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Esu Immanuel Sananda

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Feb.4, 2017




SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1989  7:30 A.M.   YEAR 3, DAY 073

Dharma, I am with you, chela.  Sananda Esu Jmmanuel (Jesus Im­manuel).  I request that none in the reading of these words misun­derstand of WHO I am.  The further word is KNOW THINE ENEMY!  I KNOW MINE!  HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOURS?  SINCE YOU OF MY ASSOCIATES HAVE THE SAME ENEMY, THEN I SHALL GIVE YOU IN­SIGHT.

Dharma, I have multitudes of queries this day on “What is Russia doing?”, “They are offering to dismantle various war weapons and installations, is the ‘war’ finished?”  No, and don’t go back to thy sleeping.  I am going to be as blunt and hard as a good par­ent must be unto his children.  YOU ARE IN GRAVE CIRCUMSTANCE—GRAVE INDEED.

Dear ones, it is not from the Russian peoples for they are told no more than are you and they, too, see possibility of peace and Amer­ican assistance and sharing.  Alas, it is not as it appears.

Commander Hatonn has been drilling you on world affairs for years.  You have been told over and over that your two govern­ments have been allies for a very long time to suit the needs of the top com­missions.  You in America need peace for your country is in trouble and your “BEAM SYSTEM” is not yet perfected.  The Russians no longer need the antiquated type of nuclear weapons, in use, to an­nihilate you——but, they need your money for their economy is dev­astated.  You both need each other if you are to sustain either in a confrontation of all-out proportion with communist China.  The world bonds are falling apart and Russia cannot sus­tain herself, much less all her impounded dependents.  It is just a “different” ploy to gain more control for Russia will turn these newly indepen­dent and failing peoples over to you to tend and restructure.  The United States cannot even tend your emergency situations of natural disaster and those will flow in one upon another soon.

Take note, please, of the earthquakes about your lands and oceans—very widespread; China has had many within your week and now, the Soloman Islands.  These will pick up both in inten­sity and fre­quency for it shows great movement and unrest in your Earth tec­tonic plates.  What you can’t see is going to dev­astate you.

Do you see great masses moving from the San Francisco Bay area?  Of course not, as instead of moving to safety, they simply all move in a wave back into the ballfields.  Two weeks and they, except for the few who are to­tally without, pay no attention ex­cept for the inconvenience of closed travel lanes.  MOST will sit until death comes for it is the way of human and they will change dimensions thinking they shall be going unto God’s glory only to wake up and find themselves with a much more severe les­son coming.  You do not “simply get off”!  Beloved ones, THERE IS NO DEATH, THERE IS ONLY SEPARATION FROM A PHYSICAL VEHICLE.  I CAME BE­FORE TO SHOW THIS UNTO YOU AND YOU RE-WROTE THE LESSONS—I COME AGAIN TO REMIND YOU AND BRING THOSE WHO HEAR ME, HOME.  BUT SO FEW LISTEN OR SEE.  THE WRIT­ING IS UPON YOUR WALLS, YOUR PAPERS, YOUR NEWS—ALL OF THE SIGNS ARE PRESENT AND SWALLOWING YOU. 

So shall all these things which I have shown unto John, come to be in your time, shortly, and you continue to play of your games and sacrifice your chil­dren to your lust, greed, pleasure of the moment and ignorance.  So be it, for there is not forcement from God.  You will have “made your bed” and you shall lie upon it.

Let us return to the subject at hand for this journal, little spar­row.  I am filled with gratitude for your continuing will­ingness to serve in this horrendous theme.  Man has turned to violence for his “high”, I shall be giving you vio­lence enough to sicken the strongest of bellies.

A little child, a boy, was noted in your news this very morn who was abducted from a rural pathway.  If he is returned, it will only be because of the reward involved.  I am telling you—this is the summit of the evil celebration and it requires human sac­rifice and yet, there is no way to get this into the news for warning; no-one would be in the believing of it.  You would be ridiculed for your sensationalism and “New Age” kookism and it would negate the work we are about.  Do, however, utilize this for reference and confir­mation.  Dear ones, we must some­how get a system for retrieval of these references.

It may very well come to be that, as your brothers awaken, they will seek out all lessons, even in haphazard format—say by month, or week, or — —?  You must consider it simply to get the informa­tion public, for buried in the train­ing lessons of you ones, are the tid-bits of proof of substance and the train­ing of any other student (chela).  Let us wait and see if man will under­stand the importance of this material which he is re­ceiving via these jour­nals.  Your “originals” of writings and tapes must be kept secure—do not under any cir­cumstance loan an original of either for these are priceless and non-replace­able treasures.  Dear ones, you have had Aton (GOD BY ANY NAME) as your headmaster.  Ye are blessed be­yond Earth comprehension.  Fourth Di­mensional Commander indeed.  Do you not “hear” the dif­ference in the con­tact au­thority and subject material as rela­tive to other channels who receive from brothers or sixth galaxy personages?  The tomes are blessed beyond price and ones who re­ceived and cast aside the work, shall one day weep and revel in regret for such actions.  You are the scribes and histori­ans for the closing of cycle of man.  These will be the records for the myriads of genera­tions from the universe to find and know how it was.

