by Patrick H. Bellringer
I write this to answer some basic questions that many people are asking today. A spiritual awakening is stirring in the hearts of many souled beings on our planet at this ending time for our present civilization. Thus, the questions: 1) Who is God?, 2) How do I talk to God?, 3) How do I find answers to my questions?, and 4) What is my purpose in life?
First, we are all extraterrestrials, that is, if we are souled beings! God created us in His spiritual image which means He gave us a soul or God-Spirit. This God-Spirit is our God connection within our mind, for it is a part of God's Spirit. Our God-Spirit is that part of us which lives forever and which records all memory of all our past lifestreams. Our God Spirit is who we are! We put on a suit of clothes, our physical body, when we come into this life stream, and we take it off when we leave. Yes, we have had many past lifestreams and have come to our planet, Earth Shan, one last time to continue our third dimensional(3-D) schoolroom lessons of soul perfection. We have been on Earth Shan many times before this present lifestream and have returned by our free-will contract to continue with our soul growth lessons. We are, indeed, extraterrestrials! We are spiritual beings having a physical experience on Earth Shan.
I have already answered in general terms question four above. Our purpose in this life here and now is to learn our lessons for soul growth, to complete any mission we may have contracted with Creator God, and to help others when we can.
There are three basic types of physical human entities on Earth Shan today: 1) the souled-being who has control of his freewill, 2) the robotoid, a souled being who has given his free-will over to Satan and the Dark Brotherhood, and 3) the clone, a replica of a physical human but with no soul or God-connection. The off-spring of two clones is known as an android, also with no soul. More than two-thirds of the "human beings" on Earth Shan today are clones! Oh yes, cloning has been going on for thousands of years on our planet! Most of the remaining one-third, who are souled-beings, have given their free-will over to the darkside and are totally controlled by Satan. They are a part of the "army" Satan is massing to conquer Esu Immanuel Sananda (Jesus Christ) and His Lighted Followers. Remember that Satan is known as the "God of this world".
I have just painted a very dark picture of Earth Shan. To remove the darkness, we must now bring in the Light. Let us move to our question one above, Who is God?
God the Creator is known in all languages of our planet as Aton, the God of Light. God Aton is the Creator of the three basic human races of red, brown, and white. Today we have a variation of seven skin colors on Earth Shan coming from these three basic types. God Aton was challenged at one point by the free-willed archangel known as Lucifer. Lucifer and his followers left the Lighted Realms for breaking the Laws of God and Creation. Lucifer's earthly name became Satan. They chose Earth Shan as their jail planet. Is it any wonder that we have such a dark planet today?
God Jehovah Satan is known as the "great deceiver". He has used every means possible to trick the souled beings and to pull them into his dark brotherhood camp. The biblical term, Jehovah, meaning God, was used to trick people. Jehovah is another name for God Satan and not for the God of Light. The name Yahweh has also been associated with the God of the Bible. Yahweh is rather one of Satan's biggest jokes, tricks, or lies ever perpetrated upon the human race. It is a standard joke in the Zionist Jewish quarters, for "Yahweh" is nothing more than the sound of a donkey's bray! Find a donkey and listen to its bray and you will understand.
We have been deceived by God Jehovah/God Satan to believe that "God" is out there somewhere, maybe in heaven as a gray-haired old man sitting on a throne as a king or ruler of the universe. For some people God is a wrathful, angry "God" while for others he is nothing more than an oblong blur or a big happy marshmallow.
We have forgotten who "God" really is. Each time we return in a new lifestream our memory is erased so we can continue our soul lessons without the interference of past memory. Each time we must again go within and through our God Spirit "know" God Aton and communicate with Him. We are extraterrestrials (E.T.'s)! We have only lost our memory, and the evil controllers want to keep us that way. God is not "out there" somewhere. God's Spirit is within us and within all of His creation---always! We need only through our mind, our thoughts, communicate with Him. If by free-will we so desire, God Aton's thoughts become our thoughts and our thoughts become God Aton's thoughts. God Aton lives within us!
When we turn within, we plug in our connection to the Light Source, the God of Light. In so doing we turn on the "power". Remember, that God Aton is the Creator and when we turn on the "power", we also have the ability to create! We have the ability to create our pathway out of this 3-D schoolroom and back to the stars! The evil controllers of the masses do not want us to communicate with our own God Spirit within, plug into our outlet and learn and remember our power. That is why decoys are constantly thrown into our pathway.
Please understand that Earth Shan is our schoolroom and everyone has different lessons to learn. Should we fail to learn our lessons this lifestream, we will be back again and again until we learn them. We will repeat second grade until we pass our tests to move to third grade. When we finally graduate from 3-D school, we then move to fifth dimension (5-D) of the Lighted Realms to continue our growth to soul perfection back to Creator Source, the One Light.
Now, to the questions of how to talk to God and how to find answers to life's questions. Talking to God Aton is as easy as thinking. There are times that you have a "sixth sense" or a "gut feeling" about something and it is usually different than what your brain is telling you. That response is your intuition. We live in a 3-D world of illusion of the five senses. Your intuition goes beyond the five senses to your God Connection (sixth sense). Learning to follow your heart, your mind (not your brain), your intuition is a big step in soul growth.
People communicate with their God Spirit within in different ways, but always require the shutting out of the interference of the five senses. This means quiet and solitude. With practice one may be able to "go within" even while involved in a noisy busy world---let us say "daydreaming" or being "absent minded". Inner thoughts can be written down or not. Writing your question and then writing your thoughts (God's thoughts) provides a record for later use. You will be amazed at what you wrote, because recall is often inefficient.
Some people develop their intuition to a high degree and are able through their intuition to "see" their life's pathway most clearly. Others hear voices in their mind and are able to communicate with their God Spirit that way. Some people are inspired to write inspirational and/or prophetic writings, to compose beautiful music, or to paint beautiful works of art as a means of communication with their God Spirit.
Always, the place to begin to communicate with God Aton is within self in meditation. Get quiet. Get your world quiet, that is, shut out all interference. Get serious in your search for Truth. Ask Sananda to surround you completely and permanently with his golden Light of protection, to remove all dark energies from your presence, to dissolve them forever and to fill any space with Love and Light. Ask God Aton to surround you with His Radiant White Light of Truth. Call in the Light of Truth---God Aton to speak with you. Ask your question and listen to your thoughts (God Aton's thoughts) for your answer. Remember, talking to God Aton is as simple as thinking. It is a dialogue between you and your God Spirit. God Aton has said that "your call compels an answer". When you call in sincerity, the Lighted Realms are there. When you say, "Sananda help!", He immediately stands between you and your adversary! Through your free-will you chose, you decide to communicate with your God Spirit. When you do, you shall find the answers to your life's questions.
