New Links are added to the bottom of each section in RED
Alternative News & Information (UPDATED JANUARY 5, 2010) |
Business / Banking / IRS (UPDATED SEPTEMBER 1, 2009)) |
Freedom, Liberation & Peace (UPDATED FEBRUARY 3, 2010) |
Health & Alternative Medicine (Updated May 1, 2010) |
Science, Technology & Alternative Energy (UPDATED SEPTEMBER 1, 2009) |
Spiritual & Inspirational (Updated Decembr 14, 2009) |
UFO's & ET's (Updated October 24, 2008) |
Miscellaneous/ Envornment (UPDATED SEPTEMBER 1, 2009) Agriculture |
Site Name: US Treasury Back Financial Reports Site Description: Financial Report of the The United States Government Provides summary information on Federal Government operations and financial positions on an accrual basis. Contacts Email: Phone: Financial Reports Division (202) 874-9910. Back Reports of various years from 2001 to 1995 year. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Free Ernst Zundel Site Site Description: The Zundlesite is dedicated to freeing Earnest Zundel a historal revisionist a political activist fighting the NWO, who was arrested February 9, 2003. Earnest Zundle's biography, his efforts against communism, and his struggle of freedom started during WWII. He was born in Germany, moved to Canada and continued his fight for freedom--communism, the Jews and the ADL. He is currently jailed and denied his rights. He is also a renowned artist of landscape paintings. Everyone is encouraged to help in his struggle for freedom. Check the site for information how you can help. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: The Peter Werbe Show Site Description: Talk radio show.The Peter Werbe Show airs weekdays on the i.e.America Radio Network, 2-5pm, (ET). The show can be heard on the Internet by visiting the i.e.America Network website. If the i.e. link doesn't open because of Internet traffic, please go to Mac users: Listen on iTunes. On Sirius Satellite Radio, Sirius Left, Stream 145. The Peter Werbe Show is one of only two nationally syndicated radio talk shows that features news and analysis from the perspective of the Left (the other being Peter's colleague on i.e.America, Mike Malloy) The Peter Werbe Show is produced and co-hosted by Juline Jordan Category: Talk Radio. Alternative News and Inforamtion |
Site Name: Mike Malloy: Speaking truth to power Site Description: Talk Radio Show. Currently, Mike's nationally-syndicated program now can be heard weekdays from 3PM to 6PM ET on the i.e. America Radio Network: Sirius Satellite listeners can hear the program on channel 145. It is not difficult to pigeon-hole Malloy politically. Generally speaking, he is a traditional Democrat working to return the Democratic Party to its historic liberal roots. He reveals the Truth about the U.S. Government. Category: Talk Radio, Alternative News |
Site Name: No More Fake News Site Description: This site is owned and operated by Jon Rappoport. He has been an investigative reporter for 20 years and has written articles on politics, health, media, culture and art for LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, Village Voice, Nexus, CBS Healthwatch, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Over the last 30 years, Jon's independent research has encompassed such areas as: deep politics, conspiracies, alternative health, the potential of the human imagination, mind control, the medical cartel, symbology, and solutions to the takeover of the planet by hidden elites. As his site states: No More Fake News--The real news reported every day. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Citizens for Legitimate Government Site Description: Citizens for legitimate government is a multi-partisan activist group established to expose the Bush coup d'etat, and to oppose the Bush occupation in all of its manifestations.CLG Founder and Chair is Michael Rectenwald. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Z Communications - The Spirit of Resistance Lives Site Description: A huge website updated many times daily and designed to convey information and provide community. Over a quarter of a million people a week use ZNet. Founded in 1995, ZNet offers information through diverse watch areas and sub-sites, translations, archives, links to other progressive sites, a daily commentary program, and much more. The above link goes to the ZNet top page, and the rest, such as Iraq Watch, antiwar materials, debates, recent links, and much much more is all accessible from there. Z MAGAZINE...founded in 1988) is an independent monthly of critical thinking on political, cultural, social, and economic life in the U.S. Z Magazine is available in print and online. The print magazine is most often 64 pages, with articles of many lengths and focuses. The online magazine, updated monthly, reproduces the print as closely as possible and has two versions -- one public (an archive), and the other for subscribers only. The latter appears simultaneous with print. The former a few months later. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: News Site Description: Site of Minister Louis Farrakhan. Site features National News, World News, Perspectives, Columns, Business & Money, Entertainment News, Health & Fitness, Features, and Latest Comuns by Minister Louis Farrakhan such as "A Letter to President G.W. Bush", "The PUrpose of Eduation", Africa Must Rise and Be Free", plus many more. Category: Alternative News and Information - also Spiritual and Inspirational |