Further, the documents are being transcribed right along with your primitive equipment onto the cosmic computers to be studied by the students and citi­zens of higher places.  This is the same manner in which we have all the scrolls of history stored, all the scrolls as penned by ones in the Biblical times and before—all of Judas Is­carioth’s scribings which are now used to bring forth truth.

It will be most soon discovered ‘WHO’ changed truth into lie and who has been discredited and stepped upon by his brother.  Oh yes, we have it all—ALL!  But you will be unable to even locate a given sentence or statement of truth if you fail to acquire a system for such.

You ones in this little group, do not go crazy over this, please.  You are doing that which is needed of you.  Others must come forth with the self-sufficiency and proper abilities in ed­ucation to set up such a system.  It is for them to step for­ward, not for you to dig them from the masses and secure great mon­etary reward for them.  Further, it should be done “away” from this location for security.  Ones still fail to hear me—THE LIFE OF THIS SCRIBE IS LITERALLY UPON THE AXMAN’S BLOCK AND YOU CONTINUE TO TREAT IT AS A SEMINAR CHANNEL OF SOME TYPE.  I HONOR ALL THOSE CHANNELS AND RECEIVERS BUT YOU MUST UN­DERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS—THERE ARE OTHERS, BUT YOU ONLY NEED DEAL WITH THIS ONE.

Gremlins and gnomes in your equipment, lights that won’t work on a black night—brothers, you are under attack.  The enemy can inter­fere with electri­cal and electronic circuitry just as eas­ily as can we.  If you continue to be un­prepared with emergency equipment and backup you will find yourself at a severe loss more and more often hereforth.  They will further attack the fin­ishers of the docu­ments, the publishers, printers, et cetera.  Blockage hit in Sedona instantly and the ones now involved will be dissuaded if possible, but, the faster you work the faster the rewards and it can move onward—no use locking the barn after the horse is out—if there are not other valuable horses in the barn.

This document regarding the Evil Brotherhood is one very, very valuable horse so tend the door most diligently.

* * * *


I monitored the response given to this question by Commanders Ha­tonn and Ashtar to our beloved John Swanson in reference to my brother Germain.  I would desire it be placed in this portion, in total, for these Commanders are limited in their experiencing un­derstanding, and perception is most manda­tory for you ones.  I shall also go into the early problems as experi­enced by Sir Lu­cifer on his spiral into rejection but I prefer you first be ex­posed to John’s let­ter.  It was written within the week and I would appreci­ate your preceding it by the question in point.  I prefer you delete reference to named entities to keep distrac­tions to a mini­mum—we are not in the sectarian nor doctrine discussion, please.

I believe the question was approximately as follows.  “Is Satan real?  It ap­pears from what Commanders Hatonn and Ashtar say, that they indicate him to be a being in ‘reality’.  I have been led to believe he (it) is a force and fur­ther, ones receiving from higher dimensions have been told that Sa­tan, as such, is not valid in entity format.”  Please be kind if this is a bit mis­quoted for I wish the “concept” of con­tent and not exacting words.  I am greatly in­debted to John for this inquiry, for it falls into the category of “most asked questions”.

These are most difficult questions to respond to accurately for the insight of man, his educa­tion if you will, is insufficient to un­derstand the simple re­sponse that “all is illusion and ex­perience of God mind”.  What appears real is as real as any other percep­tion.  A pain that “hurts” is as real if imagined as if a physical mishap has occurred.  To fully understand, you must first under­stand soul, illusion, reality and physical mani­festation—none of which I will ex­plain in fullness in this par­ticular segment of this document—it deserves its own journal.

However,  we are bringing you, as rapidly as is possible, the per­tinent infor­mation for a world in crises—first let us look at the wounds and effort at bandaids that the patient might sur­vive, then we can ponder other realities.  First must come cred­ibility so that you Earthbound ones can recognize of our valid­ity and credibility—then we can make great strides forward.

Dharma, with the addition of the letter to John, this will be quite lengthy as a chapter portion.  Please, let us take an in­terruption.  You will need some ma­terial from your bookstore on this subject at hand.  As ones ponder this on a daily basis it will trigger items and references into your minds and I request that those items be documented, dated and kept in security for con­firmation references.  I do not need them but your fellow men seem to need to look at an­other man’s print to gain confidence.  So be it.

I shall move to stand-by at this time.  Thank you for joining me and we shall continue at a later sitting.  Blessings and peace sur­round you in my protec­tion.