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Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn

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SAT., JUL. 2, 1994    7:45 A.M.    YEAR 7, DAY 320

SAT.,  JUL. 2,  1994


Will there be another Fourth of July?  Indeed!  How do I know?  Because all that is--was, and shall for ever be.  In the perception of time--once labeled--moves forever into the infinity of percep­tion.  The question, then, remains simply--what will another Fourth of July represent?  Even that question on the second of July (today) has no meaning--for all is only speculation as to the 4th.

I have been asked to again run information, even if repetition, on the "Monarch" project which is so closely akin to the "Delta Force" training:akin to Monarch project;.  However, I first wish to speak of the State of your Nation.


These are neither the best nor the worst of  "times".  These sim­ply ARE THE TIMES.  It is what you do with "these times" that makes them great or terrible--God provides the "times" and YOU must provide the perceptions.


You stand, as a nation, at the brink of the downfall of freedom:downfall of; in any recognized form.  You also stand at the crossroads whereat moving in one direction will reclaim a chance at recov­ery--or in the other direction, crushing enslavement and pathetic depletion of your wondrous "chosen" nation.  Which will it be?

The confusion to cover actions is so brilliantly scoped and acti­vated by your clever manipula­tors that you notice not what is REALLY taking place.  You ponder O.J. .i.Simpson:situation,, a set up by the manipulators; in confu­sion as to "what in the world are they doing?"  Well, let me assure you of some things.  "They" HAVE established and perpetrated this horrendous crime as we have told you.  Why, then, does it look so bad for O.J. and why does he not more fully defend himself?  Because it is SUPPOSED TO BE THIS WAY--RIGHT INTO PUBLIC FRENZY.  O.J. Simpson is simply a set-up of RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES used with professional manipulations.  How do they keep him in line?  He KNOWS his children will be NEXT IN SOME HORRENDOUSLY TERRI­BLE DISASTER AT THE ENEMY'S HANDS.

YOU are being tested; how will you, as a society,  react?  Will the constant focus cause you to miss everything else going on right now?  Indeed it will--IT HAS!

There is "socialized medicine" (but YOU won't get ANY), there are new Executive Orders: of Clinton, pure treason; which are pure TREASON, there are .i.national emergencies:and the "big boys"; and State of Emergencies:and the Controllers.  Why such a buildup?  Because the "big boys, NWO, peaceful , orderly solution to;" know that there is also the el­ement which can STOP THEM!  This would be an ARMED army of both citizens and military " Minutemen:could stop the "big boys".


Goodness no, readers.  You want the government criminals to FACE JUSTICE--not chaos, ri­ots and a nation out of control allowing for WORLD INTERVENTION.  You want to bring this atrocity against freedom and sanity to a halt in a sane and orderly manner.  This means "in reason and in wisdom of ac­tions".  Anarchy:not the answer to NWO; is NEVER an answer for that always plays into the enemy's hands.

Are there ways to do this, then, in reason and sanity with wis­dom?  Yes.  It is being worked on as we write.  Dharma is not the only person with whom I communicate and I would never give her that which will halt the flow of information--just to sat­isfy curiosity within awakening humanity.


I dedicate our work during this season to our beloved Violinio St. Germain. I also bow to our beloved Michael and Gabriel; in honor and salute.  I will speak more on the associations at an­other time.  Just KNOW that they are important and shall impact your journey greatly--even as they have always done.

Germain has given many, many speeches on behalf of his beloved United States, the Light unto a Free World, on hun­dreds of celebration days called the Independence Day:reminder to reclaim your nation.  He has warned and reminded you that you DID NOT GAIN INDE­PENDENCE--YOU SIMPLY BECAME FURTHER EN­TRAPPED IN THE MUCK AND MIRE OF THE HAPPEN­INGS AND DE­CEIT OF THE PRINCE OF LIES AND DE­CEIT.  While you wave flags and shoot firecrack­ers in celebra­tion of that which is gone--I remind you of as much.  Honor those flags and re­new your stance and RECLAIM YOUR NA­TION UNDER GOD OF LIGHT OR YE SHALL BE DES­TINED TO PAY DEARLY IN THE ANNALS OF HISTORY DEDICATED TO THE RISE AND FALL OF GREAT NA­TIONS AND CIVILIZATIONS.