Site Name: Sacred Cow Productions--Multimedia Archive - Political Site Description: Multimedia Archive. Rep. Cong. Ron Paul's speech about the War in Iraq and the Patriot Act isnow on-line. He was one of the three Congressmen to oppose the Patriot Act. Watch and listen to the video. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Á côté de la plaque Site Description: French site dealing with the 911 bombing and that it is linked to the U.S. Government. This site features "Hunt the Boeing" with pics of the bombing of the Pentagon. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Internaltional Campaign For Jusitce For The Victims Of Sabra & Shatlia Site Description: This site is the website of the International Campaign for Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila, offering news on the case lodged in Belgium against Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and other Israelis and Lebanese responsible for the massacre, killing, rape and disappearance of civilians that took place in Beirut between 16 and 18 September 1982 in the camps of Sabra and Shatila and the surrounding area. This site also has news of how Belgium highest court dismissed war crimes against former President Bush, Colin Powell and Ariel Sharon, ruling the country no longer has a legal basis to charge them! Category: Alternative News and Information. |
Site Name: View Zone Site Description: A look at life and humanity fro differn angles. Articles on Conspiraces, new science (Nicoli Tesla) lost history. Articles such as "The Qween of Sheba", articles on HAARP, The Philadelphia Experiment,and A Weapon of Total Destruction (HAARP)by Dale Eden. Read the article by Dale Eden in the News and Info. Section under 5C4 by Dale Eden "Neverending.doc" about HAARP. Category: Alternative News and Information. (haarp article on |
Site Name: Earth Changes TV Site Description: Mitch Battros is the producer of the nationally syndicated television show "Earth Changes TV". He started the show five years ago after having what he describes as a "moving experience". It was shortly after a 5.3mg earthquake that hit Seattle in 1995. One week later, he had a profound vision. He saw a mass exodus coming out from the west coast. "There were cars lined up for as far as the eye could see. People were walking through the desert with blank faces, shocked and bewildered.. The severe earth changes had begun". From the moment of his vision, he knew his journey was to help people prepare for the coming earth changing events. On Earth Changes TV, Mitch Battros interviews the top scientist in the world on subjects related to earth sciences and space weather. He has also interviewed some of the top minds in metaphysics, theology and ancient text. Mitch has a gift of balancing science with what many call the "esoteric". He is driven to display to everyone what he believes to be an undeniable connection between the old (ancient text) and the new (science) Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Yellow Times Site Description: is an online news/opinion publication. Mission Statement: The mission of is to offer our readers unconventional viewpoints from which to observe current events, and to encourage new thinking about the causes and effects of those events. was created in October 2000, with the goal of opening another window onto the world. This window does not offer the only point of view, but it is pointed in such a way as to offer our readers a perspective that cannot be offered by those media organizations whose primary role is to defend the status quo. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Ether Zone Site Description: Top news from around the world. Articles by well-known columnists such as ed henry, Jim Moore, Alan STang, Justin Raimondo, Dave Franklin, Steve Berven, Danial Argis, and more. Good way to read news from around the world. Category: Alternate News and Infomration. |
Site Name: Ancient American Site Description: Archaeology of the Americans before Columbus--magazine. The purose of Ancient AMerican magazine is to describe the prehistory of the American continent, regardless of presently fasionable beliefs---to provide a public forum for certified experts and nonprofessionals alike to freely express their views without fear nor favor. Category: Alternate News and Information |
Site Name: Brazil Resources Site Description: Brzazill related news,books and regional resources. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: ForteanTimes : The World of Strange Phenomema Site Description: Unusual news stories never seen in regular media. Reviews "LIfe ON Mars, Secrets of Cold War Technolgy and articles on the subject: "It Happened to Me." Category: Alternate News and Information |
