Anne Bellringer
Most people like stories, especially if they are true and have a happy ending. This story has both. I do not know who you are: student, teacher, office worker, farmer, rancher, scientist, factory worker, business person or retired, if you are Republican or Democrat, or never voted, if you are Jewish, Catholic, Christian or "nothing", or even if you are old or young or female or male. Does that really matter? What matters is, if you have the time and really want to read my story.
We have all heard stories that we thought were untrue but were not sure. If I told you that the Bible contains Truth, but that it also contains misinformation, would you believe me? If I told you that our media today was deliberately telling you untruth as a policy of our government, would you believe that? If I told you that there are good human aliens like us, who are here to help us, but our government is trying to stop them, would you believe me?
Hopefully, you have not decided that this is all nonsense and have gone on your way! Stay with me, though my story is very strange. It is both true and does have a very happy ending.
My life began on a dairy farm. My family taught me some of the laws of science(of Creation) and some of the Laws of God. I learned that nature was very orderly and harmonious, and that all life was sacred. At an early age I had an enlightening experience in which I asked God to help me find my way. I was surrounded and filled with great Light and Love, and my pathway has been such ever since. Later, as I studied science, I learned that facts are things that can be proven through scientific method and logical thought, but there were always those questions that had no answers. Who is God? Where is He? Are there outer-space beings? Does life have a purpose? What was my purpose in life? What is life?
Years later I left my science profession and entered a "Christian" seminary in my search for Truth. I struggled with the philosophers and the theologians and the "writers" of the Bible. I studied the Bible from cover to cover and found Truth, but I also found what I determined to be untruth. Heresy--you say! One does not talk that way in "religious" circles about the Holy Bible. High degrees and the highest ordinations of the church were placed upon me, and I went out to tell the people the Truth, as I knew it.
The never-ever answered questions remained. Who is God? Where is He? Are there outer-space beings? Does life have a purpose? What is the purpose of my life? What is Life? One thought was constantly with me. If the world we know is orderly and must remain in harmony and balance to continue, and everything to be true must be provable, why is it that those, who believe this, will walk into a church and suddenly accept the myths of "religion" without even questioning them?
What proof is there that Adam or Eve or the Garden of Eden ever existed? Was there a Moses and a burning bush? Is there a Heaven? Where might it be? Can we prove the Ten Commandments? If God is a non-violent loving God, why all the violence and killing in the Bible in the "name of God"? Did Jesus really die? How can his blood save anyone? Can he forgive our sins? Is he coming back? If so, when and why?
I questioned why there were all these translations and revisions of the Bible. Some people claimed that every word of the Bible was absolute truth and believed it, literally. Others did not? Who was right?
After several years and churches both rural and urban, and being hard-pressed to bring the "Christian" people around to meeting the needs of today's world, my family and I decided to move on. Following another university degree, I entered the educational field. I taught the biological, physical and health sciences for the next eighteen years in a public urban setting. I taught basic concepts based upon fact, the five senses, and the scientific method.
During these years my wife, our children and I, had established and were operating a dairy farm. My wife had continued her teaching in the public music field. We were very busy and happy, and like most Americans, struggling to achieve the "American dream".
Then our family life began to change drastically. Our children one by one went off to college, challenging the family budget with college tuitions. Drought hit our farming operation, forcing the sale of our cattle. Student reductions in the urban schools placed me on unrequested leave from my teaching position. My wife continued to "man" the family financial "fort" while I sought to rehab houses in the inner-city for the poor.
I had always stood for what I believed to be right. I became involved in reading "patriot" information and learned of our fraudulent government, the fraudulent Federal Reserve Banking System, and the fraudulent Internal Revenue Service tax system. As foreign corporations chartered under the Corporation of London, England, these corporations were stealing our nation's assets. I also learned of court cases by the people against the United States government. There were "grassroot" movements to file fraud charges against the illegal government of the United States Corporation of Washington, D.C. Because of our discovery of Truth about government fraud, and our questioning of the corrupt banking and court systems, I believe, the illegal banking system and the illegal court system determined to destroy us economically, as they were doing to thousands of other farmland and property owners across the nation. The power must be taken away from the masses, if the One World Order controllers are to win. This can be easily achieved, if the common people have no money and own no property and have no knowledge of Truth.
