Patrick H. Bellringer
From its inception the Constitution of the
The banker can loan only the amount of money equal to the gold/silver he holds in his depositories, minus that which he needs for daily public operations. The banker's profits are based mainly on a small percentage (not more than 10%) of the profits generated by the business operation of the borrower. Such loans are made for the purpose of creating a profit to be shared by both borrower and lender. Should such a loan not generate a profit but only a loss for any given year, the banker would receive no profit return but only the repayment of the original loan as scheduled.
Such an arrangement, as just described, quickly convinces the banker of the need for him to become the businessman's friend and advisor rather than his adversary, if he wishes any return on his business loans. Because no interest/usury is allowed under a "gold" monetary system, for other loans such as on houses or cars, a banker may charge a money-use fee (not more than 10%), which is paid by the borrower at the beginning of a loan repayment schedule. All later loan payments are solely on the loan principal itself.
This is the monetary system envisioned and implemented by the founders of this nation and the signers of the Constitution of the U.S. of A. When
The struggling American union of
This Amendment stated that no person holding any title of nobility (esquire-attorney, doctor, clergyman, etc.) could hold any public office in any part of the government of the
The struggle with
Contrary to the historical record of the American scene during the mid-1800's, slavery was not a critical national issue. In all states slavery was being resolved gradually through education and a changing of attitudes.
Two bits of historical Truth should be added at this point in our discussion. First the
The world controllers, who are money controllers, who are bankers, love war because they hold the power to manipulate the outcome, and they always gain great wealth from both sides of the fray. The first world banker's war is referred to by historians as World War I. This war was fought during the years 1914-1918. The bankers of the
Their plan was three-fold. First, in 1913 the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed by the Congress but was never ratified by the States. This Amendment, though totally illegal under the U.S. Constitution, gave the Congress the power to collect income tax from the citizens of the states. To do so a foreign corporation chartered under the Crown of England was established. It was called the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and its agents under the authority of the "Crown" began collecting illegal taxes from the American citizens
Under the Constitution of the Republic of the
Secondly, in 1913 a foreign corporation chartered under the Crown of England called the American Bar Association (ABA) was established in the
The third phase of the 1913 plan was carried out two days before Christmas. On December 23, 1913 while the American Congress was in recess for the Christmas holidays, a few selected congressional traitors by voice vote to avoid any record, illegally passed the Federal Reserve Act. This put in place a private foreign banking system in
Under the U.S. Constitution the Congress is to have complete control over the nation's monetary system and money supply. The Federal Reserve Act did away with that concept and the FRB now controls the money supply by printing more money or withdrawing money at will. The national debt is nothing more than the interest charged by the FRB to the Federal Government (
The FRB could now print money and control the money supply. The bankers could control or cause inflation and deflation. They could charge interest/usury and extend credit to any desired limit. They could now take the gold and silver away from the people. They could now manipulate the stock market and steal vast sums from the people. The First World War provided both a distraction to the Americans concerning the "British cancer in their land, and a trial run for the English foreign agent attorneys, bankers, politicians, and tax collectors in their "American colony".
As the stage was now set they crashed the stock market in 1929 in preparation for total control of the American financial system and the confiscation of the people's gold. In 1933 under the banker's puppet, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, bankruptcy of the government of the noble Republic of the
The gold-fringed flag which flies in every courtroom today, public places and nearly every church is evidence that
The Federal Reserve now had full control over
Only a few people have spoken out against
There were those who knew of the darkside's plans but most felt helpless to challenge such adversaries. There were a few who laid plans in wisdom in the 1950's and acted covertly to de-rail the evil "steamroller" of British control over her "American colony."
Due to the risk of exposure to the darkside, few names will be used in the following partial revelation of the "Plan of Light." The Plan was formulated in the late 1950's by a small group of civilians and top ranking active and retired military personnel. A few politicians and business people assisted. At some point a four-star U.S. Army general (General A) was able to gain the title and responsibility as "receiver" for the
It should be noted here that under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, all present and succeeding debt and claims against the Treasury of the
Gen. A and his people set about quietly educating the public through public seminars concerning the illegal FRB and its fiat credit money system. Reconstruction claims could be made on the basis of loans and any credit extended by a bank or other financial institution and all interest paid, loss of property through foreclosure and resulting loss of income, any attorney or court fees, loss of reputation, IRS taxes or liens, real estate and property taxes, and mental and emotional stress caused by loss of property and income from such foreclosure. Stress related illness, death, suicide, loss of companionship, divorce, loss of education, miscarriage, and medical and hospital expenses could be claimed. In many cases, warrants, incarceration and probation could also be claimed.
In the 1980's and early 1990's several groups of economically disadvantaged people were targeted and claim filings were made against the U.S. Treasury. The last group of claims to be honored by the U.S. Treasury were from the agriculture sector of the U.S. Thousands of farmers and business people had lost their farms and businesses through the unconstitutional FRB use of credit money and usury. Needless to say, the foreign agents of the CIA, FBI, SEC, BATF, SS, and IRS worked hard to stop Gen. A and his people. Raids were made, claims and property were confiscated and destroyed, and many program educators were imprisoned. Gen. A was harassed and, though highly protected by military personnel, was finally arrested, imprisoned, killed by injection and cloned. His clone was used by the darkside as a decoy to stop any further filing of claims. Yet, thousands of claims had been filed with the U.S. Treasury amounting to trillions of dollars. These claims are to be paid in gold under a gold standard system and are to provide the collateral (gold) needed to support the new gold banking system.
On June 3, 1993 U.S. Attorney General, Janet Reno, gave the order for a gold standard banking system to be established in the U.S. to replace the Federal Reserve System. Soon, thereafter, Janet Reno was killed and cloned by the darkside and continued with her duties as U.S. Attorney General as a puppet of the darkside. Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Robert Rubin was also cloned and
Behind the scenes the Plan continued to be carried out. Bloodshed and any major revolution within the
The world community is awakening to such deceit. Third world countries such as
The FRB's "nightmare" is the concept of "Jubilee", a biblical term involving the forgiveness of debt. Under the Constitution of the Republic of the
There has been divine intervention in the recovery of this great nation, the only nation in this present civilization to be established as a Republic (not a democracy) with its Constitution based upon the Laws of God and the Laws of Creation. For many years the bankers had raped the people of the world by stealing their wealth. This wealth the bankers would invest in their money-games. One such game was called the "Roll Program", wherein the money was used to give a 30% return in a single month by stealing the wealth of under-developed countries. These money-games were closely guarded by the rich and none of the masses, the (goyim-cattle) were to ever be allowed into them. In the 1980's a strange phenomenon occurred. In many countries and especially the
Will a world-wide banking change really occur? Yes! The darkside cannot stop it! This is the time of re-balancing, of higher energies and frequencies on our planet and its transition into a higher dimension. Evil shall not win! God Aton of Light always wins, and the evil controllers now know that they have lost their power and control over the people.
When will this anticipated banking change happen? This depends on the freewill choices of the players. The sequence of events are now in place for that change to occur. People everywhere are waking up to the tricks and lies played upon them by the darkside. Truth can no longer be hidden.
The People of the Lie are waking up to Truth and are becoming Truth-seekers. The darkside fears those who understand the dark games played upon them, for then they have the power to change things for good. Are you waking up to the tricks played upon you as well? Are you, too, a Truth seeker and change-agent, or are you content to remain one of the People of the Lie?
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