The use of a pendulum is another way to communicate with your God Spirit within for some kinds of "knowing". Some people find this means helpful, though it has the limitation of only yes and no questions. The following are the instructions for use of the pendulum. Be sure to clear out all negative energies by your request and with clockwise motion of the pendulum. The energy that swings the pendulum is generated from your body's aura or electro-magnetic system. The direction of the swing is controlled by your mind or thoughts. You program through your thoughts the pendulum's motion. That is, you give the pendulum instructions as to the meaning of its movement, so that when it moves you read its message accurately. Normally a clockwise swing is used to clear out negative energy and remove it from you. Then a counter-clockwise swing is used to bring in positive energy to replace the negative energy that has left. Never leave any spaces or the negative energy will return to fill it.
The use of the pendulum is one way many people "speak" to their God-Spirit within, sometimes called your higher self, your higher consciousness, or your inner soul. A "YES" answer is obtained by the pendulum swinging away from and toward you. A "NO" answer is then obtained by the pendulum swinging left to right to left. These are several steps to take before you ask your God-Spirit (higher consciousness) questions.
Remember, this is only one means of communicating. You must learn to listen to your inner self, your conscious mind, for you soul/God-Spirit has gathered all the knowledge and stored it in your subconscious mind, and you must learn to bring this knowledge to your conscious mind. GOD IS WITHIN YOU. YOUR THOUGHTS BECOME GOD'S THOUGHTS, AND GOD'S THOUGHTS BECOME YOUR THOUGHTS.
1. Stand or sit straight, but relaxed, with pendulum held by thumb and forefinger (either hand). Your upper arm should rest against your side for support. Concentrate on what you are asking or saying.
2. Ask your God-Spirit within to clear yourself of all negativity, negative thoughts, any DBB's (Dark Brotherhood Brothers) conscious control or power manipulation. You ask for these dark energies to cease to exist--in Esu Jesus Sananda's name.
You say: "Dear God: Please clear me of all negativity, negative thoughts, and Dark Brotherhood Brothers, conscious control and/or power manipulation I may have. I ask for all of these dark energies to cease to exist---in Esu Jesus Sananda's name." (The pendulum should swing clockwise. When you have been cleared, the pendulum will start swinging away from and toward you.)
3. Ask if your "spaces" are cleared of negativitly. If you are "cleared", the pendulum will swing away from and toward you for a "yes" answer. If the pendulum continues to circle clockwise, you must wait until you are cleared. You must get a "yes" answer before continuing.
You say: Dear God: Are my spaces cleared of what I have asked?" (You must wait for the "yes" answer.) If you get a "no" answer, ask again "are my spaces cleared of all negativity?"
4. After you are "cleared", ask for the Lighted Realms to come into your mind and heart to speak to you through and with your God-Spirit. Ask if they are there, and you should get a "yes" answer.
You say: Dear God: Thank you for clearing my spaces. I ask the Lighted Realms to come into my mind and speak to me through my God-Spirit.:
5. You then ask: "Dear God: are the Lighted Realms here within me?" (Wait for the "yes" answer).
6. Ask for a 100% accuracy rate. You should get a "yes" answer.
You ask: "Dear God: Is there a rate of 100% accuracy with my questions I will ask?" (Wait for the "yes" answer.)
7. Ask any question you have concerning yourself. If you have a question about someone else, you must ask permission to ask about them.
(Prayer example for someone else) "Dear God: I have a question about _______, May I ask a question about him/her?" (Wait for the "yes" answer.)
8. Check frequently if the information you are receiving is from the Lighted Realms. This is important, because the Dark Brotherhood(Satanic forces) are ready to step in and take control.
You ask: "Dear God: Is this coming from the Lighted Realms?" (You must get a "yes" answer.)
9. If you stop for a few minutes or a while and then resume your questions, you must clear yourself again.
You ask: "Am I cleared?" (You must have a "yes" answer to continue any questions.)
10. The pendulum is not used to ask about the "future". As Hatonn has said, "We of the Lighted Realms are not GURUS. We can tell you things based upon the freewill as of NOW, but to predict the future is not to be known, because freewill changes things."
You may ask: "Dear God: Is there a probability that (such and such) MAY happen?" (You must wait for the "yes" or "no" answer.)
* * * * * * * * * *
The pendulum must be of non-magnetic material and be perfectly balanced. Glass, plastic, copper, brass or lead can be used. The recommended material is a plastic ball or a glass crystal such as a jewelry or chandelier pendant. Because the pendulum is moved by energy coming through your own body frequencies, a lighter weight pendulum will be easier to use initially.
The pendulum should be suspended on a non-magnetic string or chain of 6 to 8 inches in length. The longer the string, the longer the swing and the more energy needed to make the pendulum move, and of course, the longer the response time. Do not use heavy weight string or plastic fishline as they restrict pendulum movement too much. Strong thread, fiber fishline, or silver jewelry chain work well.
A small button can be attached to the opposite end of the pendulum string, making it easier to hold between the thumb and forefinger when in use. Hold the pendulum in front of you while either sitting or standing, using only thumb and forefinger, elbow bent and held firmly against your side for best transfer of energy.
Your pendulum's response will increase over time with practice and as you raise your body frequencies. You can raise your frequencies by increasing your knowledge of Truth, (reading the Phoenix Journals and Contact Newspaper) by meditation, and by petitioning the Lighted Realms for such.
As a souled being learning your Earth Shan schoolroom soul growth lessons one last time on this dark orb, you are a "spiritual being having a physical experience". You are an E.T.! It is high time you phoned home and talked to your Manufacturer, your Creator, your Commander, your Mission Control and got the map to find your way out of this jungle and onto the pathway back to the stars! Indeed, it is time!
For further insight I refer you to:
Phoenix Journal #34, E.T., Phone Home: Reach Out and Touch Someone--Like God!
"People of the Lie: The Stage Play of Life", by Patrick H. Bellringer
Phoenix Journals #2, 3, 5, 7, 27, & 47
--The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at— http://www.fourwinds10,com and
--The Bellringer Writings are at--
I have asked Anne to repost this timely article to remind you that all is not lost. I wrote this article some time ago, but the cleansing of Earth has not occurred until this past year. It has been the work of Sananda’s Flock and all the prayers of the people that have made the difference. None the less, it is important to know that I speak the Truth, and the turning of Mother Earth is immanent! We of the Lighted Realms do not know the exact moment, but Mother Earth has assured us that her graduation to the higher dimensions is any time at this moment. By that mean in your time, not the “time of the Lighted Realms, for we do not operate on days and nights.