We fought the loss of our property all the way through State District Court, Federal District Court, Federal Bankruptcy Court, and Federal Appeals Court---and lost! By breaking state and federal statutes and twisting courtroom procedures, the bankers, attorneys and judges maneuvered to take our land. The legal battle ended with forced eviction within a sixteen hour period in the middle of a February snowstorm. The farm buildings stood empty for months, until through fraud, the bankers again destroyed courthouse records and established a "clear title" and resold the property through an unrecorded mortgage and fake title.
Though we became "street people" with no home or income, my family and I are survivors. My wife and I continued in the "patriotic movement" to save our country and its original Constitution and Bill of Rights by holding public informational seminars across the United States. In our travels we met new people and discovered information which has literally changed our lives. Yes, and I found the answers to the questions I had been asking my whole life! Finally, I had found Truth!
I learned of the Contact newspaper and began reading it. This led me to the Phoenix Journals and to the Truth and the "Lie" about our government, our history, the Bible, our future and our fragile existence on Planet Earth. Finally, my questions were being answered.
What I'm about to tell you is going to "blow your mind"! I hope you will stay with me until I have finished. Only when I have finished can you make an honest assessment of the truth of my story.
I am not a rash person. I consider myself to be a serious, educated, thoughtful and caring person. I am not given to fantasy and have come to know the following Truth through my God-Spirit within me.
I have learned that the "Bible" contains Truth, but that it also contains much information that has been deliberately twisted by evil controllers over time to confuse and mislead people. The "Bible" was intended to be an instruction book for right-living under God Aton’s Laws and The Laws of Creation. Satan knew this and used the “Bible” against us so that we could not find our pathway to Truth and Love and Light.
God Aton is a God of Love and does not condone any act of violence or destruction against any living thing, including humans, animals and plants. The conquering of other people by violence was never a part of God Aton’s plan for the people He created. Yet, we are told that the Israelites of the Bible under the leadership of Moses, Joshua, Saul, David, Solomon, and others with God's blessing, went out and conquered, slaughtered, looted and destroyed other nations.
The Truth is that the Israelites of the Bible, with evil intent, conquered the ancient Sumerian nation and completely destroyed them. Because of their desire for world domination, they took the Sumerian history and incorporated it into their own history and into the writings of the Old Testament. The Moses of the Bible was never the Moses we thought him to be. He led a band of thieves and thugs, who were literally thrown out of Egypt for their evil deeds. There was no manna for them from heaven and no burning bush! Moses took the Truth given to the Sumerians and distorted it to serve his own purposes. The killing and sacrificing of animals to forgive sins was only a Satanic means of control over the people.
No one has to sacrifice any animal or human to find God Aton or to be forgiven of their sins. No one need go to any priest, rabbi, or minister to find God Aton---for God Aton dwells within each of us! Every human being created by God Aton has been given a "fragment" of His Spirit. This "fragment" is our soul or our God-Spirit within, and we need nothing and no one--to talk to God Aton. Religion is only a Satanic trick, as a part of the "Lie", to cause us to lose our way along the pathway of Truth and Light. Satan has very cleverly re-drawn the original map by which we are to find the Lighted Pathway back to God. He has done this to assure himself of an army of lost souls with which to again challenge God.
The same holds true for the New Testament Biblical writings. The Truth taught by Esu(Jesus) Immanuel was altered over time by the Pharisees, the disciples, and many world controllers to serve their own purposes. Judas Iscarioth, the most trusted friend of Jesus, was his scribe and wrote down all of his teachings. For seventy pieces of silver, Juda Iharioth, the High Priest's son, stole these writings, and for 30 pieces of silver he betrayed Jesus with a kiss, and later hung himself in remorse. Yet, for 2000 years, Judas Iscarioth has been blamed for the betrayal of Jesus. The teachings of Jesus were a threat to the religious leaders of the day. His teachings ran counter to the lies perpetrated in the Old Testament. So, to maintain their control and power over the people, they re-wrote these teachings to suit their own evil intent.