I would like, instead of inviting Germain to speak--for we are caused to not ask Dharma to write for Germain until the US&P case:and Germain is finished--and the games and assaults are getting more and more nasty--not over information--but of course, over MONEY and politics.  US&P is a British Intelligence and Brookings In­stitute mind-control institution.  I don't care what the US&P staff may "think" they are doing--they are a New Age seminar-giving mind-control center.  Is this "bad"?  Good?  It is neither good nor bad--it IS.  It has always been used as a tool of B'nai B'rith as well and the Royal Family of England:and US&P.  Some would refer to that aspect with great pride and publicity--so WHY do they bring suit against ones who suggest this as truth?  They even deny any "Jewish race" people on their board or staff--on national radio, yet.  Why?  Is that not bigotry and racism in to­day's accepted society?  It has further been suggested that US&P has some association with some of the PROJECTS such as "Monarch:project and US&P".  Is this true?  Well, if "actions" do actually speak louder than words, there is some suggestion that some­thing goes on that is preferred to be kept a bit SECRET.

I am continually interested in what goes on in the "case" itself between Dharma and US&Pcase against Dharma, the interchange with Green and his buddies and even the exchange with Col. Bo Gritz and Timothy Binder who heads US&P.  A hundred magazine journals have now been typed and printed--by Dharma.  Strange that some 9 (but actually only four had very much of any refer­ence even to Walter Russell's work) are in legal ensnarement but our entire work is denounced, taken up in the Associ­ated Press denouncement of Phoenix Journals, EVERY­THING taken from the Ekkers including their reputations and goodly names--and the games get ever increasingly more entan­gled with the Federal Court system

US&Palledged damages; claims great DAMAGES from these "false" writers.  They claim in court "unfair com­petition in the market" and a dozen other things--while playing legal checkers against two in-pro-per people who have neither attorney nor funds.

US&P has seminars, libraries, classes, lectures, tours and a "university" with classes.  Ekkers have NOTHING, have never received a dime for any of the work--and not even meetings.  The only ones from this place who have made anything--are the Greens of America West--nice ones who share a common but­terfly heritage.  How so?  Well, we'll offer you more on "Monarch" and some players in a bit.

I also want you to look carefully at the letter from Maynard Campbell elsewhere in this paper.  This man was in Idaho and wrote on the Ruby Ridge "massacre".  He was then targeted for death--he also watched Bo Gritz's actions then and now--a nice Monarch product. This one man [Gritz] could be the GREAT­EST leader your nation has ever known--or go down in the AN­NALS of history as the worst betrayer.  He cannot help that which he is--UNTIL HE ALIGNS HIMSELF WITH GOD OF LIGHT AND STOPS THIS GARBAGE OF MISPERCEP­TIONS AND FALSE DOCTRINES.  So be it.  I want to talk about the State of your Nation this morning, please.  I will try to respond to your other multiple inquiries as we can.  To keep our noses clean and to share the focus of work well done--we will offer from Robert DNewcomer his writing: "WHERE HAS ALL THE FREEDOM GONE?"




America's birth began with the .American Revolution when thirteen very fragile, dissen­sion-ridden colonies challenged the most powerful monarchy on Earth to rid themselves of taxes and tyranny.  This was a war of common folks thrust into the turbu­lence of battle; ordi­nary citizens who never studied a newspaper because they could not read and never petitioned the government because they could not write.  These ordinary people shed their blood from April 19, 1775 to the bloody victory at Yorktown in 1781 to provide us with the basis for the American dream and the cornerstone of freedom from oppressive taxation and tyranny.  Is it possible that through complacency and apathy, we have squandered the American dream that was acquired for us with the sacrifice of human life, turmoil and anguish?  Is it also possible that we have left our children bankrupt, exposed to tyranny and totally uninformed as to their future circumstances?  Let's review taxes, tyranny and the Constitution to establish where we have progressed in 219 years since the Revolutionary War.

