DOJ Reviewing 9/11 Documents After Victim’s Families Put Pressure on Biden
Sally Kent
The Justice Department is reviewing classified information pertaining to Saudi Arabia’s possible involvement in the 9/11 terrorist attacks following pressure from nearly 2,000 victim’s families. The group initially told President Biden he was unwelcome to attend the 9/11 20th memorial events unless he declassified the documents.
The Hill reports:
The group pointed to a promise then-candidate Biden made on the campaign trail in October, when he said he would direct his attorney general to look into the “merits of all cases where the invocation of privilege is recommended” and “err on the side of disclosure.”
The group said it “cannot in good faith, and with veneration to those lost, sick, and injured, welcome the president to our hallowed grounds until he fulfills his commitment.”
President Biden supported the Justice Department’s decision.
“As I promised during my campaign, my Administration is committed to ensuring the maximum degree of transparency under the law, and to adhering to the rigorous guidance issued during the Obama-Biden Administration on the invocation of the state secrets privilege,” he wrote in a statement.
“In this vein, I welcome the Department of Justice’s filing today, which commits to conducting a fresh review of documents where the government has previously asserted privileges, and to doing so as quickly as possible,” he added.
The group specifically wants documents that could reveal if Al Qaeda’s received any help or funding from Saudi Arabia to be declassified.