Esu(Jesus) Immanuel did not die at his crucifixion, and his real name was never "Jesus". His real name was Esu Immanuel. In his writings years later, Saul of Tarsus(Paul) changed the name Esu to "Jesus". Religious leaders also added the name "Christ", meaning "anointed", denoting deity, which also was never his name. Esu was not the son of God Aton but the son of Gabriel. Esu(Jesus) Immanuel said that only God Aton was the "anointed one". Joseph of Arimathea and some friends from India assisted Esu(Jesus) Immanuel with healing in the tomb after his attempted murder (crucifixion). Access was by way of the family entrance. Esu escaped along with his brother, his mother and friends to India, where he had traveled and studied during his earlier years. Esu(Jesus) Immanuel traveled and taught extensively in India and finally settled in Cashmere, married, raised a family, died, and was buried there at the age of 107 years. Does this Truth shock you? It is a strange story and has been kept well hidden by our Satanic controllers for 2000 years---but there is more!
Esu(Jesus) Immanuel told his disciples many times that he would return in two thousand years. This would mean around 2000 A.D. Later, these words were removed from the writings compiled into the Cannon of the “Holy Bible”. Esu also taught them reincarnation. Esu said that God Aton had created the three human races of white, red, and brown, and that every one of these humans had been given a fragment of God Aton’s Spirit that lived forever.
This God-Spirit within we call our soul. Esu(Jesus) Immanuel taught that our task is to perfect our soul by living our physical lives according to the Laws of God and The Laws of Creation. He taught that our journey in soul perfection is to bring us back to become one with God and Creation in the celestial Lighted Realms, which we call "Heaven". Because we can not achieve soul perfection in a single lifetime, we have each lived many lifestreams, with our God-Spirit reincarnating again and again in another physical body in third dimension. We are to continue on the "wheel of reincarnations" until we have achieved soul perfection. At the Second Council of Constantinople in 525 A.D., all references to reincarnation, aliens and starships in Esu's writings were removed. This is Truth! If you doubt my word, I suggest that you check it out!
Let us now move to another part of this strange story. People ask, "Where did Earth people come from?" The answer is---from other stars and star systems. Where do you think those, who are “enlightened”, who understand Truth (the remnant) and live the Laws of God and Creation, will go when they die? They will go to any planet of their choice that is in fifth dimension (5D) where no evil exists, or they may return to their homes in the stars. Where is heaven? Heaven is 5D or any dimension higher then 5D where no evil is allowed.
Many of our earth’s people came from Pleiades. Because of their concern for the welfare of our planet and their relatives, the Pleiadians have come at this time to help us and to give us Truth. So, where is Pleiades? Pleiades is a cluster of seven stars seen in the Northern Hemisphere in winter. Our sun and solar system orbit around Pleiades. Pleiades orbits around its great central sun, Alcyone, and that great central sun orbits around the greatest central sun of the Milky Way Galaxy. The entire Milky Way Galaxy is turning like a giant donut around this greatest central sun. Ponder carefully this next thought. In the Milky Way Galaxy alone there are more than 178 billion planets with the ability to support life! Is that not a mind-expanding and exciting concept?
There are in the cosmos many aliens, who are human and look like us. You ask, "Are there really aliens?" Of course! Spaceships and space beings have visited our planet for thousands of years. For many years our government has lied to us about aliens. Pleiadians came in the 1930's and tried to prevent World War II. For hundreds of years there has been a plan by certain evil people to control the world. The mystery schools for centuries have had information and technology that was 50 to 100 years ahead of the masses. Much of this information was gained from outer-space aliens. Control of the common people is maintained partially by withholding information and by using technology against them. This is being done more than ever today. In today's world those groups involved in controlling the world include such groups as the Committee of 16, the Committee of 300(also known as the Vatican Club of Rome), The Illuminati (worshipers of Satan, or the “god of light”, and founders of communism), the Khazarian Zionist Jews(lineage to Pharisees), Builderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the twelve top money families of the world, who control the world's wealth(Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, etc.).
The struggle is for world control. September 17, 1982(Feast of Trumpets) was the date set for Nuclear World War I by the Rockefeller Cartel. In the late 1970's, the "white" Russians threw out the Russian Bolsheviks(Communists) from Russia. They gained control of the United States government and upset the Rockefeller nuclear war plans. The Bolsheviks have remained in control of the U.S. Government ever since, and they control the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our government. The Bolsheviks have tried to start their own nuclear war with Russia every September on the Feast of Trumpets, since gaining control of our government in the mid-1980's.
