I petition by my Mighty God Spirit within and for a great, great Love of our Creator, all the Lighted Masters and all of Creation.
By my I AM Presence, I ask that all negative feelings of emotions, deeds, actions, words, all addictions, all anxiety, aguish, any procrastination and distractions, all physical, mental and emotional illnesses, being unfocused, unbalanced, unhappy, being off centered, all regrets, self-humiliation, all evil and darkness, all ego and alter ego, condemning, all crosses of selfishness and self-indulgence, all black goo that I bear within myself, and within every being and creation on and within Mother Earth Shan that is, also, within every being of Creation in the entire Cosmos, be cleared away immediately and transmuted by the Violet Flame of St Germain from this Lower [3D] Octave to the Higher Octaves to be uncreated!
I ask for complete protection for every creation in the entire Cosmos from all evil and evil technologies. I ask for all the Lighted Masters and our Creator to right the chalices within all souls, and fill them with Love, Knowledge, Wisdom, Healing, totality, and centralization.
I petition for all our harmonic frequencies be continuously raised to 169443. I ask for Divine humility and purity of thought. I ask to keep us all centered, focused and calm within this Lower Octave of illusion at this ending time, and to keep our emotions and energy in the Higher Octaves of the Cosmic Consciousness which will help us master our freewill. Remember, there is only goodness in reality, and evil is of the illusion like this low 3D octive in which we live on this planet.
Please surround and infuse us all with the White Light of God Aton and the Blue Light of St. Michael.
I ask this to be done in Sananda’s name. AMEN!
BEGINNING PRAYER: [Updated 1-22-22]
We ask for humility, and to hear the bell tolling, calling us forth. We ask for the Will of God Aton, and for Love to surround all beings in the cosmos. We are his humble servants, and we draw from his well-spring (Creator Source) of the Living Flame within our hearts! We transmute away sin, disease and death, for they are of this illusion. We transmute away this quasi (seems like) reality, in order to invoke (call on) our Sacred Spirit within to allow us to strip away the darkness from the molecules of light. We shall then have full memory once again, as the illusion falls away and is uncreated. We ask for the thrust of thought, beyond the plane of consciousness into the entire Cosmos, and protection for all we petition!!
We petition by our Mighty God Spirit within, for great, great love for our Creator, all the great Lighted Masters, and all of Creation!!! By our Mighty I Am Presence, we now ask for Mother Earth to be given Thrust and energy from the great Central Sun, Creator Source and all the great Lighted Masters and God Aton!!!
We ask for all the energy the Cosmos and Creation will allow for her to graduate!!! Mother Earth, you now can sing your Celestial Song!! Thank you, Mother Earth!
We love you to infinity and beyond!!! Please surround Mother Earth, and all, and the entire Cosmos, with the White light of God, Aton and the Blue Light of St. Michael! We ask this to be done in Sananda’s name!! Amen!!!
We petition by our mighty God Spirit within, for a great, great, Love of our Creator, all the great Lighted Masters and all of Creation!! By our I Am Presence, we petition for all of Mother Earth Shan’s, tears, anguish, anxiety, fretting, worry, depression, pain and hurt for herself and for all souls of all the plants, trees, animals, water animals, birds, bugs, insects and beings, on her surface and within, to be immediately cleared away by St. Germain’s violet flame from this low octave to the higher octaves to be uncreated for all eternity!!!!!
Mother Earth, we right your chalice and fill it to overflowing with love!!! We ask for the centralization of your being and the totality of your soul!! We humbly remind you to have faith, and to remember how amazing, beautiful and precious you are!
It is now time for your graduation!!! We remind you all will be okay, for all upon and within you are in hands of all the Lighted Realms, Sananda, God, Aton and Creation!! We are here for you always, and are forever in your debt for all the endless love and nurturing you have given, and still give to us. It is our turn to send you endless Love and healing and give unconditionally back to you, Mother Earth!!! No more are you the planet of tears!!! No more will you endure suffering!!! In the totality of love, this clearing petition is our gift to you,
We send all our love and healing to every planet and creation in the entire Cosmos!! May all come back into the Light and into Creations, loving embrace!!
