Unpublished Phoenix Archives
Phoenix Journal # 106
Spaceman connections; Space Program; ariticial life forms; UFO's - Truth of action and bunk; Robotoids, synthetics and Neutrals; Little Gray Alines; Alien at Camp David; Shuttle Program, Grand Delusion and Well kept Secret; 666 Bar Codes, Bablyon Resurrected, Civl War Plot, Judeo-Chrsitianity, Terminology: Mind Control
Phoenix Journal # 109
What about replicated beings? Silent and/or Noisy Wars within; Death of Camelot, part 17 and following; Searches, house to house; Scare Factor; Republics and Democracies; Dangers of a Democracy; Crashed Planes, Launched Shuttles; Carl Sagan of MJ-12; Gary Wean's Further Revelations on Jewish Mafia;
Phoenix Journal # 110
DC Judge: Perverting the Gospel of Christ; Ronn Jackson; Which New World Order'; Death of Camelot, part 20 and following; Gunther Russbacher; Timely News & Educational Items; Peres; Indian tribe's Casino; Patrio Games; Suicides Down-under; Separation of Church and State; Native American Shoshone Tribe; Power of the Pen; Crooks in Congress; News Desk; Ollie North & Bush's Zapata Oil; Earthquake Reports;
Phoenix Journal # 111
America, we are in trouble: Miscellaneous News and Announcemnts - CFR; Defense Contractors, Computer Viruses, PLO & the Pope, Foreign Prisoners, Nuclear Feul; China and Labor, China & Pollution, White Buffalo, World Bank, U.N. Debt, Branch Davidians, Gadhfi, Tabacco Farmers, much more; Earth Report by Soltec; Free and Independent Press is Long dead; Native Americans Values Threatened; Kosher Food;
Phoenix Journal # 112
Upsizing Silicon Wafer; Larry King's Aliens and the NWO; Space Aliens; Paul Lienthal; Pat Robertson owns the AP; Cosmic Links; Ship Shape(s); Through the Light All Shhll be Seen and Heard; Soothsayers; Revelation of the Truth - the Book; What time is it? Update on 10th Amendment; Earthquake report; News Desk Items - Superchip, IMF, GE Salmon, etc.; Upate on Kahl Case;
Phoenix Journal # 113
Controlled Media Losing Grip; Top Secret Codeword - Cablesplice; The Pipeline by Michael MaHoly; What's in a Brand name Cigarette; Navajo's long struggle; Red Dawn Alert in Bakersfield, CA; Executive orders and what you should know; Our police state; America's State of Emergency; Socialism-Slavery through free trade; Death of Russell Herman.
Phoenix Journal # 114
NWO Alive and Well; Police Chief's Conference Outlines Plans for legal control; FINCEN; Interpol; Broken Treaties; News Articles: China's Poverty; US & Russia, North Koriea; Project Blue Beam; "Alien Invasion"; Vince Foster's Death.
Phoenix Journal # 116
Messages from Sananda; Secret Holocaust; Many news briefs-- Janet Reno, Judge Harold Green, False I, Alien Takes over, FCC, Harold TGreen; Holocaust, UFOs, Gold, Sprint and MCI, The Covenant of Men of AI, B'Nai B'rith, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robretson, et al; Jews vs. Israelites; Bo Gritz; Janet Reno, evil incarnate; Many Healings; Serbs; True Israel; Earth's Ancestors; Plot against the church of man; Jordan Maxwell; Communism as Destroyer.
Phoenix Journal # 117
British Elite Families; Knights of St. John; White Buffalo Calf; Masonic Symbols in Washington DC; The Pipeline by MaHoly; News Desk - APEC Members agree, Pope & Mafia, Luxembourg, GATT vote, Holocaust, Black Helicopters, Implanted Chips; Messages from Sananda; Amazing 1832 Bill of Rights; The Pipeline by Maholy; Ronn Jackson's letters; U.S. Constitution We the People by Declaration; News articles - Memory can be implanted, deadly viruses, Anthrax, Desert Storm Syndrome, Police go fishing for guns; M.O.M.; Open letter to Ross Perot.
Phoenix Journal # 118
So who is the enemy? Is There a God? Plot Against the Church, Part 4; The Biological Jew by Eustace Mullins; Christ Jews ( or Judeo-Christian); S and L vs. Sr. James Goldsmtih; Free trade; Flukes and other parasites; The Biological Fluke by Eustace Mullins; Oklahoma Disaster to end them all; Banks and Currency; Earthquakes;
Phoenix Journal # 119
What of the Militias/ Banks and Currency; The Laws of Nature; Clinton /Ms. Meyers; the real "Beast"; Mark of the Beast; Buy-out of Ceasar's World; Mr. Goldsmith; Parasites and Zionists; Treasurygate; Richard Snell; Jesus: Psychic or Prophet; Eustace Mullins; Cults and SEcts; Bo Gritz; The New Rothschilds; alien Abductions; Press Codes of Ethics; Hudges or Criminals? Rush Limbaugh.
PhoenixJournal # 121
The Age of Treason; The Pope; Jason Brent; Shadow Government's Best Kept Secret - Quoting from "Fire From the Sky". This includes such topics as Space Aliens? Alien Craft Monitoring; Overview of Worlld Events; The Navy's Different Story, of course; Other topics: Why is Hatonn not accepted; More from Fire in the Sky; Militia Altert; Pain in my Heart; For Political Impact;
Phoenix Journal #122
Clintonistas; Refounding Amendment; Holocaust; Nevada Corporation; Eustace Mullins in US Court of Appeals; Jewish Power and Clinton's Court; Martin Luther King? King's Stated Agenda; South Africa Press Release; Corruption in the Court House; Watergate: Texas Courts; Secret Law; Jason Brent; The Age of Treason; The Greatest Danger Ever Known; Asian Influenza; Flu Ballyhoo; The Vaccination Hypothesis; More on "The Age of Treason.
Phoenix Journal #123
The Hidden "Jewish" Tyranny; Christmas Challenge from Esu "Jesus" Sananda; News Articles, including Queen Digs for Oil, China's Economic Gains, Plant Patents, Botanical Jurassic Park Discovered, Exorcism, Mystery Blackout and more; Latest WACO Shenanigans; More News including B'nai B'rith Smear, Untouchables in Israel, US and China Trade War, Nuclear Arsenal, Defense Merger, Weapons Deals, and more; Weaver Travesty; Ronn Jackson messages; Mastering the human fears of coming earth changes by Soltec; More of Derivatives; Cash Injections; News Desk articles; Earth Changes alerm Clock is Now Ringing!
Phoenix Journal #124
Simpson; Ronald Reagan's "American Dream" why the Change to Carter; David Koresh of WACO; Floria Air Quakes; Project Monarch Programming (Mind control); Users and abusers; Maxwell's Equations; Anti-Defamation League; Nikola Tesla; US Special Forces in Chechnya; Mossad Connection; Aid and Abet Newspaper; Monarch Project, Part 4-6; Speaking of Hitler; J. Edgar Hoover.
Phoenix Journal #125
Lessons for non-Butterflies and other intended "Victims" and "Crew"; Russbachers; Football Stadiums and Truth, Information on Monarch Mind Control, Cathy O'Brien article; Church and Mind-Control; Catholocism & Satanism; Ritualistic Child Abuse; Systems of Manipulation; MK-Ultra Program; Ronald Reagan; Operation Carrier Pigeon; Cheney's Bunkhouse; Sen. Robert C. Byrd; Occult Serial Killer Edward Wayne Cox.
Phoenix Journal #126
Robotoids & Genetic Duplicates; Messages from Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn; Duplicated Cows; Genetic Research; Send in the Clones; Walk-ins; The Consitution of the United States of America; Bill of Rights; Habeas Pocus Power; Making a 14 day Emergency Kit; News Desk with pertinent items i.e. Farrakhan Murder Plot, cyberterrorisim, Council on Domestic Relations, etc. Update by O.J. Simpson; "Year of the Patriot" by Ronn Jackson; Military Hardware piles up; Fed Czar Greenspan; The Valley of Radiance.
Phoenix Journal #127
MK-Ultra Monarch Project, parts 18-24; Jordan Maxwell; Shock Recovery Therapy; Boys Town U.S.A. Nebraska; Messages from Hatonn; Col Michael Aquino, U.S. Army; Dante; Vaccinations and Inculations; Sister Charlotte's Dark Secrect Behind Cloistered Convent Walls; Messages from Sananda.
Phoenix Journal # 128
Full Text of Bills; An Address by Laventia Bria; MK-Ultra Monarch Project, Parts 25-27; Murder, Bank Fraud, Drugs, and Sex What Bill Clinton Hopes--Includes all his Victims from "Jerry" Parks to Vince Edward, Barry Seal, and John A Wilson #21; Black Monday; The Black/White Tool; Manhattan Transfer; Khazarians; The Subject of Symbols; The Road of Freedom; Sister Thedra; A Bankrkupt Nation in Full Foreclosure;
Phoenix Journal #129
MaHoly-the Pipeline; News Desk with pertinent articles i.e., Late Great Planet Earth; Germany Today Guilt fuels Holocaust Awareness; Selling God; $4 Billion Railroad Merger and more; Don't Entrust Your Kids to Walkt Disney; More News DeskItems about CIA, Talmud; Gov. Guy Tucker; Rush Limbaugh, Tyson Foods, Scientific Atrocities, Euthanasia, Depoplulation; Eboa, and much more.
Phoenix Journal #131
As the Stomach Turns with Billiary Poisons; World Peace, Alien crat are on the way to Earth; The symbol of infinity; Know who Your Friends Are; The Trap to Trick you nto Violence; Why Bosnia; Fake National Emergency; Rush Limbaugh;Banks and Intrigue; The Holographic Universe; Richard Snell; Dr. Ron Carlson; City of Phyiladelphia Rejects the Conference of the Sates; Tucker and Whitewater; Antibiotics; The Last Ark; Silver Particles; Babylonian Talmud; New Age Perch
Phoenix Journal #132
Disinformation as a Truth-obscuring Weapon; Proposed Projects for Tehachapi; News Desk Items which include British Control Media, Reports from Balkans, Armageddon Anxiety Rises, The Jew World Order, Portland Police Violence and Abuse of Power, food for thought, Richard SNell Update, and What are the Phoenix Journals?
Phoenix Journal #134
Aids in Profile; Larry Nichols; Ronn Jackson; Snell Watch; Sepher Yezirah, Part 1-2(Book on Creation); DNA-RNA--Up and Away; Role of Wisdom; What Lies Ahead in Future wars is not all Human; Will the Son Rise Today; The World Turns and Chernobyl Threatens; You are Already Robots; Diet for Infants; Onysol; O.J. Simpson; The Butterfly; Gov. Tucker; Richard J. Brenneke; Drug Smuggling in Ark; CIA and DEA Drug Smuggling; Manuel Noriega; Bombin in Oklahoma City; Patriot Rallies; The Death of Vince Foster;
Phoenix Journal #135
The Pipeline by MaHoly; Latest Info on O.J. Simpson Frame-up; Jewish Mafia Conspiracy; News Desk Items: More fromthe IRS, Ku Klux Lan & Masons, Clinton Signs Secret Spy Agenda, Bill Gates Joins Dream Team, Blue Beam Update. More on Gov. Tucker. News Desk: Lethal Gases, Aids Victims, ADL Dirty Tricks, European Nations Abolish Border Controls. Ronn Jackson messages; Cult & Ritual Abuse & Mind Control by Rick Martin; Richard Snell Petition; More News Desk articles; The Brunswick Siegeafact Finding Report.
Phoenix Journal #136
Body, Mind and Soul; Antibiotics Won't Work; Pulse Beam "Surgery"; Dole out the Treason; Mind Control USA; Oklahoma City Report; Oklahoma an Inside Job; Ronn Jackson; Snell; Parasites; Militias; Patriots; Clinton and Law; Firegall Over Russia; The Final Chapter, Part 1 by Larry Nichols; Terrorism Bill Moves very fast; Hatonn--Don't like what I say? Chaos and Confusion; Oklahoma City; BATF; Nichols vs Clinton; US Secret Service; Michigan Militia; The Manmade Deadlines; The End of the Line with Jeff Rense; Journey to Health; Gulf War Syndrome; Hypnotherapy.
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