Patrick H. Bellringer
Oh the sun is ablaze in the blue sky,
The air is so fresh as the breeze passes by,
Oh I laugh with Creation, I laugh till I cry--
Oh what a beautiful morning,
Oh what a beautiful day.
I've got a wonderful feeling,
Everything's right with today.
(After 4th verse repeat last line)
2. Oh the clouds are like white tufts of cotton,
Oh the clouds are like white tufts of cotton,
The hills are all waving with grass like the sea,
And bright prairie flowers are buzzing with bees--
3. Oh the haze on the Black Hills is silver,
Oh the haze on the Black Hills is silver.
A brown hawk is circling, his prey to out smart.
The song of the meadowlark brings joy to my heart.
4. Oh the pathway before me is open,
Oh the pathway before me is open.
Whatever I choose on this day to attend,
I know my God-Spirit gives joy to the end---
(Tune: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning, from Oklahoma!)