I write this piece to Sananda’s flock. Who are they?, you ask. Sananda’s flock are all those, who have found the Truth of The Laws of God and Creation from whatever source, and are living these Laws to the best of their ability. These dear people have learned to live the four great virtues in their lives: of wisdom, bravery, fortitude, and generosity, and are anticipating evacuation and graduation into fifth dimension, as the reward for work well done, and the completion of their mission on Shan.
So, my sisters and brothers, with little fanfare or acknowledgement we have passed another very important Cosmic date. On August 17, 2022 we began the New Year of Year thirty-five in Cosmic time. The New Count began at the point of the Harmonic Convergence on August 17, 1987, the point at which both the Pleiadian Cycle and the Great Orbit returned to their zero point at the exact same time.
Our solar system orbits around Alcyone, the Central Sun of Pleiades, every 26,000 years, which orbit is called the Pleiadian Cycle. The Milky Way Galaxy, which is not a galaxy at all but the Seventh Super Universe of the Cosmos called Orvanton, orbits around The Greatest Central sun every 206 million years, which is called the Great Orbit.
At the time of the Harmonic Convergence of August 17, 1987, Hatonn made an agreement with the Lightworkers (Sananda’s flock) to hold the Light of Truth for a period of twenty-five years to allow time for Truth to go out one last time to the “four corners of Shan”, so many would awaken from their spiritual sleep, and for lessons to be learned in soul growth. The Lightworkers have stood faithful to their mission. Some have fallen, some have passed on. but others have arisen to take their place.
The Dark Side did not keep their agreement! For these twenty-five years have now numbered to thirty-five, and the Light of Truth has held the Darkside at bay. They have not won their New World Order of one religion, one military and one money system, as they had planned. The Darkness has not won on Shan! Having completed these thirty -five years, the Lightworkers now pass the “torch” back to Creator God Aton of Light (Hatonn). The Lightworkers (Sananda’s Flock) have helped Mother Earth to be rid of the Satanian Empire. However, even now, Satan’s minions are working to complete his goal of world control. Even though Satan and his dark angels have been uncreated there are plans to rebuild the Satanian Empire. The Lightworkers have countered them on every aspect. Their ”food” of negatives energy is dwindling fast. The “ball” is now in Earth’s court. Time has run out for this last third dimensional civilization on our planet. She is in her transition into the higher energies of fifth dimension at this time, and it is her call, when she flips on her axis and planetary evacuation shall occur.
We stand ready at a moment’s notice, because when Earth turns over we shall have 15 minutes of your time before all cataclysms roar over her surface wiping off ALL 3D LIFE. EARTH TURNS ON HER AXIS WITHOUT WARNING.
Earth his “holding her breath right now making all look normal as can be, but when she exhales, all changes in a blink of an eye.
May all of you be ready and willing to step into our beam of safety, for to stay on Earth means the death of your physical body.
Ah so.
NOTE: Patrick told me to repost this article which was written several years ago. The question and answer is timeless and fits today as it did when the letter was written . It was Patrick's desire to get the Truth out as presented in the Phoenix Journals. He never diverted from that Mission. Both of us hope his message will awaken someone, for God is very pleased when even ONE person finds the Truth. ......Anne
I have received a hand written letter from a gentleman, which I now quote.
Dear Patrick Bellringer,
What is the LIE? Many times I see that in the Journals . Hatonn says that we are people of the LIE. Can you state in clear terms what is the LIE, that he is talking about?
Maybe you could say something on Bellringer’s Corner. Sorry about the messy letter. I had a stroke January 20, 2014, and it took most of my numbers and spelling and reading. It is coming back, but not too soon for me.
Love you and Anne. Thanks for being so faithful.
[End quoting]
To answer the question, “What is the Lie” is a very big order. Where do I start? Many writers have written about the Lie, and many prophets have spoken of the Lie. More than 247 Phoenix Journals were originally written to explain the Lie.
The statement, “People of the Lie” is an all encompassing statement. “People” refers to the people of this last 3D civilization on our planet, Earth Shan, and “the Lie” includes millions of lies told to the “people” over many centuries. It all began with Lucifer, the highest Archangel in the Realms of Light. He was not content to be like Creator God Aton of Light, he wanted to be him.
Lucifer’s ego and freewill choices were his downfall. His negative energy he created clashed with the positive energy of Heaven, causing him such tension and pain he chose to leave and return to the third dimension, taking a third of his angel followers with him.
Lucifer and his negative followers roamed the Cosmos, destroying the happiness on planet after planet, until Creator God Aton said, “Enough!” Lucifer was ordered to choose one planet for his placement, which would become his “jail planet”. So, Lucifer and his angels of Darkness chose our planet, the beautiful blue water planet, the supply planet for this section of the Cosmos, for their home. Thus, Lucifer was re-named Satan, and our planet became known as Shan, the planet of tears.
Lucifer/Satan and his followers brought chaos and destruction and Dark Energies to Shan. Creator God Aton called them “The Serpent People”, and from them “The Lie” was born. From then on nearly everything told the people was a lie. Aton sent prophet after prophet, and Truthbringer after Truthbringer to bring the Truth to the people of Shan, but in their ignorance and deception, the people scorned the Truth and killed the messengers.
One of these Truthbringers came to Shan as Buddha, and returned later as Esu Immanuel, and again as the Pale Prophet to the American Indians. Esu Immanuel had great impact on this civilization. This enraged Lucifer/Satan, who worked hard with his minions to destroy both Esu Immanuel and his message of Truth.
The Truth was distorted and filled with lies by Satan’s followers to fool the people. Saul/Paul changed Esu’s name to Jesus Christ and wrote fiction of Esu’s life and message of Truth. The Serpent People compiled writings into a cannon or Bible of their “Truth”. The stories of the Old Testament were of the Israelites or Serpent People and their God Jehovah Satan, all done to fool the people.
The followers of the fake Jesus Christ called themselves, “Christians”, and Christianity was born. These Christians believe the Bible to be Truth, and became “People of the Lie!” Two thousand years passed on Shan, and lies and Darkness (Dark Energies) covered the Earth. Esu Immanuel returned to Shan in 1954 aboard the command ship for the Pleiadian Star Fleet, The Phoenix, as he said he would, to bring Truth one last time to set the record straight.