Another plan is to use Project Blue Beam in which 30 some satellites will be used to project a holographic image of a fake "rapture" in which Esu(Jesus) Immanuel is to be seen returning to Earth in the clouds. Everyone is to see Esu and hear his voice in their minds in their own language through sound-wave projection. Millions of people are to be tricked into boarding government spaceships and air craft and be transported into never-ever land. All of this will, of course, is to be blamed on outer-space aliens, so that when our real human, good space brothers and sisters from Pleiades land in mass to help us, most people will panic and attack them as enemies. When all is chaos, then the Bolsheviks plan to do a first nuclear strike on Russia to control the world. They plan to hide in their massive underground bases and underground cities in the United States and other countries, and survive along with the elite Rockefeller Cartel, while the Northern Hemisphere goes up in a nuclear holocaust. Such evil plans--but wait--there is hope!
I had mentioned outer-space brothers and sisters. Yes, Esu(Jesus) Immanuel said he would return with the Hosts of Heaven. That has already happened! Because of the prayers of people asking God Aton for help, God Aton has sent His angels, the Hosts of Heaven our celestial space brothers and sisters to help us. Esu(Jesus) Immanuel returned in 1954 and is aboard the starship, Phoenix, the command ship for the Pleiadian Starfleet, orbiting Planet Earth now. You may think that this is total fantasy. You are quite wrong!
I suggest that you look at the stars on a clear night. You will see twinkling stars. Why is that so? You will also see some stars twinkling red, blue, yellow and white. Why? I will tell you why. These stars are strobing the rainbow colors because they are not stars at all. They are starships! We call them spaceships. Many of these starships have come from Pleiades and many of them have been here since the late 1930's.
Our government has cleverly conducted a massive cover-up of any alien presence on Planet Earth. We are people of the "Lie". The Pleiadians met with the government heads of Germany, Russia, and the United States in the late 1930's to head off World War II. The U.S. failed to cooperate so the Pleiadian efforts failed. The world controllers wanted and got a World War II, as part of their plan for world control by year 2000. The U.S. created the National Security Agency and Majestic-12 specifically to cover-up all UFO reports. The CIA, other government agencies, and our military cooperated fully in the alien cover-up. They also developed and carried out plans for protection against outer-space aliens and destruction of them. They have spent trillions of our dollars to build a network of continental underground tunnels and military facilities for one purpose---world control, and of course, their own safety.
You ask, "Why would our government do this? Because they, too, are locked into Satan's master plan to trick us. Satan does not want us to know Truth and find out how to leave Planet Earth. He does not want us to find our pathway to the Lighted Realms of Heaven.
I said that my story had a happy ending. It does! This is the good news. In spite of our government's protests and interference, our Pleiadian brothers and sisters have brought us Truth about the "Lie". They have brought to us the Phoenix Journals that contain this Truth. They have revealed to us the Satanic OWO plans of our world controllers. They have brought us the Truth taught by Esu(Jesus) Immanuel and revealed the religious lies of Satan's War Book---the "Holy Bible"! This statement may upset you, but it is true.
The best way for Satan to trick us was to take the very instructions given to us by God Aton to find Truth and twist them, so everyone would follow Satan's "Lie". That is exactly what our world controllers have done. They have followed the "Lie". That is also what our religious leaders have done. That is what our Christian Cult Churches have done---and that is what we have done. Satan has nearly won complete control of Planet Earth and all her people! Now, let us get to our happy ending.
Our very human Pleiades brothers and sisters are here now to bring us again the original instructions of how to leave Planet Earth. Commander Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander of the Pleiadian Star Fleet had for nearly ten years transmitted by radio signal to his scribe, Doris Ekker(Dharma) in Tehachapi, California, the original teachings of Esu(Jesus) Immanuel of 2000 years ago. These teachings have now been placed in bound journals known as the Phoenix Journals, and are now available to the public on the internet at www.fourwinds10.com . Truth was also published in the newspaper Contact from March, 1993 to March, 1999. Following this the Spectrum newspaper continued carrying the "Torch of Truth" to the world. The Contact and Spectrum information can also be found on www.fourwinds10.com or in the Phoenix Archive at www.fourwinds10.com and www.phoenixarchives.com.
