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Esu 'Jesus' Immanuel Sananda

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Feb. 24, 2017





SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 04, 1989   7:00 A.M.   YEAR 3, DAY 080


Hold strong, chela, for I am here.  Sananda to continue of our work.  As we move into this next series of writings, this should be considered section two.  Let us call it SATANIC DRUMBEAT.  This will separate the subject of Sa­tanism from the discourse on “evil” as a definition and description.


First we will confront recent assaults upon yourself and Oberli.  I shall not take of time in this writing to discuss the matter for I desire participation from Hatonn and your group.  We will either respond in writing or vocally, whichever seems most ap­propriate to the group.  It is not your decision nor responsi­bility, Dharma, to either plan or set up the meeting.  Ours is to con­tinue with this document as rapidly as possible that we might get on with having the babe home, please.


I want some one of you to get your hands on the report that shall be coming forth regarding the flight #103.  The plane that was de­stroyed over Scotland.  You will find it will contain (if it is ac­tually allowed to be brought forth pub­licly in truth) that ulti­mately your CIA was responsi­ble in great measure for that murderous event—it is tangled in with drug shipments, arms and the bomb it­self was brought aboard in Germany.  We wish this documented at this point for Hatonn told you these things at the time of the event.


You have been given all the data and input necessary to under­stand this most recent rift.  You don’t want to face it and it is most painful indeed but you will continue to write for this is mandatory information which must be brought forth.  I will further tell you ones that if you call an information meeting, Hatonn is going to grill you ones to see if you have learned anything or just expect him to spell it out for you.  Ones had better do some memory re­freshment work.  You are not “New Age” babes who are trained “to be”.  You have been trained to see that which is going on and make correct value judgments.  We are a bit disappointed that you know, and yet take so long to actu­ally see and act.  Every clue is avail­able and further, we shall dissect the information which you re­ceived on the yesterday—bit by bit, to see if any of it fits in actual­ity.  You have to back a long way from the parts in order to see of the whole.


Now, let us continue on the subject of Satanism.


* * * * *




Satanism began long before the so-called Christian era, but we will begin there for that is when it became most important as regards current day.  It is the most obvious of the Antichrist ac­tivities of physical portendment.  It is like maggots within a carcass; you only see a few on the outside but the car­cass is writhing within.  You will be devastated emotionally when you find the ones who be­long to these Satanic cults are some of your topmost leaders.  Oh, the guise will be great and the denials loud but, dear ones, you do not have a symbol of death and poi­son, for instance—skulls and bones, without Master Satan being somewhere in the woodwork. 


You will look at the rituals of the Satanist cult and probably say, “Well, but there are no hu­man sacrifices or blood-letting or - or - or.”  Isn’t there?  What about hundreds of thousands of starving children the world over?  How about the people being murdered in Columbia?  What of a plane full of people in flight 103?




I shall begin this by giving you a lesson in ritual attitudes of Satan’s gather­ings of the “John Doe” variety.  You can find it on any evening or afternoon, in any place on planet Earth.


First you need some definitions:


THE WITCHES’ WAND:  The wand, the most important aid in witchcraft, may be made of many different types of wood, such as willow, hazel, rowan, elder, oak, and mistletoe.  The wand should be made of a slim tree limb about one inch in diameter and as long as the dis­tance from the elbow to the top of the forefinger.  Two inches of pith are removed from inside the wand and the cavity is filled with a piece of cotton where three to five drops of blood have been dropped.  The blood must come from the thumb, which is pricked with a brand-new nee­dle.  The tip of the wand is then sealed with drip­ping wax from the altar candle.  A pentagram and the magic name of the witch are painted or en­graved on the wand which is then conse­crated with water, fire, wind, oil, and three deep breaths of air in the names of the god and goddess.  These substances represent the four elements.  In black magic and Satanism the pen­tagram is always described in an upside manner.


THE ATHAME:  The black-handled knife of witches.  It is used to open the circle.  The athame and the sword are used to perform all magical rites and to subdue rebellious spirits,  demons, and genii.


PENTACLE:  This symbol of the element earth is made from a round piece of wood usually seven inches in diameter, with a pentagram inscribed or painted on it.  It can also be made of copper or brass.


CENSER:  The censer is used to burn incense and to encourage good spirits, as well as to banish evil ones.  Or the opposite.


SCOURGE:  The handle of the scourge is of birch, the four thongs of leather.  This instru­ment is used in initiations, is the sym­bol of the power of domination.  It is the weapon of the horned god of the witches and is very important in formal ceremonies.


