold swastika as its intellectual contri­bution to the battle, which was intended to dramatize not only the “missing” Jewish gold, but also the guilt of Switzerland as a Nazi collaborator.


The World Jewish Congress, after the shock of the initial $71 billion claim against Switzerland had abated, scaled its demands quickly down to a mere $7 billion.  Rumors were put forth that this demand would most likely be finalized at $500 million; Bronfman intimated that he would  refuse to go lower than this “modest” figure.  This would still be a very handsome settle­ment for claims amounting to $4 million, which had been paid in full in a final settlement negotiated by the United States govern­ment in 1946.


Swiss government officials went into shock as the great gold heist proceeded according to schedule.  After denouncing the plot as “extortion” and intimidation, the Swiss were met by Bronfman’s hard line.  He announced that there would be a worldwide boycott of Swiss banks in the financial  markets, which could very well result in the “disestablishment” of Switzerland as a financial power.  Panicked by this prospect, the Swiss officials suddenly became propitiatory.  They announced various plans for “investigating” the claims, promised to set up “humanitarian” funds, and made other amazing concessions, amazing in view of the fact that a group of determined attackers had launched their conspiracy without any evidence that any­body in Switzerland owed them anything.




The effrontery of these demands was considered not at all ex­traordinary by the claimants because of their long history of such operations.  The great gold heist was but the latest chapter in a long list of excessive demands levied against governments throughout the world.  Few people outside of the conspiracy had any inkling that this was a typical Talmudic operation, designed to further a plan of worldwide conquest and expropriation, whose long sought goal was to seize all the wealth of the world.  By “all”, the Talmudists meant exactly that; there would be no exceptions.  As the Jewish Chronicle stated in its issue of March 26, 1937:


“It is by means of Freemasonry that the Jew, who is a Jew by birth and race, will rule the Universe, with the Crown (Rether) on his head, and the Kingdom (Malkutuh) of the world at his feet.”  Non-Jewish members of the Masonic lodges seem to ig­nore the fact that the motto of Freemasonry is to return all the wealth of the world to King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.  This is why the Rothschilds financed the Jewish “return” to Palestine during the nineteenth century, and why they are con­sidered the patron saints of the State of Israel today.  Jacob Rothschild with a single gift financed the building of the entire Knesset or Parliament building.  Rothschild Avenue sweeps past it; the Rothschild Museum is nearby.  In reality, the State of Is­rael is little more than a private colony of the house of Roth­schild, financed by many billions of dollars extorted from the United States taxpayers each year.  Anyone who questions this extortion is denounced as an “antiSemite”, and soon finds it im­possible to obtain employment anywhere in the United States.


As David Ben-Gurion, one of the founders of the State of Is­rael, boasted in Look Magazine, Feb. 16, 1962, “The United Nations will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all the continents; this will be the site of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the feder­ated con­tinents.”


Seen in this context, the great gold heist is but a logical plan in the overall program to return all the wealth of the world to King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.  Dominated by Masons, the courts in the United States and European nations are already a “Supreme Court” of the Masonic Order, existing solely to pro­mote the transfer of wealth to the conspirators.  Remember the propaganda that Supreme Court decisions are “the law of the land”.  Previously, the Constitution of the United States of America was the law of the land.  No more.  All of its provi­sions are subject to review and “new interpretations” by the Ma­sons on our Supreme Court, which is but the forerunner of the real Supreme Court which, Ben Gurion informs us, is to be set up at the real seat of power, in Jerusalem.