We have been given again The Laws of God and The Laws of Creation. To leave Planet Earth and go to the fifth dimension of the Lighted Realms or "Heaven", we must live these laws in our daily life. To do so we must first learn them as found in Phoenix Journal #27 entitled, The Phoenix Owner-Operator Manual. When we learn that we have disobeyed God's Laws and The Laws of The Creation, by our free-will we must forgive ourselves, forgive those whom we have wronged, and ask our God-Spirit within to forgive us as well. By so doing, we release ourselves from our evil past and move into the Lighted Pathway of God Aton’s Love and protection. At that point, our name is placed in the Book of Life of the Lighted Realms. We are also placed under Commander Hatonn's protection and scheduled for pick-up when evacuation of our planet becomes necessary. Yes, that is right! We will be picked up by a Pleiadian starship or ships from other star systems.
Esu(Jesus) Immanuel has studied for 2000 years and has earned the new name, Sananda meaning "one with God". Sananda is the King of Truth. As I stated earlier, he has already returned, as he said he would, and is presently orbiting Planet Earth in Commander Hatonn's starship, The Phoenix. Surprise! Esu and Hatonn are E.T.'s! The evil plan to make us believe we would float up into the clouds with "Jesus" into never-ever land was all part of the "Lie". My friends, that is not how it will happen.
We have reached the end of our civilization. On August 17, 1987, Planet Earth began a new cycle and is now moving into fifth dimension. This change carries great consequences for all of us. It cannot be stopped. At some point very soon all human beings must leave Planet Earth. The Earth will never again have evil upon it. Great earth changes have already started and will cleanse the Earth of all toxins, pollution, and evil thoughts. Our Earth "Shan", as it is known in the Cosmic realms, will again become the "Emerald" Planet, the Garden of Eden! On it will live only enlightened beings in 5D or Heaven.
So, what happens to us who live on Planet Earth? Those who are "enlightened", who have found Truth, will be transported aboard a starship through a beam of light. They will go to their next cosmic assignments in soul perfection. After her re-birthing, some may choose to return to the Emerald Earth, "Shan".
Those, who choose to follow the "Lie" of Satan will miss lift-off because their low frequencies will not allow them to pass through a beam of Light. They will return to the 4D "wheel of reincarnations". As they judge themselves before God Aton of Light in their own soul development, they may choose to recycle to another third dimension planet or even to the Void(Hell), where no Light (meaning goodness) exists. The ultimate question, of course, is, "Where do you plan to go when your lifestream ends on Planet Earth? Will you be lifted off to the Lighted Realms (5D) or will you enjoy another caveman experience on another dark planet or return for a time to the Void.
With certainty, I can say that I have found Truth! All that has happened in my life has brought me to this point in time. I have my questions answered; Who is God? Where is He? Are there outer-space beings? Does life have a purpose? What is my purpose in life? What is Life? I have found my pathway to the Lighted Realms, and I follow that pathway in great joy and expectation.
So, how does my story end? I do not know, for I am still "writing" it. I am continuing to study the Phoenix Journals. I am communicating daily through my God-Spirit with Creator God Aton of Light, the Ascended Masters, and those aboard the Starships orbiting Planet Earth. My wife, Anne, is also "enlightened", and we are a team working together under the direction of Commander Hatonn to bring Truth to the world.
Our role as Truth-bringers and members of Hatonn's ground crew is to tell others the Truth coming to us today from the "Hosts of Heaven"---whom God Aton has sent to us. God Aton has sent them because Earth people have asked Him for help. This time we had better listen carefully to the Truth---to the correct instructions for Lift-off.
Only as you find Truth will you find your pathway back to the stars. Only then will my story have a happy ending---and in the finding of your pathway of Light, only then will you know that my story is True! I urge you to search for Truth, and let your God-Spirit within determine for you what is Truth.
This may be the strangest story you have ever heard, but hopefully it will help you "save" your life! We hope to see you aboard the ships, and remember that Satan loses when God Aton Wins! And God Aton wins---always! Aho!
People the world over place their hope for a better world and a better after-life in religion. Very often, and often too late, they discover they have been duped. What they were taught to believe as Truth, turned out to be a lie.
Let us begin with the Christian cult. Whether one is a zealous Roman Catholic or a Protestant, the lies are the same. The two opposing standards of public conduct and of church life are true for both groups,. Most Christians live a life with double standards, a life contrary to Divine Cosmic Law.