BOLLINE:  The witches’ white-handled knife is used to make instru­ments, cut pentagrams on candles, etc.  It can be used only inside the magic circle.


THE STANG:  This is a straight piece of rowan wood (mountain ash) with a fork on one end, used in ancient times as a staff.  A shorter version is used to beat out the rhythm of the circle dancers.


ALTAR:  Any consecrated place or thing used to hold the ritual in­struments used in the magic circle.


CAULDRON:  A kettle usually of iron and an ordinary cooker in which food or drink is pre­pared over the balefire for the rites.


CORD:  The magic binding cord is made from strands of red wool or ribbon.  It is plaited (braided) with a loop tied at one end to represent the female as­pect.  The other end is left frayed to rep­resent the male aspect.  Measure your binding around your head and loop a knot, continue around your chest, loop a knot, around your waist, loop a knot, around your hips, loop a knot, around your knee, loop a knot, around your feet, knot.  The fin­ished cord should measure nine feet in length.  It is worn around the waist during all rites and is used in binding spells.  It is used to bind the sigils of the art, the material basis, and is necessary to en­force your will.  Tie your cord around you by passing the male end through the loop (female) and secure.


THE CUP:  This is the vessel used for wine offerings to the gods.  It is usu­ally made of metal and is often carved with vines and fruit.


THE BOOK OF SHADOWS:  The personal grimoire of a witch, where all the ceremonies and practices of the Craft were kept for fu­ture gen­erations.  The Book of Shadows invariably has black cov­ers and is handwritten by its owner.


[NOTE TO THE READER:  Below is a picture of the Markings on the Tools of Witchcraft.  Disregard the text on this page as it is already below this page.]








Perhaps the most famous and ancient of the ceremonies of black magic are those known as Black Sabbaths, practiced by black witches and devil wor­shipers.  I hesitate to use the name Satan in this context, because most magi­cians agree that Satan is not a real per­sonality or power but rather a concen­tration of evil or negative vibrations.  Of course, however, this is the compi­lation of ener­gies which is worshipped so I shall use the term.  It is most openly used in your current day, at any rate.  When­ever a black ma­gician in­vokes Satan he is in fact invoking the most negative and evil aspects of his own mind—it is the mind that summons the en­ergies.  The name of Satan, Lucifer, or whichever demon he calls upon, serves simply to activate within his psyche those forces.  Ah, you say, “’Tis but much like a re­ligious church for God and Christ!”  So be it; it is only dif­fering in intent and purpose.


Nevertheless, it must also be accepted that Satan and his

de­monic hordes are undoubtedly archetypes of the collective uncon­scious, and in this sense they do have form and specific charac­teristics—further, they become totally visible to the human eye if focused upon long enough in descriptive format.  “Well”, you

now say, “It sounds exactly like an Indian ceremony—a pagan hoopla.”  So be that also—you must never leave sight of intent and purpose—NEVER!  This is why it is set up in this manner—to mislead, confuse and totally mimic rituals of honor given by ones of primitive and na­tive people to honor God and Creation for they knew no dif­ference and they were most sacred in their practice—only glorifying life and balance; never honoring de­struction nor death.


Do not confuse the Black Mass with the Black Sabbath.  The Black Mass is, of course, the parody of the Christian Mass in your hier­archal religions.  The Black Sabbath is older than the Black Mass, which was invented by the French sometime about the seven­teenth century of your counting.  The Black Sabbath dates back beyond your sixteenth century and is laid out in detail—which I shall lay out for you.


At the center of the clearing chosen for the meeting would stand the black al­tar.  Dharma, let us find the description please and place it here that it might not deviate from confirmation mate­rial.  It will be by Peter Haining in THE WARLOCK’S BOOK, SE­CRETS OF BLACK MAGIC FROM THE AN­CIENT GRIMOIRES (Secaucus, N.J.: Citadel Press, 1973).  THIS IS FOR THE PROTECTION OF THIS SCRIBE FOR WE ARE NOW TINKER­ING WITH INFORMATION WHICH IS MOST MAGNIFI­CENTLY DANGEROUS TO HER PHYS­ICAL BEING.


“A large stone be best, but a wooden table will suffice.  On it stands two can­dles of human fat set in black wooden candlesticks like the feet of a goat; a magical sword with a black handle; a copper vase containing blood; a censer holding perfumes, namely, incense, camphor, alces, ambergris and storax mixed with the blood of a goat, a mole and a bat; four nails taken from the coffin of an executed criminal; the head of a black cat which has been nour­ished on human flesh for five days; the horns of a goat and the skull of a par­ricide (a man who had killed his fa­ther).”