Anyone who sounds the alarm at this program, which seems well on its way to completion by the year 2000, its announced time table, is denounced in the media and by government offi­cials as a “wacko”, a paranoid person who should be institution­alized at once, before he becomes a greater threat to society.  Once safely in the hands of Zionist psychiatrists, the offender can be given drugs and electric shock treatment, and his brain lobotomized, the lobes governing decisionmaking and memory removed by radical surgery, so that he will no longer interfere with the program.  Since he is now permanently insane, no one will pay any attention to him.  Those who join in the World Jewish Congress’ mad race for power are hailed as great states­men.  At the present time, our greatest statesman is Senator Al D’Amato of New York.  But, we might well observe, D’Amato is not even Jewish.  He is not Jewish, but he is totally dependent on Jewish campaign funds for his upcoming re-election bid.  In return for his spearheading the great gold heist from Switzerland through his office in Washington, D’Amato stands to reap mil­lions in Jewish contributions for his re-election.  According to R.J. Moravek, D’Amato agreed to use his Washington post as chairman of the Senate Banking Committee to throw the entire weight of the United States government behind the extortion plot against Switzerland.  The Clinton White House has cooperated in the extortion plot by issuing a 200-page “Eizenstat Report” under the official imprimatur of the United States government, which claims that the Swiss confiscated the Jewish gold.  Eizen­stat was formerly secretary for Jewish affairs in the Carter White House.  He has always been a loyal Zionist wheelhorse in Washington.


The “Eizenstat Report” ignores the facts, which are easily veri­fiable.  In 1939, more than $250 million in Jewish accounts in Switzerland was transferred to accounts in the United States.  In April 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt “froze” these funds, claiming that they were really German accounts.  After World War II, a mere $500,000 was returned by the United States government to Jews claiming these accounts.  The rest of the $250 million was spent by the Roosevelt Administration.




Today, Swiss citizens have been infuriated by the abject ac­ceptance of the World Jewish Congress demands by Swiss offi­cials.  The Swiss political party, ASIN, held a huge rally in Bern headed by Christopher Blocher.  Another Swiss patriot, Arnold Roller, declared, “Never in this century has Swiss inde­pendence and neutrality been so threatened.  The Central Bank and the federal government are too weak to fight off this black­mail.”


There is now a strong “anti-government” movement through­out Switzerland to replace its craven officials with genuine Swiss patriots.  Americans can take heart from the fact that, in this worldwide conspiracy, there are still pockets of resistance.  Meanwhile, the media proclaims in the United States that to be “anti-government” means that you are a Timothy McVeigh seeking to blow up government buildings.  The answer to this falsehood is that we are loyal Americans trying to fight off sub­version of our government by arrogant outsiders.  Bronfman has boasted that he brought the mighty DuPont family to their knees.  Today, he holds the controlling interest in the DuPont factories.


In the Jewish community, there is growing concern that Bronf­man’s drive to collect billions from the Swiss has little to do with Jewish affairs and much to do with his own personal ambi­tions.On April 14, 1997, the Central Rabbinical Court of the United States received a legal complaint from the World Council of Orthodox Jewish Communities charging Bronfman with mis­representation and mismanagement in his drive to col­lect funds for “survivors”.  The complaint states that “survivors will be fortunate to receive any amount from the billions ex­torted by the World Jewish Congress.”




Another blow to the Bronfman conspiracy appeared in a fea­ture story in the Sunday New York Times, May 25, 1997,  by Francis X. Clines.

The headline is “Wartime Envoy on Nazi Gold Bristles at Hind­sight”.  It is an extensive interview with Seymour J. Rubin, who finalized the original treaty with the Swiss government in 1946 which settled claims of the “Nazi gold”.  Mr. Rubin said of the treaty’s enactment, “There never was any great contro­versy at all.”  He continues, “The accusation now that we pooped out in a basic blunder on the part of Mr. Truman seems to me pander­ing to Al D’Amato and maybe the Jewish organi­zations as well.  Basically, I think Mr. Eizentstat took a look at what the public pressures are and then decided that one of the things he could do was fault the U.S. delegation back in 1946.”