Site Name: Swans Commentary Site Description: In a time of revisionism, faux-semblant, spinning news and skewed information, Swans is about thinking, questioning, observing and providing a forum for ideas that is lacking in the mainstream media.Swans endeavors to bring food for thought to the readers and to provide a quality literary and political site on the Web. Category: Alternative News and Information. |
Site Name: The Sierra Times Site Description: The Sierra Times ( began its news and information service in January 19, 2000. Our duty is to provide news, commentary and analysis of current event from a realistic viewpoint. Opinions, editorials and message boards are given wider latitude, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Sierra Times as a whole. Many people who see the word "Sierra" may jump to the conclusion that this news organization is somehow affiliated with the "Sierra Club", a well known "environmentalist" political lobbying outfit. This couldn't be farther from the truth. The Sierra Times is not affiliated with the Sierra Club whatsoever, nor do we share their concerns.The Sierra Times was given its name because, at the time of its conception, it was to be based in Tonopah, Nevada, near the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Instead, its permanent home is in Pahrump, Nevada, 60 miles (100km) due west of Las Vegas, nestled near the southern tip of the Sierra Nevadas. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: V Site Description: Site named after Virginia Dare, the first English child to be born in the New World in 1587. Quoting: is not a full-service webzine. We focus on immigration and the National Question because we believe they are no longer covered in the establishment media, liberal or “conservative”. Generally, we think that revenge is a dish best eaten cold. But we don’t intend to get into the foreign policy debate - except to say that we favor as much American victory as possible.We are here to point out that, unlike chasing alleged terrorist leaders around Afghanistan with airborne missiles, immigration policy actually offers concrete ways in which America can be defended. The borders can be sealed. Illegals can be expelled. Alien enclaves can be assimilated. And the mounting destabilization of America’s political order can be stopped - even reversed." Please read "America is for Aliens" by Paul Craig Roberts (archive of this website). Category: Alternative News and Information
Site Name: Crimes Against Humanity Site Description: Aritcles and Books on Crimes AGainst Humanity. Subjects include 9-11 Timeline / StandDown / Afghanistan / BigBrother / Bio-Weapons / WarBushCrimeFamily / Crimes Against Humanity Dissent / Resist Hijacking / Justice / Homemade Enemies / Int'l Criminal Court / Iraq / Martial Law Nuclear Madness / Oil is the Goal / USA `PATRIOT' Act / `PATRIOT' Act II / Police State, and many more. Check out this article on this website: Category: Alternative News and Information. |
Site Name: Coalition for Freedom of Information Site Description: Achieving scientific, congressional and media credibility for the study of unexplained aerial phenomena while working for the release of official information and physical evidence. Category: UFO/Aliens also Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: The Lies of George W. Bush Site Description: This is a book written by David Corn, and published by Crown Publisher. All presidents have lied, but George W. Bush has relentlessly abused the truth. In THE LIES OF GEORGE W. BUSH: MASTERING THE POLITICS OF DECEPTION (Crown Publishers, October 2003)—a steely and scathing indictment of the president and his advisers—David Corn, the Washington editor of The Nation and a Fox News Channel contributor, reveals and examines the deceptions at the heart of the Bush presidency. In a stunning piece of journalism, he details and substantiates the all-too many times Bush and his aides have knowingly misled the American public to advance their own interests and agenda. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Bush Body Count Site Description: This is a list of bodies, a roster of the dead, who might have been called Witnesses had they not met their untimely ends. Some of the names on this list will give you pause. Some are rumor. Some you may find incredible, and some frightening. Do your own research. You will draw your own conclusions. We make no assertion but this: George W. Bush is the face of the CIA, the face of the ruling elite who couldn't care less about the masses, especially if the masses get in the way of their greed. The evil that was present in Nazi Germany is present in his heritage, and now present in America. God help us all. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Baghdad In No Particular Order Site Description: All about Baghdad. Menus: How to escape your body and this miserable earth through Sufi Music Chants, art, prayer, Books, Whitney Houston and Saddam Hussein, Adorno, Popstars in Baghdad; Portrait of Baghdad, Voices in the Wilderness, Words i the Landscape, and much, much more. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: The National Alliance - Toward a New Consciousness; A New People Site Description: An online radio broadcast over the interent run by Kevin Alfred Strom --"American Dissident Voices". There is a listing of their broadcasts which one can download and listen to such as: "Who Owns the Federal Reserve",. Mr Strom's latest broadcast is : "Corruption versus Idealism: Death versus Life, broadcast on NOv. 8, 2003. One can listen live or download any broadcast from the archives. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: The International Jew, by Henry Ford, Site Description: The 4 volume set of books, The International Jew , including Introduction by Gerald L. K. Smith [originally included with the abridged edition], an Elizabeth Dilling forward [extract from a text regarding the provenance of the "Protocols"] and an excerpt called The Wisdom of Henry Ford [link to National Alliance overview]. Go to as the entire four-volume set is put into html format combined into one very long webpage for your ease of reading. It is over 500 pages long so If you wish to save or print the article, you can download a PDF version of it at The article on Fourwinds also includes the Introduction by G.Smith, The Wisdom of Henry Ford, and Elizabeth Dilling's extract, both in html and PDF. Category: Education/Books. Alternative News and Information. |
Site Name: The Official Bruce Mulkey Site Site Description: Bruce Mulkey is a writer, columnist and an advocate for for peace, justice and sustainability.His wish is that people will read the articles he has written and be move to take action. take some Together people can change the world! Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Freedom Force International Site Descripotion: Founded by Edward Griffin. Freedom Force International, is a network of men and women from all parts of the world who are concerned over loss of personal liberty and expansion of government power. They are not mere complainers. They have a plan to do something about it. They also share a common belief in The Creed of Freedom, which is a statement of principles that guide them in their mission to build a better world. Category: Alternative News and Information. |
Site Name: The Crisis Papers Site Description: An anthology of the best political opinion and commentary from the progressvie internet. Editors; Ernest Partride PhD, and Bernard Weiner, PhD. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Center For Cooperative Research Site Description: This webpage is meant to be a comprehensive resource for anyone attempting to understand 9/11, the anthrax attacks, and the "war on terrorism." Once you start reading, This site says think it will become clear that there is much more going on than the "official story" claims. The mainstream media is the one that's failed to "connect the dots". There are an amazing amount of intriguing news stories that have squeaked into the media but not reached a wide audience, and/or have not been properly followed up or placed into context. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Take Back The Media! Flash Animation "Bush Knew - An American Requiem" Site Decription: Flash movie about Bush knowing about the WTC BEFORE it happened. Category: Alternative News and Information: |
Site Name: The Reform Coalition Site Description: Reforming the Florida voting system. Creating a General Framework By Which to Judge the Success of the November 5th Election In their report entitled Floridians Want Reform of the Election System… Now!, The Collins Center for Public Policy and the James Madison Institute stated that three-fourths of Floridians surveyed responded that it was “very important” that the State of Florida reform its voting methods before the November 2002 elections. The Report also stated that at 84%, South Floridians were among those who most strongly supported reforms. The Report was issued in April of 2001. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: German Engineers Help the USA as to what had happened exactly on 9-11, 2001. Site Description: They display the hard facts in many fantastic photos: WTC towers before, during and after attack, the Pentagon, Real Plane damages, Crash site in PA, etc. These hard facts which will be valid even under the scrutiny of a scientific technical examination. Category: Alternative News and Information. |
Site Name: You Are Here IN Site Description: Pertinent articles with pics on many subjects, i.e. 911, Bush Family Photo Album; Carlyel group, Bush's Military Career, Ruler of the Super Highway, Lost Hinkley History, Meet Big Brother and many, many more.Check out the URL . This URL of Here In Reality shows Bush family values photo album. "For more than a half century, members of the Bush family have been setting policy and making decisions for all Americans. Let's look at the family that has had such an impact on the lives of human beings worldwide." Category: Alternative News and Information |
