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I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight Command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet-Ashtar Command; Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transition.  You may call me “Hatonn”.

Let there be no misunderstanding of WHO I AM!  I come in this portion as a fourth dimensional Project Commander in charge of Earth Transition.  As this is most thoroughly explained in other recordings from myself and others, I shall not cover it in this document.

This document contains truth which can be validated.  It comes forth in dictated format from myself to one of my transreceivers (recorder).  There is nothing of “channeling” about it—it is via actual radio-type short wave directly from my source into a receiver terminal.  No hocus pocus nor mystical hoopla.  This recorder does exactly that—records.  She is not privy to the information resources nor is she given to “interpretation” other than as any other reader would personally interpret.

We, of the lighted brotherhood of the Cosmic and Galactic participants are ready to make our presence upon your place.  We travel and act in the direct service and under Command of Esu Jesus Immanuel Sananda.  Sananda is aboard my Command Craft from whence He will direct all evacuation and transition activities as regards the period you ones call the End Prophecies of Armageddon.

He has organized placement for His peoples and will oversee all operations as regards His people.  All Intergalactic Fleets are under His command, and for purposes of evacuation, those details are in most capable hands of one called, simply, Commander Ashtar.

There will be more and more frequent contact with ones of human format by ones of our commands.  You will ask any energy form contacting you, to identify.  Demand that if the energy is not of the “light” of the Divine Source to remove itself.  DO NOT ENTERTAIN ANY/AND ALL ENERGY FRAGMENTS WHO APPEAR TO YOU FOR MORE AND MORE OF THE DARK ENERGY FORMS ARE MAKING CONTACT.

This document is for the purpose of awakening you to the horrendous lie that has been perpetrated against you ones.  I am giving it to insure protection of those human ones who dared bring it into the open and yet risk their lives having done so.  I dedicate it to the ones who dared and have been mocked, ridiculed and persecuted for having dared to give you help to “save” yourselves from the lies.  I go on record to my adversaries herewith and place them on formal notice:  YE SHALL NOT BRING HARM UNTO MY WORKERS, NOR UNTO THEIR COWORKERS, FAMILIES OR FRIENDS ATTACHED THERETO. 

Now, I shall tell you who I am in my Higher Command.  I AM ATON.  Perhaps you might wish to look up that label for it might prove to be quite important to you.  I shall see to it that these instructions are carried forth, so I suggest there be no toying with this as some game of sorts to be discounted at your next little seminar gathering of the flying saucer clubs and crystal worshipers.  Your time of playing at star readings, Ouija boards and Taro, to seek your fortunes, is over.Earth is going to plod right through evolution, transition, tribulation, new “birthing” and new “berthing” just as written.  You need no psychic reader to tell you how it will be.  You can hide your head in your sand bucket; it will change nothing.

There are detailed and magnificent plans in operation to cause the transition to be quite survivable and workable for those of you who so choose to work with us and not in the enemy camp.  The Evil Forces shall be met and stopped but it will be a most unpleasant confrontation. 

The Master Esu Jesus Immanuel Sananda is returned and awaits the appointed time.  If you want information concerning the Phoenix Journals I suggest heartily that you contact forall of the Journals are recorded there.

I dedicate this work to all who have taken a stand for truth.  I also dedicate it to our beloved Sister Thedra who has labored day and night as a hand scribe to beloved Sananda for over forty years.

And of course, my infinite love and appreciation to Dharma, who works hours each and every day in our service.  This is but a tiny portion of her works.  I so honor my small circle who are in the building of physical foundations and yet also see to it that these words are carried forth in truth and dispersment.  Also to those who give such unselfish support in so many other ways without which help we could not proceed.  Blessings be yours, little ones, as ye are cherished beyond thy ability to comprehend.  I so look forward to the day I can give you public credit for your service and yet allow for your security.  Know that your names are written on the tablets of the Book of Life.  There shall, however, come the day when you shall have thy works made known unto thy fellow men.

I request this book be brought to the public with all haste for the physical protection of some of thy brothers rests heavily upon its promptness.



August 31, 1989

Day 016, Year 3