Sorcha Faal, as reported to her Western SubscribersFW
[Critical Notice: Unlike in Europe, especially France, where Freemasons forces are known and feared, in American today this nations citizens have absolutely no idea of this historic war going on all around them—but that cannot be said of their ancestors; who in 1828 formed the Anti-Masonic Party to stop them from taking power, but whom, just a year later, in 1829, were totally defeated by Freemason forces loyal to America’s First Grand-Master President Andrew Jackson—and whose portrait Freemason leader President Trump ordered immediately installed in the White House Oval Office upon his taking power. Therefore, in order to understand this report, all of the previous reports (listed and linked below) must be read (and links followed) to know what is now occurring, and is being deliberately hidden from you.]
An extraordinary new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today about the escalating war being waged by the Pope Francis Vatican-led “Shadow Government” (known as “The Resistance”) against Freemason leader President Donald Trump states that British Freemason forces have now “activated” the most feared assassins in all of known history to come to the aid of their American “brother” currently under siege from these dark, and satanic, forces. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this astonishing paralogized report, Federal Security Service (FSB) religious-occult experts have complied a dossier showing that nearly simultaneously with Pope Frances destroying the Order of Malta (Knights of Malta) for their supporting of Freemason leader President Trump, then installing as its new leader a known Nazi operative, who, in turn, is now pledging this ancient orders allegiance to the globalist elites by stating “We are alarmed and concerned by the proliferation of discriminatory positions towards immigrants, not least, based on their national origin.”, British Freemason forces quickly, and ruthlessly, responded.
To most fully understand this FSB dossier, Security Council intelligence analysts in this report say, one must first know that the Knights Templar have long laid claim to the United States, but whose actual founding was done so by both American and British Freemason forces during the Revolutionary War—but whose truest history first began in 562AD when a massive comet hit Britain nearly destroying the entire world, thus causing the legendary King Arthur to evacuate an estimated 70,000 of his Welsh subjects to the “New World” in order to save humanities most ancient knowledge.
A critical distinction to made between these two ancient, secret, and powerful forces, this report explains, are that while the Freemasons trace their lineage back to the designing the Egyptian Pyramids (and who plotted both the American and French Revolutions), they are separate by age, ritual and time from the Knights Templar, but who “keep their flame alive” through highly secretive organizations such as The Provincial Priory of Staffordshire and Shropshire of Knight Templar Masonry, established in 1849, in England, that currently boasts 17 Preceptories.
Over the centuries, this report continues, the Freemasons and Knights Templar have established an “extraordinary/amazing” public messaging system between each other comprised of ancient “signs and symbols” not readily able to be deciphered—but that are actually encoded into the very “city hearts” of both London and Washington D.C..
In their having over the past 72 years since the fall of Nazi Germany, in 1945 during World War II, deciphered many of that fascist nations occult secrets and practices , this report notes, FSB (formerly KGB) religious-occult experts in knowing how the Freemasons and Knights Templar communicate with each other became “alarmed/agitated” this past week when after Pope Francis began his destruction of the Knights of Malta for their supporting of Freemason leader President Trump, two seeming nondescript articles appeared in the British press—the first one being that the Gnosall St Lawrence Freemasons Lodge had “flocked to the aid of their feathered friends” at an owl sanctuary in Staffordshire, and the second being three Freemason lodges in Cumbria donating £1,300 to an air ambulance organization.
Freemason Worshipful Master Kevin Shail (left) donating to aid his owl “feathered friends”
Freemason Worshipful Masters Andy Dresser (left of young lady) and Bob Reeves (right of young lady) donating to air ambulance service
FSB religious-occult experts in their dossier, this report notes, states that the “owl symbol” message that was publically displayed by these British Freemasons in retaliation to Pope Francis is one of most feared in all of the world—so much so, in fact, that their Freemason “brothers” in the United States secretly encoded it as a “warning” into the United States One Dollar Bill that depicts Master Freemason George Washington (Father of the Country), and that even to today, America’s most powerful banking, corporate and political leaders bow down and worship before in terror should the full power of this “owl message” ever be unleashed upon them.