Of course, if all of these items were not present they would make do with whatever would be next horribly best.


Just behind the altar would sit the goat figure representing the devil.  Ac­cording to the gri­moires, this could be either a goat tied firmly upright in a chair with a lighted black candle be­tween its horns or a large black cat with its head shorn and a cloak thrown over its tightly re­strained body.  A huge erect phallus was usually placed between the legs of this figure.  On ei­ther side would sit two beautiful witch maidens, the symbolic brides of the devil, who would dis­robe and join the general fes­tivities after the initial service of adoration.


“When the company are assembled in a semicircle facing the al­tar, the desig­nated “high priest” (wearing a simple black cloak with the Black Magic pen­tagram on the back) steps forward to the goat figure and presents a black turnip with the words, ‘Master help us.’  There was abun­dant use of animals and birds in the rituals.  The man then pauses, takes a further step forward and repeats:  ‘I will come to the altar.  Save me Lord Satan from the treach­erous and the vio­lent.’


“Next follows the ‘Prayer to Satan’, which is read from the Black Book and can be repeated af­ter the priest by the assembly:


“Oh Satan, thou who art the shadow of God and of ourselves, I speak these words of agony for the glory.


“Thou who are Doubt and Revolt, Sophism and Impotence, thou livest again in us and round us, as in the troubled centuries when thou didst reign, dark­ness, shaking in thy left hand the abominable sceptre of a bloody lingham.


“Today thy degenerate sons are scattered, and celebrate thy cult in their hideouts.  Thy tradi­tional pontiffs are blind shep­herds, vile jades, presumptu­ous magis, poisoners and pariahs.


“But thy people have increased, and Satan, thou canst be proud of the multi­tude of thy Faith­ful ones, as false as thy will has de­sired.  This world which denies thee, thou inhabitest it, thou wal­lowest in it as on the dead roses of a mouldy, smelly midden.


“Thou has won, O Satan, though anonymous and obscure for a few more years yet; but the coming century will proclaim thy re­venge.  Thou shalt be reborn in the Anti-Christ.  The sci­ence of mysteries, spurting suddenly in a black wave already quenches the thirst of the curious and the uneasy; young men and women see themselves mir­rored in these waves of illusion which intoxi­cate and madden.


“O charming Satan!  I have torn off thy mask of voluptuous glut­tony, and I have fallen in love with thy tearstained face, beauti­ful as an eternal and de­feated grudge.


“O hideous Satan! I have uncovered thy ignominy to reveal the wild­ness.  If thy involuntary torment has the noble appearance of being irrevocable, it is illumined by the honour of be­coming a redemp­tion.  O scapegoat of the world, thy beating heart of a dead man covets the immense, the final depth—thou utterest the sobs of a Messiah, but thou corruptest and de­grades like a damnation.


“Therefore I will tell of thy infamy, and thy attraction.  I will sing of thine in­finite lament.  Thou art the last ideal of fallen man, but if thy cherub’s wings seem to be impregnated with heaven, if thy woman’s breast drips a sooting pity, thy scaly belly and thy animal’s legs exude stinking idle­ness, for­getfulness of courage, and consent to abjectness.


“O holy and impious Satan, symbol of the degenerate universe, thou who knowest and suffer­est, may thou become, according to the word of the Divine Promise, the atoning genius of Expia­tion!”


This prayer can be found in variations throughout the world, broth­ers.  It leads naturally into the initiation of new “disciples”, if such there be.  This ceremony contained probably the most obscene element of all, for the new member was required to bring with him or her a liquid made from the flesh of a child.  Another sixteenth century document relates how the liq­uid was made:


“Those to be called to the Devil’s service lie in wait for chil­dren.  These are often found dead by their parents and the sim­ple people believe that they have themselves overlain them, or that they died from natural causes, but it is we who have de­stroyed them.  For that purpose we steal them out of the grave and boil them with lime, till all the flesh is loosened from the bones, and is reduced to one mass.  We make out of the firm part an ointment, and fill a bottle with the fluid; and whoever drinks with due cere­monies of this belongs to our league, and is already ca­pable of be­witching.”


Armed with a vial of this liquid, the initiate is brought naked and blindfolded into the assembly, “He being made to pass be­tween great fires and alarming noises to test his character”, accord­ing to one report “And when his face was uncovered”, it goes on, “he found himself in front of a monstrous goat and must drink his potion in salute.”