In 3D daily life the basic Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect rules supreme on our planet. There is a cause and and and effect for everything or injuring all in sight. Yes, much collateral damage happened, but you get those infidels, plus, you get to romp with 70 virgins, no less, in Paradise---not.
You are a good Muslim and keep Sharia Law. You degrade women and treat them like dirt. They have less value to you than your cow or your dog. They serve as your slaves, but that’s o.k. because that’s your religion. Just because Mohammad had his own private army and wrote the Koran does not make it right according to Creator God’s Laws. Islam, too, is a man-made religion, making Muslims, people of the lie.
All religions are man-made and, therefore, have the same problems of twisting the Truth to suit their needs. Full knowledge of the Laws of God and Creation for right living on Earth Shan are never presented by religion to the people. There is always an agenda to fool the people.
The people are not told who is Creator God, how Creation happened and for what purpose. They are not told the order of the Cosmos. They are not told their history and the purpose in being here, nor are they told of their future and that of their planet. The answers to the questions raised here and much more, along with the clear and accurate record of the eighteen Laws of God and Creation can be found in the Phoenix Journals.
The religions of the world do not provide the Truth we need to gain the soul growth required to graduate into Heaven, the Paradise of the fifth dimension, where no evil exists. They are man-made and give bits and pieces, but not the whole Truth of the Laws of God and Creation. Many times Truth has been given to mankind over the eons of time, but always it is subjected to opinion and interpretation to “fit” the desire of the religious leaders of the times.
The Good News is that Truth has been presented by Creator God to mankind one last time to set the record straight. Therefore, there is no excuse for any sincere Truthseeker to not find it. Again, b I speak of the Phoenix Journals. You may laugh and say that Creator God does not speak to us that way. Yes, He does and has done so!
May you wisely read these Journals to find Truth and break the chains of religion, so as to never again be called “People of the Lie!”
Patrick H. Bellringer
These Laws were given forth by Creator God Aton of Light, and The Creation, and are also called The Laws of Balance. –
A. The highest command of The Law of Creation is:
Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of the Creation.
B. The highest command of The Law of God is:
You shall Honor God as the Ruler of the human races and follow His Laws for HE is the "King of Wisdom".
We attain spiritual perfection by learning and wisely following the Laws given forth by God and Creation. We learn through the Spirit of God within us how to live in harmony and balance with all of Creation.
The Laws are as follows:
1. You shall have no other gods than the Creator God before you and abide with the Laws of the Creation which encompasses all. Also known as the "Law of One".
2. You shall not make for yourselves idols and false images to worship as gods for therein you give power into the hands of evil.
3. You shall love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and being (you must love yourself as God and God as yourself).
4. You shall not use the name of God irreverently, nor use it to swear to a falsehood.
5. Remember God's "day" and keep it holy. (Every day is God’s “day”.)
6. You shall honor your mother and father.
7. You shall not murder your fellow man. (Killing to preserve your life or of your family is not murder)
8. You must not commit adultery.
9. You must not steal (materially or emotionally).
10. You must not covet or envy that which belongs to your neighbor.
11. You must not impose nor force your free-will upon the free-will of another. Also known as "The Law of Non-interference."
12. You must not judge (condemn) others, but you must wisely judge all behavior and actions which are contrary to the Laws of God and The Creation.13. As you sow, so shall you reap. Also called "The Law of Cause and Effect."
14. You must honor all commitments made in service to God, the Father, the One within.
15. You must obey the wisdom of God for the responsible and balanced procreation of your species.
16. You must do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Also called "The Golden Rule".
17. Evil (adversaries of God) must always wear a sign of their evilness. (By their fruits you shall know them).
18. You must not commit the act of slavery (physical or emotional) upon any human being of Creator God.
With the communion of the Spirit of Life within us, we must first wisely understand and follow the Laws of Balance, and secondly, we must wisely know where our responsibility begins and ends within the Creation upon this wonderful Planet Earth.
The first question to ask is how can I maintain my life in "harmony and balance" with the rest of "creation"? The answer is, you begin with the pure desire to know Truth. We must recognize that we are limited in our perception of Truth, and that God knows the best pathway for us to travel in His service. So we must then surrender our "will" (ego) to that which is God's Will.
