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Environment Earth Changes

Huge 30ft deep sinkhole swallows cars and forces families from the their homes after opening up in residential Rome neighbourhood

EarthQuake Warning/Solar Eruption

A mag 6.2 reduced by USGS to a 6.0 East of the Philippines hits The Ring Of Fire close by Tropical Storm Sanba and the volatile Mayon volcano

Are Earth’s magnetic poles about to flip? University researcher warns the reversal is approaching

DUTCHSINSE: 2/09/2018 -- New deep earthquakes = Large seismic unrest building -- BE PREPARED for large EQ's

People warned to evacuate from Mexico's most active volcano Popocatepetl as it explodes an ash column higher than a mile into the sky

Another major quake and two major volcano explosions bringing the total to eleven volatile active colossi confirm The Pacific Ring is on Fire!

The Earth's Magnetic Field Is Shifting, Poles May Flip: "This Could Get Bad"

California’s other drought: A major earthquake is overdue

US Earthquakes: M4.9 earthquake hits off Oregon coast, 742 earthquakes strike California and Nevada in ONE week

The Really Big One: The next rupture of the Cascadia subduction zone will spell the worst natural disaster in the history of the continent

A mag 5.8 - 173km struck W of Ferndale, California after a week of near misses along the Ring Of Fire: When not if will we run out of luck?

A mag 6.2 - Russia rocks the Pacific ring again! It's now 6 major quakes and 6 extremely active volcanoes in the last 7 days: Disaster imminent?

Bombshell science study reveals internal heat from Earth’s hot core is what’s causing Greenland’s ice sheets to slide

Swarm of mini-tremors near Reno raise fears Nevada is about to be hit with a large earthquake

California Rocked by Three Earthquakes in One Day, Scientists Expect More to Come in 2018

80,000 people in a state of "zero visibility" explosion-type earthquakes nearly 60,000 evacuated as volatile Mount Mayon volcano prepares to blow

Fukushima rocked as a mag 6.2 hits Mutsu Japan: The Pacific ring is on fire! 3 major quakes in 24 hours and 3 potentially massive volcano eruptions

Dutchsinse: 1/24/18 Noon earthquake update dutchsinse - M6.2 Japan

Mysterious Comet “Kill Shot” For California Warned Coming In Days After Alaska Mega-Quake