Taxes:  The Revolutionary War was fought over repressive taxation (10% at the time).  Today we pay 80% of our wages in taxes without challenge or outcry.  We pay direct taxes which are evident, hidden taxes which are imposed on us under altered names to conceal them, and disguised .i.taxes:direct, disguised, and hidden; which are very dif­ficult to detect.  DIRECT federal, state, local and social security taxes remove 44% of our income from our paychecks.  We labor until June every year just to pay these direct taxes.  HIDDEN taxes such as licenses (car, boat, trailer, business, drivers, liquor, hunting, fishing, dog, marriage), gas tax $.43/GAL, permits, vehicle, liquor tax, fees, duties, excise, and interest consume three more months of our wages.  When we purchase any product we pay numerous disguised taxes.  For example, when we buy an automobile, the company that builds the vehicle passes all of its costs onto us, the buyer of the car, to include all taxes paid by the company.  This includes social security taxes, workers compensation tax, state unem­ployment tax, federal unemployment tax, fran­chise taxes, corpo­rate income taxes, property taxes, etc.  The company is respon­sible for these taxes but we pick up the tab the day we purchase the product.  In addition, we pay a sales tax on the entire price of the car, therefore, paying taxes on the tax with money that has already been taxed before we got our paychecks.  Like a slave who works 12 months for nothing the average American now works 9.5 months for nothing more than taxes.  More taxes (health care) are on the way. 

Every aspect of our life is now taxes.  We can't pick up a paycheck, buy groceries, drive a car, own a home, save money, or go fishing without someone demanding payment in the form of taxation for those rights.  How has this happened?  Wright Patman, former congressman and former chairman of the House Banking Committee, explained it as follows: "In the United States we have in effect two governments...We have the duly constituted Government... then we have an independent, uncon­trolled and uncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve System hidden government, operating the money powers which are reserved to Congress by the Constitution".  At 6:00 pm on December 23, 1913, while most of Congress was at home, a few representa­tives took it upon themselves to pass, by voice vote, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913  beginning of the end of the American dream.  That day was the beginning of the end of the American dream.  On that date our Congress compromised the efforts of our founding fathers by relinquishing its control over the monetary system of the United States to a private cor­poration, with international stockholders, known as the Federal Reserve Bank.  Since that date we Americans have been subject to unnecessary interest on loans entered into by our government with this highly profitable, private, international banking cartel.  In addition, our government has allowed this private corporation to fleece unconstitu­tional .i.income taxes:unconstitutional, and Fed; from us to pay for these unnecessary interest charges which will be ap­proximately four hundred billion dollars this year.  Look at the back of your can­celled checks paid to the IR and Federal Reserve Banks; for federal taxes and note that they were deposited into the coffers of the FRB (Federal Reserve Bank), not the United States Treasury.  Lewis T. McFadden former Chair­man of the House Banking Commission and past member of Congress was quoted as saying, "The Federal Re­serve Bank is a private monopoly which preys upon the People of the United States for the benefit of themselves."  McFadden died mysteriously after three attempts on his life. [H:  LEt us not allowhim to have died in vain--please run this speech AGAIN.  (It is in the pervious journal, #100].  Why should we toil for our daily bread and allow an international banking cartel to eat it?  THis is the identical question faced by our founding fathers just before they fired the "shot heard round the world".

TYRANNY:  Could WACO:keyhole to our future?  Eighty men, women and chil­dren were blatantly murdered by federal law enforcement agencies.  The media dubbed them a religious cult so as to justify mass execution of innocent citizens without due process of law.  Did you note that the compound was burned to the ground on the EXACT DAY THE REV­OLUTIONARY WAR BEGAN (APRIL 19TH)?  The second shot heard round the world could well have been the one fired at the innocent victims of Waco.   On May 21, 1993 Paul .i.Wilcher:, Paul;, an attorney, sent a 101-page document to Janet Reno detailing why Koresh was si­lenced by the federal government.  [H: This man was also an attorney for Gunther Russ­bacher and held incredible evidence regarding October Surprise and other incriminating evidence.]  Wilcher was found dead in his apartment shortly after sending the report to Reno.  The Randy Weaver incident  in Idaho, is another prime example of tyranny.  Federal agents shot Weaver's 13-year-old son in the back and then shot his wife in the head as she emerged from a cabin holding her baby.  This family, living in a remote cabin in Idaho, must have posed a serious threat to national security.  All the media had to do in this case was label them white separatist to condone to the public their execution, by federal agents, without due process of law.  Who will be next?  There are nu­merous other cases, such as Scott and Kahl, that clearly signify Police State executions;.