"In your daily prayer you must ask God for the loving Light of protection, guidance, power, wisdom, knowledge, truth, integrity and courage in order to best serve His Will and not your will (ego)".
Then in our quiet corner we must meditate. We must listen. We must wait upon our Father-God who is within us (our God-Spirit) to give us that which we need to sustain us in His service. Our will and His Will must become one again.
For a detailed discussion of these eighteen Laws of God and The Creation, please read Phoenix Journal number 27, entitled Phoenix Operator-Owner Manual found at
For those new to the Phoenix Journals I recommend that you begin reading #2, and follow in this order with 3, 5, 7, 27 and 47. The link to find these Journals is: http://www.fourwinds10.net/journals/
GOFUNDME: https://www.gofundme.com/f/memorial-fund-for-emil-c-muhlhausen
Patrick was a counselor. There was a gentlemand that visited quite often. who had family and financial problems. Patrick counseled him and gave him money on several occassions. This person was also interested in current events happening, and had many questions. Patrick was a master at explaining current events to him. This gentleman was very grateful to Patrick for his kindness , generosity and knowledge.
Sept. 26, 2020
About a year ago, later in the evening, we heard a knock at the door. Patrick went the door. There was a teenager standing in the winter cold with no coat on, and scared to death. She needed to use our phone. We invited her in, heard sobs as she talked on the phone. She was kicked out of her home by her father. She needed to get to her grandmother's place. Patrick calmed her down, gave her some food to eat talked with her about what was the matter, and then Patrick drove her to her grandmother's house. She was so grateful to see such kind people, for she had never seen anyone like Patrick.
Sept. 25, 2020
Patrick cared about the land on which we lived. We rented a house near the Ellsworth Air Force Base, Rapid City. The 40 acres we lived on was filled with all kinds of litter--plastic sacks tin cans boards, etc. Patrick drove the old van along the fence line and filled the van with the trash. He said we had to carry empty plastic bags with us when we walked the land in order to pick up all the trash as we walked. He was disturbed that the person, who cut the grass and hay for the cattle on that forty acres, loved pop. He would throw the empty pop cans out on the field. When he cut the hay, he baled up the tin cans, as well. The owner said his cattle had hardware poisoning, and wondered how they got that way. Well, Patrick told him the problem about the pop cans. I think the hired man continued his trash making as long as we lived there. You can tell what a person's home looks like if that person throws used pop cans all over the land or their car is filled with trash. Patrick was a worker, never stopped fixing up old machinery or tools or cleaning up the places that we lived, building sheds, other buildings, digging trenches for water drainage, or cleaning up root cellers for vegetable storing. The list goes on and on......
Sept. 23, 2020
There were several times I remember Patrick standing in line to pay for groceries and the person (usually an eldery woman or man) ahead couldn't pay for all the groceries. Patrick helped out. I know one time at the ulitlity office this old man could not pay his bill or his lights were to be turned off. Patrick paid the bill.
Sept. 22, 2020
Patrick was honored as Farmer of the Year for Scott County, MN., He was honored as Mr. Christian Endeavor for Wisconsin while he was in high school. He graducated as one of the top students in a class of 72, Ellsworth, Wis.
He gave of his time and effort as the main speaker at patriot meetings held in Minnesota and across the nation concerning our corrupt government. At his cost he prepared an extensvie pamphlet of information and gave them to people for their eductation about our government.
He was honored by being nominated in Who's Who's in U.S. and given an award for being nominated. Patrick earned 5 Degrees: B.S Forest Management, B.S.. B.S. Science Education, Master's Degree Religious Education, and Master's Degree in Divinity.
He worked in the Tongass National Forest, Alaska, and as Forest Ranger in Custer County, Black Hills. He was the one who saved the lives of 30 men while fighting fire in the Rocky Mountains. The fire crew thought he and his crew were dead, as the fire crew lost contact with them, as the fire had boxed them in a canyon. I will tell you of this experience in my recent blog.
He taught Science Education in Edina. Minn, one of the top schools in Minnesto for 18 years, He often said he was never really educated until he found and read the Phoenix Journals.
Since 1996 to 2020 he was President of the StarLight Foundation and President and Editor of Fourwinds10.com.