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Site Name: Wing TV: World Independent News Group Site Description: Videos, Books and Articles exposing the New World Order. "The Revolution is Being Televised". Books include: The New World Order Illusion; The New World Order Exposed; View on site their video entitled, "The New World Order Exposed". Sections of this website include World News, National News, and Over the Edge News. Very informative site. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Center For Cooperative Research-Coming together to Document the Historical Record. Site Description: Submitted reports on all topics. Timelines and Outlines. This site has the complete 9/11 Timeline; September 11 Outlines, Iraq Outlines, US Human Rights Abuses, Many articles on the War on Terrorism, Bibliographies of Iraq, Afghanistan and others, plus news and updates you do not get on the main media. has the complete trancscript of Flight 77.911 Category: Alternative News and Information. |
Site Name: Lightscion Site Description: To uncover the lies and crimes of the CIA. Many articles. Check out their URL: for secrets of the CIA and video clips. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Radio Free Asia Site Description: Top news stories from Asia that you probably will not hear on US mainstream media or read in US mainstream newspapers. News from Cambodia, Tibet, North Korea, Vietnam, China, and others. A Message from the RFA President, Richard Richter: "You are now in the Web world of Radio Free Asia. Greetings to those who have listened to our broadcasts and to those who have not. Those who have listened may have heard my welcome at the beginning of a new language service. Our first broadcast was in Mandarin to China on September 29, 1996. Now there are broadcasts in Tibetan, Cantonese, Uyghur, Burmese, Vietnamese, Lao, Khmer (to Cambodia) and Korean (to North Korea). This Web site will bring you material in all of these languages." Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Information Clearing House Site Description: News you won't find on CNN or FOX concerning the Bush administration. Many up-to-date articles.An independent media source. One person's effort to correct the distorted perceptions provided by commercial media. This web site is non-commercial (no advertising no pop-up windows) and funded by readers contributions.This web site grew out of one person's personal frustration and anger at the failure of traditional commercial media to inform the American public, especially as it relates to US foreign policy. A source of unreported (or under reported) news from around the globe. An effort to provide more depth and understanding to current issues. This web site is the work of one independent person. Cateogory: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Save the Males Site Description: Site of Henry Makow, Ph.D. Save the males, exposes feminism and the New World Order. . Females serving in the present administration such as Condoleezza Rice is a prime example. The article the Red Symphony at, a 50-page transcript of his interrogation, dubbed "The Red Symphony," was not meant to become public. It confirms that the Rothschild-Illuminati planned to use Communism to establish a world dictatorship of the super rich. Category: Alternate News and Information. |
Site Name: Global Village News and Resources Site Description: This site has news from around the world. They reveal what people are thinking and saying around the world from newspapers from around the world. People can subscribe to their newsletter. GVNR is a news & resources oriented publication. Their intent is to highlight timely news from the leading edge of human achievement. They welcome people to submit articles for their news letter according to their guidelines. For this reason, they are looking for news articles which focus on projects, activities, discoveries, etc. which are "creating what is desired" rather than simply "fighting against what is not wanted." Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Free Indeed Research - America, Wake-Up! "Quadrant Sign Code" --Exposed! Site Description: "The truth can now be told. Embedded in our nation's road sign system is a secret coding designed to target vital sites, facilities, routes and resources for military confiscation during a National Emergency. Though, concealed by the lies of the Department of Transportation for many years, "Free Indeed Research" has tapped deeply into one of the most clever, and deceptive cover-up operations to come down the pike in years! Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Site Description: was created to address the suspicious silence surrounding the total collapse of the 47 story skyscraper known as WTC 7, or Building 7. Except for reports of the collapse on the day of the attack, most conspicuously lacking footage, mention of Building 7 has been essentially non-existent in the mainstream and even alternative press. The accepted cause of the total collapse of this building is fires. Since fires have never before caused the collapse of a steel frame building, it has been standard procedure for first responders to enter burning highrises without hesitation to save people and property. Will this now change in light of presumption that fires leveled Building 7? Thousands of lives will depend on the answer to this question. Given that, the rapid destruction of the evidence that could have resolved the causes underlying the mysterious collapse of Building 7 is appaling. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Vialls Investigations Exposing Media Disinformation Site Description: "This web site covers three major investigations conducted since 1992. The first is an independent investigation into the murder of policewoman Yvonne Fletcher outside the Libyan Embassy in London during 1984, and links to the CIA and Israeli Mossad. The second is an investigation into the bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie in Scotland during 1988, and the trial of the two accused Libyans at Camp Zeist (Kamp Zeist) in Holland. Once again with links to the CIA and Mossad. The third and last investigation takes a long hard look at the Port Arthur Massacre in Tasmania, Australia, a crime for which intellectually impaired Martin Bryant was convicted without trial." There are also many other articles of interest. Check out this URL: Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Let There Be Light. Site Description: Site run by Mrs. Gerhard Flemming This site makes ones aware of the changes around them that are threatening their liberty and freedom. Newsletter, "Common Sense", information about our flag, Bible search, and other educational menus. Category: Alternative News and Information. |
Site Name: Vialls Investigations. Exposing Media Disinformation Site Description: Many pertinent articles by Joe Vialls on what is really happening, exposing the real truth instead of the disinformation and lies of the media. Some article titles are: BBC Conspires To Pervert The Course of Justice", and Vladimir Putin Hammers The Final Nail into Israel's Coffin" ( ), "The Murder of Princess Diana" and many more. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: The Memory Hole Site Description: Edited and published by Russ Kick. Web site dedicated to saving official documents from oblivion and posting them online. Website asks that all insiders, whistle-blowers, researchers, journalists, and others to send important, sensitive documents. Ones can remain anonymous. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: The Smoking Gun Site Description: The Smoking Gun brings you exclusive documents--cool, confidential, quirky--that can't be found elsewhere on the Web. Using material obtained from government and law enforcement sources, via Freedom of Information requests, and from court files nationwide, we guarantee everything here is 100% authentic.The site was founded in April 1997. In December 2000, The Smoking Gun was acquired by Court TV, a basic cable network with more than 72 million subscribers. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: The Inside Track Site Description: Millennium Radio Network, featuring the Listener's Guide to defeding your computer, health issues, and also features Alex Merklinger's Mysteries of the Mind -live. The Inside track is also and all eVote Truth Alliance Member of A Very AMerican Coup which informs peopel of the voting scam. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: The Shocking, Veritiable Truth About Banking and "Loans" Site Description: Eliminate Credit Card Debt • Eliminate Debt • Debt Elimination • Terminate Debt The shocking, verifiable truth about the "bank loan agreement" is revealed here. Quoting: "So if you believe that all lenders should be repaid, as all ethical and honest people do, you will find that banks don't think so. I urge you to read every word on this site. I believe you will be absolutely thrilled - and furious - when you realize what is being done to you and millions of other Americans. It's disgraceful and it's disgusting." Educate yourself. Also go to one of their featured articles: The Creature from Jekill Island which talks about the origin of FED. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: American Patriotic Friends Network Site Description: Headed by Ken Varden Quote: "American Patriot Friends Network a/k/a American Patriot Fax Network was founded Feb. 21, 1993. We started with faxing daily reports from the Weaver-Harris trials. Then on Feb. 28 1993, The BATF launched Operation Showtime - "The Siege on the Branch Davidians". From this point, it's been the Death of Vince Foster, the Oklahoma Bombing, TWA-800, The Train Deaths, Bio-War, on and on. We are not anti-government, we are anti-corrupt-government. A Patriot is one who loves God, Family and Country..... We believe Patriots should rule America.... Please join in the fight with us in seeking TRUTH, JUSTICE AND FREEDOM FOR ALL AMERICANS....Join our e-mail list and build your own e-mail/Fax networking contacts.E-Mail: Without Justice, there is JUST_US Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: The Truth Seeker Site Description: Seeks Truth on many subjects: Gore Vida's latest book, Dreaming War; crop circles, The Protocols of Zion; Robot Soldiers, Interview with Rogbert Fisk: many other articles. Endless reading. Educate yourself. Check out this article on this site: (Global Empire Meets Global Intifada. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: Asia TImes Online Site Description: Online newspaper from Asia. News from China, Southeast Asia, South ASia, Japan, Korea, Central Ais, Middle East, Businessin Brief, Asian Economyu, Global Economy. Quoting: Asia Times Online, and , is a quality Internet-only publication that reports and examines geopolitical, political, economic and business issues. We look at these issues from an Asian perspective; this distinguishes us from the mainstream English-language media, whose reporting on Asian matters is generally by Westerners, for Westerners. Our Chinese-language edition presents our articles to Chinese readers around the world. We are served by more than 30 correspondents and contributors in 13 Asian countries, the US, and Europe. Additional content is provided by news services and renowned think tank and investment analysts and academics. Check out their article: on Khalid Shaikh Mohammed who was "arrested" for the mastermind of 9/11. Category: Alternative News and Information |
Site Name: John Kaminski Site Description: Wrote America's Autopsy Report. Quote: "The false fabric of History is unraveling beneath an avalanche of pathological lies to justify endless war and Orwellian new laws that revoke the rights of all Americans. While TV and newspapers glorify the dangerous ideas of perverted billionaires, the Internet has pulsated with outrage and provided a new and real forum for freedom among concerned people all over the world who are opposed to the mass murder and criminal exploitation of the defenseless victims of multinational corporate totalitarianism. Bold new writers have stepped forward to challenge those lies. Prominent among them is John Kaminski, whose passionate essays have sprung up like mushrooms all across the World Wide Web. Kaminski gives voice to those same hopes and fears of humane people that are ignored by the big business shysters who rule the major media.: Category: Alternative News and Information ********** Site Name: Loose Change 911 Site Description: Much information about "9/11 Is An Inside Job". Information about how to get involved, upcoming demonstrations, films, videos, blogs, library, store. Category: Alternative News and Information ********** Site Name: Global Analaysis International Intelligence Site Description: Christopher E. H. Story FRSA, Managing and Operations Director, a former occasional adviser to Lady Thatcher, has over 37 years’ experience of specialist intelligence and financial publishing. Mr Story has testified on several occasions before US Congressional Committees on international affairs issues. He is a very well-known independent currency, economics, finance and current affairs specialist, and is also a conference speaker on dimensions of the World Revolution that are swamping and confusing the West. Christopher Story is a veteran private investigative journalist and publisher. Although we use the word 'Intelligence' for marketing purposes on this website, this website (and all the publications that Mr Story edits and publishes) are private ventures and have nothing to do with any outside sponsorship, having no connection with any intelligence service. Mr Story is NOT an agent of a foreign power, and any allegations to the contrary are actionable for libel in the English Court. By extension, reports posted on this website and published in our services, represent nothing more nor less than the honest results of straightforward investigative journalism and enquiry. But the unhealthy hegemony of intelligence communities worldwide has resulted in excessive power being held in their hands, so that much investigative journalism in today's context is liable to clash with the overbearing intelligence power. It is necessary at all times to distinguish between legitimate journalistic investigation and the operations of intelligence communities. The Editor's assistance towards Ambassador Leo Wanta, discussed in our Wantagate reports, was undertaken as a pro bono measure given the miscarriage of justice suffered by that great American patriot, and for no other reason. Mr Story is now among the longest-serving editors of any publication in the world, having edited and published International Currency Review since quite shortly after it first appeared in 1969. Category: Alternative News and Information Site Name: Citizens for Legitimate Government Site Description: Citizens For Legitimate Government™ is a multi-partisan activist group established to expose the Bush coup d'etat, and to oppose the Bush occupation in all of its manifestations. Category: Alternative News and Information Site Name: On Target from Australia Site Descripton: "On Target" is published by the Australian League of Rights, Box 1052. G.P.O. Melbourne 3001. Keeping abreast of current world happenings. Sections include: Political Democracy; Newtimes Survey; Economic Democracy; Rac, Culure and Nation; Libgrary; On Taret from Britain; BankWatch; Triumph of the Past from USA. Category: Alternaitve News and Information
Site Name: News Center
Site Description: It's been said that dreams are our roadmaps to the future. If so, where are we headed? Common Dreams is a national non-profit citizens' organization working to bring progressive Americans together to promote progressive visions for America's future. We are committed to being on the cutting-edge of using the internet as a political organizing tool - and creating new models for internet activism.