Next the initiate must affirm his belief in Black Magic and from a manuscript of the same pe­riod, we find a list of the promises the new recruit had to make, each being echoed back by the as­sembly af­ter he had spoken.

Al, this is a direct quote so ignore all misspelling.

“I denie God, and all religion.


“I curse, blaspheme, and provoke God with all despite.


“I give my faith to the Devil, and my worship and offer sacri­fice to him.


“I doo solemnelie vow and promise all my progenie unto the Devil.


“I sweare to the Devil to bring a manie into his societie as I can.


“I will always sweare by the name of the Devil.”


This completed the ceremonial.  All that remained was for the new adept to perform the os­culum obsoenum, a kiss on the goat-figure’s backside.  This done, he was allowed to copulate “with whichsoever maid there present did take his eye, and to the de­light of all the company.”


The rituals now over, the legendary banquet or feast began, at which wine, meat, broth, bacon, and bread were consumed.  Some au­thorities have stated that no salt was allowed, but this seems merely a convenient invention, as one black book records that “thy did indulge them­selves on any viands and drink which pleased them.”  There is not mention of the mandatory eating of human flesh but the inference is present, of course.  The food and drink were “spiked” with aphrodisiacs and stimulants as well as fermented liquids.  The “witch’s Satanic meetings” in Scot­land, at that time, were claimed to surpass all others.


For those who wished, dancing took place—during which those who were still dressed took off their clothes—and the shout went up: “Ha ha!  Devil, Devil!  Dance here, Dance here!  Play here, Play here!  Sabbat, Sabbat!”  At some gatherings, the outlawed “back to back” dancing was encouraged whilst at others you can find reports of the game—played Black Magic style.  (This game, dear friends, your children play as Blind Man’s Buff.)  The witches, of course, played it naked with a young warlock (also naked) blindfolded and set loose among them.  Whoever he caught hold of, he was free to make love to.  Needless to say, the men always hoped to “catch” a young girl, as sex rela­tions were obligatory with the witch he caught, re­gardless of her age or dispo­sition.


Drugs, potions, and ointments were, naturally, much in evidence——also, the conducting of cer­tain spells and rituals, which are best dealt with at a sepa­rate notation.


Of the sex acts, most followed traditional lines.  In the cases of women who claimed inter­course with the devil or demons, all can be ascribed to the use of an artificial phallus, while the popularity of sodomy may be put down to the fact that in many European coun­tries it was re­garded as a crime punish­able by death, and this doubtless gave it an added attraction to those dedi­cated to evil.


Astronaut Reveals NASA Mind Control Program Involving ChildrenThere were, of course, all types of chants and actions to pro­long these games as long as possi­ble.


“The remainder of the proceedings continued as the black witches and war­locks chose, but they were required by common consent to disperse by day­break, making sure before they left to eradicate all traces of their activities.”


The different types of rituals presented herein are all of an “invoking” nature.  The power in­voked increases gradually, as the intention becomes more mor­bid and self-centered.  Whereas the first ritual, the Pagan Self-Blessing, was conceived for pu­rification and union with the god­head, the second ritual, the witches’ ceremony, called for both purification and power (“As I do so shall ye do.”). The third ritual makes no pretense at pu­rification—the aim is raw power at any cost whatsoever.  In fact, the black magician basks in the most impure and vile ac­tions in order to be in greater harmony with the evil forces.


Power in magic is thus a neutral force.  Its use depends largely on the spiri­tual development, knowledge, and intentions of the magi­cian, or High Priest.  But whichever way it is used, the manipula­tion of power for personal gratifi­cation is fraught with cosmic re­tributions that the magician must never for­get.


Now I witness that I have a lot of readers in every mode of emo­tion from anger, illness and in­ability to believe, to ones who are going to say Esu Jm­manuel Jesus Sananda would never utter such obscene terms and descrip­tions—OH YES I WOULD AND DO!  IF YOU DON’T OPEN YOUR EYES AND SEE WHAT IS GOING ON BEFORE YOUR VERY NOSES AND AMONG YOUR CHILDREN AND A LARGE PORTION OF YOUR POPULACE—YOU ARE DOOMED!!




It is truly sad that I must unload the truth upon you in such vile manner and in such shocking ways; and it will worsen for I am going to lay it out for you right up to current date and prac­tice.  YOU MUST NOT HIDE LONGER! 


Let us bring this to a close for it is enough vileness for a single sitting.  If we might work more this day I will await your notifi­cation.  I give protection against this material, Dharma—go in peace.


This work must be brought forth for man is starving to know truth and he cannot know truth unless he also knows of the lie.  So be it; I move to stand-by.