His Mission in Life was to be an educator to present the TRUTH to people. He wrote hundreds of articles that
are posted on http://www.fourwnid10.com
As we pass this lifestream, we judge ourselves against the Laws of God and Creation. He said that he has passed his test. BRAVO!
Sept. 19,2020
I wanted to add to Patrick's Random Acts of Kindess. He was a Master Gardner and turning lathe artist. Much of the garden produce raised was given to people in need i.e. Men's Mission and Women's Mission, neighbors ad friends. His turning lathe creations were one of a kind. None done the same. He never sold any of these beautiful creations but gave many, many away to friends and acquaintances. They were made from his wood pile of pine, oak, locust, mahogany, cedar, green ash, pitch pine ad others. I am posting a couple of photos for your view:
Sept. 18, 2020
My father was a very wise man, a Circut Court Judge for 49 years. He had a saying that is so true today. "There are only two kinds of people in this world, the givers and the takers. There is no one inbetween".
Patrick was a giver. His whole life he gave RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS AND SENSELESS DEEDS OF LOVE. He helped the neighbors roof their home, he built sheds for people at his cost. He helped a lady rebuilt her tailer house at his cost of $8,000 dollors. He gave money to people in need with no return of the same. He was known as "the jam man" all over town. He gave jam and food to the Women's Mission and the Men's Mission, and to the bank tellers, pharmacists, store clerks, clinics, and people on the street. He cut and baled hay for the neighbors. For 24 years he supported the return to the gold system, and the leadership at the top of the financial world, who needed funds to keep going. He stored food in our home for the needy. He supported our four children with funds when they needed it, especially our webmaster. He used our old 1979 van to move our children to a different home. He cut wood and gave it to those to needed it. He thinned at his cost. four acres of private forest for a crippled owner. These four acres had not been thinned since 1940. Much of the stacked wood was loaded in the van and given to the needy. Countless times the old van was filled with cut wood for that purpose.
Below are photos of the food given away from our home. Patrick was very glad this was done.
Here are the photos:
Anne Bellringer
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Everyone, who has been created by God Aton, has been given a portion or a fragment of God Aton’s Spirit. This fragment of God Aton’s Spirit dwells within us, and we know it as our Soul.
Everyone also has the knowledge of good and evil, which we know as our conscience. We also have a free-will with which we can choose to do good or evil. When we choose good, then our thoughts become God Aton’s thoughts, and God Aton’s thoughts become our thoughts. When we release the power of our God-Spirit within, we have the creative power of God Aton to do good---to create.
When we choose evil, then our thoughts become Satan's thoughts, and Satan's thoughts become our thoughts. Satan can not create! Satan can only use, tear down or destroy that which has already been created. Because this is true, when we choose evil, Satan can use us, our mind and our physical body for his purposes. He can also tear down or destroy our mind and our body or use us to tear down or destroy something or someone else.
We always have choices. We can allow Satan's evil spirits to control and use us for evil, or we can allow God Aton’s angels of the Lighted Realms to use us for good. Therein lies our destiny. We choose good or we choose evil. There is no in-between! By choosing to do what is good, we save ourselves. God Aton does not save anyone! He can only offer us Truth! By our free-will choices we choose to save ourselves. We save ourselves by living the Laws of God Aton and the Laws of Creation. Remember, that without our free-will we would be nothing but robots. Ponder that.
You ask, "Who is God Aton?" God Aton is the Creator of the human races. God Aton is the King of Wisdom. God Aton is Light--the Light of the sun. God Aton is the Spirit of your Soul. Too long we have been taught to pray to a mystical God in the "heavens". For some people their image of God is a white-haired grandfather sitting on a throne in the clouds. For other's their image of God is a big happy marshmallow or an oblong blur.
I repeat. God Aton is the Spirit of our soul. We forgive ourselves for our wrongs, and we ask God Aton’s Spirit within us to forgive us. When we awaken to Truth, we realize the creative power of our God-Spirit within. When our thoughts become God Aton’s thoughts, we have God Aton’s power to "thought create"! We can then "think" the good that we desire to have happen. We can ask the "Hosts of Heaven" to help us make it so, and should our "thought creations" be in Heaven's sequence and within the Will of God Aton, they shall be so! We have fantastic power to "create" a new nation and a new world free of evil! Let us do just that!