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Health Disease Coronavirus

Over 34,000 Health Experts Sign Declaration Against COVID-19 Lockdowns, Petition by Epidemiologists Claims

Exclusive: China Had COVID-Like Patients Months Before Official Timeline

The virus that isn’t there has a hypnotic effect

Trump Tests Negative for CCP Virus on Consecutive Days: White House Doctor

NYT: Experts Confident Pandemic To Be Over ‘Far Sooner’ Than Expected, Trump Efforts ‘Working With Remarkable Efficiency’

Yet another case of the missing virus; they lied and locked down the world

If we’re going to test everyone on Capitol Hill for covid, can we also test them for COCAINE? Or for cognitive function?

COVID: The Virus That Isn’t There: The Root Fraud Exposed

The Smoking Gun: Where is the coronavirus? The CDC says it isn’t available

White House physician: Trump ‘reports no symptoms’ of coronavirus

U.S. professors say COVID-19 lockdowns ‘had little effect on the spread of the coronavirus’

Donald Trump Announces Major Update From The Hospital – The President Is Planning To Leave Just Hours From Now

After High Court Rules Michigan Lockdown Unconstitutional – Their AG Just Refused To Enforce Governor Whitmer’s Orders

Trump could return to WH 'as early as tomorrow' if conditions continue to improve, doctors say

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Tests Positive for COVID-19

DNA surveillance fears raised as Beijing intervenes in Hong Kong’s coronavirus efforts

Florida Governor: People Calling for School Closures Are ‘Flat-Earthers of Our Day’

Trump ‘Fatigued,’ Taking Antibody Cocktail After COVID-19 Diagnosis: Physician

Sen. Ron Johnson Tests Positive for COVID-19

40 Percent of Democrat Voters Happy Trump Got COVID-19: Poll