We should question why so many elected officials are work­ing so diligently to disarm Americans of guns as quickly as pos­sible in violation of our Constitutional rights.  Our gov­ernment justifies this action by pointing to crime.  Is crime the actual ra­tionale or could crime be the engineered catalyst to premeditated and deliberate anarchy in America?  Most Ameri­cans have never lived through Anarchy so we might not recognize the signs even if they were conspicuous.  The use of anarchy to at­tain dictatorial power is as old as civilization itself.  An­archy has historically been used when a diminutive minority wants to secure control over the majority.  The result of successful anar­chy:and resuling police state is a police state.  If our type of government is de­cided by crime in the street, an autocratic ruthless dictatorship:demanded by the people is in­evitable because the people will demand it.  This is actually very simple.  You create a perceived problem in the minds of the people, such as crime, then offer the solution such as changing the U.S. Constitution changes or gun registration and organizations, such as, the MJTF, FINCEN, FEM solutions to the problem of crime, and the new Federal Police force "special" staff all staffed with special types of men.  The same type of special men who can murder women and children, with no re­morse at WACO, the same type of special men who can shoot the young Weaver boy in the back and then his mother in the head.  What is the truth behind the formation of these new forces?   What are they currently being trained for?  Why are they comprised of many non-American combat-trained individu­als?  Why have we turned many of our military bases and per­sonnel over to the direct control of the United Na­tions?  The .United Nations  "Peace keeping forces"--is a myth.  The United Nations is con­trolled exclusively by fascist leaders of the bloodi­est regimes on the globe who never in their history stood for anything other than killing, violence and tyranny on a global scale.  Where was this noble "peace keeping group" when hun­dreds of churches were being burned to the ground in .Bosnia   [H: And where were your own protective forces--after all, THIS IS THE NATIONAL SECURITY EMERGENCY THAT KEEPS THE U.S. IN A STATE OF MARTIAL LAW--RIGHT NOW, JUST EXTENDED BY CLINTON ON MAY 23, 1994!] thousands of religious citizens were being tor­tured and killed in detention camps and the civil rights of inno­cent, independent, religious citizens were violated?

* * *

Ok, just one more topic and then on to "Monarch".

This writing is an EXCLUSIVE TO THE AMERICAN'S BUL­LETIN and we certainly do not have any intention of taking any credit for other than having it brought to our attention.  This [above] paper struggled along and almost had to close down be­cause of the hardships encountered as do ALL free-speech pa­pers.  Support them if you can--they DO take advertising so if you have a product perhaps you can purchase space and keep them publishing.

We present this material here without comment and to allow the message to go a bit further into homes and minds that might not have access to The .i.American's Bulletin:article on Pan Am Flight #103, c/o 3434 N. Pa­cific Hwy., Medford, Oregon 97501.  How worthy it would be to be able to combine some of these fine publications into a united VOICE OF THE PEOPLE.




Robert (Bob) Lewis, sui juris;

This exclusive report was researched by 25-years criminal investigator, Robert (Bob)Lewis criminal investgator, sui juris.

It is December 21, 1988.  A Pan Am international flight takes off from Frankfurt Interna­tional Airport heading to Lon­don Heathrow International Airport where, after a stop-over, it will proceed on to New York.  All goes well for the passengers as they enjoy the leisure of their flight.  Soon they are in the air again and heading to New York and all is well.  As they are passing over Scotland enjoying the view of a beautiful landscape and music in their ears and movies and drinks, thoughts of Christmas plans float through their minds.  Kids, 87 to be exact, chat, play around, giggle and anticipate the presents they are in hopes of getting.  Then, in a moment, the flight ends with a boom and a flash.  The plane plunges to the ground along with all the hopes and aspirations of all 259 aboard and 11 on the ground.

As the debris falls to the ground and settles in to wait for the inspectors, so too did the an­swers of why and how.  Now, after 5 1/2 years, some of these haunting questions get their chance to be laid to rest.


According to Western Intelligence sources, three American CIA Agents were shot to death in a Hotel room in Berlin in February 1991.  They were there to interview the chauffeur from Beirut, Lebanon who had driven the car to the Frankfurt Airport that carried the suitcase lined with plastic explosives that destroyed flight #103.