And as to who is to be feared by this Freemason “owl symbol”, this report continues, are the Knights Templar “Nizari Hashshashin”—that is an Islamic religious sect order of assassins who remain today as one of the most feared groups in all the world—and how the very name of this ancient order became the word used for political killings.
Having formed an alliance with Knights Templar co-founder Hugh de Payens of Burgundy, this report continues, the ancient “killing knowledge” of the Nizari Hashshashin was taught to both Knights Templar and Freemason mercenary soldiers alike—most particularly in the English areas of Staffordshire (where rumors still say the Knights Templar “Holy Grail” is located) and Cumbria, particularly in Temple Sowerby where this village's association with the Knights Templar gave it the name “Temple”, with Sowerby being a Viking word for “a homestead with poor soil”.
Want to know more? Click HERE.
Want to know more? Click HERE.
In fully understanding this FSB dossier complied by their religious-occult experts, this report explains, the Freemason-Knights Templar “message” displayed by these British Freemasons in retaliation against Pope Frances can be read as: “The Knights Templar Nizari Hashshashin have been activated and are even now being flown to the United States to protect Freemason leader President Trump.”
With Ordo Templi Orientis (Gnostic Catholic Church) leader James Wasserman being one of the worlds’s acknowledged experts on the Knights Templar Nizari Hashshashin, this report concludes, his past warnings that should these feared killers ever be unleashed in modern times to protect a Freemason leader it could lead to global war must be seriously heeded, as the “body count” of Freemason leader President Trump’s enemies is now surely about to explode.
From our 21 January report that we believe is worth your remembering:
[Special Message from Sister Saoirse: Though age has dimmed my eyesight, it has not affected my mind, and as a young 18-year-old year novice in 1936, I remember well my distributing our Sorcha Faal pamphlets in my small German village of Remagen warning of the strange and satanic rituals being performed by many of our military and political leaders. No one would believe such outlandish things as they were impossible to imagine, just like this report is, and the others below are too. So please let me advise you that just because a thing is too astonishing to believe, it does not make it untrue. My country learned this lesson much too late, yours doesn’t have to.]
[Critical Notice: Recent reports are showing that the satanic Nazi occult rituals referenced by Sister Saoirse in her 21 January message have now been revived within the German military forces.]
Want to know more? Click HERE.
Other reports in this series include:
Trump Stunningly Brings War To Vatican Doorstep As Global Apocalypse Nears
ABC News Reporter Martha Raddatz Warned Faces Death For Treason After Killing Of US Soldier
“Wrath Of Trump” Warned Ready To Descend Upon “Shadow Government”
Vatican In Chaos After Trump Gets Nobel Peace Prize Nomination For Aiding Russia And Japan
CIA-Russian Spies Reveal Shocking Vatican Plot To Assassinate Trump Using Mexican Cartel Hit Team
Catholics Send Urgent Plea To Trump: “Save Us From Vast Vatican Led Conspiracy”
Pope Puts Nazis In Control Of Knights Of Malta As Trump Prepares To Destroy Federal Reserve
Massive Global Cataclysm That Destroyed Britain Ignites New American Civil War
Final Battle For The World Begins: But Will Trumpian Forces Unite?
Doomsday Warned Near As CIA Nears Open Civil War Against Freemason Leader Trump
Pope Orders Knights Of Malta Destroyed For Loyalty To Trump After CIA Spies Arrested In Russia
Enraged Pope Fires Knights Of Malta Leader As President Trump Media Grab Begins
Pope Francis Compares Trump To Hitler As FBI Arrest Of Freemason Spy Shakes Italy To Its Core
Pope Francis Orders All Freemasons Expelled After Knights Of Malta Surround President Trump
France Now In Terror After Donald Trump’s Victorious Freemason Forces Storm Back Across Atlantic
Gay Lover Of Hillary Clinton “Terrorist Comrade” Attacks Freemason Leader Donald Trump
Mormon Mafia and Jesuit Assassins Target Freemason Leader Donald Trump
Donald Trump Freemasonic Forces Target Marco Rubio-Jeb Bush “Cocaine Empire”
Donald Trump Freemason Forces Retaliate Against Vatican, Kill Pope Francis Secretary
Freemasonic Forces Led By Donald Trump Launch “Soon To Be Deadly” American Coup d'état
February 6, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]