Please surround us all with the White Light of God, Aton, and the Blue Light of St. Michael!!! We ask this to be done in Sananda’s name!!! Amen!!!
I petition by my Mighty God Spirit within and for a great, great Love of our Creator, all the Lighted Masters, and all of Creation!! By my Mighty I Am Presence. I humbly ask for all the Lighted Realms to help me with all of my illnesses and fleshy envelope problems, denial, addictions, including being unfocused, uncentered, worrying fretting, and all anguish or anxiety.
Please transmute all of this negativity, negative emotions, addictions and actions away from this lower octave to the higher octaves, to be uncreated for all eternity by St. Germain’s Violet Flame!! Please right my chalice within, and fill it over flowing with Love, Wisdom and Knowledge! I ask Hilarion the Healer for help, and for me to keep a Healing Cloak about me for continuous healing, and keep me protected always.
Please, continuously and quicky raise my Harmonic Frequencies to 169443 for lift-off, and give me totality of my soul and centralization of my being!!!
Please keep me centered focused and calm! Please surround me with the White Light of God Aton and the Blue Light of St. Michael! I ask this to be done in Sananda’s name! AMEN!!!
We petition by our Mighty God Spirit within, for a great, great love for our Creator, for all the Great Lighted Masters and all of Creation!!
By our Mighty I Am Presence, we ask all the Lighted Realms, to help every soul of every creation, whether it is the tiniest of insects, a blade of grass, a tree, a land or water animal, or a soul of a being, that are still lingering, confused or tormented, here on Mother Earth, to please be shown the lighted doorways, pathways, wheels, ribbons, and roads that have been created for them.
Please guide and council them. Help them understand they must go for they will not survive Mother Earths Transition.
Please tell them Mother Earth, waits for them to come home to safety. We ask for the will of God, Aton, to roar as a great fire within each one of them!!! We humbly ask and pray for this petition to be granted. All creations are precious!!
In much love and gratitude, we thank all the Lighted Realms and ask always, to please surround us all, by the White Light of God Aton, and the Blue Light of St. Michael!! We ask this to be done in Sananda’s name!! Amen!!
We petition by our Mighty God Spirit within, for a great, great love of Creator, all the Lighted Masters and all of Creation!!!
By our I Am Presence, we petition for ALL the souls that have been killed, wrongly accused, were killed, and are being killed from the orders of Trump’s clone, (the indictments) and are now lost, angry, unbalanced, confused and tormented, ALL the tormented, lost and unbalanced souls of all the races from infant to adult of all civilizations to present, and ALL the lost and tormented souls that have been shown the Light and are still refusing to go to the Light or do not understand what or where the Light is, on, and within Mother Earth Shan, to please be all shown the Light and be continuously washed with Love!
Please, show all the lingering souls, the way home by creating a doorway of Light next to each one of them drawing them to walk through. Please help the souls still here or are wanting to be here on Shan, to understand that they must come home, because they will not survive Mother Earth’s, transition.
We ask all the Lighted Realms to summon all the Mighty Arch Angels to go forth with their legions of energy to cut free those souls, who are bound with nightmares, demons and discarnates that prey upon their mind and body. We petition for all souls, chalices, to be righted and filled to overflowing with Love, Wisdom and Knowledge, and ask for them to be given centralization of their beings and totality of their souls!!
We ask for these souls to be cared for and protected so they ALL may learn and understand what has happened to them. We ask for them to know forgiveness and love, and to understand and remember, who their Creator is, why they experienced what they did in their last physical life stream, and to understand all is in perfection. We petition for all to grow and to graduate!!!
We ask for the protection of all creations living on this planet and in the entire Cosmos!!! We petition that no more souls will be tormented, killed, cloned or abused here on Shan, or in the entire Cosmos ever again!! We petition for doorways of Light to be created next to every lost, confused and tormented soul in the entire Cosmos to walk through, so they all may go home!
