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Government War Israel Palestine War

Israel Tells Foreign Backers Of Geneva Peace Initiative They Threaten Road Map

Israel Destroys Shipment Of Vitamins For Disabled Palestinian Children

GAO Report Israeli Espionage And Illegal Technology Retransfer

EU Poll: Israel Is Top Peace Threat

Jewish Billionaire George Soros Claims Jews And Zionist Leaders Of Israel/US Cause Much Anti-Semitism

European Poll Identifies Israel And US As Greatest Threats To World Peace

"Fissures Deepen Within Israeli Political Establishment"

Hijacking The Palestinian Narrative: Israel's Friends In Congress

The Killing Fields Of Rafah

Leaks And Peeks Key To Israel's Nuclear Ambiguity

Bulldozers In Bethelehm? A Cry At Christmas For MIddle East!

A Brilliant Statement by Khalid Mashaal! 3 February 2006 Why the European Press is Provoking Muslims In Response To: How "Jewish" Zionists Fuel Hostility to Muslims *PIC* (ChristopherBoll

'Father' Of Malaysia Savages Bush And Blair Mahathir Brands US A Rogue Nation Terrorising Innocents & Stands By Claim That Jews 'Rule The World By Proxy'

Anti-Syria Rhetoric Part of Neo-Con Agenda Designed to Drive Wedge Into Middle East

Palestinians Hit By Sonic Boom Air Raids · UN condemns night noise attacks as indiscriminate · Agencies say they cause trauma and miscarriages

God Told Me To Invade Iraq, Bush Tells Palestinian Ministers: BBC

Not Again

Crowd Control Weapon Knocks Demonstrators Off Feet, Induces Nausea "Only Love Prevails"

'Mossad Attack Upon The United States Imminent' As Massive Power Struggle Erupts In Washington Over Israeli Lasers Provided To Iraqi Insurgents And Israel Draws Closer To China

Gaza Evacuation Should Be Americans' Last Straw