A few Lightworkers were called to Tehachapi, California to the Valley of Radiance, a short wave radio system was provided to receive messages from Esu Immanuel Sananda and Hatonn and the Ascended Masters aboard The Phoenix, and the Phoenix Journals were created. Through Fourwinds10.com the truth of these Journals has gone out to the four corners of Shan in these “Last Days”, just as Esu Immanuel said would happen.
The Serpent People have had many names, but they have never detoured from the evil agenda set forth by their master, Lucifer/Satan for world control of their jail planet. They were the Pharisee’s of Esu Immanuel’s day. They were the Israelites of Bible Times, the Khazars of Russia, the Bolsheviks, the Communists, and finally today, the Zionist Jews. All Jews, who believe and practice The Talmud, are the Serpent People. They have called themselves God Jehovah Satan’s “chosen people” as stated by Lucifer/Satan in the Bible, and have been promised by him a “promised land”, namely that of Palestine, now called Israel today. Their twenty-four guidelines for world domination given to them by Satan have been compiled into “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”. The Jew Serpent People have faithfully followed these instructions and have nearly achieved their goal.
These Serpent People over time have covertly taken control of nearly all aspects of life on Shan. Shan was to be their jail planet, but they have made it our jail planet, as well. Most everything we know and have been taught is a lie. Everything, from our history and religion to science, medicine, education and government is filled with lies and disinformation. That is why Creator God Aton of Light calls us the “People of the Lie!” For this reason the Phoenix Journals were penned, to show us the way to the Red Road of Truth.
The four volumes of the Phoenix Journals we have been presenting on Fourwinds called “The Rise of Antichrist” (Phoenix Journals 227-230) trace the more recent history and take-over of Shan by these Jew Serpent People.
Today, they control the banking industry, the media and movie industries, music, art, science and education, the military-industrial complex, the medical profession, the law profession and the government corporation of nations. Their corporations rule with greed and power for control of everything. Their goal is to control the world, as the chosen, the Jew Serpent People, with the goyim, the cattle, the non-Jew (us) as their subjects.
We have fallen under their evil spell. We have believed their lies. Therefore, we are called, “People of the Lie!” Whether we wake up from this evil spell and reject the Lie, Aton has said He shall prevail, and ultimately the Light of Truth shall win. To be on the winning side we must reject the Lie and choose the enlightenment of Truth. There are no gradations or shades of Truth. Truth is! Truth stands absolute and refutes the Lie---every time!
To escape being People of the Lie, we must learn the Truth, and live The Laws of God and Creation. These eighteen laws are absolute and are presented to us in Phoenix Journal 27. I hope this answers your question in your letter of “What is the Lie?”
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
I have some good news for Sananda’s Lightworkers. She is ready to turn on her axis, but needs more strength to do so. I call all to pray for Mother Earth. /In the mean-time the Lightworkers are struggling with the most difficult problems. The best way to win and not feel discouraged is to keep centered, balanced, focused and calm. Most of all keep reading.
The Dark Side is using their most advanced technology to get at you to harm you. They are trying to take you out, They can win only if you let the win, If you are sad, depressed, or anxious, you have opened a door for the Dark Side to complete their agenda. We have waited for Mother Earth to flip on her axis just as you. The Dark Side has used ever\y technology they have to stop this process.’ There is one thing that is for sure. They cannot complete their agenda, for Earth has turned on her axis 20,000 times What I can tell you at this time is that Lift Off is very soon, and the Dark Ones are to lose their home.
Follow my instructions and you shall be fine.
In Love and Light,
Greetings to all Lightworkers and soul. My message today shall be one to help you through these last lessons. As I have told you before lessons get harder and harder until you think you will never pass them and will fail. You think they will never end and you cannot stand it any further.
Yes, you can stand it. You can with our help pass all lessons with flying colors. And anyone, who is an Arch Angel in the Lighted Realms the lessons are most difficult to prove that you are worthy of the great tasks you have to do in the Lighted Realms.
What all Lightworkers must do is to transmute by the Violet Flame of St. Germain to uncreate all evil that you have done in all the lifestreams each of you have lived. Remember, you have been the good the bad and the ugly.
Some of the bad things you have done in the past have been tucked away so you cannot remember what you did, You must ask the Lighted Realms to bring forth that memory so you can transmute it away.
You can even go back to the past and change the outcome, I know that sounds fantastic, but your great God Spirit within can accomplish much more than you could ever imagine. “
Some of you are just waiting to come home, so I tell you “get off the train to heaven”. Concentrate on YOU, and clean up the past so you CAN come home. All of Heaven awaits for you to ask for our help.
Remember all souls awake or not are greatly loved by the Lighted Realms!
I sense that many good people, readers of Fourwinds, are discouraged, worried, fearful, or even feeling hopeless about your world and your country. The problems are many, and solutions never seem to come.
The Zionists appear to be closing in more with each new day. The Dark energies are the ones controlling the U.S. Government. Their evil plan is to control the Cosmos, and they think that they have won. However, the Lightworkers have made a tremendous difference in their plans, and have thwarted so many of them that they are starving for the evil food which they cannot find. However, evil NEVER stops until they are forced from their last home on Earth by her graduation.
Many other of the U.S. Government clones surrounded the cloned Biden, and he is controlled and only doing what his Masters demand. Of course, there are claims that he is being misled by disinformation, or mind controlled, or even poisoned by the Deep State to do their bidding. This is true, for the real Biden is on the Astral Plane and sorry for what his controlled clone is doing.
I can tell you right now that most people on Earth at this time are clones. Back in 1989 and the 1990’a Hatonn said that 69% of the people were clones, and are without a soul. When a clone marries a clone they reproduce another clone. Got the picture?
The state of your nation is more critical than ever before. The Federal Reserve is fighting for survival and refuses to keep their agreement to allow a gold banking system to come on board. America is teetering on the brink of economic disaster, while the people sleep.
The Pentagon and the U.S. Military are divided in their loyalties. The Zionist/Biden Nazi. faction continue to create havoc in the Middle East under the direction of the evil controllers. They continue to threaten Russia, attempting to start World War III (nuclear) to save themselves and the Zionist Cabal and Deep State. Without a World War they are doomed along with their One World Order.