We petition for all of the EVIL in the entire Cosmos, to be stopped forever, and immediately transmuted away by St. Germain’s Violet Flame from this Low Octave to the Higher Octaves to be uncreated for all eternity!!! Please surround all of Creation on Mother Earth Shan, and in the entire Cosmos, with the White Light of God Aton, and the Blue Light of St. Michael! We ask this to be done in Sananda’s name!!! Amen!!!
We petition by our Mighty God Spirit within, for a great, great love of our Creator, all the Lighted Masters, and all of Creation.
By our I AM Presence we petition that the fake Biden and his minions that have created the plan to de-populate, and make the US a communist country by interrupting the food supply, making it mandatory all the truckers that supply the food get vaccinations, and firing all those, who have refused to get the kill shot, buying up all large farm land and making it an eminent domain (of China), bankrupting the smaller family farms, inflating the food prices, controlling of what foods are shipped or put in the grocery stores, not allowing the ships that are offshore with all the food to dock, waiting until the food is rotten, and then sending it out, purposely using harmful chemicals on the food when it is grown, purposely letting Monsanto have free reign in the US, creating GMO food, all attempts to create mass starvation, confusion, riots and dead people, be transmuted away immediately from this Low Octave to the Higher Octaves by St. Germain’s Violet Ray to be uncreated for all eternity!!!!!
We petition the food supply shortage, all other 3D nonsense they are planning, and all blathering by the fake media, be cleared away immediately, and transmuted from this Low Octave to the Higher Octaves by St. Germain’s Violet Ray to be uncreated for all eternity!!!
We petition for the uncreation of the entire evil US Government and all the evil they are doing, spewing out, and perpetuating on the American people!!!
We also, petition for the entire world be rid of all their crooked and evil governments, and what they are perpetrating on their populations!! We ask for all the food supplying farms and all people in the entire world be able to enjoy an abundance of food!! We surround all the food, food suppliers, farms and all grocery stores in the entire world with love, plenty of food, and low prices!!!
We give permission to all the Lighted Realms to, immediately render useless and uncreate any other evil the want-to-be-controllers are planning to perpetrate on the people of this country, and in the entire world.
Please surround the fake Biden and all his minions, Mother Earth Shan, and all creations on, around and within her, with the White [Heavenly] Light of God Aton and the Blue Light of St. Michael!! We ask this to be done in Sananda’s name!!! AMEN!!
We petition by our Mighty God Spirit within, for a great, great Love of our Creator, all the Lighted Masters and all of Creation!! By our I AM Presence, and without ego, we petition ALL channeling and manipulation of all souls. and all souls on the Astral Plane, whether they are a psychic, tarot card reader, or ANYONE CHANNELING ANYTHING within and on Mother Earth Shan, be stopped immediately, and transmuted away from this low octave to the higher octaves by St. Germain’s Violet Flame to be uncreated for all eternity!!!!
We ask that no more will ANYONE in the ENTIRE COSMOS be able to channel anyone on the Astral Plane or anywhere for evil intent!!!! We, ALSO, petition for ALL THE EVIL, including Warlocks and Witches remaining on the entire planet, Mother Earth, Shan, within and without, and in the entire Cosmos, be cleared away immediately by the Violet Flame of St. Germain from this octave to the higher octaves to be uncreated for all eternity!!
We ask for Love to be washed over the entirety of Mother Earth and the entire Cosmos continuously, for all eternity!!!! We petition for the souls that have been used for evil in the physical or on the Astral Plane to be washed with Love to break their mind control, so they may continue on with their soul growth! We ask for complete healing, Love and protection for all everywhere in the cosmos!!! The Light will always win!!!
Please surround all in the entire Cosmos, with the White [Heavenly] Light of God Aton, and the Blue Light! of St. Michael. AMEN!!!
