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Government Fraud Deep State - Shadow Gov - Ses

X22REPORT: [DS] Already Knows They Lost,They Are Preparing For The Loss,Countermeasures In Place – Episode 2260

X22REPORT: [DS] Projecting The Use Of Military, No War, No Civil Unrest, Clean & Swift – Episode 2259

X22REPORT: People Are Awake, Trump Sets The Trap, Class Action Lawsuits Are Very Effective – Episode 2258

X22REPORT: Six O’Clock Can Be Dangerous, Countermeasures In Place, Brennan In Trouble – Episode 2257

X22REPORT: Brennan On Deck, See Something Say Something, Panic In DC – Episode 2256

X22REPORT: Fifth Column Exposed, Panic In DC, Trapped With No Way Out – Episode 2255

X22REPORT: Silent Majority Wielded It’s Power, Purple Messages, [KC] Pleads Guilty – Episode 2253

X22REPORT: Another Piece For The Storm, Welcome Home Snowden, Watch The USPS- Episode 2252

X22REPORT: This Is Just The Beginning, Do You See What’s Happening, Go Back To The Beginning – Episode 2251

BREAKING: Millie Weaver wasn’t arrested; she was ABDUCTED by the deep state and is being held for possible interrogation

X22REPORT: The World Is Watching, They Never Thought She Would Lose, Now They All Lose – Episode 2246

X22REPORT: Marker, Watch The Water, Elections Secured, [DS] Plan Failed – Episode 2245

X22REPORT: Operation Green Light,POTUS Insulated & Protected,Time To Take The Country Back – Episode 2244

The Smithsonian denounces “dominant white culture,” its rugged individualism, the family unit, the scientific method, and the value of hard work

X22REPORT: It’s Show Time, The Swamp Is Being Exposed For All To See,My Fellow Americans.. – Episode 2243

Dispatches from the War: vaccine, Gates, racism, liberals, logic

X22REPORT: Big News Coming, Absolutely Breathtaking, It’s Worse Than We Originally Thought – Episode 2242

Medical Team Rushed To Biden Basement As Trump In Prison Fervor Grows

X22REPORT: Storm Right Behind Trump, It’s Coming, Get Ready, Batten Down The Hatches – Episode 2240

Trump “October Surprise” Roswell And Durham Revelations Warned Will Plunge America Into Chaos