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X22REPORT: Ep 2571a – Trump Trapped Biden & The [CB] With Tariffs, [CB] Panics Over Currency

X22REPORT: Message Received, “Calm Before The Storm”, Black Swan Event – Ep. 2570

X22REP[ORT: “Fix 2020 First”, Red October, Stay Tuned And Watch, Brace For Impact – Ep. 2569

X22REPORT: Ep 2569a – The [CB] Knows They Cannot Control Inflation, Trapped In Their System

X22REPORT: Ep 2568a – [CB]s Are Now Desperate, They Have No Cover Story, Panic

SORCHA FAAL: China Bans “Sissy Men” From Television While Biden Orders Probe Into Broken McFlurry Machines

X22REPORT: [Zero-Day] Is Approaching, Narrative Push, Countermeasures In Place – Ep. 2568

X22REPORT: Ep 2567a – When Does Gold React, When There Is A Collapse In Confidence In The [CB] System

X22REPORT: 11 Of The Combatant Commanders Were Installed By The Patriots, We Are Here For A Reason – Ep. 2567

X22REPORT: People Must Digest & Accept Factual Events, People Must Unite To Clean Out The [DS] – Ep. 2566

X22REPORT: Ep 2566a – The World Is Now Feeling Inflation, [CB] Panicking, Losing Narrative

SORCHA FAAL: Rock Legend Screams “This Has Gotta Stop” After “Stupid People” Create “American Alamo”

X22REPORT: Something Good Will Happen To Our Country, The People Will Figure It Out – Ep. 2563

X22REPORT; Ep 2563a – It’s All Beginning To Backfire On The [CB], The People Will Know Soon

X22REPORT: Locked, Task Force Eagle, “We Have Great Generals”, Tick Tock – Ep. 2562

X22REPORT: Ep 2562a – Eighty Two Percent Of Manufacturers Report Higher Prices, [CB] Panic

X22REPORT: Defcon [1], US Government Relocated, Fire & Fury, OWL – Ep. 2561

X22REPORT: If America Falls, The World Falls,It Had To Be Done Right,According To The Rule Of Law – Ep. 2560

X22REPORT: Ep 2560a – The [DS][/CB] Just Made Their Economic Move That Will Destroy Them

X22REPORT: Shadow Players Are The Deadliest [Stealth], Pain Coming, Magic Sword – Ep. 2559