Their mission was to obtain information about the four CIA Agents who, it is believed, died aboard Flight #103 because they were the target of the bombing as they were carrying some in­tense evidence on the .i.BCCI international guns-for-drugs opera­tion's Syrian connection out of Beirut, Lebanonand Pan Am Flight 103 crash to the Senate Sub-Committee on Narcotics and Terrorism.  One of the Flight #103 CIA Agents was Major Charles McKee, the other three are unknown as their identity has been covered up by the CIA.  Source--the London Guardian Pan Flight # 103 information, August 2, 1991.

PAN  AM'S  PRIOR  KNOWLEDGE:of Flight # 103 bomb

PAn Am's insurance company, The United States Aviation Underwriters Insurance Co., knows who had prior knowledge to the bombing and it is the suppressor of this information, re­quired by the CIA and most willingly abided by, that keeps them from having to pay the 14-Billion-Dollar libel suit owed to the victim's families.

It goes as follows:

A crew member of Flight #103, who goes unnamed, over­heard two unnamed U.S. State Department Officials, who are taking the flight, talking about a note slipped to them from an unnamed CIA Agent.  The contents of the note essentially warned them to deplane in London and not continue the flight to New York.  Possibly including, but it is not known, that it would not arrive at its destination.

DUring the flight to London the crew member confronted the officials about the conversa­tion and the officials denied any such thing and told the crew member nobody would believe it.  When the officials deplaned in London and did not return the crew member notified the Captain who in turn notified Pam Am offi­cials.  The Pan Am officials ordered the flight to continue.  At this point the crew member claimed to be sick and deplaned also.  To my knowl­edge all of the players in this episode, except the pilot, are alive today and could be called to witness to the facts.  At least 10 Government Agencies have or had this infor­mation but have suppressed or destroyed it.

Other people were warned to deplane also and did.  During a holiday rush season the flight mysteriously became only 2/3 full while other flights were over-booked.  One person who de­planed was the son of the Head of International Intelligence for the FBI, one Oliver Buck Rev­elle,  whose son was on his way home for military leave.  Others who left the flight are be­lieved to be some of Major .McKee's team, suggesting a setup.

The crew member involved wrote an official Affidavit wit­nessing to the facts.  To my knowledge they are still alive today.


Major McKee's teamwas bringing back evidence of the CIA-Syria Guns-for-Drugs con­nection but they also had been investi­gating the whereabouts of the American Hostages, some of whom were U.S. Agents and one was a U.S. General.  It is generally believed they had un­covered another horror story which we now believe to be a system of eliminating Patriotic American Agents using the PFLP-GC (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command: (PFLP-GC) and Pan Am Flight 103), who have a long notorious record of aircraft bombing, to take agents hostage and eliminate them.  The CIA could not afford to let this information return to the Senate and still cannot and thus we still have the Government and the Media purporting the Libyans: did it.

Now a Terrorist caught in Lebanon claims he did it and he even tried to tell the Judge and Prosecutor but they too tried to suppress it.  Now we expect the spin doctors to discredit this claim because both the Bush:administration have suppressed the truth.  [H: It has already been done.]  Bush started the operation and Clinton has maintained it.

On November 19, 1989, the Toronto Star article on Syrians and Pan Am Flight 103 published this:

The French Government had loaned two of their top chemists to .Syria's International Drug Operations, headed up by a Syrian named .AlKassar head of Syria's International Drug Operations, to help with the production and refining of the Bacca Valley Opium in the Village of Taraya.  Syria controls this valley and it is known that the operation is Government protected if not controlled.

You put this together with Bush'S \long standing friendship with President Assad, even when he's killing his countrymen and openly supporting world terrorism, and you begin to see the Guns-for-Drugs and hostage connection; with Bush makes a lot of sense.  You also see why the US Government doesn't want to blame the Syrians for Flight #103.


Guns for Drugs and Drugs Smuggling, sound familiar?  How about Mena, Arkansas?  How about Hillary, Vince Foster, The Rose Law Firm and BCCI buying First American Bank?

While Bush,  the initiator of the Guns For Drugs, was in op­eration in the White House, Bill Clinton was the Governor of Arkansas.  George and the CIA needed Bill's nod to start, or at least continue, the operation out of Mena, Arkansasand Bill needed the Globalist to further his own aspirations of living in the White House.  This explains why Bush and Clinton did not significantly attack each other during the election run in 1992.  We know the CIA runs drugs through Mena Airport, and Clin­ton refused to allow the Attorney General funds to investigate it; the question is, what else does he know?

Scribe, let us close this Chapter and begin here when we write again.