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Government Fraud Elections

Former Republican Candidate Alleges Hard Evidence of Corruption in US Election System

Elected DNC Member Goes After Trump Supporters – He Just Said That All 75 Million Should Be Deprogrammed

Joe Biden Breaks Down On Live TV – Video Shows Joe Losing It When His Teleprompter Seems To Quit On Him

Help stop election fraud

SORCHA FAAL: Election Was Decided On November 20—But Fog Of War Conceals Winner

Michigan Canvass Board Republican: ‘Need Evidence’ to Delay Certification of Votes

SORCHA FAAL: National Emergency Election Now In Hands Of Top Executioner In Modern American History

Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell: ‘President Trump Won by a Landslide, We Are Going to Prove It’

Trump Campaign Suggests Allowing Pennsylvania Legislature to Pick Electors

Five GOP Senators Turn On President Trump – They Just Called Joe Biden The “President-Elect”

The Rudy, Sidney, and Jenna show: a blistering press conference for the ages

Liberal Law Professor Says Trump ‘Has a Pretty Good Chance of Winning’

Rep. Brooks: Congress Has ‘Absolute Right’ to Reject a State’s Electoral College Votes

Election 2020–The Enemy Within

Listen, Wow - Georgia ELECTION Officials Say They Are Sending SAME Election Day Numbers To The State, NOT The Recount Numbers!!! 'We do what we are TOLD' - Criminal Fraud

Trump Electoral College Candidates in Nevada File Election Contest

Lindsey Graham: Joe Biden Not President-Elect Until Court Cases Dismissed, States Certify Election

US Senate Race in Georgia Has Both Parties Mega Fundraising

After President Trump Seems To Admit Defeat – Hours Later Donald Makes It Clear He Conceding Nothing

Kayleigh Is Asked If Trump Will Be At Biden Inauguration – She Says Donald Will Attend “His Own Inauguration”