We are funded exclusively by our members and supporters - no corporate money, no advertising, no hidden agendas. With a small staff and a network of volunteers, we are proud of what we've accomplished on a shoestring budget. But we can't keep moving forward without your help. Please join us.
Category: Alternative News and Information ******** Site Name:
Site Description: Never Reelect Your Congressman!This site maintains that it is bad for our country if any politician holds any seat too long. If you agree, add your email address here to receive our occasional alerts!
Category: Alternative News and Information ******************** Site Name: Total Truth Sciences Site Description: Description: For Educational & Further Research Purposes only. Edited excerpts, pro-truth-honesty-peace, and anti-war-lies-crime, to expose corruptions, frauds, deceptions, lies, criminal plans, cover-ups and free-speech silencing by powerful people in governments, foundations, corporations and media. This site has an archive of 3,938 articles/videos.
Category: Alternative News and Information
Site Name: Hawks Cafe - An archive for the works of David Hawkins, Forensic Economist
Site Description: David Hawkins [Bio] is the former coordinator of Artificial Intelligence and geoscience research at Schlumberger, the inventor in 1989 of a toolkit for virtual-reality prototyping and a world authority on the use of applied mathematics, thermodynamics and deductive logic to analyze violent crimes and identify the weapons, opportunities and motives of the perpetrators. All trademarks acknowledged.
Subscriber list held strictly confidential; not used for any other purposes.
Category: Alternative News and Information ****************************************** SITE NAME: The Constitution Forum.US SITE DESCRIPTION: An in-depth look at government and the Constitution of the United States of America, giving Americans the opportunity to examine and comment on isues affecting how they are governed. CATEGORY: Alternaive News
Business / Banking / IRS Sites
Site Name: Save a Patriot Fellowship Site Description: "The SAP Fellowship ("SAPF") is a national organization of concerned Americans. We have joined together to resist illegal actions of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and other government agencies by preventing their misapplication of law. We DO NOT advocate or condone unlawful resistance, protest, or other like actions. The Fellowship strongly believes that everyone must file whatever returns the law requires them to file, and pay any tax due for any liability as shown thereon in a timely and conscientious fashion. We do not condone the willful non-filing of required returns nor evasion of such taxes." Go to for info about who owns the Federal Reserve. Category: Banking/IRS/Business Site Name: KIVA - Loans that change lives. Site Description: We let you loan to the working poor Kiva lets you connect with and loan money to unique entrepreneurs in the developing world. By choosing a loan on Kiva, you can "sponsor a business" and help the world's working poor make great strides towards economic independence. Throughout the course of the loan (usually 6-12 months), you can receive email journal updates from the entrepreneur you've sponsored. As loans are repaid, you get your loan money back. Kiva partners with existing microfinance institutions. In doing so, we gain access to outstanding entrepreneurs from impoverished communities world-wide. Our partners are experts in choosing qualified entrepreneurs. That said, they are usually short on funds. Through Kiva, our partners upload their entrepreneur profiles directly to the site so you can lend to them. Category: Business and Banking
Site Name: Finance Wars
Site Description: How to save money, build wealth and survive the impact of globalization. The true secret to wealth is in saving, not making money. While most Americans dream of having a million dollars, the reality is that many of them will make more than $1 million over the course of their lifetimes.
Category: Business and Finance' ********************************* Site Name: Lost Horizons
Site Description: WELCOME TO THE HOME OF THE LIBERATING TRUTH ABOUT THE INCOME TAX! HERE'S THE LIBERATING TRUTH IN A NUTSHELL: The income tax is a benign, Constitutional tax that simply doesn't apply to the earnings of most people; and the law, scores of United States Supreme Court rulings, and every other relevant authority all say so in no uncertain terms. Knowing that fact, along with how the tax works, how it can be misapplied, and what can be done when it has been misapplied is the difference between being an exploited victim of a decades-old scheme that is a national disgrace and being the sovereign citizen of the American republic that the Founders of this great country designed and intended for themselves and their heirs.
Category: Business, Banking, IRS