As a government official still working at the age of 83, Mr.  Rubin noted that he had been working in Washington since 1939.  He might have raised the question as to why Stuart Eizenstat, now an Under Secretary of Commerce under Presi­dent Clinton, was essentially interfering in what would normally be a State Department operation.  Of course he would not be criticized by Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who, after being appointed as the first woman to hold this pres­tigious position, suddenly discovered that she was Jewish.  For five years previously, numerous published stories about her background had pointed out that she was Jewish.  She claimed that she never read them.  Certainly she would throw no obsta­cles in the path of a fellow-Jew, Stu Eizenstat, who was using his official U.S. government office to carry on a conspiracy for the World Jewish Congress




And what of the head of the World Jewish Congress, Edgar Bronfman, the mastermind of the assault on the Swiss govern­ment?  The great gold heist is a fitting climax to the history of the Bronfman family. The Bronfman family history is illumi­nated by an important new book, The Rise and Fall of the Jew­ish Mobster, by Albert Fried.  This work was dramatized on the Arts and Entertainment television network on May 28, 1997.  Fried points out that Jews were persuaded to go into the illicit liquor business by a well-known entrepreneur in New York, Arnold Rothstein. His youthful protegés included such rising Jewish stars as Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel, and Gurrah Shapiro.  However, Rothstein strayed from his own recommen­dations when he realized that there was much more money in dope.  In The World Order, I  state on p. 170:


“Although Rothstein was widely known as a gambler, this was a cover for his rise to eminence as Mr. Big of the U.S. drug trade.  After he was shot in 1928, Louis Lepke, head of Murder Inc., confiscated over $5 million worth of heroin from Roth­stein’s hotel room.”


When Prohibition became the law of the land in the United States, Rothstein’s protegés needed a source outside of thee United States to supply their goods.  They found it in the Bronfman family of Canada, which became known as the Cana­dian end of the notorious “Reinfeld Syndicate”, which controlled the flow of illicit booze into the United States.  Sammy Bronf­man had begun his career as a hotel operator in Canada.  His Frontier Hotel was little more than a house of prostitution.  In going over his books, he found that he was making more money from the drinks served to his customers than he was collecting from his prostitutes.  He resolved to go into the liquor business, a decision which ultimately made his family one of the five rich­est in the world.  Detroit became the principal port of entry [of booze] into the United States.  Fried says that at the peak of the profession, fifty thousand people were engaged in the bootleg­ging business in Detroit, almost as many as were manufacturing cars and trucks.  A native Detroiter, Moe Dalitz, had become a lifelong criminal at the age of 14, organizing the Purple Gang to burn out competitors of his father’s dry cleaning business.  After moving the bootlegging operations to Cleveland, he ran the Cleveland Syndicate for years.  He left only after realizing that Bugsy Siegel had discovered a gold mine in Las Vegas.  He had Siegel assassinated, and his henchman, Gus Greenbaum, walked into the Flamingo Hotel and snarled, “We’re taking over.”  Moe Dalitz reigned as the boss of Las Vegas for forty years.  When he died, the New York Times hailed him as a “great philan­thropist”, citing his many contributions to Jewish organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith.




Faced with the Talmudic demands from the group which in­tended [and intends] to seize the wealth of the entire world, the Swiss found themselves almost helpless.  Having been legitimate businessmen for centuries, they had no experiences which would enable them to deal with Murder Inc.  They faced not only the power of the Bronfman bootleg billions, now legitimized as the great Seagram Liquor corporation, but also the power of the World Jewish Congress and the principal media outlets of the world, which were its captive and wholly-owned propagandists.  Condemned as “Nazi collaborators” by the international propa­gandists, the Swiss have no means of recourse.  With the full power of the entire United States government employed to le­gitimize the false claims of the World Jewish Congress, the Swiss seem unwilling even to cite the definitive settlement of 1946, which, according to worldwide contract law, was a final settlement of all such claims and agreed to by all the contracting parties.  Now the United States portrays itself to the world as a foolish prostitute who claims, “I didn’t get enough money for my morals when I sold myself to the World Jewish Congress.”  We can only hope that the Swiss people will rise up to deny this extortion, and will sweep out its craven officials, who are all too eager to comply with the most outrageous demands of the Tal­mudists.  It is a well known fact in the criminal world that when you pay off a blackmailer, it is only the first installment.  How much will the Swiss be forced to pay before they acknowledge the nature of their enemy?


Editor’s note:  See related article on this subject on page 2,  The News Desk.  It seems this exploit has really agitated the Swiss people into unprecedented action.