It seems that America has lost her way. She is being overrun by hoards illegal aliens and their criminal element. The Zionists/Nazis have had great influence on the people via their control of the media to hate you people, control of the schools to mind-control the students to march for gun control and protest against morals and values, and to create general chaos and immorality throughout the land.
Even the churches have been influenced by great evil. Homosexual and drunken and immoral clergy have brought Christianity to a new low. Those, who once spoke against social wrongs and backed their right living by their very life, are no more. The people are disillusioned and confused and misled with disinformation and lies.
As I pondered the state of America, a feeling of hope swept over me, and I heard the words “Never Give Up! God, too, has a plan!”
I tell you that you know the answer, as you have always known. You have the power to change things, to make your world right again.
You have the power of prayer! Living in this physical world, you are focused on the physical happenings surrounding you. You forget the spiritual side of life. You forget you are spiritual beings having this physical experience to learn your lessons in soul growth. Your God Spirit within connects you to Creator Aton God of Light and the Power of Creation. One of your lessons is to use that power to create your way in this physical world. You, also, have those great Petitions to say and help you to be the great power you can be! Reading the Holy Books of the Lighted Realms gives you Spiritual Guidance that is most needed!
Evil may run rampant, but God has a Divine Plan for His Creation, for this physical world in which you live. As souled beings your role is to use your spiritual power to make a difference. You can defeat the Dark Energies and Entities around you. You have petitioned that St. Germain uncreate the evil power of the minions of the Satanian and Niburian Empires and have rendered their minions helpless. Within Creator’s will you have done this, and believed it is done, it is so.
The Power of Prayer is limitless! You have that power. Use it to help save your nation, to save your world. That is the Divine Plan. The Light of Truth always overcomes the Darkness of Lies. Creator God Aton of Light always wins, because we Lightworkers use their power to make it happen; and because you have the Spiritual Power, you never give up! You have hope, because you know victory shall come!
I make this call to prayer for all enlightened souls, everywhere. You have the Power, and together all of you souled beings can bring your world into balance again, even in these last days. Remember, Divine help is only a thought away. Bring in the troops---and never give up!
Each day is a gift given to you by Mother Earth. There are still several gifts under the tree. Take each gift and use it as I have told you above. All is NOT LOST! NEVER GIVE UP!
My warmest greetings to all souls upon Earth and to Sananda’s Lightworkers. Anne asked me to give a message to you this morning, a most beautiful day on Earth, and one of the last days of this last 3D civilization. I am delighted to do so.
I know that you Lightworkers expected to be home some time ago, but I knew that you had work to do. You Lightworkers have done a marvelous job that you never expected, and all of the Lighted Realms are most pleased. What you have done includes the entire Cosmos. You have had the help of the entire Cosmos to say those great Petitions, especially “That Petition” that is on the Fourwinds site. You have no idea what you have done to help. When say “you” I mean Sananda’s Flock.
The very most important thing is not to get discouraged by your spouse, who may be on a different pathway. One great thing you learned is all the lessons you have passed is that everything has a soul, especially the planets. I know that some readers of this article won’t believe me, but it is so.
Mother Earth has a soul and feelings just like you. At some point in the future she may choose to be a human. This round for her lessons she chose to be a planet. All the other planets in the Apsu System and all across the great Cosmos have a soul, and you Anne, have asked to speak with Jupiter. Write what he said to you.
Anne: He greeted me with these words. “Well, you finally are talking to me, as I have waited a long time for this conversation.. You asked me what is my work throughout the Cosmos? I am the spokesman for this part of the Orvanton Super Galaxy/Universe, I am a male, with a very loud voice and, I speak the Truth whether anyone likes it or not. I have a message for you and for all the Lightworkers. The message is that Earth is ready to turn at any moment. You need to stay focused, balanced centered and calm, and keep your frequencies up to 169443 so you do not have any physical damage when the beam of Light is there to take you home. Do not be discouraged or worried about anything, for that lowers your frequency. Mother Earth could turn at any moment!
I thanked Jupiter for talking with me. I am very happy to know that anyone can talk with the planets.
Thank you Anne. I know that what you have said may seem crazy, but then EVERYTHING has a soul. By this I mean every blade of grass every insect, bird, animal, rock, and even the wind. Everything you see upon Earth has a soul. What care have they been given by the master (humans) that were to be their caretaker? You know the answer to that, for all is in disarray and harmed to the point of death. Did you see what I wrote? I included rocks. The rocks have a soul too. They are a library of time, for many of them are very, very old, and they carry the memory of the past.
My final words for all Lightworkers is to clear yourself often and keep focused. Time has nearly run out for those that still slumber in the Satanic LIE to awaken to the Truth. If they are still in slumber when Earth turns they shall go on to another lifestream and will be given a chance to learn the lessons they did not learn here on Earth, even though they came as a Master. Everything is growth of the soul.
I pray that when the great chord is struck just before evacuation, all memory shall return. It is the great hope that those in slumber will know, who are, and shall step into the beam of Light to gain great soul growth.
I cannot wait to see my wife adchildren again! It could be today! Yahoo!
NOTE: All the articles I post from Patrick are by his suggestion. His goal is still to present Truth to the world from his writings. This timely message is no exception, for it has much meaning to those, who seek the Truth. .....Anne
One more time I write to present Truth to the world. I write not to the human clones, who have no soul. I write not to those, who have given their soul over to Satan, the King of Evil. I urgently write to those souled-beings, who are day-dreaming in their world of things, or who are spiritually asleep in their fake world of religion, or those floating in La-La Land with no direction or meaningful purpose in their 3D journey in these closing days of this planet’s third dimensional civilization.
Yes, I said “closing days”, and yes, I have a message for all those Earth Shan dwellers , who are in spiritual Zombie-land. You are going to miss your life boat! Time has run out! Creator God is closing the Book of Life for Shan’s people, and has ordered the starships to full alert for evacuation of “Sananda’s flock! Are you ready?” Is your name listed in the Book of Life? Have you truly lived to the best of your ability The Laws of God and Creation? Indeed, are you one of “Sananda’s Flock”?
No, you are not, because you have never been taught God’s Laws for Living. Your parents did not teach you because your grandparents did not teach your parents. The Laws were gradually forgotten and erased from memory, as man’s laws have replaced them. So, today you live in spiritual Zombie-land and are heading to the great Wheel of Reincarnation again, and to another 3D lifestream of pain and suffering to learn your lessons.
What lessons, you ask? Living The Laws of God and Creation are your lessons, my friend. You may disagree, but Creator God’s Laws are absolute, and you shall honor them and live them to graduate out of this third dimensional illusion. Yes, I said “illusion”, for we live in the physical holodeck of 3D to gain soul growth. The illusions of things, money, social status and power are just that, illusions. They vanish when you step out of the holodeck at death and into the real world of Spirit. Would you choose another 3D holodeck experience, again and again?
Wake up! Time has run out. Your God Spirit, your Soul, the real you, that spark of Light from Creator God Aton of Light, that part of Aton’s heart that is you, is crying to be free of this very evil world, forever. Will you listen to your God Spirit within, to your heart, to your “gut feelings” and discern Truth?
Will you leave the illusion of things, money, social status and power, yes, even that of sickness and poverty, and enter the real world of Spirit? The alarm clock is ringing, the one you set to wake you up. Do you remember? You have overslept!
The Starships are ready! Their Red Alert signs are flashing. The bells are ringing, and I am ringing my bell to wake you up! Can you hear? Will you awaken to Truth before it is too late?
Choose Light, my friend! Choose Love! Choose Life! Do it now! The evacuation Starships are waiting, but not for long!
For a detailed discussion of these eighteen Laws of God and The Creation, please read Phoenix Journal number 27, entitled Phoenix Operator-Owner Manualfound at http://truthwinds.com/journals/pdf/J027.pdf
Today’s message is of most important, for lessons get harder just before Mother Earth transitions to a higher dimension. It is easy to get discouraged and off-centered when a lesson before one is something they dread or do not want to do. Hatonn has aways said “Lessons repeat until you learn them”.
If you know the lessons is hard, keep your armor about you and sword and shield in hand. Stay focused and balanced, and know that all is an illusion. It seems real to you, but you are on a holodeck of learning and there is nothing or lessons that you cannot pass with flying colors.
Stay strong and know that you have all the help that Heaven allows. Do not wallow in self-pity but treat the person or situation kindly but with a strong will and speak for yourself.
The reason I say this is because we are so close to evacuating Mother Earth, It is but a breath away.
I have asked Anne to post the following article. Repeat what is said, for it is for YOU, as well. It helped me so much when I wrote it.
May the blessings and help of the Lighted Realms be with you always.
A Song of Patrick
God-Aton is my Commander. He shall guide my Spirit. Through my God-Spirit I can create all that I need.
My brother, Esu Sananda, shall lead me through the sunlit meadows and dark valleys of my pathway. My God-Spirit shall be at peace and I shall have no fear, for my brother has traveled this Red Road of Truth before me. He shall show me right-living through the Laws of God-Aton and the Creation, and I shall be most joyful.
My Cosmic brothers and sisters have prepared a "welcome home" banquet for me on board the starship, Phoenix. In honor I shall be rewarded for my faithful journey, my lessons I shall return to my home and family on Pleiades and to my brothers and sisters of the Realms of Light. There in joy I shall continue my pathway to perfection back to God-Aton, and to Creator God, the One Source of all.
Cosmic New Year’s Day
August 17, 1996
Year Ten, Day One
Greetings this beautiful day upon Earth Shan. You have been given another day in which to continue with your work and lessons. Yes, lessons and more lessons, as you shall complete the lessons you need to learn , as you live on Mother Earth.
Some of you Lightworkers are nearly done with those lessons needed to complete on this dense planet in 3D. You have been told that you are ready to graduate. Now you ask why, why? I will tell you why.
Why have we not beamed you Lightworkers to the Lighted Realms? Remember, we of the Lighted Realms are NOT in charge of that moment. We do NOT know when that time shall occur, as we wait, as do you, for Mother Earth to decide when. Lift off could be a day away or an hour or a month. We do not know, but we are ready at the moment’s notice when Mother Earth makes her decision. As you know, she has a free will such as you.
Souls that have left their fleshy envelope have been given the opportunity to return. They have helped their fleshy envelope to come to the Light. Mother Earth promised to beam the Lightworkers, as their work was completed, She broke her promise and dragged her feet and waited or more souls to bring their fleshy envelope to the Light, This has gone on for some time, Sananda told her he would beam up the Lightworkers if Mother Earth continued to wait and wait;
The souls that were victorious in bringing their fleshy envelope to the Light has been completed. Many did not succeed, yet Earth still waits,
If there is a last lesson for you Lightworkers it would be PATIENCE. You are to keep on with your mission, and be sure that you read and read and meditate with the Lighted Realms. We surround you with great protection at all times. Sananda is working with Mother Earth. So, when will the Lightworkers come home? Sananda says MOMENTARILY!! That is because the Lightworkers are needed to help aboard ship! Mother Earth has agreed and her words to Sananda is that she realizes no more will come to the Light. These ones shall be placed on a planet the suits their frequencies to continue their soul growth and then given a choice to finish their lessons on the Astral Plane or with many more lifestreams.
Here is a good thing to do. Each of you have a force field around you and two Guardian Angels that have tended to you since you were born. Not only should you ASK for their help, but it is a good thing to ask that your force field around you be filled with Love and Light.
Pray and petition often for the healing of Mother Earth and all that reside upon her surface. This not only means the human souled ones, but all the clones, animals of the air, land and oceans, and all her environment of trees, flowers, etc. Remember, you are the caretakers of all that has been created, and even the lowly insects are included.
As you do these prayers, it helps Mother Earth beyond belief.
All the signs we see from Mother Earth does give us the knowing that her graduation is very soon. That is why all the Pleiadian ships are stationed and ready at a moment’s notice, for when the final signal occurs, we have 15 minutes of Earth time to evacuate all, who would step into our beam.
What about the environment to be destroyed? That has been taken care of by the Lightworkers, who. with Sananda and the Lighted Realms have helped all that has been created in the environment of their souls to be brought to safety. They shall again bloom and grow in the Lighted Realms. All animals and your pets are to be lifted to safety and your pet shall be united with you, who are graduating. All the other races upon your planet have been healed and their souls ready for graduation. Also, all souled ones. who have died eons ago and were locked in a pattern of repetition, have been taken to the Light even from the very first civilization on Earth.
I suggest that you read Phoenix Journal 5 Chapter 5 for further information about liftoffaaA. It is as real as it can be. Here is the link.
One thing to remember is that lessons never end, for we of the Lighted Realms keep on with our soul growth. The lessons are joyously done, for it is not at all like those lessons on Earth that get harder and harder as you prepare you soul growth to graduate. In a sense, life begins when you have graduated to the higher Realms of Light.
Cast all your fears, anxieties, hopelessness and agony upon the Christos, Esu Immanuel Sananda, for he is able to help. Carry on with your lessons, petitions, and prayers for Mother Earth, the Cosmos and for yourself. Your waiting with patience shall not be long.
I have asked Anne to write a message from me today, as it is of great importance to all Lightworkers at this ending time. Why do I say this? It is because the lessons are getting much, much harder before the end when the Lightworkers are taken home to the Lighted Realms.
It is so easy to be focused on 3D living with all the things you would like to have in your possession. Note that I said “things” for they are of no consequence to your future. Future? Yes! Your future in the Lighted Realms. I did not say that you should not spend your time and money. I said that you do not need to focus on the possession things but to focus on your soul growth. That is what is the most important thing for you at this time.
I remember that both Anne and I would say to each other that we do not have all we WANT, but we have all we NEED. Be thankful for what you have and focus more on feeding your soul with the proper food it needs to survive and grow in the materialistic world in which you live at this time.
Your life on Planet Earth is for your soul growth with lessons that you have set for yourself. You must be wise in the choices you make. Sananda said long ago “be wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove”.
\You are a soul, an eternal spirit having a physical experience to learn soul growth. It is like being on a holodeck. You feel, see, hear, learn, and everything is very real to you. You make choices to learn soul growth. The problem arises when your focus is on getting things and not taking care of your soul within.
When your physical body dies, where do you want to be? Your soul is eternal and you judge yourself where you need to be to learn more lessons. If your soul has grown enough you graduate to the Higher Realms. If not, you determine what 3D life you have next to keep on learning your lessons, and aIways without memory of who you really are.
Are we of the Lighted Realms any different? NO! All of us have had thousands of 3D lifestreams to learn our lessons such as you.
My message to all Lightworkers is this: Stay focused and steady with your soul growth. Make wise decisions for yourself, even if they are contrary to what others want you to do. You are in charge of your life and what lessons you need to learn.
You have all the help that Heaven allows, and we will protect you from any harm if you but ask. We cannot do your lessons for you, but we can help if you but call upon us. You can do it! You can become a great and mighty warrior of Light if you want, for that is the prize you should seek which is far more valuable that all the gold in the world.
Remember, when you pass on out of this physical life you take NOTHING of physical life with you.,,,NOTHING! It is your soul that you take and you shall judge yourself how well you have lived to make your soul grow in might and honor to graduate.
Even then, soul growth continues, but it never as hard as the school room in which you live at this time. Lessons in the Lighted Realms are filled with glory and honor. Arch Angel Michael said that he, too, had spent thousands of lifestreams IN 3D to grow his soul growth to who he is today. You can do the same. AHO!
I have asked Anne to write a message from me today, as it is of great importance to all Lightworkers at this ending time. Why do I say this? It is because the lessons are getting much, much harder before the end when the Lightworkers are taken home to the Lighted Realms.
It is so easy to be focused on 3D living with all the things you would like to have in your possession. Note that I said “things” for they are of no consequence to your future. Future? Yes! Your future in the Lighted Realms. I did not say that you should not spend your time and money. I said that you do not need to focus on the possession things but to focus on your soul growth. That is what is the most important thing for you at this time.
I remember that both Anne and I would say to each other that we do not have all we WANT, but we have all we NEED. Be thankful for what you have and focus more on feeding your soul with the proper food it needs to survive and grow in the materialistic world in which you live at this time.
Your life on Planet Earth is for your soul growth with lessons that you have set for yourself. You must be wise in the choices you make. Sananda said long ago “be wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove”.
You are a soul, an eternal spirit having a physical experience to learn soul growth. It is like being on a holodeck. You feel, see, hear, learn, and everything is very real to you. You make choices to learn soul growth. The problem arises when your focus is on getting things and not taking care of your soul within.
When your physical body dies, where do you want to be? Your soul is eternal and you judge yourself where you need to be to learn more lessons. If your soul has grown enough you graduate to the Higher Realms. If not, you determine what 3D life you have next to keep on learning your lessons, and aIways without memory of who you really are.
Are we of the Lighted Realms any different? NO! All of us have had thousands of 3D lifestreams to learn our lessons such as you.
My message to all Lightworkers is this: Stay focused and steady with your soul growth. Make wise decisions for yourself, even if they are contrary to what others want you to do. You are in charge of your life and what lessons you need to learn.
You have all the help that Heaven allows, and we will protect you from any harm if you but ask. We cannot do your lessons for you, but we can help if you but call upon us. You can do it! You can become a great and mighty warrior of Light if you want, for that is the prize you should seek which is far more valuable that all the gold in the world.
Remember, when you pass on out of this physical life you take NOTHING of physical life with you.,,,NOTHING! It is your soul that you take and you shall judge yourself how well you have lived to make your soul grow in might and honor to graduate.
Even then, soul growth continues, but it never as hard as the school room in which you live at this time. Lessons in the Lighted Realms are filled with glory and honor. Arch Angel Michael said that he, too, had spent thousands of lifestreams IN 3D to grow his soul growth to who he is today. You can do the same. AHO!
I have asked Anne to repost this timely article to remind you that all is not lost. I wrote this article some time ago, but the cleansing of Earth has not occurred until this past year. It has been the work of Sananda’s Flock and all the prayers of the people that have made the difference. None the less, it is important to know that I speak the Truth, and the turning of Mother Earth is immanent! We of the Lighted Realms do not know the exact moment, but Mother Earth has assured us that her graduation to the higher dimensions is any time at this moment. By that mean in your time, not the “time of the Lighted Realms, for we do not operate on days and nights.
I write this piece to Sananda’s flock. Who are they?, you ask. Sananda’s flock are all those, who have found the Truth of The Laws of God and Creation from whatever source, and are living these Laws to the best of their ability. These dear people have learned to live the four great virtues in their lives: of wisdom, bravery, fortitude, and generosity, and are anticipating evacuation and graduation into fifth dimension, as the reward for work well done, and the completion of their mission on Shan.
So, my sisters and brothers, with little fanfare or acknowledgement we have passed another very important Cosmic date. On August 17, 2022 we began the New Year of Year thirty-five in Cosmic time. The New Count began at the point of the Harmonic Convergence on August 17, 1987, the point at which both the Pleiadian Cycle and the Great Orbit returned to their zero point at the exact same time.
Our solar system orbits around Alcyone, the Central Sun of Pleiades, every 26,000 years, which orbit is called the Pleiadian Cycle. The Milky Way Galaxy, which is not a galaxy at all but the Seventh Super Universe of the Cosmos called Orvanton, orbits around The Greatest Central sun every 206 million years, which is called the Great Orbit.
At the time of the Harmonic Convergence of August 17, 1987, Hatonn made an agreement with the Lightworkers (Sananda’s flock) to hold the Light of Truth for a period of twenty-five years to allow time for Truth to go out one last time to the “four corners of Shan”, so many would awaken from their spiritual sleep, and for lessons to be learned in soul growth. The Lightworkers have stood faithful to their mission. Some have fallen, some have passed on. but others have arisen to take their place.
The Dark Side did not keep their agreement! For these twenty-five years have now numbered to thirty-five, and the Light of Truth has held the Darkside at bay. They have not won their New World Order of one religion, one military and one money system, as they had planned. The Darkness has not won on Shan! Having completed these thirty -five years, the Lightworkers now pass the “torch” back to Creator God Aton of Light (Hatonn). The Lightworkers (Sananda’s Flock) have helped Mother Earth to be rid of the Satanian Empire. However, even now, Satan’s minions are working to complete his goal of world control. Even though Satan and his dark angels have been uncreated there are plans to rebuild the Satanian Empire. The Lightworkers have countered them on every aspect. Their ”food” of negatives energy is dwindling fast. The “ball” is now in Earth’s court. Time has run out for this last third dimensional civilization on our planet. She is in her transition into the higher energies of fifth dimension at this time, and it is her call, when she flips on her axis and planetary evacuation shall occur.
We stand ready at a moment’s notice, because when Earth turns over we shall have 15 minutes of your time before all cataclysms roar over her surface wiping off ALL 3D LIFE. EARTH TURNS ON HER AXIS WITHOUT WARNING.
Earth his “holding her breath right now making all look normal as can be, but when she exhales, all changes in a blink of an eye.
May all of you be ready and willing to step into our beam of safety, for to stay on Earth means the death of your physical body.
Ah so.
I have asked Anne to write a message from me today, as it is of great importance to all Lightworkers at this ending time. Why do I say this? It is because the lessons are getting much, much harder before the end when the Lightworkers are taken home to the Lighted Realms.
It is so easy to be focused on 3D living with all the things you would like to have in your possession. Note that I said “things” for they are of no consequence to your future. Future? Yes! Your future in the Lighted Realms. I did not say that you should not spend your time and money. I said that you do not need to focus on the possession things but to focus on your soul growth. That is what is the most important thing for you at this time.
I remember that both Anne and I would say to each other that we do not have all we WANT, but we have all we NEED. Be thankful for what you have and focus more on feeding your soul with the proper food it needs to survive and grow in the materialistic world in which you live at this time.
Your life on Planet Earth is for your soul growth with lessons that you have set for yourself. You must be wise in the choices you make. Sananda said long ago “be wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove”.
You are a soul, an eternal spirit having a physical experience to learn soul growth. It is like being on a holodeck. You feel, see, hear, learn, and everything is very real to you. You make choices to learn soul growth. The problem arises when your focus is on getting things and not taking care of your soul within.
When your physical body dies, where do you want to be? Your soul is eternal and you judge yourself where you need to be to learn more lessons. If your soul has grown enough you graduate to the Higher Realms. If not, you determine what 3D life you have next to keep on learning your lessons, and aIways without memory of who you really are.
Are we of the Lighted Realms any different? NO! All of us have had thousands of 3D lifestreams to learn our lessons such as you.
My message to all Lightworkers is this: Stay focused and steady with your soul growth. Make wise decisions for yourself, even if they are contrary to what others want you to do. You are in charge of your life and what lessons you need to learn.
You have all the help that Heaven allows, and we will protect you from any harm if you but ask. We cannot do your lessons for you, but we can help if you but call upon us. You can do it! You can become a great and mighty warrior of Light if you want, for that is the prize you should seek which is far more valuable that all the gold in the world.
Remember, when you pass on out of this physical life you take NOTHING of physical life with you.,,,NOTHING! It is your soul that you take and you shall judge yourself how well you have lived to make your soul grow in might and honor to graduate.
I greet all souls today and I tell you how much all are greatly loved by the Lighted Realms. Oh, that all souls would wake up to the great LIE under which they live! I speak of those asleep. I do not mean physical sleep, but how they are living and thinking, and are completely unaware of the great Lie they are living without realization of such
What is the great lie? It is thinking and believing that living on Earth is the only life each person has ever had, not realizing that each person volunteered to come to Earth for great soul growth and to help Mother Earth graduate to a higher dimension.
Many ones have followed the false guide and told it is the exact Word of God, but it is filled with twisted Truth, lies, and some truth so that people cannot tell the difference between Truth and Lie. I refer to the Bible!
God has sent his best people to tell of the real Truth and given the great guide to proper living. These are the Phoenix Journals. Many ones are so tied to the Bible they are closed to change and call the Journals of Satan or the Devil. They are told that they shall be raptured up to the clouds to be with “Jesus” which is not even his name.
It is not until many pass on that they realize they must stand alone. and judge themselves how well they have lived the 18 (not10) Laws of God and Creation. It is not until then that they realized they have followed Satan’s War Book, the Bible, and lived in the LIE, thinking it is Truth. They realize that they rejected the Truth give to them and threw it in the trash can.
These ones realized that they have great lessons to learn and must forgive themselves and ask God to forgive them and not be angry and distraught, for that will keep them on the lower Astral Plane until they work through forgiveness of what they did living a physical life on Earth with no regard they are a soul have a physical experience jfor soul growth.
Let me tell you that the Lower Astral Plans are like hell.
What can one do to help those on the Astral Plane, especially the lower Plane? You can pray for their soul and that they forgive themselves.
If anyone had a glimpse of the Astral Plane at this time, they would find it silent and all reading the Journals with avid attention. Many thousands have graduated at this time and I am the one to keep track of each soul. There are an untold stack of files to organized. My older sister who recently passed is a great help for she was an organizer, and her help is most appreciated.
I am most grateful for Sananda’s Flock helping in every way they can with Mother Earth, the Moon and the entire Cosmos. They shall very soon be taken home to the Lighted Realms. for we are at the ending hours of this civilization. All of Heaven rejoices for their help, so I encourage Sananda’s Flock to not give up but to let them know that their work is about finished.
My words to the Lightworkers: stay focused, centered. balanced and calm.
May all chalices be filled with Liquid Love, Light, Wisdom an Knowledge.