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Health Ama Pharmaceutial And Insurance

Brave doctor fired for exposing secret medical experimentation taking place at Northwestern University

Can Occupy Wall Street Push Us To Single Payer?

Finally unearthed: The stunning, toxic origins of Obamacare

Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1833-1965)

How the CDC really spends your tax dollars

Vitamins are deadly? Media hoax exposed, part two

Doctors speak out: healthcare has been reduced to a making money factory

New Discovery Shakes the Foundation of Cancer Research

Blue Shield to return $450 million in credits Read more:

Steve Jobs dead at 56, his life ended prematurely by chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer

AMA losing members in droves, less than 20 percent of US doctors support its agenda

Another adverse side effect of Obamacare rears its ugly head - government rationing

Half of Americans cannot afford prescribed medications

Two Words You Should Never Utter to Your Doctor

Former top Democrat says when Obamacare takes effect, small businesses will drop employee health coverage

Global cost of chronic disease treatment to top $47 trillion by 2030, more than triple current US national debt

Prescription drugs responsible for more deaths than traffic accidents, study finds

Medical societies maintain secret financial ties to drug companies

Pa. Judge Strikes Obamacare Insurance Mandate

ObamaCare MUST be struck down!