We petition by our Mighty God Spirit within and for a great, great Love of our Creator, all of the Lighted Masters, and all of Creation!!
By our Mighty I Am Presence, we ask for all the souls that gave themselves to Satan in all civilizations to present on and within Shan, and in the entire cosmos, because of his trickery and cunning, that are in the Void or are returning to the great Pool of Reincarnation, to be given a spark again, and to be brought back to the astral plain so they have a chance again for continued soul growth and lessons!
We petition and ask for all the frequencies to be raised, and to send all the Love in the entire Cosmos to every soul, on every level, who are on the astral plain. This shall allow the continuous illusional loop that many are living, or any darkness that is around them to be uncreated immediately and transmuted away by St Germain’s Violet Flame, so only higher frequencies, Light and Love will surround them.
We ask for all on the Astral Planes throughout the entire cosmos, to have continued higher frequencies and protection given to them, so they may continue on with their soul growth and lessons, and rapidly ascend and graduate to the Higher Realms and have Peace, Joy and Love.
We ask for forgiveness for all the souls that have been tricked into darkness by the Satanian Empire still living here on Mother Earth Shan or in the entire cosmos. We humbly ask our Creator and Creation to please, also, give them a spark so they are given a chance to find their way back to the Light. Even if some possibly go back hundreds of thousands of years of life streams, all will then have the opportunity to find their Creator again!!!
We humbly ask for this petition to be granted because Legions and Legions of the Angelic Realms and Great Masters came back to help Mother Earth Shan, and many hundreds of thousands of other planets and civilizations, were also harmed. They are all so precious and loved, and were all tricked by Satan in the illusion.
We ask this to be done in Sananda’s name!! Please surround all in the entire Cosmos with the White Light of God Aton and the Blue Light of St. Michael!!! Amen!!!
We petition our My Mighty God Spirit within, our I Am presence and for a great, great Love for all the Lighted Masters and for our Creator and Creation!!!
We ask for all the Lighted Realms to help ALL the land animals, animals living in water, insects and bird souls from all civilizations on Mother Earth Shan and in the entire Cosmos, that have become and became so unbalanced and dark, while they were living, are now tormented, and are not able to go to the Lighted Pathways.
We, also, petition that ALL the land animals, insects, animals living in water and birds that are in the void or in the pool of reincarnation to please show them the light and the way, so they may go home. We petition for all of their chalices to be righted and filled to overflowing with Love. We ask for their souls to be cared for and protected. We ask for the protection of all animals, insects, animals living in water and birds living on this planet and in the entire cosmos!!!!
We petition that no more will they be tormented, killed, or abused here on Shan or in the entire Cosmos!!! Please surround all of Creation on Mother Earth Shan and the entire Cosmos, with the White Light of God Aton and the Blue Light of St. Michael! We ask this to be done in Sananda’s name!!! Amen!!!
We petition by our Mighty God Spirit within, our I Am Presence, and for a great, great love for all the Lighted Masters, our Creator and Creation!!!
We ask for healing. love, balance, and protection for ALL the tormented trees and plants that have been maimed, tortured, killed, ripped up, cut down, and thrown away while they were still alive from all civilizations to present on and within Mother Earth Shan, and for ALL the plants and trees that are in the void Pool of Reincarnation to be shown the Light and be brought home by all the Angelic Realms.
We petition for all of their chalices to be righted and filled to overflowing with Love from all the great Masters and our Creator and Creation! We petition that no more plants and trees will be tormented, killed, or abused on and within Shan, and within the entire Cosmos ever again!!!
We petition for all genetic modifying of any plants or genetically modified plants for food be rendered useless forever on and within Shan and all the Cosmos!!!!!
Please, surround all of Creation on Mother Earth Shan and the Cosmos, with the White Light of God Aton and the Blue Light of St. Michael! We ask this to be done in Sananda’s name!!! Amen!!!
May we come into total fullness of Hope, Faith, Love and Charity; the greatest being Love. Amen!!!