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We’ve A Story To Tell To The Nations!

H. Ernest Nichol/( Revised by PHB)

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Revised by PHB, 2008

We’ve a story to tell to the nations,

That shall turn their hearts to the right,

A story of Truth and mercy,

A story of peace and Light,

A story of peace and Light.


 For the Darkness shall turn to dawning,

And the dawning to noon-day bright,

And Aton’s Kingdom shall come on earth,

The Kingdom of Love and Light.

We’ve a song to be sung to the nations,

That shall tell them of Love’s accord,

A song that shall conquer evil,

And shatter the spear and sword,

And shatter the spear and sword.


We’ve a message to give to the nations,

That Aton, who reigneth in Love,

Has sent messengers to tell us,

And show us the Truth of Love.

And show us the Truth of Love.


We’ve a story to tell to the nations

Of the path the Lighted have trod,

That all the world’s many people,

Might come to the Truth of God,

Might come to the Truth of God.



Audito Music score: