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Environment Earth Changes

Dutchsinse: 7/04/2017 -- Earthquake unrest -- Europe, Pacific, West Coast USA update

Is the Yellowstone supervolcano about to blow? Global food supply would collapse for two years, causing a mass die-off of humans

DUTCHSINSE--6/28/2017 -- New Large M6.2 Earthquake in West Pacific -- Deep earthquake event carries on

Dutchsinse: 6/26/2017 -- Deep earthquake event resumes -- Shallower larger earthquakes coming AGAIN

Yellowstone is quietly becoming more active… yet another reason you should always be prepping

DUTCHSINSE: 6/25/2017 -- Large M6.2 Earthquake strikes West Pacific -- Solstice effect no show?

Dtchsinse: 6/23/2017 -- Sudden earthquake silence across Pacific -- Is it the calm before the storm?

Every map of Louisiana is a lie — what it really looks like should scare you

Yellowstone Shaken'

28M Will Die: Yellowstone: 6-16-17 M4.4 Earthquake Swarm, Up Lift, Caldera Recharges

DUTCHSINSE: 6/16/2017 -- Large earthquake threat in Pacific -- West Coast USA, Japan, W. Pacific BE ON WATCH

3.6 quake shakes Olympic Peninsula northwest of Seattle

Powerful eruption of Sheveluch volcano sends ash to 12 km (39 360 feet) a.s.l.

DUTCHSINSE: 6/14/2017 -- Strong M6.9 Earthquake strikes Central America -- West Coast + Pacific BE PREPARED

6.9 magnitude earthquake 8 km from Tajumulco, San Marcos, Guatemala a day ago

Turkey earthquake: Magnitude 6.3 seismic shock strikes western coast and large Greek island

TV: Huge number of sea creatures washing up dead along West Coast — “It’s a crisis all along Southern California… large numbers getting sick and dying

DUTCHSINSE: 6/13/2017 -- Fiji, Indonesia, and Japan DEEP EARTHQUAKES hit as expected -- Have a plan, be prepared

DUTCHSINSE: 6/12/2017 -- Large M6.3 earthquake , Yellowstone Swarming + Midwest USA all hit as expected

Dutchsinse: 6/11/2017 -- New Madrid Earthquake Swarm at MO/AR border -- Global increase underway